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Everything posted by mindtooloud

  1. 100th

    this is gold. thanks for sharing
  2. Do you believe in telepathy?

    Could you say more about this? How can i practice with animals?
  3. Hello From Kirtanman

    Its 21 september 2016
  4. I'm learning to make traditional Chinese knots

    I find this ammusing in a good way
  5. Taoist Astral Healing?

    free pdf on google is the best not finding free pdf on google is the worst
  6. Hello From Kirtanman

    welcome to the dao bums
  7. Do you believe in telepathy?

    i would love to hear about this if you wouldn't mind sharing it with me through personal message.
  8. Do you believe in telepathy?

    this is most interesting, i do wish i coudl've had a long lengths telepathy experience too, mines are usually short and happen rarely, the longest was with the same person for about an hour or so. similarly my experiences are too when im under the influence of a drug. i am hoping soon after lots and lots of practice i will be able to commence telepathy at will. a question for you, when you were telepathically communicating with others, were they aware of this? were they surprised? or confused?
  9. Do you believe in telepathy?

    i wish i could find it for free, no luck
  10. Do you believe in telepathy?

    recently, i got high, and experienced telepathy, it restored my faith in cultivation. dude was smoking our joint, and he forgot that it was in his hand so it went out, i pictured him lighting the joint and sent him that image, next thing i know he's lighting the joint, then he forgot about it again so i picture him passing the joint and he passes it. next day we're smoking again and he lights up the joint twice, and that pisses me off because i wanted to light it up too, so im sitting there thinking about what happened all pissed and sad, and he shouts out "shotgun!!" and then he goes on to say, wtf why did i just say shotgun?
  11. What are you listening to?

    Thats mean - i'm reporting your comment.
  12. Science of Chi

    bonham corpuscles?
  13. What are you listening to?

    i really enjoy this instrument, wish i could play it too
  14. For Dawei

    I agree dawei does an ourstanding job in handling the site
  15. Beginner

    What system would be suggested for a very first level beginner who can't even feel his own chi yet?
  16. Facial Hair

    How does growing facial hair, per say a mustache or a beard, affects ones energies. Or what effect would cutting them have?
  17. Facial Hair

    Did she smoke weed?
  18. simplify

  19. simplify

  20. Energy transmission and sharing - a debate

    I know of one. Whats the other one other than lu? And yes you're right we can go there until this problem is fixed. But still, still.
  21. Energy transmission and sharing - a debate

    Im aware its being looked into and i believe thats what will happen. Opening another chatroom seems like the most direct solution. I'm not supportive of the separation it will bring. I like the sense of unity that comes along with one chatroom, but since some people aren't happy to share the chatroom for other activities we have no choice but to separate in a sense. Or maybe we could make an "energy room" so it wouldn't be considered two chat room. No chatting allowed in the energy room haha
  22. Energy transmission and sharing - a debate

    But what about our feelings until we get to that point of having rooms, must we suffer till then? ( )
  23. Energy transmission and sharing - a debate

    youre voice chamges when you change font. Its interesting
  24. 100th

    Could you talk a bit more about this? I think i know what you're saying but i wanna be sure