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Everything posted by KuroShiro

  1. Starjumper thank you very much for your detailed posts. Yes, the eyes also "smile" with the inner smile you refer. One could talk about a real/heartfelt (not fake) smile? However when I wrote "an uncontrollable smile that comes from within" I was thinking about something which I have experienced and wanted to know if it was this inner smile you guys were talking about. Some time after acupuncture treatment I have felt what could be described as qi ascending from the LTT or MTT to the head/face and transforming itself in a smile or little laughter and a state of profound happiness. I could not control either the smile or the happiness as it's a question of 1-3 seconds and happens spontaneously (it leaves a lasting effect though). I think it was either the dissolution of blockages/disease and/or the result of treatment directed to the Spirit. Has someone here experienced this? Will higher levels of cultivation lead to similar experiences?
  2. Can you please explain what is the inner smile? An uncontrollable smile that comes from within?
  3. Qigong Grandmaster John Tsai

    I remember reading a similar story about Master Yang Meijun - I don't recall the exact details but it was something like this: she went to a city where this qigong master didn't respect her or didn't believe her capabilities so he attacked her with his Qi. She closed her acupuncture points and wasn't affected, this was probably about deflecting Qi not absorbing it. Absorbing probably requires a higher level. The blending of soft and hard makes sense, I associated hard qigong with physical blows. Thank you for the link. Qi is real there's no doubt about it, you only have to look at Acupuncture. Acupuncture is amazing but then we look at these Qigong Master Healers and it blows us away again, fascinating stuff. We probably have seen little of what's out there as you say and there's also the possibility of some ancient knowledge been lost.
  4. Direct Pointers to the Great Elixir: Oberfrank

    It has a Spanish, French and English version also, with Master Tian Cheng Yan biography: http://qingjing.net/English/bio.htm. There's a book available in Spanish written by Master Tian: http://qingjing.net/English/know.htm I'll get in touch with them to see if I can buy it.
  5. Qigong Grandmaster John Tsai

    Do you know if it has anything to do with hard qigong training? Do you know if there are any more videos available of other people / IMA who have achieved this milestone ?
  6. Nei Jing Tu

    I'm considering this in the near future, starting with Japanese and later on Chinese and Classical Chinese.
  7. Watch Vital Signs on CNN International: Wednesday February 15: 11:30, 18:30 Saturday February 18: 07:30, 20:30 Sunday February 19: 13:30 Saturday February 25: 13:30 Sunday February 26: 07:30, 20:30 (All times GMT) http://edition.cnn.com/specials/health/vital-signs
  8. Trump's bazi chart

    Thank you. I'm enjoying your posts as I'm fascinated by Wu Xing, it's why I'm here really. Yes this is correct, although announcing your "wuxing type" on first sight is very high level, I didn't know that was possible. Do you know if he could do that with every patient (several degrees of disharmony) and using traditional diagnostic methods or was he using his qi or qi "awareness"? Did he talk about elements within elements? What's blowing my mind is this bazi chart giving the same readings as the five element acupuncture diagnostic methods. Do you know any good books/websites regarding this bazi chart?
  9. Trump's bazi chart

    Thank you. "Of course they do get it in some amounts indirectly, e.g. if they have Water missing from the chart, it doesn't mean they have no physical Water in the body, rather it means they don't have a ready direct functional configuration of the body-mind-spirit-destiny for Water qi, but they do get some Water qi indirectly from Metal -- provided they have Metal in their chart." Do you know how these results from the chart would compare with five element acupuncture diagnostic methods? Is the lack of "a ready direct functional configuration of the body-mind-spirit-destiny for Water qi" in the same realm as the one the acupuncturist deals with? Regarding the identical twins it seems they aren't identical at all, so the chart is correct. The connection with relationships outcome is also true, I have books on my wish list to read about that but again related to acupuncture diagnosis. Also probably a connection with Wu Xing and the so-called chemistry? What about elements within elements?
  10. Trump's bazi chart

    Thank you very much for your reply. I'm studying Wu Xing only in context of Classical Acupuncture. I don't understand when you say: "So, live creatures typically have all five wuxing phases in their overall qi pattern, in countless types of interactions, which a bazi reader studies and analyses. In times unbalanced, like ours, many people have a phase missing, i.e. four instead of five, it's not unusual, though not ideal. Quite a few have two phases missing, which is a more challenging scenario. And then there's the ones who are missing three, or even four. " Do you mean there are people who don't have qi in their bodies of one or more elements?
  11. Glogal Warming HOAX exposed!

    Global Warming can indeed be considered an hoax in the sense that we should be concerned about pollution in all its forms, not Global Warming. If we're focused on a possible consequence we'll not address the true cause. Some scientists say that "Global Warming" may accelerate the next ice age... If we really look at the sky, the oceans, the rivers, the fields, the countryside, the flora and fauna, us, mother's milk, we'll tear up and that's no hoax.
  12. Trump's bazi chart

    Could you please tell me what do you mean by we have another elemental? What is an elemental? I know nothing about bazi charts, is this related to Wu Xing? I called Trump's win in Sept/Oct 2015, I believe simple based on common sense
  13. Are there any good Qigong books for beginners?

    Thank you very much for your detailed reply. Do you know the history of the system? or can you direct me to a post here about Stillness-Movement's history and its practices?
  14. Are there any good Qigong books for beginners?

    Can you tell us which system?
  15. Are there any good Qigong books for beginners?

    His system is geared towards healing right? Is it possible to learn it well through the DVD(s) or are classes necessary? His book "A Light Warrior's Guide To High Level Energy Healing: Medical Qigong & A Shaman's Healing Vision" seems to be out of print, I don't know if it teaches the system or if it's only about theory.
  16. Breathing through the heels

    Can you control the taking in and sending out at will? Can you tell us what does it feel like? Something like the quote below? How do you know when the lower body and legs have opened? Can you tell us what you felt in the legs and feet? Can we compare the feet with the head? In the feet we have acupuncture points, meridians. In the head we also have upper Tan Tien (Crown Chakra and Third Eye Chakra), right?
  17. About necessity of having a true Teacher

    Could you please tell us more?
  18. About necessity of having a true Teacher

    Gray hair that returns to original colour?
  19. Chinese paradigm and ghost in the shell

    Ethereal and corporeal? Although that wording comes from Hun & Po? Why would you want to do that? One learns a little Chinese along the way and they truly knew what they were talking about, it's crazy. The texts of Classic Chinese Medicine and Classic Acupuncture are both based on Body/Mind/Spirit. Is the Mind Subtle or Physical? Can we separate them? Also one thing I'm interested but haven't read much about it is that it seems Classic Chinese texts state that only Humans have Shen. Animals would only have Jing and Qi.
  20. More interesting topics please

    Some questions for you from a beginner student's perspective: I've read that Taoism is a relatively recent creation when taking in account Chinese history, there was no Taoism when the more ancient Taoist Classic Texts were written right? Classical Acupuncture also predates Taoism. Is there a missing link/lost knowledge since some-point in ancient times up until the creation of Taoism? What about the identification of Lao Zi with Buddha and the interplay between Buddhism and Taoism? Can one study Taoism without studying Buddhism? There's a legend about the creation of acupuncture, some guy was struck by an arrow (in the leg?) and that eased or stopped a pain he had elsewhere. Animals don't speak and I don't think they are mentioned in the Classics of Chinese Medicine so vets probably aren't doing Acupuncture, they're doing something else.
  21. MCO and Zhan Zhuang

    This is what happens during an acupuncture session. The acupuncturist chooses the points the body/mind/spirit "follows". I think Zhan Zhuang works similarly to acupuncture albeit in a more subtle way. Both are still a big mystery to me and a beautiful one
  22. Potent Systems

    Big statement