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Everything posted by Rakiel

  1. I see there is a seminar from Dr. Baolin Wu this February, also available as a webinar for $499: https://qigongmasterclasses.com/ Does any bum have any direct experience working with Dr. Wu or the 9 Palaces System? There is a thread on this topic from 2014 but not many details and I figured much has happened since then. I have the book but I never read it. I'm thinking some video instruction from the master himself about the system will be beneficial, i just have to decide whether I want to part with 500 bucks....
  2. Lately I've been experiencing incredible chi sensations in the legs but mostly in the yongquan points. When practicing qigong my yonquan points feel full of vibrant energy. It feels like I'm standing on giant fluffy chi balls. I've been practicing Emei Wuji Gong lately so maybe that has something to do with it. I find it odd because in all my time practicing spring forest qigong which also involves bending the knees slightly while standing I've never experienced anything like this. In this Wuji Gong form there is a lot of twisting and bending at the waist and knees. Maybe that was the trick to unblock them? The sensation can be achieved easily now even not in practice and I also feel a deeper connection with my laogong points also. Maybe I'm not really asking a question but I'm just unfamiliar with the legs and arms so much . I was hoping it is a sign of deepening my practice.
  3. Cool. How similar is this to Shaolin Nei Jing Yi Zhi Chan?
  4. Qigong ranking

    Nice to Emei on the list!
  5. First post, looking to have conversations about qigong

    Spring Forest practitioner here. Welcome to the forum!
  6. Qigong with password

    I've been told the Emei Qigong 'mantra' allows practitioners to tap into the lineage's energy
  7. Master Yuanming Zhang

    Agreed. It was awesome! thanks for recommending this event.
  8. Master Yuanming Zhang

    I've purchased a few of his qigong DVD's. Hard to learn from a DVD in my opinion which is a shame because I've enjoyed this master's youtube videos and believe him to have a very strong and unique energy field. I didn't see any updates in the events section of his website. I would be very interested in attending the zoom meeting. Mind sharing the details?
  9. I think this version is dynamite. Incredible energy. And the master explains what you should focus on unlike many people on Youtube who just perform the movements. I think this might be from the same lineage our fellow 'bum Spotless practices. Amazon link to DVD: https://www.amazon.com/Shaolin-Section-Brocade-Wellness-Practice/dp/B004GVLLMU Youtube:
  10. My experience with Spring Forest Qigong

    Hi Nuralshamal! Would you mind sharing some insight and experiences regarding the small universe as practiced in SFQ ?
  11. Just started up Tidal Wave Chi kung again -

    Isn't that the esteemed master Gary Clyman?
  12. 8 Brocades

    I don't mind Jesse Tsao's version on Amazon Prime. Also Yan Xin (not the legendary Qigong master) has good instructions on Youtube
  13. Mantras

    the "Thoth mantra" is discussed widely on the internet as being effective for stimulating the third eye. Interesting that it is also the name of an Egyptian deity. I can confirm that it works, but the trick seems to be the tone. I always wondered what the origin of the mantra is because I only find it mentioned in new age circles
  14. Need Help Channeling

    Have you read "Keys to Perception" by the same author?
  15. Spring Forest Qigong and Zhan Zhuang

    well you are standing (with knees bent) for roughly an hour or more during the active exercises...
  16. Sacred Drinks

    Replaced coffee with Matcha years ago. Also switched to room temperature bottled water after I read about the adverse effects of food and drink being too hot or too cold
  17. Internal alchemy for everyone

    Internal alchemy is not for everyone. Title is misleading.
  18. I've been practicing since 2015 and can only do 30-45 minutes (sometimes longer) comfortably, and I sit in half lotus every day all the time while sitting at home. Sit often in half lotus and alternate the legs. Use pigeon pose to stretch the hip flexors (when you feel the stretch you'll know the sweet spot) and learn to actually rotate the hip when guiding leg onto other opposite thigh (again you''ll feel it) hope that helps
  19. Now that it's summer here in the states, anybody have any good G&T recipes?
  20. Dan tien/solar plexus/tinnitus

    If I focus on my crown I get those same high pitched sounds, and sometimes it feels like my whole head is getting bathed in energy, similar to the way you describe it. Is it just tapping into the vibrational qualities of that chakra?
  21. Stillness-Movement Qigong basics steps

    good question. i recently purchased Lomax' book on Amazon and was interested in SM, too. Any elaboration about SM technique from somebody would be greatly appreciated!
  22. I saw this recent interview where Chunyi Lin mentions healing his injured knee (4:15)
  23. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

    has anybody used either of these hemi-sync guided meditations from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche? https://hemi-sync.com/product/sacred-space-the-practice-of-inner-stillness-album/ https://hemi-sync.com/product/healing-through-awareness-album/
  24. Qigong ranking

    Yan Xin Qigong had state support back then, it seems very likely to be very high on that list!