Jim D.

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Everything posted by Jim D.

  1. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    Wow! And it all started with he works in a prison. Before I worked inside the prison system, IDOC ran a security check on me. I don't know what they look for outside of a criminal record, but I would imagine that the government can get anything they want on you. I remember when I was skip tracing someone I was looking for I went to someone in the Sherif's Department for help. I was given the information I was seeking. So, ralis, you did the right thing. I like the Joker picture. Do you remember how the Joker made the pencil disappear in the last Movie? What was the guys name? He was in Broke Back Mountain. He is dead now. I think he was also in Monster Ball. Good film.
  2. I would like a PPD. How will I recognize it? And how will I use it? And will the community see my threads? Thank you, Jim D.
  3. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    I feel Chi in my hands and fingers as a sensation of warmth or tingling when I do Tai Chi. I think static electricity delivered from me to someone I come in contact with is my nervouse system conducting the electrical field that is there beneath my feet the obect I touch or the someone I touch. Chi is the exchange of chemicals you will find in and out of the Neuron. These chemicals are necessary for the trasfer of messages from the Central Nervouse System to the receptor sites located in the muscle being used.. LIke right now, I am typing on my keyboard. If there was an interruption of the signal, my fingers would not be working. This biomedical phenomenon is called the Action Potential of a Neuron? Question, can a parapeligic feel Chi? If not, how is it that they can't? Can they use their Chi to ward of someone, and if not, why not? Does Chi live on after the body is postmortem? Why doesn't the Army use Chi Development in Basic Training or Advanced Military Training e.g. Special Forces, Navy Seals etc.
  4. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    Well Blue Eyed Snake, bums are worthwhile too.
  5. The Amazing Powers of Chi

    Do you guys remember the Buddhist Monk that actually set himself on fire back in the day when people had some real protests going on. He burnt all the way to the ground, and didn't get up. What I don't get is how did he not show pain. He just sat there while people watched. Oh yeah, he had a buddy pour some gaseline on him, so he was going to get up and run away from it. He meant to kill himself. But he just sat there and took it.
  6. Chuang-Tzu

    It sounds like the guy who thinks he is a tea cup is pretty full of himself. Mencius gives examples of arrogant rulers and how it is that the people under them don't particularly like or trust them.
  7. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    Back in the 70's if you had just "dobbie" or less, you're going down for 10 years...no day for day. The fine was petty steep too. Look, people don't notice you because they have other things on their mind, like their dogs, or resentments, or what they just read, or the economy, or whatever. It's not because your invisible. No! It is because your are not all that important. Or people are just too way into themselves to notice you. And if you had a low profile, you blended in with the environment. When I was in Tampa, Florida on a business vacation in the 70's, my bosses thought it would be funny to take me to a comedy club, where this comedian had a reputation of "setting you out" and then ripping on you. They told me that he had done this to the wrong person, and the guy got on the stage and smacked comedian in the face. Well, when it came my turn "to get the treatment," my bosses made sure I sat in the front row pretty close to this comedian. The comedian noticed me, and kept looking back at me during his routine. But he never said a word to me...because I stared at him. So, do you think it was my chi he picked up on, or my visibility, or his ability to read my demeanor that read, don't try and get cute with me? Look, I was like you at one time in my life. I relate to trying to be different and special...unique...in a club of my own, in my head. But ask yourself, is that what Taoism, Buddhism, or any kind of "ism" is all about? Folks, get over yourselves and maybe you might experience Tao. JD
  8. The Amazing Powers of Chi

    The drill in the head and a dime will get this guy a cup of coffee? Obviously, I haven't bought a cup of coffe in a long time. When I do, I usually have lots of creamer and suger with some coffee in it. No, answer on the duck walk technique, black board technique, or small jujitsu "Cat lick" grade school technique? Look, just give me $700.00 and we'll see what we can do. Part of the money will be spent on a "time machine" that will be built by me. We will have to go back to 1957, St. Theodore Grade School, 4th grade. Don't worry we'll only be watching the technique in past time, not real time. Oh, bring your Smart Phone so you can record it for future referrence as a rescource to help your practice. Annnnd!, we can put it up on the The Dao Bum site as a Youtube presentatilon. Won't that be fun? JD
  9. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    O.K. If you want to see something disappear, I will give you a P.O. Box # to send your hard earned money to...and you could probably right it off. Let's call it the Jim D. Charity Fund for future guys and gals who are really wondering if the Invisible man's gig works. This way when this guy fleeces you, I can be your payee with stipulation to pay myself a fee when you ask for your money back out of the Charital Fund account I wll have for me in some off shore account. Oh, by the way my fee will be $700.00 for holding your money for you as the trustee of your Charital Fund account that was in my name to begin with. When you ask me where the money went to I wll tell you that it disappeared. I remember asking a kid on my block if he wanted to see me make a dollar disappear. Of course, he said yes. So, I asked if he had a dollar on him. He said, yes. Can I see it I asked. He said, sure. I took the dollar from him, and asked him to watch very closely. As he watched the dollar very closely, I put it in my pocket, and said, as I walked away,...See ya! Why are you guys stil talking about this con man? Jim D.
  10. Chuang-Tzu

    We are on the same page Jim. I don't know the story of the tea cup being full.
  11. Bi-Polar Disorder is a Biomedical Condition that can only be treated and controled with medication. There may be co-morbid conditions also found on Axis I e.g. Anxiety, that may respond to Chi Gong and meditation. But I would recommend this intervention as a tiertiary acciilary treatment objective. If you have knowledge of 2016 Pharmacology Monograph(s) or Cognitive/Behavioral Monograph(s) citing that Chi Gong and/or meditaion heals Bi-Polar Disorder, I would like the link. JD
  12. Taijijuan Advice

    Put Cassical Tai Chi 108 Forms Master Hwa in your browser and tell me what you think. He is a Third Generation Master of Classical Wu Tai Chi. I am his long distance student. Been with him since 2003. He is here in the United States. JD
  13. Chuang-Tzu

    Looking at through the eyes of an average person, if I do not face and address the negativity within me, than I will never have the spirituality needed to see those things which transcend the Self.
  14. The Amazing Powers of Chi

    The first guy looks like me eating a Buriitto. I don't see anything wrong with his table manners. He's just enjoying himself!
  15. The Amazing Powers of Chi

    So, that's what they meant by "I'm going to drill it into your head!!!" Has anyone been made to do the duck squat in grade school when you messed up. Or, was told to get up to the board and hold your book by your left arm, and your paper and pencil with your right wrist and hold a pencil and write until the Nun ("Stir") told you, go back to your desk. Or, how about getting your getting your fingers bent back because you did get it. Or, how about getting punched in the face, because you talked back to a Nun. I should have gone to Kung Fu school first... and then on to Catholic Grade School...but wait. That wouldn't of work because I would of been the biggest kid in the class room, school, and graduating class. And then the biggest kid in High School. And then too old to get drafted. But just O.K. to go to College and then grad school. JD
  16. I had a mentor in the 80's that if I got into an accident, it was my fault I was there! JD
  17. Reply

    This is in part for my friend Karl. Karl, "you" statements upset people. Better to use "how is it that you feel thus and so"...more open ended...not attacking. Again, I ask, how is Philosophy working for you. Show me an example. Let's talk about it. I too could not leave disruptive relationships. It took a long time to figure out that I was trying to bring closure to my relationship with my mother, and somewhat with my father who did not the best they could with what they had. They did not have the resources to teach me the necessary life skills. I relied on what I saw from other dysfunctional role models. I would ask these questions. Who am I? How did I get to the place I am right now? What can I change about what I don't like? What can't I change about what I don't like? And am I willing to get into action and change what I can? And am I willing to monitor myself on a day to day basis in order to keep what I changed about me? Karl, you are right about Aristotle and the beginning of para-science. If I remember correctly, isn't he the one that talked about "Prime Mover." Psychology/Counseling can be spiritual if it is the goal of the patient to be more spiritual. Counseling is client driven and individualized. Most people in my experience just want to feel better. I use the definition of Philosophy when referring to it: "the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reallity, and existence, especialy when considered as an academic discipline." The last part to this definition is what I see in the comments from other Philosphers on this cite. If we on this "Corner" are moe interested in the academic side of Philosophy, then I am wrong to assume otherwise. I woke up this morning thinking that the Philosophers on this Corner are just having fun discussing what is fun for them. My intents are different. I am pursuing how this all works. So far, the Philosophers on this Corner have not convinced me that there is something in it to apply in living just for today. My impression on those that have commented on my topics are that you all are very good men who are trying to reach out and make a mark on life for yourself. You want to be noticed as a person that counts. JD
  18. Reply

    O.K. Now we are getting a somewhere...and where that can go is unknown for right now. I will tell you a little about myself. When I was in undergrade, Philosophy was a very strong minor for me. I enjoyed it very much because I understood it. I did so well, that I was invited to be in the National Honors Society of Philosophy because my grades were that good. The professor that I followed through out my four years personally offered me an Assistantship at DePaul University in their Philosophy Department. I said no to this invitation because I wanted to be a psychologist. Daaaaah! There have been times when I think that I should have taken him up on it. But I would have had only two career choices: Teaching or Lawyer. Well as it were, I have had the best of both worlds in that I was an adjunct lecturer for a University and Junior College over a 10 year period, all done part time while I worked for myself and other agencies. I taught everything from Humanities, Social Sciences, Ecology, Criminology to Career Planning and Management. Regarding practicing Law I have done it pro se, and have applied it regarding Business Law when I worked in the buiness sector in Business Management and Supervision. My favorite subject was Philosoph of Law. Well anyway, I have gotten this far in life to know that I want to apply what I have learned practically and Philosophically. It might be a "hodgpoge" of this and that, but I think that it is good to be flexible and intuitive. And, I want to know how others apply their Philosophies as well...because I can use something from their tool box for life, and maybe they can use something from my tool box for life. Philosophy is all well and good. But to ask Philosophical questions only leads to another question, and another, and another, and so on. But when we talk about application, that is where the meaning begins...at least for me. One of the things I don't like about this site is that I have seen people copy and paste others work. It would be better if the person gave me their understanding and point of view, rather than take the easy way out and copy down something I can read elsewhere. And I am pointing to those that copy and paste other Philosophers work. JD
  19. Reply

    Karl, I am sincerely trying to get to know you and the how of your existence. Even Ayn Rand gave living examples when she was asked to. If you want to know how it is that I apply my "philosophy," read my post today in Newcomer, on Laziness. And read my post today in New Comer on the topic of Invsible in Martial Arts. Or the post prior to that post on how I address issues without sounding that like I am defending my Ph.D. My Philosophy is just keep it simple, and everything will take care of itself. Be my own person. Follow no one. Take what I want and leave the rest. Do my own thinking. Do the research. Look for definitions to words people use. See life from their point of view. Work on me. Help others. Know that like others, I am becoming and am not done yet. I don't have to defend my existence. And so forth. But getting to know a person, that is a worthwhile journey, regardless of their Philosophical view points. How am I suppose to decide whether I like you or not if you will not show yourself to me? By the way, I saw a lot of Ayn Rand in the thread you recommended I read. Where were you in all that? :-) JD
  20. laziness vs tiredness and weakness

    Here is what worked for me. I had to get rid of the guilt and remorse of the past, take care of what I did today that did not help me get ahead spiritually, and then practice stillness. Another way to look at it, sweep the debris of my life away by venting to a trusted person. Not to someone who will side with me or enable me. This means taking a fearless and moral inventory of my life, and then admit to myself and another human being the exact nature of my worngs. Then there won't be a bunch of marbles clanging around in my head when I want to be still. If there is an absents of negative thinking than I am happy. The static in the attic is gone, then I can be still enough to meditate formally or informally. For example, I wanted to be on this site this morning because it is intellectually stimulating. My wife and I have a routine of praying in front of Buddha first, and sitting down on the couch to read poetry to each other. I have been reading Ayn Rand which influenced my behavior this morning. My wife, has her routine before she goes to work, and I fit in to this routine. But today I didn't because "sometimes I don't want to wait for her to get ready to sit down with me." I have control issues. I just don't want someone else to be in control of my time. So, when she asks me if I am ready to get into our routine. I say, give me a second, and "I mean a second." She sits down in front of an on-going scrabble board game...I say I am ready to get up and pray with her. We pray, then go to the couch and sit down. She asks if I still want to read poetry this morning. I tell her I would rather be on the Internet, but since we are here we can go ahead with the readings. I ask her if she wants to read poetry to me. She says yes. I go on to say that I would rather be on this site because it is more intellectually stimulating than reading poetry. She says that she wouldn't miss it if we stopped reading poetry to each other, and that she will look for something else we can read together. I ask, what would you do with your time if we didn't sit here and read to each other....go to work? She said yes. So, she does. But now I am reviewing our interaction...and I can see how it is that she may have been offended. I don't know, but I will revisit this with her and make my amends. I won't point fingers and defend myself. I will just look at it from her side. After all, I was different this morning from other mornings. I asked her if she feels in competition with my my seeking intellectual stimulation elsewhere. She responds, No. I ask her if she saw reading poetry together as romantic. "Not anymore this morning." I ask what she is feeling. She says, I don't know. But her face shows me something is going on inside. She has taken a step back from the usual affection she displays. Something is different. She is trying to adjust to my change in demeanor and behavior. O.K. Do you think that I can just sit down, or get into a zeiza position and talk my way into stillness? No. Now multiply that over the 70 years that I have lived on this planet, and you can see if I didn't take a complete inventory of my life and take an inventory of the day, someitmes this hour, that this would be just another marble to put into the jar. You can only put so much in the jar and then it breaks. But today when I admit my failure to be sensitive to how it is she is "feeling me," by sharing with you, and then I in turn make an amends to her, its over with. I am doing the amends for me, how she receives it is on her. Now I can go on with my life today, and only today and not carry the burden of the past with me...no remorse and guilt to bury and defend and rationalize away with internal dialogue e.g. 'well she could have or should have.' Oh, and making a good amends is a matter of being specific as to the offense, not just saying I am sorry, and that's that...gets the Ego down to right size. Looking back I broke the routine, was arrogant about it, had a resentment about waiting for her and being inconvenienced, and had unrealistic expecations about her understanding or accepting this change in me and our routine. I can live in the now and be still if I want to. Does this help? JD
  21. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    Yeh, well there you have it. Truth is in behavior. We are not here to market and sell anything. JD
  22. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    I thought this guy's motves were dishonest? I have worked in the past extensively with prison inmates, gang bangers, drug dealers, prostitutes, con artists, thieves, murders, child molesters, and such...and have developed a sensing for the criminal element. That is how it is that I got on this guy and came at him "hard" because I read his game. I wanted to say in my first post addressing his claim: BUSTED! But I wanted to be polite.
  23. Absoluteness

    Here I am looking at you which your mage is received by my retna and neurologically messaged to my CNS where it is encoded and in turn, may cause a retrieval off stored impressions, let's say from past experiences, depending on how close my experience of you colates with my past experiences, causing me to believe that I can trust my preception of you, when in fact everything about me or the "i" tries to objectify you. There can never be absolute kowledge, only conjecture on what is insubstantial and changing. JD
  24. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    When I was in my 20's I lived a life where "my jar" filled up with negativity, while my Sentinel who was suppose to be guarding the door to my unconscious fell asleep on the job. Of course, alcohol and Pot did not help as filters either. It took me about 10 years to clean house, and then day to day watchfull mindfullness to keep the store room clean of debris. What I am saying is it takes a lot of energy to keep what we have done and failed to do under control. But it eventually becomes an exercise in trying to keep four balloons under water. It just cannot be done. So, the sensitivity to my body system, and my feelings, and my thoughts, and awareness of chi are unencumbered by the toxic energy I onced had. I am free. Now the meridians can be blocked by physical problems. I hear that accupuncture works to get the flow going. I use to use Accupressure points in helping clients to eliminate pain and stress. But my wife put the "cabosh" on that before we got married. No touch therapy she said. And I said, O.K. JD JD
  25. Reply

    How is Nietzche closer to Eastern thinking? Example(s) please. JD