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Everything posted by Pilgrim

  1. Do rights exist?

    Ask again in a different way
  2. Do rights exist?

    Oh that's easy by inference and knowledge of how things work. It really is not necessary to know about what is there, there is sufficient evidence planets exist outside of our solar system this was so before it was proven and once proven was hardly a surprise to anyone nor does it matter really. Maybe it will matter in the future but our tech is too primitive to get there anyway. I can not see the amount of the telomres in my body yet I grow older and can see it in the mirror. An interesting tech read : https://www.yourgenome.org/facts/what-is-a-telomere For the longest time no one understood the aging process nor could the actions of many processes nor could they be directly observed yet it occurred anyway, observation and comprehension have nothing to do with what is or is not. The sun clearly existed before my birth and yours it will continue after we are gone. Your ancestors and mine all existed yet now do not we can not observe them but know this must be so and they were real in time and space at one time or else we would not be here. Does a tree falling in the forest make a sound without anyone to hear it? Sure it does.
  3. Do rights exist?

    Humans are a part of nature. the laws they create may even be part of nature but are not in effect outside of jurisdictional influence that enforces them. In Russia things are much different than the U.S. In Africa even more so, but no matter where you go or under whose jurisdictional influence you may place yourself Gravity continues to function. The use of force to overcome gravity or other technology like a hot air balloon does not negate the laws existence and influence weather observed or not. Even a sleeping man will fall to the floor if he rolls out of bed. Humans are subject to what is observed as well as what is not. Many things exist weather observed or not. In fact more exists than is possible to be observed.
  4. Do rights exist?

    Very well said. In my view the laws of man are arbitrary. The laws of nature are not they exist and are in effect regardless of who disagrees with them which reminds me of a fun bugs bunny skit. In both cases however there is something set as greater than ones own will and ignorance of either tends to have consequences unless you are a Toon!
  5. Do rights exist?

    I think you might have this one wrong as they mean the same thing. Unalienable https://thelawdictionary.org/unalienable/ What is UNALIENABLE? Incapable of being aliened, that is, sold and transferred. Inalienable https://thelawdictionary.org/inalienable/ What is INALIENABLE? Not subject to alienation ; the characteristic of those things which cannot be bought or sold or transferred from one person to another, such as rivers and public highways, and certain personal rights; e. g., liberty. http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/document/unalienable.html nalienable / Inalienable Dunlap Broadside Jefferson's handwriting Parchment copy The question is often asked, "Is the word in the Declaration of Independence unalienable or is it inalienable?" The final version of the Declaration uses the word "unalienable." Some earlier drafts used the word "inalienable," which is the term our modern dictionaries prefer. The two words mean precisely the same thing.
  6. How to become less blind

    Not sure about the sage, seems to me like the sage gets trotted out around here to bolster peopleā€™s point of view. Must be tiresome for the sage, whoever the hell that is.
  7. How to become less blind

    Could you provide a source for these teachings? A book of some value perhaps?
  8. How to become less blind

    This past Friday I spoke to my friend Don Abrams. Teacher Of Kriya for over 30 years. I commented I did not think Kriya could bring people to the point of feeling energy let alone the triple divine qualities. He swiftly corrected me saying that the very practice of first Kriya was designed to do just that. So I must defer to his experience and retract my earlier words on this forum and ask others to forget them. Thank you.
  9. Thinking of doing a DNA Kit analysis

    Reminds me of connect 4
  10. Overthinking it. Invest in companies that provide and are part of the institutionalized prison system. You will do well. Hmm should follow this advice need to look at my 401K offerings. Death awaits us all it is nothing, been there done that outgrew the T-Shirt. life imprisonment is a far worse punishment and a burden for all. I advocate removal from what people call life. Going to happen weather saint or sinner. Convicted murderer, convicted rapist, convicted child molester. Bye, Bye.
  11. How to become less blind

    The process of purification is endless. You must after emptying the room either fill it with good things or keep cleaning, This is where Bhakti Yoga comes in or even better Guru Yoga of the Bon Tradition which is essentially energetically connecting to an advanced being and they help you by downloading the qualities they have realized into you like a software upgrade. Shibendu started practices from I believe around the age of 14 he is now in his 80's I have no idea if he still practices or when he stopped he told me something about this but I forgot it as it was not important to me. What was important to me was to learn from him and then put in my time with the practices. Length of time on the cushion is no guarantee of anything if that is what you are seeking validation for. We never know a persons starting point. I would say if a person is not someone you like then better look to see what they are reflecting in your own character you would like to be rid of and work on that. The Bon tradition teaches Antidotes for qualities we wish to be rid of and the link I gave to free teachings in my PPD has these in the free practices. Kriya does not address these issues. I would laughingly say that some people may take many lifetimes of practices to become more pleasant no one knows what there starting point truly is. I think they do and if we are still talking about Shibendu, he is wealthy and old in his 80ā€™s why do you think he still travels and teaches if not for others benefit? A big big mistake people make is wanting the teacher to be a certain way and fit their idea of how a teacher is and should be. I say do not mistake the teacher for the teaching. It is better to learn good practices you can gain from, from a bastard than to be suckered along with pretty words and practiced manners. How Ennio ever survived 6 years with Shibendu is a mystery. Ennio is a very deeply feeling heart type person and deeply emotional as well. Ennio suffered because of his curiosity. I have suffered to satisfy mine and no I am not talking about SRF or Shibendu but someone far worse who shall remain unnamed that teaches a good technique but with him people are disposable and he does not keep his word. Shibendu will take a person to the mat. If your ego is not ready to wrestle it is best to leave this kind of teacher alone. Most people can not take this kind of teacher especially the pampered people of the West. One of the reasons he and I got along was I thrive with this kind of hard teacher. Even after he blasted me in public which caused one huge muscle bound 6 foot 4 dude to run out of the room like a little girl . I Did not answer him because he did not want answers he was making a point to everyone in the room about attainments from Kriya I was just the focus. Having to leave early to take a woman to the airport I walked up to him and thanked him in front of the class and asked his permission to leave as he knew about the lady going to the airport. He was a bit stunned and for an instant was fearful of an attack. Then realized there was none and granted permission. This is called respect, for a teacher and ones elders. It is also realizing the same ability to get out of hand is in me too so he made a good mirror. I will remember that lesson forever. So this makes him an excellent teacher. later I returned and we walked and spent the evening together with other students went to dinner and so on. When we parted it was with a hug and a kiss, as he kissed me on both cheeks and gave me his blessings. Later his head people told me how shocked everyone was and how impressed Shibendu was I returned after such a blasting. I laughed and replied My old Drill Sergeant was much worse at least no push-ups with Shibendu. So there you have it a mixed bag no black and white and yes I still practice his Kriya it is very powerful. As for seeing things how they are ahhhh now that is up to you and as long as you do not put in the effort to actually meet Shibendu all you will have is others perceptions so I have given mine and they are not black and white. It is a mistake to make up your mind over anyone or anything without directly experiencing them so please try not to fill your heart and mind with others stories. Rather go out and do what I did get in the game and meet the teachers spend time with them and learn then practice and make up your own mind. If you are really wanting to learn Kriya then talk to Donald Abrams as I have said before he is the teacher I recommend. I am not Anti any Kriya lineage or teacher I am Pro Paramahamsa Hariharananda and Pro Donald Abrams who is a long time student of Paramahamsa Hariharananda and was given the teaching role by him decades ago. Don has spent decades teaching people he has what ti takes. There is no other person teaching Kriya after all my work of discovery in person and doing that even comes close. https://www.kriyayogauniversity.com/p/easy-kriya-meditation
  12. How to become less blind

    Ennio is a dear friend of mine for years now and I am well aware of his history. What SRF gives as Kriya is not fake or false. When you get into the higher Kriyas this becomes readily apparent and the first Kriya is certainly not false in fact it is more advanced than allot of what was given to many Householder lineages making tall claims about theres being the only original real thing. Utter Rubbish that. It is apparent you have an issue with Yogananda. Not sure why as you have stated no affiliation or knowledge of his practices. It most certainly was not to placate any imagined masses. Just because someone wants more does not mean they are ready nor is it some obligation just because someone wants something that they automatically get it. Do you believe it is anyone's job to satisfy the desires of another? How is this surprising? Ennio did what was forbidden. The forbidden thing was not sharing his life story but the practices of Kriya. Reading your words I think you have read Ennio's writings and are full of passion and defending him for some reason when there is nothing to defend. Ennio outgrew all of this long ago. Furthermore Ennio has altered the techniques in his books as well to fit his realizations and the book is a comparative analyses for Kriyabans not some instruction manual. I know many former SRF members including former monks and this did not happen. If you have proof then please do share this. How nice now you are telling me what I will say. This is interesting because I have already said I would not recommend SRF to anyone but lets see what is it you think I would say? I am not sure what you are imagining happened but it does not matter to me what happened one way or another it is none of my business. I was treated kindly by SRF and the now deceased Leader at the time Daya Mata. I petitioned her to become a monk when I was 19. She encouraged me to wait a while and get more life under my belt before making such a decision and invited me to meet with her and stay at the Ashram in California. That was the epitome of kindness and consideration for a young person and I will always praise her for it. Why? Because it was the correct way to treat a young person. Had she encouraged me then it would have been wrong and 30 years later I can see that very clearly. And why do you have a problem with this? Was the thing he had to give not his to give or not give in the manner he saw fit? You come across as someone who feels slighted and this is not making sense based on what you have shared of you knowledge and lack thereof with SRF. Very unusual. You quoted me as saying " Still SRF serves a purpose there are many worldwide who need that particular approach to spirituality. Those that do not go elsewhere and learn Kriya." Then you write the following: What are you imagining SRF does? SRF has as I have told you earlier become primarily a church. I for one do not care what religion anyone follows. If you doubt that people are getting benifit from SRF then why not check out this website Yoganandaji.org you will find quite a few who do. Oh and if it is not too much trouble please stop trying to put words in my mouth you are acting very rude. Best to let them dismantle themselves I am not on a crusade. Are You? Nothing in life is black and white, nothing. My full quote was. You shortened it to: "Lesson here: Even bad advertisement is better than no advertisement". Then replied with. So I think you have taken what I said out of context. To be clear What I am saying is the more you puke on about a teacher a book or a teaching being bad the more power you are giving that which you do not wish to be spread and are in fact helping it being spread through bad advertisement, singing its damnation is equally effective for stimulating curiosity as singing its praises. You are unwittingly helping it, whatever it may be. Those selling a bad product could care less about what you or others think. Proof of that is they are selling it. They also feed on curiosity I know this first hand, I was fed upon to satisfy my curiosity but I was aware it was a possibility going into the thing with helping what turned out to be a false guru. He was no Guru but did teach a good practice. Those who learned when I was present got their moneys worth and then some I made sure of it!!! All without exception left happy. Did I like it? Hell no! I got used and promises were broken and trusts were broken. Did I receive a good teaching? Yes I most certainly did and still practice it. So for me the price was way, way too high but this is the risk you take when you get out into the world and away from he screen on the internet. Did it hurt? Did I suffer? Yes It most certainly did and yes I did but it was all a good lesson. I am not foolish enough to Damn him though as that will only increase curiosity and put coin in his purse. Mistake may not be for mistake but sometimes the only way to correct it is to do nothing at all as even that is doing some thing.
  13. How to become less blind

    Unlike most Yogananda took it very easy with a large populace of strangers not knowing what level of perception they were at. His lessons are aimed at taking someone who feels nothing and getting them to the point of feeling energy long before Kriya Pranayam was given. For example he taught ENERGIZATION EXERCISES that are not Kriya this was part of the lessons to help people get in touch with feeling energy it is a bit like Chi Kung in this regard. Through his lessons you take almost 2 years of apprenticeship and practices before learning actual Kriya. It is impossible to know the attainments of the yay sayers and the nay sayers. The actual first Kriya is not so very different from other lineages. The apprenticeship practices are very different.
  14. How to become less blind

    Laughing a bit I realize that unlike the hucksters my portrayal of Kriya is different. I make it sound hard. It is and it is not. Once you can feel the force it is the best feeling in the world as you wake up to a new reality that you were never without to begin with. This is the self realization. Then your abilities of perception change. Oh but there are so many changes. Least of them is the perception of your bodies that are not meat and bone. It is the energy and the good no great feeling the word bliss fails to do justice that cause the mind to to become one pointed and allows absorption to become Samadhi. The mind must have an object to become one pointed at first until you catch the feel for Samadhi. PLEASURE is the way. Mind follows bliss mind becomes absorbed then many many things follow and many things are learned but not with mind. Then you have to integrate your ego and daily life and the changes in you and keep it all together. Slipping into Sabija Samadhi in a meeting is generally not well understood at work.
  15. How to become less blind

    One more thing especially in the beginning when practicing Kriya it is very common to have an upswing in negative emotions and exaggeration and over sensitivity this is why just a small amount is told to be done in the beginning. True purification is not easy, it is walking the razors edge. Too little no effect, too much and you get cut. Takes time to learn and you will suffer many many cuts along the way.
  16. How to become less blind

    Yes and no. He modified the practices for the people and the times. Paramahamsa Hariharananda modified them also. Each teacher does does based on their realization. The 1920ā€™s are close to 100 years ago now I am certain things were different when the master was present. Still SRF serves a purpose there are many worldwide who need that particular approach to spirituality. Those that do not go elsewhere and learn Kriya. Lesson here: Even bad advertisement is better than no advertisement. Let seekers find and go to what calls to them a few missteps along the way are good for people too. I think people have the wrong idea of what purification is. Purification can be exceedingly painful emotionally, mentally and as you change from it so too changes your world view. Kriya also accelerates your Karma and that of those around you by itā€™s purifying effects. This is why there are controlled environments like ashrams. This is also why as a householder practice swift advancement can be made but you have to keep your act together also. Shibendu is Shibendu he is not a phony wearing white robes and sporting a Moses look like some frauds do. The best way to describe him are with the following words: Mercurial Boisterous Joyfull Spontaneous Sincere in one to one teachings. Different teachers have different personalities and what you get in a crowd is different than 1 on 1. Please donā€™t think I did not know what I asked had the potential to piss him off, I knew it might and did so anyway. We had some big egos in that room even bigger than mine. It was a nice shake up. Shibendu was a very good teacher to me in private but most who go to him are not ready so they get a version of him that is worn out with people. If you ever find a perfect teacher RUN!!!!donā€™t walk run. They all have their own distinct personality, they all are communicating through their unique ego tool so others can get what they have to give. Make no Mistake Shibendu does know but rarely do people get the opportunity to be with him in private. For some reason he liked me and we hit it off from the start so I am happy to have learned from him and enjoyed our time in private but do not recommend him without warning. He is too rough for many and he no longer visits the United States.. Part If the problem with Kriya advertisement is people believe by the practices you get overnight change from asshole to saint. This is not the case you will change inside more swiftly and the outer habitations of speech and behavior take longer to catch up. Despite tall words Kriya is not a cure for being an asshole you have to change that yourself but it does helpšŸ˜
  17. Haiku Chain

    A horse is a horse of course of course unless heā€™s Mr. Ed
  18. How to become less blind

    PPD is updated tomorrow I will bring in some Kriya practices for now two powerful Bon Practices May be found next I will give basic ZaZen instruction. @Starjumper please send me the links or post them here to your Aura picture and Any other post having to do with it. I believe I may have your answers and practices you want.
  19. How to become less blind

    Please wait need to add some stuff.
  20. How to become less blind

    PPD has just been updated, I am working my way forward the first section is complete. I am now going to start with some practices.
  21. How to become less blind

    Ok then if it only helps 1 person it will be worth while. I am going to start with techniques that are not Kriya because I want people to be able to do Kriya for themselves. To do so they are going to need a common starting point. I think the best way to approach Kriya is with some Bon techniques. Kriya without the ability to feel energy is like kicking a motorcycle down the road and then jumping on it until it runs out of momentum. Lets see if what is described can bring people to the point of feeling...
  22. How to become less blind

    In reading this I am becoming very soft heated towards seekers all over again. It seems to me people just need a few simple practices that are safe and effective and I have a great desire to share some. Perhaps I will rework my PPD and give some practices that I have found worthwhile minus the fluff. Anyone think this is worthwhile or just a waste of time and effort?
  23. How to become less blind

    You have experienced true Yoni Mudra. Congratulations.
  24. How to become less blind

    You have experienced true Yoni Mudra. Congratulations.
  25. How to become less blind

    With true Kriya there is no chance of harm. Why? The reasons are several. #1.You are not pulling prana in from external sources, nor attempting to build it up. #2. You do not compress or purposely build Prana in any one point where it becomes like a soda pop can shaken ready to blow. #3. You only work within the central channel which is not the same as in other systems it is deep inside the core of the spine if one were to give it a location and it is very fine and small in diameter. #4. The chakras are energized and by the energization are purified. There is no circulating Prana any where else not the side channels nor the limbs nor the countless Nadis elsewhere. If energy flows elsewhere accept it enjoy it and watch it and it will go where needed then dissipate. There is more but I am out of time. Feel free to ask I can recommend only 1 teacher though. His Name is Donald Abrams.