I have had near death experiences. Here is how one occurred.
Drowning contrary to what some believe, is not a bad way to go, just remember if you ever find yourself in this kind of predicament to hold your breath until you black out, then you are good to go.
Yes it can be done you just hold your breath and when the urge to breath comes you let the body convulse and breath its own retained air by letting the lungs throat and abdomen pump like crazy but refuse to inhale water and refuse to exhale air.
Really all you have to do is refuse to inhale or exhale the body will freak out on it's own.
This will put you into an anaerobic state and soon the black clouds will form at the periphery of your vision and your awareness will pinpoint to a point of light and then you will Know no more.
This is all very peaceful after a while if you have the ability to watch your own death.
The body convulsing is strange to watch and you do feel a bit sorry for the poor ignorant thing and would like to tell it to calm down but it will not listen and you know it, but it is only trying hard to live and do a good job so there is great compassion for the companion body.
This is a strange point of view to explain it is like when you try to pick up a pet and they know they are going to the vet, the poor thing just looses it's composure. Now that these words are written it may actually be the mind that is witnessed as loosing it's composure during the dying out.
Hmmmm..... Makes sense.
Even then you know it is over so it is not so bad in many ways it is a relief.
I never saw a tunnel, or anything else in fact it was just as I described it above going out to a darkness so dark that it does not even matter, silence so quiet that it does not matter, a peace so profound of restfulness like even the best sleep can never give, a stillness so still there is no mind to report anything and how could it anyway without sensory apparatus? Mostly there is freedom.
"The Freedom from Self Awareness, a Freedom from Being Aware of Being Aware" This being aware of being aware is a tremendous burden sentient beings are so afraid of not ever being aware of being aware and all worries and fears find their beginning right here with his one preoccupation of the mind. this then turns into horrible perversions in the world all for the sake of self preservation and aggrandizement of an impermanent self.
After being rescued and returning to the body life it was the opposite of going out.
Coming back is like being born. It reminds me of coming out of the vagina into the bright lights the cold air and the anxious people grabbing and pulling and holding with all kinds a loud noises but not as disorienting because the brain and organs are more developed.
Coming back is the opposite of going out.
When going out the black clouds shimmy and shake with a rushing noise in the ears and the vision pinpoints as the blackness irises forward shutting out the light to a bright pinpoint before totality of separation from body life.
In the coming back you are aware of a point of light in the distance. This point of light gets your attention but you are still pure awareness which is not self aware.
This leads to the certainty that there is no such thing as a self to begin with until you become self conscious which requires a body and a mind.
Without body there is no mind. Without mind there is no self, to be self conscious. Only sentient beings living in bodies have this predicament of Self Realization. Quite amusing from a certain point of view considering how much it has been sold as a big thing.
By the very act of lending this pinpoint of light attention it is as if you move towards it, like you are getting pulled by it and there is a feeling of,oh no and inevitability that you are caught and there is no getting free of this grasp of human life becoming self aware, of being aware & self conscious.
The entire process is very subjective, darkness could also be said to be pulling back.
It is like poking your head through a sleeve of a very close knit sweater without texture only gravity itself is pulling your head through the sleeve. Not forceps.
As you come closer and closer to the end of the sleeve you get more and more light and the mind then becomes self aware of its own awareness and the body is vibrating I literally felt electric vibration in the heart and the lungs and all throughout the body as the switch of involvement with a body was thrown on again and the body re-energized with current.
I saw the sky and did not know what it was I was looking at and then realized it was the sky because it was blue and there were white puffy clouds. I remembered what sky meant. Then I remembered what had just happened.
And this is how it was.
When the Samadhi of no heart beat is returned from it is also a allot like this but the transitions are smoother but not so much different. You do however regain self awareness more smoothly and early enough to watch what it is like to not have a mind, a heartbeat or the need to breath. This is very nice.
Where ones awareness is in a state of no longer being aware of being aware is identical.
Wherever that is, is something allot better than just okay.
The return from near death and the return from Samadhi of no heart beating and no lungs breathing both have one thing in common.
Sorrow & Regret.
Regret and sadness that you are aware of being aware.
Regret to be here now compared to the not knowing you just were. Where ever that was whatever it is it is a completeness and it is good.
This fades, but you carry it in the pit of your heart and no one can say why it should be like this only that it is.
Life is good.
Death is not being self aware.
It is good also.
You do not know how good Death is until you come back on line and become self aware of being aware, the self consciousness aspect of awareness is what all sentient beings cling to in great fear of loosing what is a conditional aspect of our existence that is entirely codependent on so many factors as to defy calculation.
You do not know how Good life is until the light is being closed off and there is regret that is is so but there is also a great inward sigh of relief. Ahhh finally at last, rest......
That which is not so good is the transitioning, from one state to the other.
Transitioning is the rough part.
It is during this transitioning however that insights are gained because one is fully here one finds oneself or not as the case may be and either are good.
When it comes to transitioning brought about by practices the transition out is very good all is alive with a very high state of energy the highest in the brain and the spinal cord and the entire body is filled with feelings so wonderful as to be having an electric orgasm in every cell as the cells of the body vibrate beyond there ability to contain the golden light that comes in waves upon waves building to higher and higher energetic states so that it feels as if the ail around you might start crackling.
Then you become aware of a light in the distance and realize you were not.
You have no idea for how long you were not.
Then there is regret at becoming again.
Then there is reluctance to continue in the direction of life.
So the transition back to body life is filled with sadness and regret and sorrow. Why this is so I do not know. From this I can only assume that which can not come back with me must be wonderful. There is no memory of what that is but the closest analogy is something like this.
Imagine what it is like to be 18 or 19 years old again in the full upward swing of young adult youth when emotions run high and everything matters so very much out of proportion to what your older self would think.
Love is more intense, longing is more desperate.
You are a Handsome young man with a good body and your lady is a beautiful young woman with a great body you have the most amazing sex together and when it is over can not help but fall in each others arms with deep admiration and mutual love and respect and tenderness that when considered in that moment chokes the throat and constricts the heart with appreciation for the fleeting moment.
You feel OH so lucky all over again with a magnetic desire that holds you together sharing your warmth and every time you have to go to work it is with a feeling of desperate anguish at the separation.
Over time through repetition you realize that this great feeling is an is agony because it does not last.
The coming together again is so intoxicating you maintain this cycle of anguish and ecstasy yet in the times of separation the there is suffering. Then you focus on your work and it becomes ok there also. If you can feel these words then you have an idea of what the transitioning back phase is like.
You are leaving your beloved and can never see her ever again, because to do so means death.
You are also blessed to have life and there is a comfort because you know that one day after fulfilling the obligations of life you will get to return to your beloved and this changes the perspective from dread or acceptance of the inevitable to one of getting ones gift back.
The normal death transition will still be rough.
The practice led type of transitioning is one where you just let it all in, dropping all your guards letting it all out and you realize that the you, that is, is something much, much bigger than the body and at some point you laugh with the realization and wonder how was I ever contained in here?
Neither state has been permanent in my experience both are transitional and I fully expect and allow that my ability to perceive is not so well developed as others, otherwise perhaps I could report about angels and other things but for me there was only a stillness and a peace that defies all description.
It can also be said that the death side of things is like still being turned on it is not like the body dies and you get turned off like a light switch.
It is like the core of you remains on, but it is being on, in a different way and there is no awareness of your own existence let alone anyone else.
Somehow this is good but it is impossible to explain and even more impossible to expect anyone to understand but the attempt is made anyway, perhaps it will alleviate suffering?