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Everything posted by Pilgrim

  1. Effort vs no-effort

  2. Effort vs no-effort

    Yes I too would like to know. Who says because something is old it is better? Is not even the old stuff new with each new person learning and or practicing it. Have we as a species not improved everything we ever found of value? Sure the rotary dial worked on phones but look at the smart phone now.
  3. The right to protest (ie: issue in AZ)

    Seems like you are doing a fair job now. Protesting solves nothing. If you want Government to listen then you have to do something on the scale of Ghandhi where the entire nation peacefully says no and simply refuses to participate in Government operating procedure. Protests and riots are nothing but release valves for the pressure cooker, people are too busy being polarized to realize they are already manipulated. America has already become something other than a Repesentative Republic by for and of the people that it was supposed to be and the idiots howling democracy this democracy that fail to realize this country was never meant to be one. Democracy is nothing more than the dishonest child of whore politicians and a purposely failed form of Government that serves to feed the fattest rats before they abandon the sinking ship as it slides into not only socialism but dictatorships. People will never agree on anything long enough or in enough numbers to make a difference. America is very young, those in charge, not the face puppets like Obama or Trump will ensure it survives to serve their agenda, best to honor the powers and give unto Cesar his due. I am part Native American. The failure of the Native Americans was not that they failed to protest a technologically superior invader, they protested plenty to the point where they were hurled onto reservations because they were so effective in war. They failed to honor the power and adapt to the reality of the situation. The government holds the power over each of our lives. This is the truth might as well warm up to it make peace with that fact and do what can be done to go along with it and make our country a better place, protest and riots will only make matters worse as no Government ruled by the elite will permit challenge to it's power. That little thing called insurrection will not be tolerated, believe it.
  4. The right to protest (ie: issue in AZ)

    This is what happens when a small part of the population believes and learns it can act like a small child throw a tantrum kicking and screaming until it gets it's way. This country has encouraged the ongoing nonesence by not discouraging it strongly enough. Proposals like this are a weeklings answer. They erode our liberties, put too much power in the hands of the corrupt and only lead to a revolution in time.
  5. Effort vs no-effort

    Yes and thank goodness. I for one gain immediate insights kensho,that only declaring one way is the way never can. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenshō
  6. Effort vs no-effort

    IDIC http://surak.nu/idic.php
  7. Effort vs no-effort

    Hi Jeff Quotes on iPad. '' What you call gender complete is only a part of verse 22. Additionally, Jesus is very clear about "sharing the power" and not being the only one as you can see in his following words..." A question what comes next after a Gender complete? I can see the end of that phase.
  8. Effort vs no-effort

    Ah much better, Thanks:)
  9. Effort vs no-effort

    Where I am getting it from is from what was written. Beyond good and evil? Where does it ever say the children of the Father are Beyond good and Evil? When the Son is referenced that is Jesus. Maybe I am misinterpreting your writing but it seems you are mixing up and interchanging the Children of the Father with Jesus and that is not the same. Yes 22 makes perfect sense. It is what I call Gender Complete. Entering the Kingdom yes but where does it say becoming a son child of God did you add that part? or just separate it for emphasis of a point of view? Where in the Bible is anyone one with the Father other than Jesus so proclaiming he is?
  10. Effort vs no-effort

    Good with all except for the last one. Where is this ever said anywhere? When I read things like beyond Good and Bad that is disturbing. Beyond Attachment and Avoidance seems like something extra also. 45 seems more a continuance of Love everyone so you can be the Children of the Father. The point of making the sun he alone owns rising on the good and the evil and sending the rain on the just and unjust to me says God is in charge. God alone decides who gets what. God alone decides. The Children of the Father are not to be confused with being equal to the Father but like the good and the evil the just and the unjust are subjects of the Father. As subjects of the Father they are equal to the good and the evil the just and the unjust and therefore should love everyone as themselves for they themselves are not above anyone. This suggests just making the scene being created does not automatically qualify as a condition of being children of the Father. Question what then is the Definition of Children of the Father? It appears one of the qualifying conditions is to love everyone. It also appears that the reason is because everyone has the same potential to qualify and make the grade as Children of the Father. Question what are the Qualifications, what is the criteria for being a child of God?
  11. Effort vs no-effort

    Yes I agree. Please break it down line by line you are good at this.
  12. Effort vs no-effort

    Ok now I am really getting a different idea. What I am getting is that Jesus is telling none of this matters at all your place is with God even while here. It is almost like he is saying keep your focus correct and do not be swayed into the mortal realm.
  13. Effort vs no-effort

    Is this the correct quote? Somehow it just does not seem to match what is being said. If this is the correct quote it seems more to do with enduring whatever may come without resistance. How is all this other stuff getting read into it?
  14. Mantak Chia & Kundalini

    It can be given via eye contact and even miles apart there is no distance with this sort of thing but most require proximity as they are not well versed working in the medium of distance is no distance. Tradition plays a big part in it as well. In my tradition it is given in person.
  15. Mantak Chia & Kundalini

    Hi quicat. I agree with your description but only looked very briefly felt it then shut it down. The look is one I know well but the hunting is going on within and has the serpent about it. He is hunting his own bliss reveling in it. I appreciate how perceptive you are, and will raise you A Meow Row! So says the Cat Dad! Oh yes my Little ^^ girl talks to me allot. Ping!
  16. I added a small amount to some peas it did increase the flavor some.
  17. Effort vs no-effort

    Hi Bindi last post was in a hurry, wanted to add a little.
 Coming back to the topic of people doing what would be considered miracles I would like to add that as someone who has managed to live through many experienced, many more etc.. that from this perspective it is not much of a stretch of the imagination to give the benefit of the doubt to historic figures like Swami Trilanga & Lahiri Mahasaya.
 The question however is are they really miracles? 
 I do not think so. 
 I think they are modes of operation that are not known by most.
 There is a quote I really like by Arthur C. Clarke ( Who by the way had allot to do with the satellites we have in space today, he was not just a science fiction writer)
 "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
 Many of the things I related are examples of accessing some strata of reality under times of stress that has prevented death dismemberment or even just hospitalization.
 Some of the things described are when placing ones awareness shunted into that realm.
 Some of the things described are by those that have access to these realms and are capable of masterfully operating.
 Some of these things like the Angles reported by the construction worker on the Highway are very likely portions of that realm that are not personal like the Concept of a Guardian Angel but upholders of the programs tendency to play out in a certain way within given variables.
 Here is a bit of HIndu belief. 
 I was told by Sri Mukherjee that when a person is born they are given a quota.
 This Quota is the number of breaths they will have in this life.
 Until this quota is met nothing can kill you.
 Once this quota is met nothing can save you, you are done.
 in-light of my past this seems to be more true than not.

  18. Effort vs no-effort

    Dwai, I have lived enough and known enough people to realize that the existance of truly advanced brothers and sisters that fully comprehend how things work is possible as are the frauds. I am not one of these advanced ones just making my way, with a little help. Well maybe allot. If there is anything I can do to pay it forward that is my desire.
  19. Effort vs no-effort

    Would you consider a kundalini awakening that left you with MRI verified swollen facet joints in every vertebrae resembling Arthritis at the age of 38 occurring practically overnight or the fact that 4 years later there was / is no evidence a miracle? Would you consider the head and shoulders of a deadman from the 1800's appearing to you and instructing you how to do spiritual practices a miracle? Especially after 20 plus years of being divorced from any of this kind of stuff. Would you consider this same person visiting you in dreams and counseling you over death prior to learning of a Fathers demise whom you had not seen in 13 years a miracle? Would you consider Kechari Mudra coming on it's own within a couple months after that visitation a miracle? How about Nirvakalpa Samadhi within just a few months, or going to the realm of ones own Golden body? Or perhaps penetrating the 5 pointed white star? Would you consider the same person coming to you wide awake and revealing your past life association with them a miracle? Would you consider flying off a motorcycle at 85 miles per hour with just a few scratches and no broken bones a miracle or the man who saw it declaring seeing angles holding you up a miracle? Would you consider being trapped under 8 to 10 feet of water with your hand trapped in the drainage grate passing out only to find your self laying half out of the pool with no one around and gates still locked a miracle when you were the only one there to begin with? Would you consider falling out of a tree 40 feet up and sustaining no injuries a miracle? Would you consider being thrown off of a boat then being ran over by it and seeing the underside with eyes closed and reaching up out of the water grabbing hold of the underside as it passed over you at high speed sustaining no injury a miracle? Multiple witnesses present. Would you consider almost being hit by a greyhound bus moving at high speed and jumping 6 feet straight up and over but it felt like some invisible force propelling you at high speed to get you to safety a miracle? Would you consider stepping on and picking up deadly Florida Water Moccasins without getting bit a miracle? Would you consider rattle snakes slithering across your legs darting their tongues while looking you in the eye then moving on a miracle? Would you consider swimming next to wild Alligators by mistake and not being torn to shreds a miracle? Would you consider going to look at a house with a real estate agent and several friends and the security system goes off and somehow you know the code and turn it off a miracle? Or how about unlocking cars where the keys were left in the ignition but there were key code entry like on 1980 Lincolns Stuff like this is just scratching the surface. If you are of doubtful mind then the only conclusion is I am accident prone, crazy and damned lucky.
  20. Effort vs no-effort

    Lol Bindi my whole life has been surrounded by what some would think miracles. Yes I have had witnesses. If you are really interested you can read about a very glossed over version here http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/43317-kriya-yoga-info/ To answer your question directly yes. The biggest miracle of all is the ability to love feel love and be loved. Second to that is life itself, it does not seem a miracle to allot of people but that is just because we are so used to it. Remind me to tell you about Lord Jesus and a Kitten some time.
  21. Effort vs no-effort

    It is a very good question one I have often wondered about there were allot of interesting incarnations in those days. Who knows maybe it was all B.S. Then again you are conversing with someone who has met one of these folks from back then face to face.
  22. Effort vs no-effort

    Something is odd here I asked the same thing but was told he would rather push a Ford than drive a Chevy.
  23. Effort vs no-effort

    No unfortunately this was going on in the 1800's. I know not much proof but consider this. I suspect you have been witness to things unexplainable and if you have then there is equal reason to believe as there is to doubt. If not then doubt is the only sane choice.