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Everything posted by KuroShiro

  1. Can We Know Truth?

    We can't handle the ... nevermind
  2. A practitioner's responsibility

    Thank you very much Steve. You're a student of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche right? His Awakening the Luminous Mind was one of the first books I got but I haven't read it yet I believe you're posts are of paramount importance. I'll start here: This is indeed a very deep teaching, capable of profound healing transformation and beyond. I've just started to read/study the teachings of Wang Fengyi. One of his "simple" instructions is "Do not Blame!" - not others, not yourself. I'm having trouble even realizing what exactly is blame so as to then not blame. Does "taking full responsibility for everything" in Yungdrung Bön also accounts for not blaming yourself? I see you wrote "It's important to not look at this as blaming oneself. It comes from a different culture with different values. This is related to the concept of karma, not the Abrahamic concept of sin and guilt." Is karma to blame here for what happens? If so the blame is still there but is shouldered by karma? How do you separate yourself from that concept? Can you please elaborate on this? Also can you please explain or give examples of how do you put it in practice in daily life?
  3. Mantak Chia - Looking For A Clear Picture

    This deserves its own thread please. Can you please copy and paste these last posts to start a new thread?
  4. In Classical Chinese Medicine we have Body/Mind/Spirit (Shen?) - 3 that are 1 - but from what I've read it gets more complicated. Is Soul the same as Shen? I don't think you're going to get a definite answer (by anyone alive) of what is Shen. You might want to start study (if you haven't yet) Chinese Medicine (knowledge and wisdom that is beyond words) and Neidan Classics and it's commentaries. In English the teachings of Master Jeffrey Yuen (and the work of his students) and of Elisabeth Rochat De La Vallée and Claude Larre might be a good place to start.
  5. In the context of Daoist alchemy do you have to use visualization or can you just practice it without it?
  6. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20180508_01/ Saw the scans on NHK but they are not online yet. edit: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20180507/k10011429891000.html?utm_int=all_side_ranking-social_002
  7. Cosmologies - Split

    Another one
  8. Is being a Daoist for the well off

    - Jingxiu (Quanzhen): "What is to you the most important if one wants to practice the Tao?" - Master Meng (Quanzhen - White Cloud Temple, Beijing): "The most important is to know if you are able to completely withdraw yourself from the world. This is the most important. Someone who is very attached to worldly things can't follow the Way of Tao. You have to know how to let go of the material."
  9. Is being a Daoist for the well off

    Very interesting question, I've read that the most high level healing "stuff" was for the Emperor but I've also read/know that the poor practiced it. It also seems that in ancient times, very much like today, you had to be "lucky" to come across such knowledge, one way or the other.
  10. Are Secrets Really Necessary . . . (?)

    Can you please translate the titles and tell us who wrote them? Are they available to be read online even if it's only in Chinese? Do you know how many books did Zhao Bi Chen write? Didn't know baidu thanks, it's Chinese search engine?
  11. Origin of the Chinese Zodiac

    What you're saying is amazing, I've had this feeling for a long time (regarding "animals and they can be seen in the faces (like face shape, eyes, nose)") but then why only 12 animals? I see a rooster in President Trump and it seems I'm not the only one, just found this: https://edition.cnn.com/2016/12/28/asia/donald-trump-rooster/index.html
  12. Are Secrets Really Necessary . . . (?)

    You're saying Shen is a more "refined" type/form of Qi but is Qi nonetheless? What about Yuan-Qi where do you place it in relation to Yuan-Jing? It's also said that with enough Qi in your body you will never die right?
  13. The HOW and WHY of it all

    Yes the possibilities are endless. Can you please elaborate?
  14. The HOW and WHY of it all

    Perhaps it's possible it's not some component of time flowing backwards but the premonition "action" going forward to meet future time. So we would see something that would indeed happen in the future but had not yet happened in present time. Time would flow like a stream but for a moment you went further along that stream and then returned back. One arises from Nothing that is nothing or Nothing that is not nothing? If One arises from Nothing that is nothing and Nothing change to become Something does this mean Something/something was involved in changing nothing? The ONLY way "nothing" can change is to become "Something". Beautiful, thank you.
  15. The HOW and WHY of it all

    I'm familiar with premonitions but I think you can't rule out the possibility of time being linear. I understand why you say it but you have a premonition of what is yet to happen - it hasn't happened yet even if you foresaw it. That's serious Jedi stuff right there, some sort of Genjutsu. So did George Lucas had any connection with that Buddhist sect?
  16. The HOW and WHY of it all

    I fail to see how this proves anything about time it seems to be more about timekeeping.
  17. Letting go, and all will be well?

    Yes, I taught my cousin how to ride a bike in under 5 min. The difficulty is not in riding the bike, it's on starting and stopping and once you address that it's done.
  18. The HOW and WHY of it all

    Thanks. Can you please link to those tests? I know next to nothing about theory of relativity but again it's only a theory. I would say time is well beyond such theories and phenomena such as speed of light.
  19. The HOW and WHY of it all

    "Big Bang" is only a theory. Why do you say you cannot have time without space? And no time before "Big Bang"?
  20. The HOW and WHY of it all

    Well said but I wouldn't be so harsh on answers as sometimes lead to new questions.
  21. Looking for mantra to ease anxiety/worry

    No mantra but in case you might be interested: https://www.amazon.com/Qigong-Workbook-Anxiety-Practices-Rebalance/dp/1608829499/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1523545769&sr=8-4&keywords=lam+kam+chuen#customerReviews
  22. Acupressure for Beginners?

    Thank you. Thank you. Another good point is Hegu (not to be pressed by pregnant women if I remember right) and also Laogong. I've read bad reviews of that translation, here are 2: https://www.amazon.com/Huang-Nei-Jing-Ling-Shu/dp/0520292251/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1523544822&sr=8-1&keywords=ling+shu https://www.amazon.com/Huangdi-Neijing-Lingshu-Books-Commentary/dp/0980041708/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1523544808&sr=8-1&keywords=lingshu
  23. Are you saying Master Chunyi Lin heals without using is own Qi (Yuan Qi)? I think Awaken talked here about Qi Gong healers using their own Qi and how that could possibly be dangerous. I got the idea that in the highest level one would use Celestial Qi. Is this what you are talking about? Also is this why Master Yan Xin could heal so many people at the same time without being depleted?
  24. What are you watching on Youtube?

    The most beautiful thing I've seen in a long time. French tv show host goes with French actor to stay for 2 weeks in a Miao village on the Moon Mountain, Guizhou, China. Show starts at 7:35 They meet the hosts at 23:20