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About Shad282

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  1. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    OK ! I M GOING TO THE ARCTIC ! Any videos!?!?!?!
  2. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    Don't be materialistic!
  3. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    does it work if more than 2 bodies? and has to be alive?
  4. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    I don't believe in other people, they are all me and we are all one.
  5. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    are you single? I can use some of the beams. Will save on electricity, clothes, creams,....
  6. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    why? he is old, and not sure if enlightened.
  7. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    hahaha, well clothes are for old people and not fashion anymore. Moreover, Enlightened people shouldn't wear clothes, especially jackets.
  8. Any practice, energy, thoughts that can keep you hot in super cold winter on streets?
  9. On this reality level, I do have interest in things in life, and I work on creating stuff and such, but they are not something to exist for. I mean it is stuff I enjoy better than other things in this reality, but does this reality mean anything to me? Not really. I m 29 yo
  10. Wanted to say, that I m feeling this way at almost the same period of the year. hahaha, but all the year it was going good for me, but this occurred again now, when i tried to let go to one of the goals i have added to myself as i became too obsessed and attached to it and now i m going through the feeling of being lost and what to live for in this reality if I try and can let go of everything in this life? As mentioned in a post on this thread, lacking a sense of direction, if you let go of what you averse and what you attach to, then where to go? what to achieve?
  11. well it started when i was young around 10 yo, when my friend drew the shabda brahman symbol on sand, and i started learning more about it, and psi energy balls, and i worked on abilities to heal and i have my hands vibrating at time... then I learned more about spirituality and landed on meditation, which mostly was around vipassana, and scanning the body, and enhancing awareness focus and i felt a lot better and reached a high peak one time where everything around me felt so vibrating and food tasted so good, but got shot down by friends and family for being crazy. then got back but not as that high peak. I meditate now to refine my focus and wake up from losing myself in the micro level of life, kind of like stabilize and restore harmony, especially that where i live it is a huge struggle every day. I do wish to get back to that high peak i reached once, but no attachment to it anyways. but it is nice to live without worry and trust life and be at peace regardless of anything.
  12. Yes, forgot that I have posted similar topic 2 years ago. I m not sure if it is depression or this situation is leading to a depression while in itself is not? Like for example even at work, I find myself having interest in many things but also in nothing, and I can excel and do amazing stuff in most of fields, but yet this is not what i want, especially when it becomes fixed. I have changed many departments in 3 years and all departments want me to work with them, but yet I feel myself everywhere but also nowhere. I feel sometimes that the issue might be between shifting the perspective between micro and macro level. for example, on a micro level, I do love people and their issues, Animals, and feel compassion and want to help, but when i think in a macro level as a whole, spiritual wise, like energy and oneness and all, the micro level become kind of pointless and useless... like rather than feeling compassion toward someone suffering, I feel like, why taking it seriously, it is just a reality without any real purpose, it is like a game, you are just believing it is real, if you die or suffer it does not really matter. it is like the micro level render this reality exciting, while the macro renders it useless like void/nothingness/kind of nihilism. I m not sure if this a kind of consciousness fragmentation between myself before awakening and after, and struggle to find harmony between these two and maybe this conflict is causing indifference that's causing depression.
  13. I agree with what you said, what i m looking for is direction, but I m not sure if it is going to be through a want/desire/need. I need something to motivate me forward something more than the stuff that are eternal, like products or sensations... something that is really meaningful that sets direction? but why do I need something? can't i just flow without a direction?
  14. Hey, lately been feeling indifferent to everything in life. I have been working for a long time on solving my shadows/problems of course they will never end but I reached a state where I kind of feel I lost desires to many things in life. I mean tho things look interesting like tech, other subjects and forms, but I don't feel like this inner WOWness or want to have it and such. Life is more like fine not much excitement, I don't feel happy but not sad, more indifferent, like I m here what's next? I also feel sometimes, that I have let go so much of what made me who I am, what made things exciting and now stuck in a void like kind of 70% identity-less, maybe just a feeling. How to move forward? what keeps you moving forward?