Fa Xin

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Everything posted by Fa Xin

  1. Lungs acupunctured by Thunder

    I agree with this. Even if qigong causes only TEMPORARY relief, if done daily can certainly have a culminating and balancing effect. It also takes a while. I had eczema on my lip/face/nose/eyes area for years which was neigh impossible to get rid of. Tried steroid creams, diet changes, natural remedies. Only after persistent qigong about 6 months daily, it cleared up (as well as other small systemic issues, such as digestion problems, that were there but not bothersome enough to seek help. ) Hope your feeling better now!
  2. Why shouldn't we meditate after eating?

    I always try to cultivate an attitude of happiness and being grateful while eating. I've noticed this can make digestion happen a lot easier and more thorough.
  3. I also get 11:11 for a long time, maybe 3 or 4 times a week. Lately it's been all digits, which has never happened for me. Last week I saw 3:33, and an hour later 4:44. It's not like I check the time often, either. Lol. I take it as a reassuring sign as well.
  4. the past few days, it seems every time I look at a clock it's some triple digit. "3:33", "2:22" etc. been almost a week where I see them a lot. My coworker said the same thing to me Friday. How he saw a few triple digits in a single day, and he looked it up to see what it means. The best part was we saw one together later that day. We both kind of looked at each other, uggghhh. He's on the path as well, I may add.
  5. you are not your body

    I resonate with those statements. Fun to see acim pop up occasionally and synch with what I'm studying at the time. Although I never got into acim, I find many of the statements ring true for me. I read the statements almost like a ramana maharshi "who am I?" ... "not the body". Thanks for the post roger.
  6. bad connotation imo

    Yes, quiet for me naturally translates to peaceful / happy !
  7. Awareness is exhausting!

    A big aspect is just to relax. I would say just try to sit quietly sometimes, and don't try to do anything. Just sit quietly and relax. Don't even try to pay attention or be aware, just let things be.
  8. Awareness is exhausting!

    I like this ^^
  9. Awareness is exhausting!

    Keep at it, you'll find that sweet spot where there's no "trying to stay in the moment". It will just happen. It's the easiest thing and when it clicks you'll say, of course! That's been there all along.
  10. multi vitamins

    I use mega foods brand, one a days, just because I'm a vegetarian and like to cover my bases. Primarily I use magnesium (calm) every evening for sleep and other functions. I also drink a lot of ginger turmeric tea. Oregano oil when I start getting a cold.
  11. Walking

    One important aspect of walking I learned from baguazhang is to roll the step, push off with your toes to pump the blood back up the leg. Walking in nature is one of my favorite activities. It's good to take your time and not rush!
  12. Cannabis and Qi

    That's happened to me as I got older. When you don't use as much, the effects can get very strong. And using while your alone or quiet, will get very introspective. It can get uncomfortable. I found that as I get more sensitive and more relaxed, things that I once found "tame" like marijuana or caffeine have an extremely strong effect, almost uncomfortable. Maybe I'm just boring these days. Who knows. Lol
  13. Living proof that qigong works!

    Hope everyone is still strong and healthy !
  14. Martial Arts From Home

    Yeah martial arts for me is more a personal meditation and something of a ritual. More than a sports or exercise thing.
  15. simplicity of teachings

    It doesn't have to be complicated. It's really not. The ego does complicated very well though! Everything is ok as it is
  16. What is Dalai Lama doing?

    I'd love to go and meet HH ! His humor is infectious. I find the future army pill hard to swallow, sorry. I give you props for thinking outside of the box however.
  17. Lots of profound questions which speak from experience. The questions become personal in nature, not system based. For instance, have I outgrown this system? Judging by my teacher, is this the path I want to go down? Do I want to "be like him"? Or can I use this, make it my own and have it take me to a different place? Also, What do I want out of this practice? Do I want to be healthy, energetic and clear minded? Do I want siddhis, laser like intuition and commune with the dead? Jedi powers? Use of the Schwarz? I think when it comes to someone who works 9-5, has a family and little time to decypher Neigong texts.... the systems in the first topic will take you the most distance with the least amount of work/risk (though steady work is still required.) I think they would all work great, and the question comes down to, what suits you personally?
  18. Thoughts on this ? Anyone ?

    I'm usually more concerned how the rest of the house is set up. For instance I dislike sleeping facing a door. Or with my head against a wet wall. This would be more distracting and detrimental to me than the directions, which I'm usually not aware of except for East (I try to practice facing east).
  19. middle dantien meditation

    In my limited experience, I agree with this ^ Nicely put
  20. Trans and Taosim

    i believe achieving 'balance' is a highly personal thing... my balance is not your balance. for a transgender person, it may be the change that achieves that balance/happiness/harmony.
  21. Breathe relax and be kind. Listen to your heart. What do you need to heal? Ask and listen. I stay in the present. You've made mistakes or had traumas happen. How does that affect you now? Are you not happy or healthy? Can you not enjoy this moment? It's not blocking out emotions about the past. It's accepting and sitting with it
  22. Buddhism and spiritual protection

    Yes!!! The sun has extreme power. And the moon has healing, cooling down and relaxing energy too. I work with both planets! They compliment each other. FX
  23. Buddhism and spiritual protection

    All good replies here. an appeal to a higher power, heartfelt and confident. Archangel Michael is the resident evil whooper of the Lord. He will come when asked I've seen. 6 syllable mantra is extremely purifying and securing. Working with the sun (meditations, visualizations) is extremely powerful in attracting good juju and protecting as well. Visualize the sun engulfing you and burning away any negative attachments you may have. Do this every morning and night. Learn to relax and foster compassion, first and foremost. A shift like this will do wonders.
  24. Usually go with my gut and hope for the best. Que Sera sera
  25. Hi aletheia First I would say the best thing is to find a good local tai chi teacher to show you how to stand. The adjustments are extremely subtle and very hard to duplicate via self training. If this is not an option at all, I recommend you check out John Loupos "Tai chi connections" both DVD and accompanying book. Having trained with him personally for a year and seen the material, I can't think of a better resource for learning the subtleties of body mechanics. FX