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Everything posted by DanC

  1. What are some simple Jing building foods????
  2. Jing building foods

    We can build our Jing through food, herbs, qigong etc etc, food is another way to increase our vitality, my question is why not food??
  3. Reduce masturbation to once per day or every second day, do the deer exercise, meditate, workout...
  4. Anyone here into chanting Mantra's, I have found an interesting book and CD on Amazon titled Thomas Ashley-Farrand's Healing Mantras, for some reason I feel I need to do something like this. He includes lots of different Mantras for different aspects of our lives like health, prosperity and over coming fears and obstacles.. Anyone have any experience with this sort of practice.. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1564557359/ref=s9_simh_gw_p14_d0_g14_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=1SX46M60P33Y8VKD5M2J&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938631&pf_rd_i=507846 Daniel
  5. Capoiera

    Capoiera is a good dance and way to keep fit but when it comes to real world self defense and martial arts its useless, if it was any use MMA fighters would utilize it..
  6. Plato's sex pills

    What is Plato doing these days, I used to enjoy reading his blog..
  7. Headache & Tattoos

    Thai Buddhist monks have a long history in doing tattoos, all of the tattoos they get have spiritual significance.
  8. Australian standard of living

    I live in Sydney and I am amazed Sydney could even make the top 20, its obvious the people doing this survey have never lived in Sydney for any period of time..
  9. Purple Reishi

    Ive been taking Reishi for over a year now but I am questioning the quality of the reishi Im taking, I have noticed the Reishi used to be a dark brown/red colour and now its a lighter brown colour and the capsules have gotten bigger. They definitely do a good job keeping the immunity in check, but in regards to that shen tonic feeling people experience, Im just not getting that.. Might try Dragon herbs
  10. Any recomended concentration meditation?

    Anyone have any experience with "SO HUM" mantra meditation, inhale SO exhale HUM internally. Its translates into English "I Am That"..
  11. void

    Encephalon, I have the Eternal Spring Chi Kung book which C.K Chu states contains some Neikung as well as Chi Kung, I find it to be a good set, I also have his Nei Kung book but find it a bit too advanced for me, I might use the Eternal Spring as a stepping stone into Neikung.. Dan
  12. oldest martial art?

    Pankration the art of fighting used by the ancient greeks goes back to 776BC, it was taught to the Indians by Alexander the great and was later taught to Bhuddist monks who became Shaolin monks, this is just a theory I have read but supported by martial arts historians..
  13. I did the deer exercise a few years back and found it to be good, I need to revisit that technique, also there is a good breathing exercise in "The Art of Chi Kung".
  14. Anyone doing this Qigong set, I keep seeing the advert here at taobums, anyone care to share there experiences.. Dan
  15. I have just started doing this Chi Kung again and I really like it, anyone else using it, its an easier form of his Nei Kung system. What I really like about is its simplicity but also its focus on strengthening the body and proper alignments.
  16. Eternal Spring Chi Kung

    Fu_dog, Did you ever progress through the whole book, looks like a very planned out progression from basic to advanced, I like the look of some of the postures with subtle movements. Daniel
  17. Eternal Spring Chi Kung

    Fu_dog, Yeah I thought exercises 11-12 were not necessary more of a warm up if your going straight into a tai chi routine. I also have everyday chi kung may also have to dig that up and start doing that again too, what section in the book do you normally do, from memory you move through the different routines weekly until you get to the more advanced levels. Non, I have the Nei Kung book and its way more advanced then Eternal Spring, I see it as a very physical and high level internal cultivation.. Daniel
  18. Eternal Spring Chi Kung

    Fu_dog, Do you do exercises 1-12, at the moment I don't do 11-12, I will eventually add 11 in but 12 seems to be a bit tricky and more an opening for tai chi practice.
  19. Microcosmic Orbit: Taoist Yoga Style

    I always like simple techniques but have always found most explanations of the orbit to be too confusing, anyone know of a simple basic MCO practice..
  20. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sifu Terry, Thanks for your reply I greatly appreciate it, my doctor also thinks my body is still recovering as well and that it will take time to fully recover, I nearly made a full recovery in terms of my strength and energy but what brought me undone was a big night out drinking 12 months ago that caused my relapse, alcohol intolerance is a key symptom in cfs. Im actually feeling pretty good at the moment since starting on some new supplements and Im keen to ease back into some form of an exercise program, I'll keep you posted on how FPCK helps me in my journey back to full health.. Daniel
  21. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sifu Terry, Just wanted to know if you have any experience with chronic fatigue syndrome/ME and Flying Phoenix, I have been dealing with fatigue for 24 months following a bad virus which affected my inner ear, I managed to recover from the imbalance due to the damage to my inner ear and beat most of the fatigue inthe first year but then relapsed 12 months ago and have been gradually improving ever since. Im not an extreme case still manage to work but if I do too much or get sick I tend to crash, but my relapses seem to be less and less and Im bouncing back quicker. I currently do acupuncture twice per week and consult with a naturopath on what supplements to take.I tend to find the seated exercises less demanding then the standing ones, so my thinking is start with seated flying phoenix and build my strength and energy reserves and attempt the standing exercises later on down the track. Im just doing one to two basic seated meditations per day and gradually building from there. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.. Daniel
  22. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sifu Terry, I have been working with the Seated meditations for a few weeks again, I took time off to try another meditation system and regret it, nothing compares to FPCK, I have also just purchased vol 1 so I am looking to put a daily routine of FPCK together. My question is, am I better off doing 30-45 of seated meditations in the morning and then doing a standing 30-45 session in the afternoon or doing a combined workout of both seated and standing twice per day?? Thanks Daniel
  23. Anyone got any Qigong DVD recommendations, I have got some extra cash and Im looking to buy a new DVD to form my practice in my afternoons, Im looking for something that will give me a workout and increase my chi flow.. Daniel
  24. DVD Recommendations?

    I ordered Chi Kung for Health Vol 1, I already have volume two the seated forms but thought Id start the standing practice as my main practice.
  25. Anyone drinking this tea, my acupuncturist has got me onto it, its really simple just put some dried Chrysanthemum flower and a handful of goji berries into a cup and add boiling water, let it sit for 10 mins and drink. Its really good for the eyes, liver, kidneys, immune system energy and stress, after one cup I felt really relaxed and centered.. Dan