Fa Xin

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Everything posted by Fa Xin

  1. a sovereign force?

    This would imply that something is not as it should be
  2. I knew someone would find a Buddhist doing Bagua !
  3. Emotional Basket Case

    Good points. I will collect garbage and carry it a few miles, then try to drop it off or give it to someone to make art out of. 😍 The more aware you are, the faster you'll realize it's garbage and you won't carry it as far - or never pick it up ! also, no choice on residing, but I've personally found enjoyment in surrender.
  4. Jessica's myth

    I feel like people who adopt should be given an award of coolness.
  5. Jessica's myth

    Sounds like my girlfriends mom.
  6. Emotional Basket Case

    that sounds like fun! i say - reside and enjoy the ride! It must be there for a reason. In my experience ... I've had problems with anger. I would always lose my temper with stuff. Now, things roll off my back super easily. Very rare does something stir me. Good right? But im also not as passionate or motivated like I was. I'm disinterested. Not that I prefer it either way; it's all good in the hood. I'm just saying... its good to get off the roller coaster, but sometimes you miss the thrills.
  7. Rasa transmission from ausar.org?

    "Guaranteed self realization" not bad ! i read it as "I will hammer you weekly with my transmissions until you realize, damnit! REALIZE!!!"
  8. RIP Wayne Wirs

    Wayne Wirs, a non dual teacher from Buddha at the gas pump fame, has sadly taken his own life this weekend. He left a note about his suicide on his blog. http://waynewirs.com/2017/see-you-soon/ in a way he shows what it's really like to have no attachment, no desires. It also raises a question about nihilism on the non dual path, and can help us question our perspectives. To have the view there is nothing of consequence, nothing of value; were all just the observer in an illusion called life. What effects this can have on our life. I encourage you all to read his note, but also please be respectful in your replies and keep in mind his grieving family, friends and students.
  9. a sovereign force?

    How do you know they're not involved?
  10. Moon phases

    Will give that a shot but not really into "techniques"... Honestly it sounds a little new agey to me... the term "woo woo" comes to mind... sorry...
  11. Moon phases

    I've noticed I don't sleep well with a full moon. More restless. Ill have to observe the new moon effects next time around.
  12. Who are the monks

    I don't think I ever knew the other guy was Sammo hung!!!!!'
  13. RIP Wayne Wirs

    Here's a good interview with him.
  14. Longest period of Meditation!

    Haha. Your story made me think of a guy I used to see always sitting on a park bench. While I initially thought he had some mental health issues, now I'm thinking he could've been in deep samadhi! Thanks for the invitation to share. I'll give it my best... I was never big into long periods of meditation. The longest amount of time I have sat for is a few hours tops. The usual time I sat for was 15 to 45 min. One thing I have done, which I feel has contributed Positively To my experience... was to integrate meditations into my daily life. For instance, "letting everything be" or relaxing totally into the moment. I made a game into it and tried to do it in every moment (sometimes successfully sometimes not). Over time it got easier to do until one day I realized that everything I did, no matter what, was a meditation in and of itself. So I don't have many experiences with long sitting. Up until very recently, I couldn't sit still. I'd always do qigong or mantra or something to entertain my mind. Until one day something clicked and all I wanted was silence maybe I just got old 😂
  15. Longest period of Meditation!

    I think I've seen you...
  16. Hi Hancock no I haven't tried it yet. I don't think my skills are that good 😊 thanks though 🙏
  17. Not sure if this works. However I'm beginning to see a lot of far out feats are indeed possible so who knows? I do appreciate your willingness to think outside the box and move beyond your local mind and body. Thinking like this this lets us push the envelope of what we are capable of.
  18. I haven't been able to see others perspectives from my seat in the crowd. I think thats the point though. Learning to develop wisdom and compassion, even though we don't fully understand.
  19. You didn't come off that way at all. sorry if I gave that impression with my short answer. All good my friend. I do agree that there is one truth, and we - as humans with our preferences and issues - tend to see things differently than that truth. For me, a big part of noticing I wasn't seeing truth, was being open to everyone else's views. By accepting everyone's perspectives as "how they are" and seeing how there's 7 billion perspectives on this earth and that none are any more true or false than the other - they're just different perspectives. This really helped me in seeing what was "just there". Because if other people's perspectives are part of"oneness", then their views would have to be considered "what is" as well. Which would make it "their truth". Not THE truth - but something I needed to accept. Part of the whole. This stuff is all hard to explain... Threads like this really get me thinking ... that's the most important part. Cheers!
  20. What does this mean?

    I read this before, and rereading it again, I have to highlight and say this is an outstanding post. Wanted to bump it.
  21. I have no world view, just saying everyone has their own perspectives.
  22. Individuality, Nonduality, Anatta, Nirvana

    I have no idea what any of it means.
  23. Yes, that's true. The world of perception and beliefs definitely tints truth. But im just trying to provide a counter point or play devils advocate, if you will. That being that ... doesn't everyone have their own version of "truth" ? Even if it's completely based in belief and perceptions. How are we to say that is not 100% truth? Why is our view of truth more true than someone else ?
  24. Does anyone see them exactly as they are? or does *everyone* see them exactly as they are?
  25. My Kundalini/Shaktipat Initiation

    Sure. Thanks for your openness. watching him recite the mantra...i did feel it draw me in a bit. I felt like if I let myself get absorbed by it it would start doing things. Thanks for sharing.