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Everything posted by Rakiel

  1. external transmission of chi/qi via video or audio...How does this work? Any insights would be appreciated
  2. http://list.youku.com/albumlist/show?id=17493203&ascending=1&page=1.html
  3. Actually the link i provided apparently was posted earlier in the topic...my bad. But it was a dead link so if anything I provided an updated link! I have a series of videos in Youku bookmarked on my other computer which I will provide later. There are several videos I have yet to see on Youtube so that may be of interest to the forum. Two videos show Dr. Yan Xin teaching children near a pond and they appear to be sitting cross legged and using the hand mantra. I do not know Chinese so I am lost. Several of the other videos show other hand gestures that may be a part of the more advanced forms...I don't recall hearing them in the step one recordings...
  4. proof that I'm a high level energy master...I can bring an old post back from the dead! Thanks to Google Translate, I found some interesting articles with numerous diagrams about the Yan Xin Child Longevity Nine Step Qigong that I don't think were shared in the various posts about Yan Xin on this forum. http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5f3479880102w9c9.html this is the original post https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=zh-CN&u=http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_a97d2acc01016qd5.html&prev=search Here is the english translation: the images don't show up in the english version for some reason...and the trans. in a little off... Does anyone know anything about the current state or rather non-state of Yan Xin Qigong Association? The organization was disbanded a few years ago. What I find particularly interesting is that most info about YXQ appeared to go with it...IT seems like the organization and its people value their secrecy and have gone through great lengths to keep it that way or perhaps it was suppressed by the Chinese as part of a larger crackdown? Anyways, no one is talking. I had reached out to several former members or organizers of its practice groups and I had received no response. Yeah. When I listen to the tape and some of the lecture videos of youku and youtube that seem to induce a huge energy spike particularly in the third eye area. It's very impressive.
  5. This is really interesting. It has happened this exact way for me.
  6. So two questions come to mind...Should the beginner cultivator use natural or reverse breathing to accomplish this? And finally, I am able to "induce" an energetic sensation during the exhalation, it's almost like a warm tingly sensation blows across the belly/ldt area. It's not a visual sensation, it's sort of physical, but subtle. Is this an acceptable method of bring awareness to the ldt area?
  7. Do you believe in telepathy?

    So recently while meditating I started getting very strong sensations in the third eye area, so I brought full focus there. After a moment I began "receiving" a lot of words, sounds, feelings, etc. I dismiss this as a form of hypnogogia because It happened too soon and I wasn't very relaxed. I was surprised how vivid and clear everything was. It was like I was turning a radio dial and "picking up" different channels. Microcrystals in the pineal gland? Like a good old fashioned crystal radio?
  8. Alcohol is a dangerous drug.

    I've devoured entire novels during a nice buzz.
  9. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    I'm keeping the Avatar! I have yet to meet a green eyed girl who can withstand the burning blade. Besides Lo Pan and Egg Chen are clearly high level energy masters!
  10. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    Second time I did the active exercises for Spring Forest Qigong (Level One), breathing of the universe, I really felt the chi flowing between my fingers.
  11. Greeting from Milwaukee!

    Greetings! I have been reading this forum for probably three years and have never joined. It has steered me in so many new directions and has brought so many new subjects in to my life. Originally came here with an interest in the Western Esoteric Tradition, specifically Hermeticism and Qabalah...Have become very interested in Taoism, Inner Alchemy, Yoga, etc. I went West to go East, so to speak. I have just started my journey "on the way". Over the next year I intend to join a local Tai Chi class, work towards the MCO, and learn a Qigong system. We will see where my intuition (and a little guidance) will take me. Regards