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Everything posted by Hancock

  1. In a recent thread I mentioned the name of someone I knew and an a story that was told to me. I used a person's offline name while making no references to that one individual, although I did reference another individual however in both initial references I spoke positively of them both during the posting. Then when commented on, I repaid why myself and one of the people no longer were associated. I saw someone complain in their online nAme thAt I had revealed personal information about them when I had not in any way pointed to their account here or who they were online here, just used the name I know them by offline. I was told to alter my posting, in then sent a message to another staff member to look into the situation. However while I waited, I was given 5 minutes to alter my posts,.by the same moderAtor who (in a previous board post said "I hope no one complains as loudly about you", having indicated that this was a set up situation. I would like a.different staff member to review the post and the Report this moderator said was reported on my post, and then message me with the yes or no on returning my original replies back to the forums. I was banned for 3 days because someone felt I didn't respect their power as a moderator and attacked me in any way they could, I'd like restitution in the form of my posts being returned to the forum OR a coherent explanation of wrong doing on my part. OR Kar3n to for 3 days be removed as moderator for the obvious might s management of her position. ive asked that her to leave me be and quit harassed. Now in a just world there'd be repercussions for her actions..thAt probably not going to happen, however I felt it necessary to make a token attempt for the sake of the injustice and wrong doing having been done here. I mean if I get banned for saying someone's name without directly connecting it to their account, what's up with that? And by the same person who threatened to ban me for hAving an old account I hadn't accessed in months, an forgot the password to. I even asked her to delete it for me or merge it with this one, then another staff member was brought in to talk to me about it when she didn't do as asked an delete the old account. As a bonus she strAight up lied and said that my old account was signed in under this same email. Since day one this woman has been on my ass, I've reported, retorted, and have gotten nowhere. I don't know her beef with me but it needs to stop.that's why I posted this in tech and forum support, because I need support from other staff members on making this harassment stop. I mean plenty of you have said "go find another forum if you don't like it here." But that's just the thing besides a few things I enjoy reading some nd the camaraderie and the feedback you all have here but it's not worth my dignity as a human being.
  2. Hello I've noticed that if I focus on someone or something that I can just allow myself to feel it. Example I saw a qi healing and the person was shaking violently, stuff was happening an we were told it was because the person's blockage were being removed. Well I was watching it and I felt qi moving thru an area I'd been having trouble with, an I just let it happen. Another time I was looking up massage stuff an saw a person getting massaged, I began to feel as if someone were massaging me. Another time I was in a martial arts dojo an we were told to freeform, i did an the sensei said I was doing some of his secret moves and asked wherein learned them. He even tried to get me to do them again but I wasn't sure what I did. A psychic friend suggested it as a form of psychic empathy. I'm curious how to cultivate this gift in a meaningful way, in knowing what it is or could be. The downside seems it's difficult to do it deliberately,or at least inthe ways I've tried. Thanks for any helpful suggestions and answers.
  3. There's some advice I'd like on self defense against a group of people wanting to fight versus one person. Given the escalation of events in the World, an the crime rate of one new area I plan to move too, I'd like tips on self defense versus a gang, or opponents that fight as a group. Lots of gang murders, violence, racially motivated crime, etc. I'd like to prepare as best as I can. An cause the USA being how things are now,id like to have some idea of what to do during a riot or something I'd like to get out as quick as possible, but may be attacked for whatever reason an would like to know how to disable multiple attackers so I can move on to a safe distance from the riot. Just in case I find myself in that situation. Plus I've been jumped before, but my body size has been my advantage an disadvantage. I'd like better preparation, so please advise. P.s. I wasn't sure where to post this, so I posted it under Group. Disclaimer, Martial arts should not be used to enlarge your ego, to assault or bully anyone. I do not recommend using martial art unless training or protecting someone, or self defense, or guess you're a professional mma fighter or martial arts teacher or some other appropriate usage. Knowing how to use martial technique is a responsibility that should be treated with respect like you would a loaded gun. Ok so I've discussed warnings an precautions.
  4. Hi. I had an experience recently where I smelled something rotten in an then weird thoughts began. I recognized it right away as foreign to my own energy and told it to go away peacefully but I wished it well an hoped it could evolve into something better. I encounter these things a lot, before that one there was one which smelled like well for lack of better words clean sexual organs an there was sexual overtones an thoughts that appeared. Other people smelled it too and after I asked they did admit to sexual thoughts running thru their mind. Then there is one that no smell but a feeling of dread, an being irrationally scared for no reason and if eyes are closed there are horrific images. When I encounter these things, there's a sudden like mood shift in me. Like some part of me becomes extremely relaxed, yet serious, an become aware of their presence in various ways. The smells or because I quieted my mind yet weird thoughts that feel as if they are somehow for lack of better wording, they feel as if they are somehow outside my 'boundaries' trying to work their way or attach to me. I've come to understand these are types of bodiless beings, an I'm curious if there is a way to expelled them. Where do I send them? An how do I seal them into an object then purify the bloodless being and send it where it needs to go. Also for some reason I put my right hand to my chest and say "Ami-tabah" instinctively when I'm asking them to leave and wish them well. Since I started this meditation where I develop inner luminance , it's become more frequent. I appreciate the help if ya can.
  5. What are you listening to?

    How appropriate...
  6. I was meditating and felt a rough part in myself that was like what I considered a blockage to feel like. So I focused on it, an let it show itself to me, but I started to vibrate or feel like I'm vibrating. I'm interested in knowing what others might know of whatever this is. It does feel like it's releasing a refined energy that goes upward an follows the ren dui mai microcosmic orbit. It's in the back of neck area where head and neck connect. Thanks
  7. Vibrating during meditation

    Never heard of rabbit way or engineering meditation, sounds Interesting to look up, I'm just following practices passed on to me. But i often advance of natural tAlent and having done other metaphysical work. People say I'm taking shorts cuts or somehow cheating, but it's not. An it's just interesting experiences i keep having, an now describing it to make sure I'm not screwing myself up..that chin tilt though helped, then I did feel vibrating in other parts of the body so I tried to relax an chill. I mean I quit doing that Golden Flower Meditation cause it attracted spirits to me like a magnet, an stuff began to move around whenever i practiced it. I wasn't interested in telekinesis and had stopped practicing it, so I stopped the gfm whether thats something it was intended to do or not the guy teaching me never would answer just told me to keep at it which I did til long after we quit discussing things. The hair I find is because I so practiced brujeria an people were jealous and wanted my abilities, therefore enemies, they project negativity an hex it can manifest as hair or other items, when you are identifying it and removing it or at least how we practice it. If there's enough of us, we can even pool our power and bring the witches hex items to us. Heck configured id address the stuff that happens, cause people seem to find it impossible and call me nuts or question my mental balance. About The dead skin, it has washed away an my hand was all tingly and hot, there was no focus whatsoever on that hand except in Reiki. Now thinking bout it coulda been what my reiki teacher called splashbacks, part of whatever your healing kinda splashes onto you. I don't know. I do some taiji ball practice an my left hand gets hot a lot. I've attributed it to a better flow of energy. But the dead skin thing is new an happened after it vibrated an I didn't think about it til I woke up an was doing hygiene stuff an saw left handbags flakes of dead skin an my right hand didn't. It wasn't a crAzy amount, but it was something I found odd because of the vibration thing. My hand is smooth now and for all intents an purposes I haven't noticed much of a difference. I appreciate your concern for the mental health, but no I'm not a crazy. An as for eating habits, I eat to survive like the rest of us here. I do what I can to keep it healthy on my budget. So if you've got other suggestions, id appreciate it. The world we live in is magical and weird, but we gotta drop expectations an be willing to see it for what it is, or else we might end up chasing it our who lives an when it shows its to us, we wont see it or it'll frighten the loss outta us, or we might try to pretend it's not real to protect our view of the world. Here's the story: Yeh Kung-tzu was a man who loved dragons. He studied dragon lore and decorated his home with paintings and statues of dragons. He would talk on and on about dragons to anyone who would listen. One day a dragon heard about Yeh Kung-tzu and thought, how lovely that this man appreciates us. It would surely make him happy to meet a true dragon. The kindly dragon flew to Yeh Kung-tzu's house and went inside, to find Yeh Kung-tzu asleep. Then Yeh Kung-tzu woke up and saw the dragon coiled by his bed, its scales and teeth glittering in the moonlight. And Yeh Kung-tzu screamed in terror. Before the dragon could introduce himself, Yeh Kung-tzu grabbed a sword and lunged at the dragon. The dragon flew away. Many generations of Chan and Zen teachers, including Dogen, have mentioned the true dragon story in their teachings. For example, Dogen wrote in Funkanzazengi, "I beseech you, noble friends in learning through experience, do not become so accustomed to images that you are dismayed by the true dragon."
  8. What are you listening to?

    R.I.P. to Bernic David Flora the 3rd, a personal friend dedicate this song to you Texas Guru thank you for showing me the sense in life.
  9. Vibrating during meditation

    The dipping chin an straightening the back of neck worked to alleviate some of it. I began vibrating in my hands and this morning I had dead skin allover my hand that vibrated, it was my left one. I use meditation in various ways, for my general purposes it's to allow the emergence of the truest self by allowing blockages as you said to fall away, however im encouraged to look at the cause of the blockage so as to learn from it and not repeat it. I look at the blockage, recognise it, an allow it to unravel an give information in the form of mental impressions, feelings, etc as k observe from meditative detachment. I'm not perfect at it though lol an end up sometimes with experiences like the vibrations or coughing up something I couldn't have swallowed (hair thafs different color and length from mine, an I prepare my own food so its just weird an usually resulted because of a witchcraft based attack) or some other weirdness. I think you're onto something, my social life has been heating up more. I usually sit in vocal silence for days or weeks at a time but recently I've been helping others more and there's a mark increase in my willfullness and spiritual sense. So maybe it is a chakra opening situation. Thank you Jeff. Good suggestion. Part of my practice involves stretching beforehand and afterwards, but I would appreciate if you can share some of your stretching maneuvers because maybe they are better. Mine come from my teacher but I rarely see him and I'm still learning to get them down properly in the order I was taught. It's almost like a form. My teacher who taught me this way has passed on, an I can not seem to reach him by calling on his spirit yet so I'm kinda just doing what I can. But good advice, if you look.under my reply to Kar3n an have an idea of what that type of meditation is called I'd be very interested because my teacher didn't care to tell me the names of some things just how to do them. I haven't had a popping sound this time around, though once I did have a popping in my forehead area an a burning there. It affected my abilities to a degree, they came back stronger after that. My teacher at the time said not to worry bout it, an until you mentioned that i forgot bout it. I'd ask my teacher but theyve passed on. what would that mean a pop, burning feeling, an abilities dampen then return stronger? Just to say, Thank you to everyone for your answers. I feel fortunate to have all you experts assisting in my personal growth.
  10. Goodbye

    Two monks were arguing while watching a flag flapping in the wind."The flag is moving," argued one monk."No, it's the wind that is moving!" insisted the other monk.Huineng was passing by, and remarked, "It's your minds that are moving." sourced from http://newbuddhist.com/discussion/22177/the-wind-and-the-flag-a-koan-discussion
  11. Internal energy

    Mine is just based on a personal practice an just me trying to name things that seem magical so as to explain things to someone else. My definition is born from personal practicality, as opposed to scientific stuff, an if i want to simplify it even further I usually say there's different types of Qi, the one in the body is based on interactions and is the result of the body working plus it's interacting with the environment. This makes qi, an we can learn to move this around. Or I say something like, Qi is the result of our interactions with the environment, as a kind of blanket statement of qi. An I tell them there's different levels of it. Then I usually give them a sample of different qi, I heat my hands, I move wind outside, or if I've got the juice for it at the moment I send them a little jolt to clear their qi chAnnels. Still I don't consider my definition the best there is or most scientific, just a practical one. I'm not a high minded individual, though I enjoy wine an classy restaurants once in a while. But I'd like to hear more on your definition, because it sounds very well researched. Like I said mine was just trying to explain things from person perspectives.
  12. Staff postings

    I'm unclear on when staff posts as Staff, or as a member. Kar3n helped me by saying she color codes things. Thanks to her for that. But is there a rule of thumb of when we should take a member as Staff or as a Member? Just wanting to avoid misunderstandings, it's the internet an it's not always clear what "tone" things are said in. So thanks for helping differentiate.
  13. Staff postings

    That got me busting out laughing. Thanks Marblehead lmao Yea I needed filler because I removed the previous deal we handled, so I posted bout that causeway was currently on my mind. An I figured it was harmless, an I might learn something more bout things an avoid misunderstandings in the future. Thanks. Thank you all who replied. I feel satisfied with everyone plus Kar3n's previous answer. So peace. Lol I still don't know why I'm laughing at Marblehead an that blue sexism thing. Guess he got me me at the right moment, ahh good times y'all
  14. Internal energy

    Thermodynamic, generated from biochemistry and freefloating ions an electrons in the air. When cultivated it enhances the steadiness of the atomic structure as well as it's integrity an its cohesiveness. This cohesion can be indirectly utilized through the piezoelectric properties in both nervous systems an also the gray matter in The brain, heart and gut areas. These places being where certain cells fire and reassemble based on direct that cohesive ionized atomic energies into a semi-vaporlike state yet visible state are located at thought (brain chemistry), indirect thought/Intuition (gut nervous system, I forget it's actual name), an emotional wellbeing an nervous system health (heart), the combined function of the three generate an involuntary unconsciousness which can also be called our spirit or soul. I'm no scientist though buuuuuut that's how things seem to me.
  15. Mo Pai level 1

    I do similar practices. But it's for months at a time, then weeks, then daily as you progress til there's a certain event then yeah it's permanent an there's no need to practice but it takes time like you said your system does. Most here have practiced for years. But I'm glad you put this out there, the first thing that lead me to daobums was a thread on mopai while I was researching it. It was that thread where someone asked the difference between yin energy an yang, I eventually learned through experiences but it did help. Anyhow thanks again for freely sharing your information bro.
  16. Should a 10 year old be given the choice to choose if he stays with an adopted family or if he goes with his biological family? Is this fair to put on a child? If yes, why, if no, why not? I'd appreciate answers, an I also appreciate no one judging others for their opinion. I know it's a weird question it, I'm using whatever means are at my disposal right now to hear others opinions. Although I've my own opinion, I'd like outside ones. Thank you.