Jim D.

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Everything posted by Jim D.

  1. The origin of mankind

    There is an origin of mankind, and it isn't me.
  2. simplify

    Areatha Franklin
  3. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    I am like the tenicles of a squash plant. As they reach out to grab on to something for support, they become one with that which they grab on to. As I sit on the stairs of my deck, and trim my figernails, I am not aware of being seperate from the vegetable garden we planted this summer, or the strawberries, flowers, or the wasps, the Gazebo, mulch, the Hybiscus... What disconnected me from all around me where my transgressions. When I did my first Fourth Step, I remember feeling lighter and in love with life, and closer to all men.
  4. when universe is teacher

    The space that I preceive is the lag time between comments. I do not know what MPOV stands for? I do not understand my walking out of the room yesterday?
  5. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    Hope this works for you this time.
  6. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    No five! People have good intentions only! And I would think that you waited for something to happen, maybe a little excited about the up coming chat. I would have felt disappointed and angry that I had wasted my time when I could be doing something else. I empathize. It use to bother me when I would have a client no show. Now I see it as an opportunity to end my evening early. Having three sources of income helps my attitude. :-)
  7. when universe is teacher

    Yes, I agree with you Karl. It is something I read. I couldn't have figured it out myself. Most of what you hear from me is something that I was told, or read, or learned. In and of myself, I am the composite of being reborn through my Recovery Program. In other words, I had to have help growning up starting at the tender age of 38 going on 13. Most of what I know today is useless information, even my Education and experience. Lucky for me, people still believe in useless information and will pay for it. I haven't heard from you in a while. Just a few posts. Are you posting somewhere else?
  8. What are you watching on Youtube?

    I watched "American Sniper" on Youtube last night. The night before..."The Outlaw Josie Wales" (he was a bad, bad guy in reality...trained his horse to use the sharp edges of his front hooves to spear a man when he was down)...night before that "John Gotti"...then documentaries on all the Dons of the New York Crime Family...and then "The Chicago Outfit"...Joseph Giancana...then documentaries on the Under Bosses... We don't see Westerns on TV any longer, The Sopranos. But Combat is still on Cable every night.
  9. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    If it is viral, I just have to tough it out. I did take Musinex, and it is helping get the phlegm up. I am gargling with salt water. "Pretty quick", as my father would say, I am going to take a long nap this afternoon.
  10. I usually look at the egg in a strong light to see if there is an embryo inside. If there is I see "Space Odyssey 2001." If not, that yolk is going in my beer followed by pepper on the foam!!!!
  11. A cup is shaped from emptiness. I will have permanent existence when I am cremated and fed to the tree I requested to be placed under. I will cease to be because how it is that identifies me will cease to be. Those that view me in the coffin will remember their perception of me. My good friends will have been gone as well. But my wife who is 22 yrs. my junior will remember my heart and mind. When I am sick as I am now, I am reminded of how much depends on being well. This is enlightenment for me. The fear of death visits me more often now. The utter reaization that I will cease to be after being here for what seems to be forever is unfathomable. This is enlightenment for me. Looking back at the 1800's and realizing that each person then is no longer now is surrealistic. I talk myself out of it by replacing the thought with ,"but you have 20 years left." This could be denial and enlightenment for me.
  12. What are you listening to?

    I hear the ticking of our dryer in the basement. Once in a while, I hear my wife's ash tray make a sound from my wif'e's hand hitting it as she flicks her cigarette ashes into it.
  13. New training/teacher questions

    He ani't heavy, he's my brother!!!!
  14. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    How did the chat room go with the newbie? Today, I need my Chi to help me get past my chest, throat, and sinus infection. The virus and bacteria had big smiles as they saw the port of entry when my upper left two molars were extracted nine days ago.
  15. when universe is teacher

    The Universe when Broken down is a matter of mathematics, so is thought.
  16. Is it the duty of a Taoist to protect Nature?

    The Earth will take care of itself as it has since it was born. But when God added man to the equation there should have been instruction about how to get rid of plastic, toxic wastes, pizza boxes, tampon inserts, condums, perfume bottles, pepsi max cans, car batteries, etc. But wait, if God had warned Adam and Eve about all this, the Devil would have said to them that God just does not want to clean it up after Himself after he kicks you out of the Garden of Eden when you decide to listen to good old Lucifer here.
  17. I do not believe that enlightenment is inevitable because it is a choice. It can be fearful for a person because when they allow enlightenment to happen they now become responsible and accountable for their behaviors there in. But a person living in Denial cannot become enlightened about what they are denying until they are ready. Sometimes techniques such as Motivational Interview can be useful in enlightening a person about a particular problem e.g. alcohol abuse, gambling abuse, sex addiction, co-dependency, etc.
  18. Translators of the TTC

    Eckhart Tolle has an excellent translation of the TTC on youtube. He has a comforting way about him.
  19. What are you listening to?

    I am aware of my dog's nails clicking across the floor as she checks on me and what I am doing.
  20. Is it the duty of a Taoist to protect Nature?

    Well. as I shared earlier, this afternoon when I took my dog for a walk, the plastic empty water bottle was still there. I wonder how many humans passed by it, only to leave it for someone else to pick it up. This sounds like the Good Smaritan story. I picked it up, and carried it a half a block along with my dog's pooh bag and dispensed with each appropriately. I hope the Earth feels good about it. I did because I did what I said I would do.
  21. My spiritual mentor would tell me right now you really are O.K. I would experience freedom from anxiety, at least for a moment.
  22. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    Yes MH, I did the same thing with cyst on my middle finger. Hasn't been back yet, and that was in the 80's. And in my Iaido class, a student was coming up for their promotional test. He was having trouble with his wrist...some discomfort. I banged my hands together and caused some warmth to come into my hands. Then I grabbed his writst, closed my eyes, and sent a lot of instensity to that location. He said it worked.. He was able to pass the promotional test. His form and technique were impressive. I don't know whether it was the power of suggestion, or I had anything to do with it. Doesn't matter, he felt better. I was happy to help him. There were 9 other students training when I helped this student. They did not even notice...I was glad no one asked me what I was doing. I am not a healer.
  23. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    That's right MH, you raised your hand! So, what's it gonna be?
  24. What are you listening to?

    MH, I think the group Smith sang "Baby it's You."
  25. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    How has your sensing of Chi helped others, but in particular helped you? For instance, I just instructionally sparred with a guy today, twice as big as me. He is a wrestler. I used my Win Chun and Tai Chi experience and Muay Tai to get a couple of shots. As he moved, I moved and blended with him (Tai Chi). As he went for my legs, I grabbed him from behind his head and mocked crushed his face with my knee (Muay Tai). As he grabbed to bear hug my torso, I mocked double palmed both his ears (Tai Chi). As he stood and then made a move, I used Tan Sao along with forward motion and found an opening to mock strike his face (Win Chun). It just flowed with no Form. Now, that is training and finese. But it seems that those that are talking about Chi here are talking about it etherally. In this regard, it can be talked about ad finitum because it is subjective. Moreover, those authors or teachers that are cited are selling something, so it is undetermined whether it is real.