i'm pretty much new to Taosim [despite living my life losely down a Taoist path without even knowing it].
I'm 17 and pretty much alone. [there's no Taoist community, that i know of where i live]
My only way of learning of Taoism is through Benjamin Hoff's books [The Tao of Pooh and the Te of Piglet] and trying to muddle through the Tao Te Ching. Which is slightly difficuly since I can't always grasp what Lao Tsu means, just bits and pieces.
What i'm really saying is, how did [anyone whose reading this] find any Taoists in your area [if you did succeed in finding any] and how did you learn more about it? The internet is a beautiful thing but most everything i find is either numbers or contradictions of other sources.
So if anyone has any suggestions, advice, or good sources for one to check out i would be greatly appreciative.
P.S. I live in the Jersey Shore area if there is anyone also in the area. Just curious.