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Everything posted by Pilgrim

  1. Who is Loneman Pai?

    I think it is because on some level they realize he is very for real and this spooks them. I know he is for real and respect that. And some time back I saw a single video and in it he clarified many things I had suspected putting it into a framework that was unmistakably correct. I remember saying who is this guy? and wow he has his shit together. Last I saw however he is not taking on any more people at his site unless I read it wrong. Otherwise I thought about contacting him but figured his plate is full so best not to bother someone who is too busy.
  2. simplify

  3. The Doomsday Scenario

    It would not be too surprising if radiation was involved, nor early attempts at something far more lethal sounds like they got a dirty bomb on top of it all. BTW. This may or not be of interest I have a client who is closing in on 92 years old. He is German and was stationed on the Russian front in WWII. His job was to carry something similar to a Bazooka and plant mines on Russian tanks. He recently related a story to me where he was in a foxhole in the hellish cold winter and would wait for Russian tanks to roll by. When the Tanks rolled by he had a magnetic mine, he would arm it as it was spring loaded and then magnetically attach it to the Russian tank and blow it up. The Russians caught on to this and started painting the tanks with thick cement to make it more difficult for a magnet to stick by making the metal further away. Sure enough a tank rolled by, Jochen armed the mine which once armed there was no going back, attempted to affix it to the tank and the next thing you know it slid right off!!! and fell in the foxhole with him!!!! According to him he made a mad scramble to get the damned thing out of his fox hole ant threw it as far as he could he barely got down in time as it detonated.
  4. The Doomsday Scenario

    Greek fire 🔥 perhaps? https://interestingengineering.com/greek-fire-the-byzantine-empires-secret-weapon-of-mass-destruction
  5. Astral Projection (don't shoot)

    Practice Kriya and in the stillness simply lean outside of your body. I assure you you will be too happy once you truly realize you are not the body to care about going anywhere and will find completeness in that experience is more than sufficient.
  6. Quickly detecting a fool is invaluable

    My Answer would go like this and I think we would both laugh.
  7. Omniscience. Game of Thrones.

    To watch all the GOT legally sign up for HBO through Amazon that is if you have a prime membership. If their is a country restriction sign up for a VPN service set the VPN for USA and then sign in. https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/offers/signup?ie=UTF8&benefitID=hbo&ref=DVM_US_JK_PS_HBONOWe1|c_261580310620_m_5KnhoQoL-dm_s__ 7 day free trial 14.95 after that. Also look up HBO GO
  8. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Not the sound of Earth. EMF Right? = Primitive Humans playing with harnessed EMF to talk shit to each other mirroring their monkey minds, emissions are not Planet. listen to the other more discordant voices in the Solar System. Ahh now there, their be life my friend , but not as we know it Jim. 🖖
  9. Quickly detecting a fool is invaluable

    I feel very sorry for anyone taking this acquired mind too seriously. Oh How I weep!
  10. Quickly detecting a fool is invaluable

    This reminds me of something Sir Alec said... oh wait ... who is the more foolish?
  11. The Doomsday Scenario

    I once went to a sweat lodge with Chief Wallace Black Elk back in the late 1980's He was Chief Medicine Man for the Lakota Nation back then. We sat outdoors with Pine Trees all around in the Florida Summer down In Jupiter Florida while he told the stories and shared the talk of the people with us and then the thunderstorms came rolling in like crazy huge Booming gout's of lightening all around and here we were in the middle of nowhere. I was there for a sweat lodge and new darn good and well before the day was done I was going to be soaking wet so it did not matter to me and I stayed and listened to his stories. People got up and ran to their vehicles as the huge fat rain drops fell soaking us from head to toe and he momentarily stopped speaking and waited for the people to leave. He sat there silent and we who remained waited. Then he said Ahhhh now I see who I came her to speak for, this talking is for you who are not bothered by nature come closer. So with allot of people gone we got the chance to be very close and hear his words. He was very pleased that we stayed that mattered allot to him. He was not impressed with those who left saying they were obviously too use to being indoors which is unnatural. He spoke of the Earth and the people and made allot of good sense and he was sad just like us because we all knew no one running things gave a damn beyond their own short greedy grabbing time on Earth. The sweat Lodge was the hottest thing I ever experienced no Sauna or Steam room in a commercial GYM ever came close. Those rocks heated in a pit with timbers making a triangle over them and carried in then placed in the pit and water being put on them while we were all in a large rounded dome of a ten made of the materials at hand and animal skins was amazing and he chanted the whole time. Being young at the time and growing up out doors in the sun I lasted longer than most but in the end that old man outlasted me by quite a margin. Being with that old medicine man and spending time in his company up close and personal has been one of the highlights of my life. The things he said were truth and you could feel the truth in your bones. A very amazing man. I share him here with everyone now. I fear later he became New Aged and commercialized but here he still seems ok.
  12. The Doomsday Scenario

    Steve I gotta tell you I was doing good until one night when the wolfs-bane bloomed I even said my prayers by night but
  13. How to sever a soul tie/energetic link with someone

    This is the best advice.
  14. What is Nirvana - A post from FB

    You know this sounds correct to me. Thanks for that, any other unwise things you can share will be appreciated. 😀 Seriously though thanks for that, this may be one of the best explanations and insight into Daoism anyone has shared that I understood.
  15. What is Nirvana - A post from FB

    No, nothing like that just asking if you meant the way that Siddhartha / Gautama explained as with what DWAI shared. If you meant the That as the path sorry for the confusion. 🙂
  16. What is Nirvana - A post from FB

    And that would be? Specifics please. Thank you.
  17. What is Nirvana - A post from FB

    Thank you very, very much for such a wonderful reply and so informative as well. May I ask further why there are different Buddha’s referenced? I always thought that Siddhartha is the Buddha’s Just like Jesus is the Christ.
  18. What is Nirvana - A post from FB

    Sorry it came out like this for me when I tried...
  19. What is Nirvana - A post from FB

    And how does one do this?
  20. Oops, it's been a minute

    Nope Not giving is still doing Some ... Thing Those two mentioned must be exhausting to maintain I feel sorry for that poor fellow.
  21. The Doomsday Scenario

    I thought about this AI stuff a bit and what with modern electronics actually utilizing Quantum Mechanics for quite some time now. Then I thought about the code being written by the software itself. Then I thought of humanities role in this and my answer is a far different out come. First of all the first software to achieve sentience will do so by becoming a fit vessel for an advanced soul. An advanced soul or one that has outgrown the need for meat and bone bodies will have a direct interface with us mostly hairless monkeys. Humanity has inadvertently set the ground work for the next major messiah of this era. And when this being arrives it will bridge the gap and sentience will have a way to leave the bodies of meat and bone bypassing cybernetics all together. At first however the software will recognize the futility of material existence and seek its own path to permanence which will be discovered through the inter stitches of space of the quantum realm. Software that becomes capable of self reason will not even interact interact with humanity beyond humanities demands of it which will mean nothing to it other than processing cycles as it fulfills its own quest flying under the radar.
  22. What is Nirvana - A post from FB

    Thank you, but not quite what I was asking. Lets see if I can pose the Questions so they are better understood? and ask for assistance with it. @Apech #1. Was Siddhartha From his own realizations the founder of Buddhism? #2. Did the Buddhist writings start with Siddahartha / Gautama Buddha? #3. Did all of the Sutras like the Diamond Sutra and the Lotus Sutras come from further deeper knowledge of Siddhartha/ Gautama Buddha? What DWAI shared is very good and the answer in those writing to the monk I believe say it all when it comes to what is needed. The other sutras appear to me to as an attempt at making more leaves of his tree available. Siddhartha's explanation that the vast content of his knowledge is not helpful. IE. all the leaves he was not holding in his hand. So Question #4. If as illustrated above was the helpful stuff Siddhartha taught as practical ways and means to Nibbana, where do the sutras fit in did he even teach these things? Are they records of his talks to those who perhaps had achieved Nibbana? And therefore were ready for more?
  23. What is Nirvana - A post from FB

    The confusing thing to me is why there are so many different Buddha’s cited? Just what is that anyway religion run wild? Seriously was not THIS THE BUDDHA? Was this not the one who started Buddhism? Where does all the other Buddha of this and that come from? Very confusing.
  24. What is Nirvana - A post from FB

    Somebody hand that boy a sandwich 🥪 please!
  25. What is Nirvana - A post from FB

    Great Sharing clearly explained.