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Everything posted by sagebrush

  1. Practicing with the Spine

    I have a couple of very kind people trying to point out that I am not spineless. I enjoy spinal twisting in restorative class. not too much effort because I can see massive effects after deep twisting. Sit with neurosurgeons for a bit. even though I took kinesiology and I am aware of spinal column and nerves... it takes some steps at times-to go learn more. thank you
  2. Gratitude Jar. Share what makes you shine.

    gratitude for the note on the jar. it reminds me to continue to do the same sort of idea in my life. I seriously get angry at people related to my job and it takes a hold of me for sometime..... I feel shine the most in my parent life...most proud of my son and the accomplishments of the entire marching band-- the pristine uniform. precise steps, the sound of the music so beautiful.... my nephew asked to pray with me tonight. he shared with me his thoughts on jesus and he is so kind.... I went through sadness and then blank.....but over all sharing with him was what we both feel comfortable doing... we are not close but we talk together on serious level.... I find hearts almost everyday in nature.they are just there in on a plant leaf the tracks of a bug maybe or a snail...ate the shape of heart out. I too am greatful for lots of people and teachers along the way. from a man named bob I worked with years ago who smelled like alcohol so bad he had to eat an onion before work. he taught me how to caulk wood trim to perfection....thought of him today at work. even though I do not see eye to eye with other teachers in life-I have my version of love for them. clouds because they change they are beautiful from my eyes. I can be troubled and its ok when I look to them
  3. Feng-English: Discuss The TTC

    ....and the kidneys and the functions of other organs.....not sure I see what you are pointing out. all systems of the body are my school of thought. kidneys purify in my simple understanding--sure they do more than that one function...but in general.... if you want to get specific I can circumcise a gnat in my thinking! and I am just being funny....I will leave no stone unturned! and I might turn the same one 10000k times. please do not think I think you gnatly. the quote I had from Aristotle from a tea bag was something about nature and... hell I will go get it and ..... "in all things of nature, there is something of the marvelous..... so this greek man apparently enjoyed nature.....and the tea bag company is quoting Aristotle on their tea bag string holder....Traditional Medicinals noticed as well that you put past tense on aristotle and present tense on lao Tzu....not being picky just wondering.... so you think Aristotle is dead and not eternal and LT is eternal. these are fairly complex topics.
  4. Feng-English: Discuss The TTC

    so you think Aristotle had no eternal understanding because he was stymied by his linear logical mind? seriously? how would we really know what his absolute understandings were? or his life experiences? so please give me a rough list of five-ten philosophers from anywhere on the globe from any school of thought who exemplify eternal understanding...not including Lao Tzu.....or ramana maharshi...etc......jesus.... I will have to defer to rene here if it is ok to speil out inside the post as such??? I have enough trouble as it is and working at unnecessary suffering.
  5. Do you believe in telepathy?

    I do not know what telepathy really is/means. there for I must not believe it. doesn't mean that I have not experienced it-maybe I do not recognize it as said name? and....oddly enough why would this not be mentioned in ddj? I have read though it close to 2x now and do not see any mention of things..... or the bible? is this considered a siddhi? or the illusion of separate selves that are really not so separate....... nonetheless...these extracurricular activities, abilities, seem perplexing. even my dreams last night were so odd....just a familiar street and watching a helicopter loose control and decimate.... maybe not the correct word to use...but it went out of control,,,and the recognition of it out of control.. I have not read the 4 pages previously...but felt like I wanted to offer my thoughts to the chopping block.
  6. Feng-English: Discuss The TTC

    I began thinking about this today... I read a quote from Aristotle. I think most of mankind would recognize him as one of the great thinkers in history. I know little of who he is or what he is known for....I just took it in that he is one of the great philosophers...etc.... then I began to wonder about group dynamics.....anywhere. this would be unlimited in inquiry I am sure. then I begin to think that it is beneficial to take in other peoples view points...called sharing... then I went back to but what if it is important that I spent time alone figuring out what I think about the tao te ching. without trying to compound my problems further..... part of me wants to be here and another part is like a cat and I do not need a dog would. very simple but I needed to put it in simple terms. maybe I needed to stay because it is part of what is needed. or maybe all of it is just the perpetual unsettledness. I am happy that I bought a pocket sized copy last night. It is probably 4"x3' and the smallest one available. .
  7. Feng-English: Discuss The TTC

    hey can you toss me the tao? like the towel with a stuffy nose...trite yes-- going to the bookstore NOW what is the deal with zz-not funny and what about laozi disappear from china going to india to become Buddha?
  8. Feng-English: Discuss The TTC

    thank you for the who wants to study ddj. I did but had hesitation to just spontaneously allow a response. that is not even correct. I stopped myself from just saying yes I do.-observation in self not good with following along-erratic schedule, but will try I just read the 82 small chapters. it seems like a damned if you do and damned if you don't one sentence negates another sentence. etc.. etc.. what I did like is that it was fascinating. it was from a study Indiana university-google searched. I like the simplicity of it in small sentences related to nature, trees, valley, etc etc I read fast and tried to do my best translation. ok thanks I think buying a copy at book store would be good. As it can be digested in fragments in the evening before sleep.
  9. A word a day duck soup--- I think from a few days ago....I have to go back to trash and get it noun: something easy to do. etymology: is duck soup easy to make? how the term duck soup came to be known for an easily accomplished task is unclear. earliest documentation is 1912 (on my side note---100 years later after WAR of 1812....) usage: with fear of math giving way to love for #'s, complex fractions, and compound interests are duck soup for the little math wizards. P. Katiyer; how techniques like Vedic math, abacus, and soroban are mathematics for fun kids. the economic times (new delhi india, 2014) a thought for the day: no father or mother think their own children ugly: and this self deceit is yet stronger with respect to offspring of the mind- Cervantes. 1547-1616.
  10. ok--- they put a man on the moon, but......... its not exactly what the doctor ordered. candy coated..... ocean of oneness-- last time I checked we are not the ocean. call me a pessimist I do agree our bodies are comprised of highest percentage of water and yes influenced by the moon. the moon is yin as far as I know the moon is there every evening-even when it is cloudy or rainy I think stories that might be a little more fun than the demon lover might be something more light hearted like-- the image of the cave with the rock to the side--- out pops a hooded monkey and it screams "roll back that rock and live"! other wise we are back to the ponderings of plato and the shadows on the cave walls.... once outside the cave----the quest can be then for the persuet...(bird enthousism) and keeping tabs on seeing the egg with the blue dots and the chicken legs run by... which was a nice smile. smiles do fade though.... the talking heads are a great band to listen to-- yes....same as it ever was............. same as it ever was...... this is not my beautiful wife... this is not my beautiful car... this is not my beautiful house...... cute cute little play thing little pee pee and little toes..... I love random bullshit. no crabby faces please. who is counting the circles? speak to the sufi dancers- are they bitching about it? what does one do in a time like this? you hope like hell boring is underrated. the word for the day this morning was great. why can I not remember it? I have to go to email--default. "duck soup" great quote from Cervantes too.
  11. hey---- because I see a hexagram in honeycomb would not make me a black magic practitioner. last time I checked my life is beyond bizarre by my counts. but I guess I can go back to the beginning and blame my own anger for things. I was disappointed today to find ts website not available...out of my favorites not sure why- similar to meeting quan yin--- and the mco bullshit gonna add that in to for ubermensch. yawn-do not mean to be rude. I am not much of a community person. I do not think my involvement here in this forum beneficial to others. I just get mad. I just know argumentation too well. beside that--there are NO answers to my questions-I learn to live with it or I die. hey wouldn't today be a great day for me to die? and I am dreadfully sorry about ALL of it.
  12. serious readers only

  13. what is the point of football?

    cannibalism in the Friday island story---does not look restful at this particular junction. I might be squeamish tonight. I will re read the cliff notes or synopsis or whatever it is called..summary...
  14. what is the point of football?

    football is ridiculous. I would prefer to read a book. I go to football to watch half time and marching, its time for rest now. I will have to review robinson Caruso that was a lot of healing typing
  15. what is the point of football?

    various types of trouble....that is a knee slapper. inquiring mind wants to know. PBS tv sit and be fit?
  16. serious readers only

  17. that is so weird-- my left leg just got energized. that must be some pretty good stuff I need coffee. I was singing to some girl in the hallway
  18. How do you explain Daoism?

    thank is photencial! I recognize
  19. How do you explain Daoism?

    its an albatross, stosh. enjoyed reading thankyou for the input. I disagree that I need to go share with my family.... the probable outcome would be not peaceful from my view point. besides that--I am not daoist by definition.... but whatever a certain degree..... the mind is a super distorter-thank you for that pointer. as is the emotions...
  20. what is the point of existence?

    I have not finished reading but I appreciate the info. I got as far as I am a phat physical photon....and then I have to run chores of life......its Friday night football and the band.... the fire is going to have to do something without me. I am so disrespectful it makes me sick.... what is wrong with me? hydrate or die? I will read in the morning. thank you I am sure that I will have something to philosophize....maybe ph. I do not know alacrity. have to look that up now
  21. Qigong: Only Mindful Movements?

    ok let me engage my smart ass. kindly the old building contains four residents. all are in the medical profession and I live much more clean than all four. I mean basic common scrub your sink clean... get a vacuum and get the dust from the edges.....and please do not splash grease on the painted walls. so the medical world in my observations training are dirty in their home environment.....grick damn damn damn eat my words until hell freezes over.. even the dalai lama did not know what it meant to be one with everything humor.................. do not slap me---I am not in the mood! simple question here? did I ruin your life? that is not my wish
  22. what is the point of existence?

    the point of existence: out of the discards from a pile I found a wooden Buddha. for me I do not know much about the Buddha... plenty to learn in ANY category....been busy with stress and relationships...finally a place now where it is much simpler to not be in relationship...what I mean by relationship is the old standby of girlfriend/boyfriend or fill in the blank with-------------------------- ok back to the Buddha-- the Buddha was not the savior taught under my roof growing up. it was jesus- but in this pile of giveaway was a pretty unique object of great wood...maybe teak... I was with someone at the time and theyhad Buddha all over the house but more like an artistic statement ---- I might know a bit more. what I learned recent on a search was that it is a weeping Buddha--- and for good measure I rubbed olive oil on was very dry. it is amazingly come to life on the pie safe in living room. and all my sunsets have now turned into a poem aka......darya really what nonsense do I mean by that? purple lemonade...coloration.... my choice can now be copy above said choice because mine do not seem to work so well. adapt suffer acceptance.
  23. Is the Equinox celebrated in Taoism?

    why not just be in it when its here? global warming or no global warming ice age.........glaciation speculation. eventually the sun comes out. should I stay home from work to figure it out? :P "hey-I can't send the estimate I promised today to do your exterior windows that needed done prior to the last glacial period."... no I knew not much about solstice or equinox...too busy complaining about my life or solving insurmountable issues in my mind. I do like the global perspective on climate change and weather and glaciation. had no idea of the five ice ages and names. might be a good time to invest in fleece.
  24. serious readers only

    the interpretive dance-------of life ..
  25. serious readers only
