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Everything posted by KuroShiro

  1. Tao and the Laws of Nature

    You might want to check out if there's any anechoic chamber near you that you can visit: You would think that a place so quiet would also be peaceful. But for those who spend any time in there, it is far from the case. Gopal often gives visitors to Microsoft a tour of the audio laboratories, which includes a trip inside the anechoic chamber – and most find the experience very uncomfortable. “Some people want out within a few seconds,” he confides. “They say they just can’t be in there. It unsettles almost everybody. They can hear people breathing on the other side of the room and hear stomachs gurgling. A small number of people feel dizzy.” http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20170526-inside-the-quietest-place-on-earth
  2. anti-depression drugs??

    Everyone should stay away from them. Same with the high cholesterol drugs, antibiotic over-prescription. These 3 clearly show us that Western Medicine is sick. You might also want to check out Dr. Kelly Brogan.
  3. Tao and the Laws of Nature

    HA, this has happened to me, sometimes I would look to the second hand (perhaps off center from field of view as you say) and I could swear it stopped, that is a slightly longer second but also physical stop of the hand (tenths or hundredths of a second).
  4. True Yin and True Yang

    Are they hermits?
  5. True Yin and True Yang

    What process? You're saying one can go through the process without getting the light stage? Is there anything else that is not necessarily a part of the process? Seeing lights seems to be easy (and not to be given any attention). What else do you include under stuff? Spontaneous movement, physical/Qi sensations...?
  6. Is this a trick question? I'd say yes you can be right or wrong, there is good or bad. What if that person would go on a rampage and cut and burn all the trees? Would that not fall under right/wrong or good/bad? Perhaps if one starts by looking within it is as being the only person on Earth. It seems that as long one is in the realm of Yin and Yang, operating in the physical world then these dualities are important and not to be discarded, even if one "reaches" Tai Ji. All True Traditions seem to emphasize the importance of strong moral values, good character.
  7. Of course not. It's irrelevant when it was first written.
  8. I think there is no sense in trying to intellectually understand the Dao De Jing. First you have to look within, truly care about yourself. One has to walk The Path. The Dao De Jing seems to be the understanding/sharing of a Master who has walked It.
  9. Thank you very much dwai for this thread and everyone for their posts. I'm only a beginner student but would love to discuss this with you. Is Waysun Liao your Grandmaster? I have 2 of his books (loved them both) but I don't know what is his School/Tradition. Doesn't Master Liao explain the Dao De Jing in his book Nine Nights with the Taoist Master? (haven't read it yet - wishlist) Nei Jing Su Wen, Chapter 8.
  10. Taoist Immortal vs Buddha

    What about MTV Celebrity Deathmatch?
  11. Catafalque

    Catafalque (2-Volume Set): Carl Jung and the End of Humanity Add to wish list?
  12. Secrets of the Reverted Elixir

    Thank you. Do you know if the aura changes with cultivation? So Master Jim went through Small Death? This seems to be very important for a healer as it greatly increases his/her healing power, right?
  13. Taoism: What's the goal?

    Thank you. Could you please elaborate why you put number 4 a level above number 3?
  14. Sunyata and Wu Ji have to be "reached/lived(?)" to be understood and perhaps there is the possibility that 2 people will have slightly different understandings? Taoist Texts said that "Broadly speaking yes. Sunyata, Wuji is the place where Nibbana is." I don't know if Nibbana is the end level. You're not asking me right? I know nothing. If someone has some insights regarding this and could please share them that would be great.
  15. A Science of Wu Wei?

    Thank you. I've just seen this from a Xingyiquan site: Qi is the life essence, or energy, that enlivens all things. The concept of qi is found throughout Chinese traditional arts, ranging from medicine and acupuncture to gong fu and feng shui. Qi is divided into two types: cosmic qi and human qi. Cosmic qi encompasses air, movement, gas, weather, and force, while human qi implies breath, manner, and energy. The two types of cannot be clearly separated; in fact human qi is strongly influenced by cosmic qi.
  16. If you are talking about Sunyata and Wu Ji, Taoist Texts confirmed in another thread that they are the same.
  17. Secrets of the Reverted Elixir

    Do you know if Master Jim Nance practiced only the public SFQ or did he receive inner door practices from Master Chunyi Lin?
  18. A Science of Wu Wei?

    Are you saying Pneuma is not the same as Qi, Prana?
  19. What is the Taoist religion?

    Do you have a Daoist Teacher? I'm not the OP but if possible I (we?) would like a lot of detail. Dao philosophy or Chinese Philosophy? Exactly, I just don't know about the Oriental (being the origin) part, do you have any insight regarding this? That's so way back it's not easy to know for sure. I've heard about a possible connection between Sumer and Chinese civilizations.
  20. Taoist Immortal vs Buddha

    Are there more stages in Chinese Zen? From Daoist viewpoint, where do you place the 2nd and 3rd stage? Not careless at all, if one studies Chinese Medicine it makes perfect sense. So, both no breathing/no heart-beat and breathing/heart-beat are natural, how cool is that? Do you know if the no breathing/no heart-beat are just temporary stages/states (when you first "reach" that stage) or can they be sustained for long periods of time?
  21. Central channel or Heart Field?

    Thank you very much for sharing this! Did you you feel a nurturing presence, on your very first contact with your Master's power?
  22. Natural (non toxic) Cosmetics

    The truth about alum and aluminium: https://trueorganicofsweden.com/blogs/blog/natural-potassium-alum-vs-synthetic-aluminum I don't use deodorant