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Everything posted by Pilgrim

  1. You are welcome I am reading it a little at a time, and that is a good sign because when I read something like this it is with an attitude of savoring a fine dish not wanting the meal to end too soon. Very much enjoying the first few chapters and how you are capturing village life and the attitudes and sentiments of the people of India, this very much matches with the Swami's I have learned from as well as the householders I have known, this book may very well become something more than you ever intended. Once I have read it all I will be certain to put up a 5 star review on Amazon as that is the direction this is heading in thus far. Thank you so much for your time and effort and one of the more enjoyable books I have had the privilege to read in recent years.
  2. Thanks Dwai. I just purchased the kindle version. So your last name is Lahiri? any relation to the Kriya Yoga founder, Shyama Charan Lahiri ?
  3. Aye yet again and you also reveal much learned over time. I love her as well and have devoted my life to her not only in the easiness of the internet but the here and now and say to you I respect you, true brother for how can we be other ? Hmm? This is why I have always looked at you with respect and so has she. No one may own another, all we can do is love respect and honor and when the time comes say I love you and I love you so much.... be free... be happy. This Cult of Jeff is something else. It is the spiritual antithesis the anti Buddha the Mara made prevalent via the agency of the internet. Illusion, Delusion and Error too much mind, too much lust without purification first. Tantra begins with purification otherwise you become something rather perverse, a curse upon those emerging rather than a boon. What shall you who are new and yet un-scarred decide to be ? Shall you take the quick and easy path to provided pleasure or shall you remain true unto thy own self and make your way via the path of self discovery? No one needs a false light full of twisty logic posing as wisdom,. Does not the Bible say Satan knows the scripture as well as the priest. Have a great caution whom you shall believe, whom you shall follow based upon what feels good. Making others feel good is a very minor feat. Beware.
  4. Oh I see because I write things you don't like, bring things out that should be especially in light of some of the things I have read recently, I am no longer a friend? Thanks for making me disposable says allot. What people really think of you? Seriously you want to go there? In recent times I have heard more than one females nightmarish experience with your cult, I have read what they experienced, and it matches with some of my own experiences. Furthermore it is the same as other females experienced and report. Too much matches up for them all to be making it up. In a nutshell shocking. I am really, really shocked, I did not think Jeff was like that and honestly you are implicated as well. What do I think? At this point I do not know what to think other than wow I sure hope this stops because you have some really upset people and they are sharing. So long and best wishes.
  5. This response shows a remarkable degree of immaturity. As does your Merry Christmas salutations. I have to also give you a break as this thread can not be comfortable for you. Jeff just because you can do something does not equate to the right or that you even should. Just look at how upsetting it is to Ralis who has voiced his upset quite correctly demanding his right to being an unhampered with sovereign being. He is correct in doing so. You can restrain yourself and pull it in dampen your presence and your senses but choose not to. In this thread you have bragged about how others know what you can do and went so far as describing what a persons potential is and that is rude you should not pry into people lives unasked like that. It is tantamount to a peeping Tom. How would you feel about someone watching your wife or daughters while they are taking a shower through the window using binoculars? That is really stepping across the line of respect for others and showing a remarkable degree of irresponsibility and immaturity and reading this leads me to believe you are trapped & lost and just can not see it. The development of Siddhis can be a great hindrance you know the rest, don't you think perhaps you are trapped by these things? Earl Grey wrote this and it is something you should consider. One of my favorite forms of non-consent is misleading: getting someone to agree to something that they don't know they're agreeing to, a bait and switch kind of deal and also a form of abuse. When you are engaging with others before you even start with the Hug stuff you really need to be honest and lay out the cards. In the past I always thought well Jeff is a good guy and is still figuring it out but you know it has been years now so the figuring it out should be over. I recommend that you become very honest about what you are doing and why and where it is all supposed to lead and yes do warn about the inherent possibility of interaction which you did in this thread and I commend you for that. You should also especially caution the females that you interact with them far differently than the males and it has caused trouble for them, more than 1 in fact and at-least 5 that I know of and one of them in particular I know very personally. 13 inches should say it all, highly inappropriate and will leave it at that. It is my observation that you have picked and chosen how you have interacted with certain females and not done the same to others who are associated with you closest cadre. Repeat behavior over a long period of time tends to reveal certain things. I mean my goodness there is an actual recovery group due to your behavior. I really hope you will change how you are interacting with people, causing harm to others either on purpose or by acts of omission. Enough years have passed now and I think you past the learning stage and making egregious mistakes with other sentient beings causing them mental and emotional distress. If you want to help others then please read what I have written and take it heart, when you offer help, when you connect, when you share space, when you look in on others, when you declare a persons level etc... you are getting into peoples lives. When you a person of great talent and accomplishment are getting into peoples lives you must hold yourself responsible to a higher degree, it is not responsible to twist words nor is it acceptable to say it is all your stuff, even if it is. How about just leaving people alone so they can figure out their own baggage? Either that or figure out which ones are ready before even approaching them, that a person is on a forum is not a good indication of preparedness nor is some degree of development Siddhis often develop in the advance of true maturity. I think the way to approach people in the future is with extreme transparency and a systematic description of what you are leading them into, let them decide and be careful along the way not to expose them to certain truths prematurely that are going to fire off the subconscious and other things causing extreme misery for them. This is a tall order and I for one think it is too much work as we are all arriving in our own time naturally anyway and the speed of it is sufficient, just because things can be accelerated does not mean the maturity or awareness is present for it to be either comfortable nor profitable for the individual.
  6. Hello S1VA I am aware of tantric practices. That which your cult is doing is not the same at best it is a System of practices mutually agreed upon and reconfigured from the structures and underpinnings of different systems not much different than what Yogani did creating his own cult of Yoga. Not knowing or taking responsibility for the harm that comes to others is the very definition of childish. My knowledge is first hand and yes second hand as well when you have complete strangers talking to you about large busted blond women and remote touching experiments and had endured the same nonsense for the sake of potentially learning you can rest assured they indeed were in contact and being processed and evaluated by your cult. I personally don’t care what you guys believe or do but sometimes when I see predatory behavior towards those exhibiting some degree of energetic awakening and what appears the wolf stalking these boards for fresh meat it gets old and then it is time to speak up. I can understand your not liking what I am writing. My question to you is if this is not predatory behavior then just what do you call year after year of prowling websites like these and every time a person with a certain degree of awakening and energetic ability shows up they are invited for a hug and told about themselves by the wise cult leader. What is that? Hmmmm... your a smart guy is it not time to wake up and free yourself??
  7. Member Sometimes wanted to know why Jeff was problematic. So he was told how it has been for others and I shared how it was for me with someone else (not Jeff) to give framework of restraint and why it is warranted. Whatever he does now he does knowing their is a potential for more than he bargained on.
  8. It is unfortunate but what you have written has been the truth and I truly believe he is so trapped he can not see it. I really do not believe it is intentional and I really do believe his followers have found a way of interacting that suits them but it is still a trap.
  9. Let me see if I can answer this correctly. Jeff stems from a branch that started at the AYP site years ago when Yogani was helping allot of people discover Yoga and some were getting openings and siddhis prematurely and like children were playing with fire. There was also the human element of extreme drama with the administration of that site as tends in my experience to be the case with all sites. Our mutual mentor was an administrator on that site and an in person as far as that goes. This is where the mental games and childishness kick in clans and clicks and cults. Very childish and the children had been handed fire to play with so they tended to burn down their own relationships not having anyone to truly guide them. What is the fire? Well some develop the ability to recognize that which already is and when they meet someone else who is waking up they say me too and before you know it they are connecting energetically and often with poor manners and a mind that is not mature enough to have such a relationship to begin with which can be an intimacy beyond what most people are even comfortable with on the physical daily relationship side of things. Divorce is the breakdown of a relationship this can be just as bad if not worse because when we connect to others strongly through the life force which is the background of reality it gets really emotional and personal on levels the subconscious rebels at. We all experience our lives to the degree we are capable of and it is always a flawed interpertation we can cope with as the reality of it all is too immense to grasp until we mature and gaining abilities is not being fully mature it is only a collection of tools and senses we need to experience the totality in a permanent way. Allot of folks are able to do allot of things before they are mature who among us will argue that when we entered puberty so long ago we were ready to make good parents? Just because you can does not mean you should and often it is the most immature that convince themselves they are ready and or at a level of development which has more to do with fantasy than a factual self assessment. He and I both shared the same mentor at different times. She and I had had a great deal of difficulty we really messed up each others lives and caused each other allot of pain for a period of a couple of months and things ended horribly with very hurt feelings. You see I knew I did not know what I was doing connecting on an energetic level with someone who I thought could teach me more, I thought I had found someone who could but in actuality did not know any more than I did. I think this is also a good point to make those who are and can make good teachers for us do not visit the grade-schools to interact with children on an potentially hard for us to accept level anymore than an adult overexposes a child to the world but rather protects them and allows them to grow. If anyone is offering to connect I say no thank you because you are a child an adult a spiritually mature being would not play games like this. She and Jeff had their private difficulties as well and there are others who have as well with Jeff. I have never had a difficulty or a negative experience with Jeff. After what I experienced with our mutual mentor I was pretty much burned out on this sort of thing. I do however wish he would be much more cautious with people, their are more than one who have been hurt badly and I would have thought one would be sufficient and if it were to be said I have a problem with Jeff it is that I am disappointed in someone I truly like continuing on with this cult which I believe is a dead end of a mixture of Bio Energy or the life force underpinning all things we all tap and allot of made up stuff from a huge cult personality making a framework of intellectualism that is trapping not only Jeff but those around him from further development and maturity by holding onto those structures. I learned my lesson with this stuff and I wish Jeff would as well instead of continuing with it as it is a dead end tat leads to nowhere save allot of intellectual traps. I always looked at it like Jeff was opening to new worlds and stretching his wings. Unfortunately with Jeff their is no real sense of caution and he tends towards great curiosity or at-least he used to and did not know enough to be cautious and later seems to not have grown into or matured to a point of being cautious instead telling people it is their own obstructions they are running into and not him. Well sometimes it is better not to tamper with people and let them work out their own obstruction and obscurations in their own way in their own time naturally rather than to set the seen for faster unfoldment than they are ready for. Jeff is in my thoughts someone who is very sincere, intelligent, charismatic and honestly worthy of respect. I like Jeff, always have we shared some minor amount of time together years ago and it was not bad but I could also see where it was heading and it was not for me. So lets summarize a few things shall we? Their is a life force call it prana, call it Bio energy or whatever you like we are indeed all expressions of it. We are each the same and unique at the same time some of us learn how to use this as the medium either consciously knowing we are doing it or unconsciously. This energy can and does advent at the level of the physical over any distance you wish to conceive of to this medium distance is revealed as a grand illusion. This energy is alive and touches all aspects of our being the mind, the emotions the subconscious, the stored issues we all have and our relative grasping to what we believe is our identity. When this energy is excited by contact with others we are effected deeply on many levels and beyond that things speed up not only in our personal evolution but in the physical as well. I think I have yet to truly meet anyone possessing the level of maturity or responsibility of an advanced spiritual adult that this would be beneficial to be in contact with in such an intimate and profound manner. If Jeff appeals to you as a teacher and a potential guru that is for the individual to decide just be aware even if he is ready and you feel good from being in his space you may not be ready for what comes of what I have done my best to explain.
  10. Lol I seemed to remember you were not but was not sure. Are you pulling my leg there is really such a thing as the “Jeff’s collateral damage” group?
  11. You may think you know where I stand but you do not, this is not another round of the world versus Jeff and his group. Rather I hope you will take some time and really look at what it is that you are doing and have been for some years now. To be clear I believe you are trapped and can not see it. When you do then you will know where I stand.
  12. Recently someone shared this with me and I think it is good for people to watch and get a clue as to what is going on with allot of energy related and presence sharing type stuff.
  13. There has been no loss... There was never anything to be gained. You seem to be rather oblivious to how the entertainment you engage in with others in is not always positive for others but have long lasting and negative repercussions and side effects. Why do you collect people into your cult? Do you not yet realize all you are doing is playing with bio-energy which does not respect space nor boundaries and that it has a component to it that is psycho reactive and can cause people both mental and emotional harm, do you not see you are caught in an intellectual trap? Free yourself Jeff and all those you have collected. To be clear this is the definition of the word cult being used: In modern English, a cult is a social group that is defined by its unusual religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs, or by its common interest in a particular personality, object or goal.
  14. Sometimes the source of advice is good. Sometimes it is not good and a lead into something quite different. The pill of good advice was already given to you to calmly walk away. Which shall you take? I assure you one of the pills leads down a rabbit hole to a place of grand imaginings and pleasant distractions that may not be so pleasant in the end , depending on your make up. Caution was given for a reason, a compassionate reason not to see others suffer.
  15. Yes and I often wonder why the novelty has not worn off yet as this goes on year after year, after year and I feel sorry for some people because in my opinion they are stuck and do not recognize it as a phase in their evolution that one just goes through. Oh well it takes the time it takes to move from the security of absurdness back into the breach of the unknown. I get that. Then again I rip off band-aids without flinching and dismantle entire life structures that no longer support nor suit or serve my best interests in the real world outside of the internet and pie in the sky fantasy. I only know of one other who is like me and she has proven it by having the courage to do the same, and we have made our home together, I call her my lady.
  16. Wow remind me not to piss you off! You sure know how to tell it old school and hard!
  17. Well I hope whatever is making it rough comes to a swift and positive conclusion, I feel for you, and can certainly appreciate how things can be a bit much. I pray you are not experiencing some of the stuff I have been in the last 3 years, they have been a real bitch for me, tons of stress, deaths, finding a bosses son dead in the bathroom after breaking down the door, feeling a Fathers heartbroken dive to the cold hard floor holding his boy in tremendous life altering sorrow, Loosing my mentor of over 30 years, Divorce, a new wonderful relationship, old friends moving on, others coming down with stage 4 lung cancer and a Mother that is frazzled as her husband has been hospitalized for over a month now diagnosed with Leukemia. The counter balance has been lots of great stuff Lost a house in the divorce, Purchased one a few moths ago, Lost who I thought was my wife (which turned out to be a fiction) and gained a new better S.O. ( think that is the correct term might as well say wife ) in return. The joy of discovering a new person, the amazement that she could be so wonderful, becoming able to trust again. Not easy. Delighting in what makes her happy and actually being cared for and loved better than I deserve. Lost my Two cats I loved for 9 years and raised from Kitten-hood and now have two new babies to raise. Gosh I had forgotten just how active and destructive kittens can be, already I am short one laptop power supply and an Apple lightening cable for the phone. Teething... sheeesh! Even the good stuff can wear us down change is very tiring and fatigue rarely lets our best side shine forth as we would wish.
  18. Are there any other leftists here? 👀

    Lets have yours jackass 😘
  19. Are there any other leftists here? 👀

    It is my opinion they had no idea whom they were fucking with. Windwalker is retired army and respects chain of command and had he knew I believe he would have stifled himself out of respect for the owner the other one no idea. When I read the warning Sean was in a mood I thought oh shit I hope no one is stupid enough to take him on. He is pissed and looking down a barrel. I do hope Sean will give Windwalker a reprieve for the sake of humanity not his political views. I as former Army have respect for vets especially Vietnam Era vets like Ralis and Windwalker these troops were in the shit and the system fucked them when they came home, hung our boys out to dry and left them with conditions like PTSD we are only now coming to terms with. I believe Windwalker like many of us found a community here and he needs the human interaction. I reckon some will say fuck him and good riddance to them I say. Hope you never are considered that way. Karma is a real bitch and she is taking score. I respect his fighting spirit, have disagreed with him plenty but all in all he is a decent Joe. Dissenting voices are needed otherwise people can just walk around in circles going yep, yep, yep , nope, Nope, nope hope this site does not become another AYP.
  20. Warning!!!

    Lol 😉
  21. Are there any other leftists here? 👀

    Not sure weather to hit Lol, thanks or a yet to be produced button that says wow! Lots of material in this reply. As far as the pain and widening to it been there done that in spades not an issue. Have been among the disenfranchised not knowing where the next meal is coming from or when I could get a bath or even wash my clothes. I literally do cry over the plight of the homeless having been homeless it effects me deeply and I do not turn from it but have even recently done what I could to help a homeless woman. A short story. I went to a convenience store a woman I had seen many times with her belongings in a rolling suitcase was standing in thenthreshold not panhandling but trying to stay dry as it was raining like crazy. I asked her if she was alright she said I am okay, I am just homeless. I replied I understand, are you hungry? Why not come in a get a sandwich pick out what you like? it’s my treat. She replied no, no I am fine so I let her be. The rest of the night I was a wreck reliving my own homeless days. The next day I got community leaders involved to see if they could help. The lady disappeared. The problems with this nation vex me sorely. No one should be homeless without work and the ability to lead a reasonable life. The whole description of polite politics is spot on and yes everyone since Ford in my lifetime has pretty much been a shit bag. The way you write reminds me of 3Bob but far more coherent. It also reminds me of stuff I saw growing up in the early 1970’s Hard to believe a 43 year old who was only 4 years old in 1980 knows how to talk like this. This type of talk is pretty old and is route indoctrination, I recognize it, my cousin in her 60’s does it also. Lots of my old Hippie friends and free thinkers now mostly dead due to old age and massive drug consumption used to talk like this. Don’t get me wrong this is just like saying I recognize country music or Rap when I hear it. Could care less what music folks like. Biggest thing I see with this mentality though is this, it can point out everything that is wrong but never offers a solution. It also never does anything. Surly if the things that are wrong can be pointed out in a public discussion so also can the solution. You are very spot on about the things that are wrong and have described them better than anyone. Is the far left as you represent it wrong? I do not think it is and the far left is an odd term. I do not think it adequately describes something that on all appearances is a radical departure from the current world climate. The way you are writing has more than a hint of the old but I Also sense something new. I sense the pressure of a younger generation circling back and picking up where the older left off and we’re ineffective. Who says you have to unpack it in a soundbite? Why not just take your time and unroll it here on your site? There are more people willing to learn and evaluate than just myself. I gave up on people like my cousin, the old original hippies and others because though they could talk really well that is where it ended and usually devolved into rhetoric and politics. Politics are poison as far as I am concerned and a way to manipulate the masses. When you say “Join a local democratic socialist, anarchist or communist group and meet real people. Decide for yourself if their ideas resonate with you and if they feel like good folks. Ask for book recommendations. There's a long, deep history to all of this. Find ways to get involved. Start small.” I will not because I do not think I will hear anything of the caliber you are saying. I would much rather hear / read what you have already digested and have concluded. The reason for this is you are the first person identifying yourself as a leftist who has ever in my experience Pointed out the glaringly obvious issues with the elite of both parties. You condemn Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump all with the same correct brush stroke and by goodness I agree. So please do continue this is interesting and not the same ol my party your party blah, blah, blah. I freely admit I voted for Trump and not because I thought he was the best thing for our country but as you say as a reactionary vote to be free of the onslaught of Obama era policies like having the IRS take money out of your tax return if you do not carry health insurance which only got more expensive and provided less. That nonsense alone was enough for me to never vote for anyone who intended to further those types of policies. Fact of the matter we are wealthy enough and technologically advanced enough that there should be no hunger, no homelessness and no lack of medical care but capitalism is not getting us there. Democracy is a failed experiment the world over. Socialism I fear is just reducing all to poverty and promoting elites once again. From what I have observed a Representative Republic does not work either. It winds up corrupted because only the extremely wealthy IE: Elites who do not represent the masses always do the same thing, the logical thing they represent their own class and by shear money alone make it impossible for a person who is a part of the masses to ever yep you guessed it represent the masses. Our Representative Republic has been subverted by capitalism, Via legalized entities called corporations which have been given the status of persons without consequences for any actions and has becomes a broken Democracy of sorts and is falling into a nihilistic dysfunctional form of socialism which is just another form of thinly disguised monarchy which I define as rule of the elites. Where am I going with this? One simple conclusion. It is human nature for a ruling class to take hold, exist and protect it’s power and ensure its continued elevated position at all costs. This has always been the case and is just hidden by different ideologies of governing until the masses suffer enough and revolt, happens pretty regularly throughout history. The whole thing is rather droll. We live in an age of undeclared Empires that have learned how to placate the masses and put controversial puppets like Obama and Trump in place to give people an outlet to blow off steam that would otherwise build into revolution. The thing that shocks me most is the degree of controversiality of people like this. The low caliber of their cultural personality lacking all dignity and decorum and making a Mocary if the office of the President of the United States. For an Obama or a Trump to have ever played the role of president and the things that have come from it tells me one thing. The members of Congress come across as a pack of idiots as well. The pressure of the people is getting very high and the elites are doing there best to put relief valves and distractions in place. Relief valves IE: Obama and Trump. Both are only possible in a country that I suspect will have a revolution well within the next 50 to 75 years. What is the solution? Search me I’m the one asking.