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Everything posted by Hancock

  1. The Problem With The Forum Admin...

    Hey how did you develop your abilities ? I get inconsistencies in the way I'm doing things now and am looking for a more consistent method. Maybe I get inconsistencies cause I need to do things longer but still. Btw I was kicked from a dojo because I posted bout my experiences of racism in the town, nothing to do with the dojo, but the sensei found out and kicked me from the school claiming I had spoken against him, because in a post if his, he said our town didn't tolerate racism. Point is, just cause some people have power, it doesn't mean they use it right. Making an uproar, like the civil rights movement is the only way to be heard in most cases. Even then there's an initial battle. Your battle is for genuineness here. A place where the real stuff is talked about. The issue is there's a lot of ways to do things, lots of ways of cultivation. You have one that's works. These other people have one that works. But becAuse you both believe yours might be the only correct way, there's butting heads. Truth is the proof is.in the pudding, lots of ways to channel qi, cultivate, do martial arts form, see the beauty in philosophy, etc. An the fact that some people will buttheads is inevitable, and does need to stop because we're adults and should be better than this.
  2. The Problem With The Forum Admin...

    Seriously Drew if u can message me or kind of help me to understand your pdf better, it'd be appreciated.
  3. The Problem With The Forum Admin...

    Cool, thanks for answering that question. I've been reading that pdf you put out on the site. Got to say it's a bit difficult to follow, could you help me understand it better. Got any tips on it? Thanks in advance
  4. Weird Psychic Readings

    Thanks for your help. I kept seeing weird monster faces at first that shoot all me, then I'd get a memory. I'd work thru it then reach an understanding, or insight. But in some of them I just witnessed without any emotional reaction. That's a great exercise, I guess I subconsciously made those monster faces as inner demons an my mind began to unravel their meaning as I became aware of them. I feel lighter, an like there was knots in me being somehow untied. If I focus on them now, I get memories or impressions. Your technique is pretty awesome Nohbody, thank you.
  5. The Problem With The Forum Admin...

    Some of the admins an mods have capabilities but just don't flaunt it. They keep it to themselves. Who is Drew? If someone is spreading misinformation purposely or accidentally, maybe you should message that person an discuss things over with them so as to come to an understanding. The people here don't seem intent on intentionally hurting others. Though there's a social pasteurization I've discussed at length several times, an unconscious jabs people think are in good fun. Worse that could happen is you offend those your calling fake, best that can happen they realized correct things. Also I didn't know that the Sean made this sight was a one time follower of Mantak, that's cool. On Gary Clyman, John Chang, etc Sometimes our expectations of our teacher's let us down, it doesn't mean they aren't capable, just they don't fit our vision of things. From Grandmaster Tsai, John Chang aka Dynamo Jack, and Gary Clyman, all of their varying methods prove there's more than one way to accomplish things. An most of us search for "the best way" but don't realize it's the best way for us, but it might not be for another individual. For example, I don't visualize things. My practice is sensing and feeling based. Lots of other practices have visualization as their root, but I just couldn't swing it an eventually found alternatives. I'm quite by believer in each of us following our individual path, not because I want to believe that, but because that's how life has shown me time and time again. Anyway, I understand the frustrations you feel Alethia. I just wanted to put some things here that might explain your issues, so as to lead to understanding.
  6. There's different types of Jing, the kind I was talking bout is the Essence Jing. As we have sex, the body looses it an they become diminished over time. There's techniques an practices to preserve an rebuild sexual energy. Yang chi and Yin chi, are kind of like 2 sides of a coin. There's lots of different types of chi, in our bodies, in nature, and the type we can cultivate. So there's no easy answer, just a general rule of thumb. Yang has an expansive quality, while Yin has a sort of steady quality. Yin is like the Earth, solid and dense. While Yang is like the Sun, radiating. A Cultivator stabilizes their energy, then refine it over time, rebuilding it an undoing years of misuse while furthering personal growth in several areas. There's lots of cultivation methods depending on what you're after. An to be honest, I've pretty much tapped what I know on sexual cultivation. So I suggest asking the others in the forums post questions, there's a men's cultivation part here somewhere. Just do to be afraid to ask what you want to know an do t be afraid to research. Sorry I couldn't be of more help That's a form of bodily energy, I've found in my personal practice that tingling usually occurs when things are blocked or there's stagnating, but the energy is trying to flow anyways. Over time as you clear it though, it becomes different, clearer, with an u defined substance. Kar3n made a good point, look into the 3 treasures. It's where lots of people start. I suggest getting g quality ready to take notes because some of the words have multiple meanings or there's more than one type of meaning. An to be honest, from what I know some of here will be glad to answer your questions to the best of their knowledge. The only thing left for me to say is Welcome to Daobums, go on an start this journey of a thousand miles because you've definitely taken your first steps coming here.
  7. Weird Psychic Readings

    Any other tips? Thanks for this by the way.
  8. The nature of the will...

    Excellent that really helps. I did it an I felt like I'm in some sort of clunky costume, but there's like a weird underlying support that ebbs an flows at the core. Cool thanks for sharing this. What's a gingers?
  9. Need to own the land and cabin, the prices vary, but after that it's less than $200 for monthly costs. Gas an car insurance, some supplies til crops come in. But it's pretty easy to become self sustaining. If everyone pitches in an there's no health issues. Even with a community/tribe, there's plenty to do an art to share an what not. Since you mentioned Thoreau and Walden, ill say I stayed in several communal places, great experiences. But the road she calls to me so it was never more than a year.
  10. Weird Psychic Readings

    No I haven't heard of shadow work before. Got a link to a site on it, or a quick summary of what it is an how to do it?
  11. A life where people connect and help each other sounds amazing. Also for the translation thing when u do find a word this might or might not be helpful Google translate https://translate.google.com/m/translate I just want to add you all have Interesting experiences. Its a pleasure to read through them, like mini stories in a book. Fascinating
  12. Welcome bud Tongue to palate after your sexual practice with help things flow. Sex aggravates energy and at the moment of release, it expells a unified portion of all your energy channeled through your genitals. Tongue to palate afterwards helps to circulate an restore the bits of agitated energy that's been stirred up. There are different types of body energies. That molasses like, dense energy needs refining more but you're on the right tract, it's jing essence in an unrefined state. I suggest you try this experiment, look at the outside edge where your hand and space meet. Should relax the eyes. There should be a kind of glow. Now feel that glow the same way you feel energy. Most everything has that glow. Another piece of advice is to put your hands two inches apart an feel the space between them, then move your consciousness from one hand to the other just outside where it meets the air. Should be warmth or magnetic feeling,this is bioenergy that the body gives off. A type of yang chi. That molasses like energy you feel, it might be cool, or kind of have a depth to it similar to a pool, that's typed of yin chi. Differentiating early on can help in some cultivation practices. Not sure bout mantak chia methods, but it doesn't hurt to explore different ways of doing things an it might help you understand mantak better.
  13. Might want to buy or build a homestead someplace, Asheville north Carolina is great for that.lots of different parts of the south have mountains. I live at the foot of a mounTain, there's the road going up it a few houses down. It's got a natural peacefulness in this area of town, stays quiet which is great, except when the train comes thru town. This town is so small you can hear the train all thru it. / I'm tireless, I don't fit with Hispanics cause I was raised by cauasians, an don't fit with Caucasian cause I'm not one. I'm awkward in all worlds, an alone describes it better than lonely. I have noticed though when I went to Philly an hung around other Puerto Ricans, there was an energy that felt like I was part of the tribe, that I fit somehow and that it was okay to be me. When I moved south, the energy here slowly eroded that other energy away an it feels like a sort of repelling energy. But I noticed from observing that this is a kind of group generated energy, if you belong to a group this energy fills you up an helps you grow stronger. It even gives a sense of purpose an wellbeing to someone compatible with it. Both the Hispanic and Caucasian group energies have that effect, as well as a sense of inclusiveness, as if the energy-efficient is inviting. I felt it in New Jersey, an followed it, an it led me to a cousin I hadn't seen in years.then I noticed if I flowed it elsewhere, it led me to others of a similarly ethnic energy. It's weird for sure.
  14. EG, reported me for putting a name in a post and not relating it in anyway to his online persona, then said it wAs because he's a private person...now he's giving his life history. So messed up. Anyhow, I travelled to Philadelphia, New Jersey, Maryland, pretty much the whole east coast of the US til u reach Pennsylvania. Montana, Texas, Wyoming, Indiana, Puerto Rico. All to find someplace I felt comfortable. I felt the most comfortable in Philly, but couldn't make ends meet so I bought a car an ended up stranded til friends from the place I left said that I could stay with them in Arkansas. I've been around southern Caucasians my whole life an there's a type of way they treat noncaucasians.so when I stayed in Philadelphia, an saw Asian, hispanic, black, white altogether it just felt right.I mean they were racist a it to each other but nothing like here in the south. I aim to save up an get a place there in Philly, maybe off N 7th street where I was staying before. That sense of community an acceptance that I never feel in the southern states , I want that again.
  15. The nature of the will...

    How does one "will"?
  16. Dude finding info bout who u talk to online isn't stalking, it's being informative . I was going thru a lot an wanted to know who is was dealing with, I mean no offense you both scammed me pretty good. You an that guy conned me, I fell for it, ha ha. I lost money over YouTube videos they made for other people and promises that weren't kept. I guess I didn't do research enough. Whatever man, I just know that you took advantage of my position an introduced me to your associate who ripped me off. Now yourcl respected here an that means when you reported I had 2accounts you probably talked smack to Kar3n bout me, thereby instigating this situation thru her. I didn't respond well to what's saw as unfair forcing an issue of 2 accounts, an the restless to where we are now. Me tired of this dead horse but knowing til u get ur feelings out, it won't stop. Now that being said, I got conned by you an the guy you recommended. Shame on me for hoping an that letting that hope drive me to do desperate things to get better at a low point in my life. Btw before your enlightened, chop wood, carry water, after enlightenment, chop wood carry water.difference is it's you doing it, not the ego pulling strings from behind the scenes. Some egoless people end up saints an as monks, others most of the others such as myself live a seemingly ordinary life but everything becomes a bit different because everyone in their own way who is attached to the ego will see you kind of like the highlander, someone to challenge. An other egoless people might misunderstand you because it's tough not having an ego, you still have a sense of self but the world doesn't revolve around that any more.
  17. u I think your stalking thing is bullcrap, dude we Skyped before u got uppity with me. I saw u had knowledge an so I asked u to be my friend because there were weird coincidences that led me your way. You never explained any rules of the school to me, you just expected me to follow what you said without question. Dude, I see how it is now. Just a bullshit game to further discredit what I say. Yea I admit to being a bit of a dick but now you're saying I'm a stalker, what next am I a thief or murderer too? Go somewhere else with that noise, you've lost my respect with your bull.
  18. Feel good getting that off your chest? Woe is me - Fame over demise
  19. 1 道原 Daoyuan The origin of the Way

    No problem, I enjoy finding these gems hidden in here. It's one of the reasons I like this forum. I've read similar stuff, but with each leveling like I read a new depth I couldn't see before.
  20. I was engaged to a white woman once but the town we live in didn't like it, dirty looks, her dad kicked her out, her friends quit talking to her, the church asked her to step down from choir. I saw the pain she was go in thru for me, and ended it with her. Hold onto that love bud. Your lucky to have it. I gotta run, take it easy.
  21. No problem Barnaby Jones
  22. I understand that kind of thing, some of my friends we call each other assholes an cuss like sailors, my other friends are too prim and proper for that. Completely understand your view. My situation is I know how to lower my head to people, never got along authority too well cause I can't stand being told what to do. I'm a free bird, always have been.
  23. 1 道原 Daoyuan The origin of the Way

    Unfortunately I think it's best to keep the details of my personal experiences offline for now. Suffice it to say the general approach of the sage and the wise person do seem to differ, one comes from a place beyond intellect, the spiritual essence if you will, and the other from intellectual views. Or it could be taken as views from different perceptions the successes from beyond his mind, while the wise man only sees what he sees. It's like a map showing how to transcend personal subjectivity. It also could be possibly descriptive of psychic perception versus logical perceptions. There's a lot in there I dug out personally for myself. Just my own abstract notions.