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Everything posted by KuroShiro

  1. Thank you. When you say transmission from an authentic teacher are you talking about transmission of Qi from teacher to student?
  2. Interesting, thank you. What about sending the Qi from the LDT to the ground and below, is that sinking the Qi as well?
  3. Acupuncture can be used on a human dummy to heal a patient that's far away.
  4. Central channel or Heart Field?

    Do you know if the Central Channel is one of the Qi Jing Ba Mai? Could you please define Heart field? Does cultivation/working with the Central Channel has an effect on the Heart Field? If Heart field has to do with Love I would say it seems this is also addressed in Daoism. It seems to start with truly loving yourself, it grows from there. This photo came up searching Heart field, it's a beautiful book:
  5. Yinyang by Robin R. Wang

    https://www.amazon.com/Chi-Discovering-Your-Life-Energy/dp/1590306953/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1540071822&sr=8-1&keywords=Chi%3A+Discovering+Your+Life+Energy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYhlVXnxvCw
  6. Yin/Yang . . . Feminine and Masculine (?)

    Is Qi movement or is movement "within" Qi? Are you sure about this? This seems to make more sense to me: No Qi = No Movement
  7. Can We Know Truth?

    Opium? Come on, Humans have a very good imagination. Death and forgetting is a blessing? Please tell me another truth, I'm not liking this one. If you ask a child why there is death he/she might answer because there is birth.
  8. Are you sure about that? I've read about interesting and extraordinary things such as lungs that stop breathing and it seems that hearts can stop pumping too. This would make taming the mind to be without thoughts look like child's play.
  9. I saw a documentary that seemed to come to the conclusion that myopia is caused by too much close work and lack of sunlight. Don't remember if they talked about astigmatism. Do you know if the Bates Method works to heal myopia and astigmatism? If we're talking about Neidan, the Classics seem to say that the physical body is not the Real Body so I'd say eye problems don't matter much, though I could be wrong.
  10. Myopia and astigmatism included?
  11. Thanks for this thread. I was told there are 3 layers of Samadhi. I think meaning a progression? Would you agree with is and also could there be many types within these 3 layers?
  12. Knitting is a form of meditation. Quick google: https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/01/25/the-health-benefits-of-knitting/ In case you haven't yet try to introduce her to standing with open eyes meditation - Zhan Zhuang. Standing is easier than sitting. Check out The Way of Energy or The Way of Healing. Starting with 3-5 min daily, simple pose - hands on LDT, preferably looking out through a window. Master Lam Kam Chuen says it's ok to watch TV in the beginning. Her mind will become more silent, guaranteed.
  13. Location of Heaven and Earth When Horizontal

    Could you please tell me what do you mean to look for Heaven & Earth? Is this related to visualization? Off topic: Are you talking about a Central Channel connecting Baihui and Huiyin? I think I remember reading a thread here where the consensus was that this channel is not one of the Qi Jing Ba Mai? Yes, I've learned this in Kung Fu theory. There's also Heaven, Earth, Man in CCM.
  14. I would love to see that, did you ever make it public? (please, please say yes )
  15. Source of qi

    It's said Qi is the fundamental substance constituting the Universe. Sometimes translated as Vital Energy. Qi is in you and all around you. What is its source? I think that no one would be able to answer that, that's one of the Great Mysteries.
  16. Santi for the lungs : but other organs ?

    I've come across his books on amazon, do you know who was his teacher(s)?
  17. Considering Yin and Yang to be the Tao

    Harmony, Balance / Disharmony, Unbalance, is it the same as United/Not United? Yes, Yin in Yang and Yang in Yin and what about Yin in Yang in Yin in Yang... and Yang in Yin in Yang in Yin... also if we look at Tai Ji Tu and Wu Xing aren't the old teachings telling us Yin/Yang are united?
  18. Considering Yin and Yang to be the Tao

    Camera focus works with aperture - foreground and background shown at the same time. Focus/Aperture; Distance/Focal Length; Yin/Yang When are Yin/Yang not united?
  19. Shan Ren Dao

    It's a very powerful system. I have only read Twelve Characters, I have Discourse on Transforming Inner Nature to read as well. Check out Dr. Heiner Fruehauf youtube videos. Also Sabine Wilms (Twelve Characters translator) site: https://www.happygoatproductions.com/onlinestore/twelve-characters-a-transmission-of-wang-fengyis-teachings https://www.happygoatproductions.com/wang-fengyi-and-five-element-healing/
  20. Closing of chakras or falling back?

    It's the same with the MCO right? It's said "opening the MCO" but perhaps starting to feel the MCO would be more accurate? Incredible that you can see them, do they all have different colors as they are usually depicted?
  21. Interesting, would you say it's similar as when one is a baby/young child? The emotion appears, stays for a few seconds and then naturally disappears? Due to Qi Gong and Kung Fu practice I've recently experienced this general calm in an "emergency" situation, also no anger (some anger came later hehe). I would hope that after awakening there would be no more "emergency" situations.
  22. Electromagnetic properties of the Great Pyramid: First multipole resonances and energy concentration Abstract Resonant response of the Great Pyramid interacting with external electromagnetic waves of the radio frequency range (the wavelength range is 200–600 m) is theoretically investigated. With the help of numerical simulations and multipole decomposition, it is found that spectra of the extinction and scattering cross sections include resonant features associated with excitation of the Pyramid's electromagnetic dipole and quadrupole moments. Electromagnetic field distributions inside the Pyramid at the resonant conditions are demonstrated and discussed for two cases, when the Pyramid is located in a homogeneous space or on a substrate. It is revealed that the Pyramid's chambers can collect and concentrate electromagnetic energy for the both surrounding conditions. In the case of the Pyramid on the substrate, at the shorter wavelengths, the electromagnetic energy accumulates in the chambers providing local spectral maxima for electric and magnetic fields. It is shown that basically the Pyramid scatters the electromagnetic waves and focuses them into the substrate region. The spectral dependence of the focusing effect is discussed. https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5026556
  23. Shinto is the ancient traditional religion of Japan. If I remember right there are even older ancient beliefs from the indigenous people of Japan. Shinto is perhaps a synthesis of these older ancient beliefs? My knowledge is limited (there are some English books) what would you like to know?
  24. Five-element theory and Lao & Chuang

    Yin-Yang and Wu Xing theory is said to originate from the School of Naturalists but the history around this seems to be quite a mystery...