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Everything posted by DanC

  1. Peter Ragnar weighted ball qigong

    I tried he said it's also unavailable , he has a new course now, but I've been told the older courses are the ones to get..
  2. Peter Ragnar weighted ball qigong

    Just bumping this again incase somebody missed it, I think the title of the book and DVD was "The Art and Science of Physical Invincibility"..
  3. Yu Yong Nian book?

    Has anyone read Yu Yong Nians Ebook on Zhan Zhuang, if so is it suitable for a beginner, Im reading Lam Kam Chuen's books but I like to read a bit more detail on the inner workings of the practice I am doing..
  4. Book to learn chiqong ? Begginer

    Zhan Zhuang has not been mentioned, simple and yet very powerful, check out "The Way of Energy"..
  5. Zhan Zhuang questions

    I have another question, I do mindfulness meditation and some basic yoga stretches everyday, is it best done before or after Zhan Zhuang??
  6. Zhan Zhuang questions

    weird how it was left out of the way of energy, I might try get a copy of the way of healing too, bit more extra detail and goes into healing quiet a bit more..
  7. Zhan Zhuang questions

    He is a true master without a doubt, I have another question, in "The way of Energy' you finish with Wu Chi, in "Everyday Chi Kung" you finish with a circling down movement followed by sealing, is this necessary as its not a part of the routine outlines in "The Way of Energy"..
  8. Zhan Zhuang questions

    Thats amazing that you get the chance to train directly with him, he is the real deal..
  9. Zhan Zhuang questions

    Anyone have a copy of "The way of Healing", it seems really more geared to recovering from Illness..
  10. Zhan Zhuang questions

    From memory "The way of Energy" does have dissolving techniques, but Lam Kam has to be one of the best guys to learn ZZ from in the world, Im sure there are others but he has the direct lineage..
  11. apparently "The Way of Healing" is also a good book, from what Ive read it uses a different set of warmups and is considered to be a less demanding.
  12. I have "The Way of Energy", does one need to do the 8 brocades as a warm up, or could you just do the knee, hip and arm rotations with wu chi as a warmup before standing.. Dan
  13. Is anyone familiar with this book written by Tom Bisio, it looks to be a seated Dao Yin set, does anyone know if its the seated 8 Brocades or something else. here's the book http://www.amazon.com/dp/1432799487/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_S_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=YMM4HRPP8DGV&coliid=I1W1R0NTU595ML Any help appreciated.. Dan
  14. Plato nyctaoist

    Whatever happened to Plato who used to run the nyctaoist blog, I used to enjoy reading his articles..
  15. Plato nyctaoist

    He was a cool guy from memory, I think there is a vid on youtube of him doing Hindu Squats in Mongolia at a temple, he did experiments with different herbs and kept detailed logs of his results with blood tests too, he was definitely a smart guy, would be cool to hear what he practices today and what sort of progress he has made too.
  16. RIP Master C.K Chu

    Just read that Master CK Chu has passed... here is some info from chu tai chi website.. Grand Master C.K. Chu passed away October 12th from cancer complications that have had him in New York Presbyterian Hospital since September 23rd. It was Sifu's wish that the school continue to teach his tai chi system under the direction of Carol, Hyland and Jeremy. Classes will continue seven days a week at CK Chu Tai Chi. A memorial will take place in the afternoon on November 9th, at St. Peter's Church (54th and Lexington) in Manhattan. Keep checking back here for details. We will also have a Lunar New Year Banquet tribute to Sifu in January 2014. For up to the minute information on these events, go to our facebook page. Please join us at the school for practice, and share memories by email (ckchu[at]ckchutaichi.com), Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/CKChuTaiChi) and Twitter (@CKChuTaiChi). The family asks that in lieu of flowers, please send memorial donations to thetaichichuancenter.org As Sifu would say, KEEP PRACTICING!
  17. I purchased this book yesterday, not sure why but from what I have read it has some really cool Qigong/Nei Gong exercises in it. Anyone else have it and if so what are your opinions? Daniel
  18. Yang Short Form DVD?

    I have learnt Qigong and Yoga from DVD's and books but I feel Tai Chi needs direct training, Id really like to learn Tai Chi but its too intricate to learn from DVD..
  19. Building muscle and Qigong

    Thanks Garry, Yeah sounds good mate, Im recovering from CFS, so Im always on the lookout for an exercise system I can tailor to my energy levels and build from, I like the idea of combining chi kung with conditioning and meditation.. Daniel
  20. Building muscle and Qigong

    WarriorBodyBuddhaMind, is there a 108fit DVD, sounds interesting..
  21. Is there a Stillness Movement DVD or Book??
  22. I was flicking through the Frost book the other day and came across the "Lung Expansion Qigong" and realized I had forgotten all about that section, anyone know where this set comes from and does anyone have any experience with it?? Dan
  23. Michael Frost Lung Expansion

    I spoke directly to Michael Frost and he learnt that set from Yogi Bhajan when he was studying Kundalini Yoga back in 79, the set is also on his Qi Robics DVD..
  24. Michael Frost Lung Expansion

    Thanks for nothing Chi Dragon, Im looking for someone with info on Frost's actual Qigong set. Please don't reply to anymore of my posts...
  25. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Sifu Terry, Just a quick question not sure if it has been asked before, is it OK to start out and work with the seated forms initially, I have both volume one and two but dues to my time constraints and low energy levels (CFS), which Im being tread for by a TCM doctor with acupuncture and herbs, Im thinking the seated forms might be really helpful.. Dan