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Everything posted by KuroShiro

  1. Self-massage Qigong

    Luohan Patting System of Yin Style Bagua, have no experience with it but it should be good.
  2. Yijing and Prenatal (PreHeaven) Jing

    For example health problems that run in a family are considered pre-natal. Pre-natal is what we inherit from our parents and ancestors, it is present in our parents before we are conceived, and is also in us after we are born. Is this correct?
  3. Potent Systems

    Do you think that Baduanjin/Yijinjing/Zhan Zhuang can be safely added to any system? There seem to be several masters who also practice one or more of the above in addition to their main system.
  4. You don't pressure cook oatmeal. Yes. Yes. I imagine your gas/electricity bill The easiest way, for me, to make bone broth at home is to use a pressure cooker. Phoenix3, you can get a high quality pressure cooker (Swiss or German) from how much you'll save on gas/electricity. You can use bones with marrow and cartilage (if possible organic grass fed), add (spring) water to cover them plus a bit more (some will evaporate). Bring to a boil, skim off the foam that rises to the top. When the foam stops appearing/almost nonexistent pour tablespoons apple cider vinegar and check if you need to add more water. Close the lid of the pressure cooker and put the timer for around 90 min. Voilà, super easy. Repeat this process again (minus skimming of the foam) as many times you wish. You can then freeze the bones for future use or discard them. Bone broth is very healthy, you can drink it with some salt or use it as stock for recipes.
  5. Why do I always feel terrible at 03:00-04:00am?

    So you don't produce melatonin through your eyes unless you have darkened rooms. Do you notice any difference in the time needed to fall asleep during those days? Do you also have long nights in the Winter? Do you eat traditional special foods during Winter months? Can you please share what is a traditional daily Winter/Summer schedule (meals and sleep hours) in your area? Sorry about all the questions. I greatly admire the traditions and people living in inhospitable environments.
  6. Why do I always feel terrible at 03:00-04:00am?

    But that only gives you < 6-7 hours of sleep which might not be enough? Also during Summer it's still daytime at 8pm.
  7. Potent Systems

    Is it ok to practice several systems?
  8. Could you please share how much is the cost for the Distance class? Also for those without any contact/experience with Stillness Movement, what can one expect to learn from the class? Thank you.
  9. Why do I always feel terrible at 03:00-04:00am?

    Could you please share your sleeping schedule? Do you return to sleep afterwards? I've read it's good to practice between 3-5am (Lung) but it's not easy to put it in practice.
  10. Potent Systems

    Is Chi-Lel/Zhineng the same as Dr. Pang Ming's Zhineng Qigong? Zhineng Qigong seems to be very powerful but I know very little about it's history and don't know who taught Dr. Pang Ming.There are several books written by Dr. Ming, some of them have been translated to English.
  11. still and moving, don't believe the hype.

    Wasn´t Zuo Wang Lun written by Sima Chengzhen, 6th Patriarch from Shang Qing Pai?
  12. In China people paid the local doctor to keep them healthy and free of disease, not to cure disease. His role was one of prevention. If in the group of families/community that had chosen one given doctor someone got sick all payments would stop or there would be a decrease in his payment (if payed yearly). This was Classical Chinese Medicine. Don't know if it's still common practice in some areas of China. Just imagine what would have to change to implement this great notion of shifting the spotlight to prevention. You might want to check out Yangsheng philosophy.
  13. It has nothing to do with unbendable, I was thinking about the male body. Well yes for some women it is possible but again if the area between the shoulders and hips has no support and it collapses you lose the straight line of the straight spine. I'm talking about this line: So you're saying that you can keep the area between the shoulders and hips from collapsing without any support there? You don't feel the point opening/closing per se but the body alignment cues that keep the mingmen open or closed - is this correct? Is it controlled by the pelvic tilt?
  14. We're all talking about sleeping on a flat hard surface (with minimal padding) on one's side right? Then I just can't see it how you can keep a straight spine. For that to work your shoulder line width would have to be the same as your hip width and even then without any padding under the rib/lower back area that straight spine would probably collapse during the night. How do you know the mingmen is closed? Can you feel it when it's closed or open? Also if it's open wouldn't that be good to facilitate qi absorption during the night?
  15. Avoid/limit spicy foods if you live in an area where the climate doesn't make you sweat.
  16. Great that you've found what works for you. Have you checked if your spine stays straight while in your sleeping position? I can't see it being straight on a hard surface, it seems that it would be better to sleep on one's back. Do you sleep on your back on the hotel floor or also on your side? This reminded me of Crocodile Dundee he also slept on the floor.
  17. I've read that one should sleep on the right side or on one's back. Sleeping on the right side is better (than left) for the heart because it's uncompressed and better for the liver too as it receives more blood. 3. I know that a spring mattress can be killer, this summer I woke up with pain on my spine while sleeping on my back on an hotel bed. However last year I've searched extensively in search of the perfect base to sleep on and I had settled on a Scandinavian type bed. Only natural materials and steel springs assembled to keep the spine straight while sleeping on one's side (don't know if it also works while sleeping on your back): Now you're saying it's better to sleep on a flat unyielding surface inducing doubt again Can you maintain a straight spine while sleeping (on the side) on a hard surface with very little padding? 4. Are you saying your face/head would be in an overhang while sleeping, with the head only supported in the neck?
  18. MCO have you opened it, how did you know

    Could you please state what you discovered and give the link to that post? Is Lin Master Chunyi Lin?
  19. 玄牝之門The secret door

    Does this breathing practice has anything to do with free-diving practices? Their heart rate goes to 4-6 beats/min. Not exactly the same as they are holding the breath. I've read a post here that Master Chunyi Lin's heart once stopped during several min (hours?). Don't know if it was related to any kind of breathing practice. The Classics seem to state that the golden elixir can't be formed through breathing techniques.
  20. 玄牝之門The secret door

    Natural way seems to be the best way. Do you feel it 24/7 once it starts?
  21. Yi Jin Jing

    Any healing component also or only weapon?
  22. Yi Jin Jing

    We have the Southern martial arts and the legend of the Five Elders of Shaolin. Again like the story of Bodhidharma, we'll probably never really know.