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Everything posted by Hancock

  1. The Problem With The Forum Admin...

    Mainly because in a way This is the new bloodsport. We have a primal desire for challenge and it's a reminder of that what makes us feel alive. Nowadays opinions an posts an sarcasm are weapons and instead of lives on the life, there dignity and a person's reputation as well as social value. It's inborn an most don't know what they are doing or why, but after becoming cognizant of it - it becomes a choice to participate or not. Our own weapons turn against us an we feel bad, initially, then we begin to try to make the world a better place. Even if for a moment in eternity. It's my point of view which might be insane lol. This clip explains the things better. It's from a movie but it helps me get my understanding across better using borrowed props
  2. The limits of free speech

    Those of us who've lived thru oppression, racism, the crap going on is just ridiculous reminders of how much we still are going thru. The prejudice and racism hasn't ended in any way. We have the right to free speech in this country, to peaceably assemble. But the morality of what people assemble for and speak about isnt policed and is up to the individuals. if there should be a moral authority, I don't know. I do know that white supremacist are separatist, they want to work thru controlling the politics of the country to keep those of us who aren't white in check. It's how they operate. Every once in a white some radicAls make a spectacle but the truth is they are just there to further the agenda, an provoke anyone who stands against them to distract from something going on. An old acquaintance was a kkk member til his life was saved by a African American doctor who wouldn't give up on him. He spoke how they're organized and how they're in everything nowadays. I joked it was like Templars in assassin's creed, an he said it wasn't so far off. He explained that every time they do these spectacle protest things or make public, it's for destruction from something and recruitment. He said they Molded our view of freedom and they give us those freedoms, we're in their world and they are only keeping things as they are for larger agenda. Sounded crazy but I've seen enough to know he was mostly right. He says they aren't concerned with winning, as far as they are concerned they've won and that they are just implementing their ideas which is set to a 25 year plan or something. He said that a few years back. He said they're in it for the long hall. They even helped get Obama elected and in office to ramp up the national racism tension. Like a fire under a pot to get things boiling.
  3. True fajin - explosive strike - one inch punch

    I'm originally from Puerto Rico, lol but now im in a small out of the way town in Arkansas. Living at the foot of a mountain. Yea my buddy is like that too, very open an helpful. An by internal development from your words I think i mean nei kung. I'm looking to develop my chi for personal an spiritual and daily usage. I always seemed to have a reserve of strength until I had sex with this one woman. My life fell apart an my strength just disappeared, but her life got loads better. A shaman friend said she stole a large part of my vitality an the only way to get better was to develop. He gave me notes, but had to go an he never returned. So there were other reasons too but that's kind of what I'm after, restoring an going beyond where I was.
  4. True fajin - explosive strike - one inch punch

    Thanks for doing your part is keeping the forum fight free. Yes I will appreciate that very much. As for Wells claiming you being fake, an others claims against Wells, ive learned when it comes to reputation that our actions will give us credibility when words are used against us. Though many martial artists use fists, on an online forum it's best in my opinion to just prove it over time like you both do with diagrams and the videos. In essence I've found you both are right in your own ways and have learned different definitions to some things, so calling one a jackass or the other a douchebag is less productive an therefore begins shows although you have obtain knowledge and expertise that there is still room for character growth. I don't mean offense if anyone is offended but i do mean to speak the truth. So let's get passed the who said malarky an focus on pragmatism and practical results in development. At least I ask this be done when dealing with me interpersonally.
  5. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Andy Kaufman was awesome
  6. The Problem With The Forum Admin...

    To be honest no. Not unless im expecting something. Be careful I got banned for putting someone's name in my post, they say it's a violation of privacy rights to do that.
  7. The Problem With The Forum Admin...

    My secret...my old name. It's a doctor who joke. Not a great one admittedly
  8. Hi, I've gotten psychic readings that well kinda been messing with my idea of myself. An other experiences, could I get some explanations from Taoist views on what may or may not have happened? In one the person, a powerful witch, great person, just stopped an left an broke off contact with me. After I got a hold of her again she acted afraid of me an said she didn't want any trouble, refunded my money an it was over. She wouldn't explain it to me or my friend who went to ask bout it.she did warn my friend that I was dangerous. In another reading with a psychic, I felt her energetic consciousness in me is the only way to explain it, but for some reason it felt like there was a suctioning force in my head that pulled it in. Afterwards she said for bout 2weeks she could feel me an what I was doing. I felt okay an more level headed than usual. In another situation, a Wicca-witcg exgirlfriend read me an we both passed out. She later admitted that she was trying to pirate my gifts but something happened. Ever since I've felt like something was not quite right with me, til I started cultivation then it felt like I've been restoring that lost part of me. I was in a mall with my grandmother when an old lady walked up to me and using my name told me I wasn't wanted, then cussed me out, an tried physically assaulting me, saying he was going to drag me back to help with her. My grandmother helped me by grabbing her. We found out thread was a Methodist preacher's wife, according to everyone she never acted like that before. They even invited us to their church, which we went to and the old lady had passed away the night before we went to church. My friends aunt passed away. But before I knew she had died, i saw her crossing the street plain as anyone else, she just kept walking an I called a him up an asked how she was doing. He said she has passed. I was invited to a secret group by an acquaintance, then at the door turned away where they kept saying they couldn't allow me into there and wished me well on my way. When I asked my friend, he said they saw something in my energy but he couldn't tell what they saw. These things been bugging me for a while an it'd be great to understand or have some idea of what's happening.
  9. True fajin - explosive strike - one inch punch

    I appreciate the visual aides very much. Thank you for your making that video for my learning benefit. I see what you mean about from the hip. An i say supernatural as a way of talking, I mean how are these things not natural if we can develop them? Anyhow. I knew someone taught directly by Grandmaster Chen Xioawang mini think they're in Seattle nowadays. His yang chi is crazy radiant an it's always a pick me up to talk to him. Good guy does charities an what not. I think Wells was speaking to schools with no internal power or rip offs that are nowadays at mcdojos, but I'm not entirely sure. I want to go over these vids some more. But feel free to respond to what I've said and also Starjumper, how is internal development done in taichi? I was in a seniors taichi class when i was a caretaker and I saw whitish puffs in the air around people, I later learned they were chi from the instructor. He helped me out initially but I had to move to take care of a sick friend, then other things happen but now im.back on the path starting with cultivation.
  10. The Problem With The Forum Admin...

    It's a tactic to devalue your point of view by ignoring then sidelining your initial complaint about things, thereby the people who disagree with you can provoke you an then things will get too far, which is how it ends up being turned against you or dropped as no longer valid topic. Lots of Zen people use this tactic, if we stay still long enough our enemies will float down the river. Eventually it's to allow you to owe your impetus an go somewhere else or just let it. The key is to be heard, it sinks in an subconsciously they will alter their Actions. I'm talking to the rudeness between members. I mean look at Kar3n referencing bout recent events between us,an I quote "(most members have no problem editing)". It's the indirect an deniability that keeps most these people safe, because if you say something it's suddenly your fault for perceiving it wrong. (In this case, she's referring to her frustration over my previous incarnations situation an not trying to antagonize. It's an effort to help you see her idea of how most people here can cooperate. An to tell you if you've issue to report them. But if you report them, they might not take action an say things are dealt with privately. Then they stalk you looking for any little thing you do incorrectly to jump you. If you cower, they feel they won an keep an eye but they know it's over. If you keep going, then you've got to make sure you take personal stuff out of it an stick to the ideals, cause if they say you're a hypocrite or can prove you've done wrong, it's basically an open door for criticism an they make it like it's a personal problem on your part, thereby invalidating the credibility you have. Either way, You're right Alethia, we treat each other with more dignity on the forums. Paraphrasing this quote from Ip Man, "The virtue of martial arts is benevolence. This is something that the #bleep# will never understand, for they learn martial arts only to become stronger and terrorise others. They are not worthy of learning our martial arts." That goes for people who obtain power in any way. There's lots of extreme practices, beating your first against a tree to develop powerful fists, being struck to develop toughness, etc. The wires up the anus seems better to use a grounding board, but each method has their own philosophy.
  11. True fajin - explosive strike - one inch punch

    http://mikesigman.blogspot.com I found this an I think it explains the difference in Wells and Starjumper, both your methods of development. Please both comment to help me bridge my understanding.
  12. The Problem With The Forum Admin...

    It looks like you're just trying to stir up trouble, an could you not do that please. It just seems like an intentional provocation to get Alethia to defend their position an react negatively. If I'm wrong let me know. I apologize. But I just want to make it clear, these posts where people stir trouble are some of the issues with misconduct on this forum. Expressing our opinions and views can be done without personally attacking another person's perspective. Hope everyone chills out. Again Nungali, if I'm wrong g an you weren't trying to solely get a rise from Alethia, then I apologize. Either way, going to catch IP man on Netflix an chill. So I'm out.
  13. The Problem With The Forum Admin...

    Lol! Seriously saw that an just burst out laughing. Thanks all that tension from my last post just melted away. Good one Brian. I war to add, if you weren't joking an were insulted, that's not my intention to offend you. I just naturally found your post hilarious. No offense intended Brian
  14. The Problem With The Forum Admin...

    You people should quit attacking each other. No matter your level of development, this attacking is the issue of issues. It's been overlooked by staff for whatever reasons, an it just needs stopped. Since they're not stepping in for their own reasons, it is up to us. Y'all are adults backhanded crap, insults, etc all stop us from developing our potential. If you disagree with someone, state your case without insulting them personally. I mean there's post I'd like to Thank but they have backhanded insults in them, so it's not appropriate to Thank. I don't want to take sides in personal beefs. If staff isn't policing things the way you like, it's up to you to call it out. To speak freely. Over time we'll be heard, or they'll try to silence things. But from what I understand it goes on in all sorts of forums where people express their opinion, an behavior isn't being policed neither is authenticity. However I learned real stuff from you and Starjumper, so I think you're genuine in your areas of expertise.
  15. True fajin - explosive strike - one inch punch

    Wells if it's cool with the people who post in this thread, just chill in the ripping on other styles or individuals. Kind of stick to the facts, I'm trying to avoid personal beefs so I can selfishly get the best information i can. your personal beef is something you should handle when it doesn't interfere with my learning process. Please really expect my selfish desire to become awesome in physical and metaphysical kung fu. What does it mean when martial art loses its essence, and how does it regain its essence? Wells how does a martial arts essence work, that's interesting to me. I've heard the Li definition before. So now I'm understanding on that front. Starjumper, with your traditional do you develop qi separately to physical forms or as you go along? Also bud, I've read that lost of jings again. Cool stuff. I experience some of those things where my skin sometimes becomes supersuctionlike, interesting as can be, if you can share how in can develop that it'd be great. Right now it comes and goes during different things. Thanks again guys.
  16. The Problem With The Forum Admin...

    How does one practically empty attacking Qi into emptiness? What's the skill/technique? Where can I read up on this legend?
  17. The Problem With The Forum Admin...

    I spent 7 years learning and experiencing that we are more than our personal perception of the world. It's why I understood what you were saying. Just I learned that it was the Ego who held us back, because it's a kind psychic parasite that feeds on our life energy that we give off. They look like amorphous shadows , etc etc. I've seen an experienced weird carp and even went to see if I was insane. Unfortunately no I'm not craycray just very perceptible to things, an that was borne out of a necessity for survival. So my understanding goes a bit deeper than the intellectual level..I just wanted to let you know, so you know I'm not pulling your leg. Man we live in a weird ass world
  18. The Problem With The Forum Admin...

    I understand. Our mind filters things and over the course of life development we piece together patterns and cut out other perceptions based on subconscious bias. Got it. What's else will help me get further in stabilizing my capacities? Also Thanks for the help so far. It's very understandable and much appreciated.
  19. True fajin - explosive strike - one inch punch

    Man the language differences are reAlly interesting. There's Fa li, and a type of Fajin that mean the same. Then there's the internal power fajin. Thank you Wells and Starjumper for helping me to understand these things. No wonder I was confused looking it up lol. Wells with supernatural fajin how do you develop it? Also can you explain Fa Li, a little bit? Also what style is it from the supernatural fajin, and fa li your talking bout Wells? I'm very interested in both types of Fajin you both are talking about. Thanks guys for working together to help me understand, I know you've had your differences but the way your helping me out together. Much appreciated in advance
  20. The Problem With The Forum Admin...

    I appreciate it, I'm a simple man who's not the best intellectual. Hahaha so a lot of your philosophy stuff I just am. It understanding outright, would you mind explaining it in simpler terminology? Like if you were teaching an uneducated person who might have a general idea but not a grasp of the refined things. It'd help me out a lot. Also feel free to message me about this, practices, techniques, philosophy. I'm looking to expand my intellect so thanks.
  21. True fajin - explosive strike - one inch punch

    I appreciate the thread, it's informative. The fact there are different types of fajin has thrown my research off. I do see what your talking about the S and the whiplike movement. It'd be great to see the instructions on how to properly perform this style of fajin. . Is fajin just the quick S movement or is it the punch too? Could you explain the history of this technique? Maybe throw in the origin story of how it was invented? Also could you define an explosive strike a little more clearly, is this the on my mind or are there more and if so are they called fajin? What style of fighting is this from? Where did you learn it, from who?
  22. The Problem With The Forum Admin...

    From the basics of what I've understood of MoPai, it deliberately cultivAtes heaven yang chi, then stores thAt to capacity. Then in stages moves things til it merges with bodily and earth developed Yin. This causes the qi to transform into a more refined state and go through the entire body, causing a permanent alteration / whereas most other systems cultivate little by little and don't do permanent changes til later stages and most of them use wind chi in the beginning instead of solar chi. Anyhow science is at best educated guessing, it tries to find a repeatable pattern and make something of it. Over the generations cultivates, martial artists, etc have done the same thing and found ways that work. My grandma believed maggots were rice that come alive after time, I showed her a fly and it's maggot stage, etc an she thought it was sorcery. Sometimes people prefer magical thinking over scientific thinking. But if we're honest with ourselves we would prefer Practical pragmatism over both. Anyhow there's my view of the mo pai controversy. I'm not associated with any mo paid group currently.