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Everything posted by blackstar212

  1. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, asked the Justice Department this weekend to publicly reject President Trump’s assertion that President Barack Obama ordered the tapping of Mr. Trump’s phones, senior American officials said on Sunday. Mr. Comey has argued that the highly charged claim is false and must be corrected, they said, but the department has not released any such statement. Oh now Comey must be in on this conspiracy to get President Trump ROFLMAO
  2. Yes history is good. A quick search of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) finds that the phrase had been used in May 1964: New Statesman 1 May 694/2 Conspiracy theorists will be disappointed by the absence of a dogmatic introduction. This is two years before Dispatch 1035-960 appeared. If you go to the magazine, you will find that this sentence appears in an unsigned editorial, “Separateness,” about the London Magazine’s recent transition from being an exclusively literary publication to a more interdisciplinary review of the arts. So, no. The CIA did not invent the word “conspiracy theorist.” But this made me wonder how far back I could push the use of a term like “conspiracy theory.” Using the OED to date vocabulary is a dodgy proposition. The oldest example you are likely to find in an OED definition is unlikely to be the first time the word was used. It might not even be the first time that the word was written down. It just happens to be the oldest example that the dictionary’s lexicographers have found. Nonetheless, we’ll use the OED as a starting point and just be confident that the word has to be at least as old as the first example found there.
  3. Stop Soros

    Conspiracy nonsense don't waste your time.
  4. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy

    It will much to the dismay of those who want to take advantage of society eventually come. There is true happiness coming.
  5. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy

    I am. One day it will come true.probably after my lifetime.
  6. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy

    Yes we agree on many things. I believe that humans are naturally social animals that look out for each others welfare above individual. If one deviates from that natural course then the only word I have is a form of sociopathy. They are not natural. Perhaps education can help them? Someone first established themselves as a King or Emperor they were no better than anyone else but convinced people they were. It creates a caste system which is not very productive. We need to get back to our natural roots as social animals.
  7. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy

    Correct a request does not have to be filled
  8. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy

    Yes I believe the right individualists have a form of sociopathy. They want to exploit society for their own benefit. Just look at all our wars the slaughter continues
  9. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy

    Yeah Flynn down sessions recused. Investigation will see.
  10. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy

    My words have never ever said I post alternet as fact.
  11. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy

    A FISA request does not equal a wire tap. That is the conspiracy jump.
  12. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy

    The story is to diffuse people from the Russia matter. Looks like trump is getting desperate.
  13. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy

    You failed to post from pro trump sites. Lol
  14. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy

    please allow miss Cleo to do the mind reading. You are downright dreadful at it.
  15. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy

    That would be incorrect. Many of the alternet pieces are merely opinion pieces derived from certain facts. I post it as balance the far right wing whack sites.
  16. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy

    Lets make sure we have the rules correct. Great leader says x media sites are fake news and liars and the enemy of America. Gives thumbs up to shills and conspiracy sited as true news. Lmao.
  17. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy

    Breitbart is conspiracy site No better than national enquiror or world weekly news. It hires people like Milo.
  18. Law vs compassion personally I will take compassion every single time. I would like to hear reasons why compassion should be forsaken over law?
  19. This what having no compassion looks like

    Well it appears that I am a conservable:) or a libervative
  20. This what having no compassion looks like

    I do. And thank you for making my point in the original post. D has a lack of compassion. Which is ok I am merely point out the lack of compassion and this proves my point.
  21. The right to protest (ie: issue in AZ)

    I did read it. Tell these people your theory of how it works. How about this one. Yeah tell me about how this works. Now it works like this. Guilty until proven innocent.
  22. This what having no compassion looks like

    I would guess hundreds but I am not positive. How is it relative Brian?
  23. This what having no compassion looks like

    It is a rhetorical question with no need to answer. How often do homeless people enter into someones home and lay in their beds? Not often. So the question is not relevant.
  24. The right to protest (ie: issue in AZ)

    Yes and tell me if I organize a protest and others show up and cause violence how will the authorities know whether I planned it or not? HMMMMMMMMM? OH OH I know I know. They will arrest my ass and do an investigation. This is against the 1st amendment.
  25. The right to protest (ie: issue in AZ)

    well if you have a law like the one above then yes, a definitive yes.