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Everything posted by Hancock

  1. Hello, here finding a way out of depression

    I'm glad to hear this success story. You have made my day stranger.
  2. Using the Yi to lead the Chi

    The moment between deciding to move and not moving is where you are witnessing things in motion an allowing them. I want qi to move from my inhale to my tantian, i sense the quote while its moving and direct it to my tantian with Yi, I allow it and sense it as my Yi takes action. Witnessing its movement til it completes my Intent is thAt middle area. Understand yes?
  3. indoor training vs outdoor training

    I take myself as I am. I drew a boundary. You felt it that's all. I've no ill intent to you.
  4. indoor training vs outdoor training

    I do not give you any right to harm or hurt me, if you do make any attempt you will be dealt with.
  5. indoor training vs outdoor training

    A person who overcomes their personal ego is after that near completely different. They don't self identify except as a reference point or way of communication. It's where the real battle begins. Because others sense your freedom an it puts them off because your very existence reminds them of the Cave they are still in. It becomes a challenge to deal with what was once normal for you because now you see without blinders an twlk without filters. There's a fair amount of learning involved of how to deal with people afterward. It's like you're an eagle raised as a chicken, everyone is fine with you as long as you maintain your chicken identity. Something happens an you become free of your chicken identity an see yourself as you are, an eagle. You even see that others are really owls, falcon, etc but they think they are chickens. You tell them of your true nature an they peck at you til you agree to behavior a chicken again. Being enlightened an egoless is learning to see what we are truly, an live it, while existing on this Earth farm. Hope that helps bro
  6. indoor training vs outdoor training

    I won't let you.
  7. indoor training vs outdoor training

    The first technique is the gateway to the who experience of training, from that an the way my teacher behaves is the foundation of the entire system an I've always taken it as a matter of life or death, for me learning has been life or death or kept me from death. I had little choice but to see things as valuable, allowing all the teachings to make sense. My talent is extrapolation, I see a technique an know how it's done. Or connect to a teacher an know their secrets. Scott the martial arts instructor, taught us certain move but during off time I would let my body do what it wanted naturally with the forms. He said I was doing his secret technique he had shown only 3 other students an asked how I learned it. I didn't have an answer,but he told me to do it again but I didn't know how. My body just does it. So anyone know what that is, or how i can train to purposely utilize this skill? I'm meditating an that's helping a lot.
  8. indoor training vs outdoor training

    People here have admitted to stoking the flames, an no admin has admonished them. That's clear an open targeting, I won't allow it anymore. That being said, I agree that a specific format that enables those capable of self transformation thru being guided with a currriculum is definitely great for most of the masses of humanity. Those special few that need extra attention, I personally have seen them flourish when given it and they usually have a natural good way bout them in their heart. EG for example, helped me out of compassion and empathy. I myself don't get angry at much, it's strange but especially gifted people are different, an I'm not sure why. But All teaching should be like you implied, based on the energy of that day, indoor or outdoor.
  9. indoor training vs outdoor training

    We have only control over ourselves, and that must be earned and fought for with all available effort. Freedom scares people, ruffles feathers. Heck look at the people messing with me over my honesty. The truth is people want to be comfortable in their minds and anything that doesn't fit their personal Way of comfortably is attacked, directly or indirectly. I've said nothing dishonest and yet suddenly I've gotten heaps of negative attention because someone who I've dealt with here is more respected in this community than I am. I come for community and end up fighting to maintain dignity, no wondered us enlightened types stick to being hermits. It takes a special tenacity to deal with being attacked by other people's ego. But the truth is, lingerie to learn an this is my lesson.
  10. indoor training vs outdoor training

    Why didn't you message me privately about this if this is an issue? Cool sis, in that classifiCation scheme I'm a natural Nothing Special, but I didn't have the lexicon to understand it it's why I'm here to learn why I'm the way I am naturally an the proper words. I like that scheme it really shows how we think of ourselves as we progress. We are who we are. I'm not taking for granted or talking to just guys, I use masculine terminology because I'm born male. Personal preference,after a while though when sexuality liberated because instead of reproduction that energy is used for cultivation, there's no male or female just a kind of skin you originally were born into. The true part of us, naturally has no real gender. It's a strange experience.
  11. Has anyone here switched bodies with someone?

    I'm not sure if it can be permanent but I learned a technique that allows people to perceive from another's viewpoint. What anyone does with this knowledge is not my karma or responsibility. First step, knowing the difference between absorbing and sensing. Sensing g is like feeling if your hungry or thirsty or your back needs popped, but it can be applied to things outside yourself like other people, the areas around you, intentions of others, emotions of others, etc. It is a sort of observational assessment. Absorbing is holding something an Bringing it into yourself. In practicality it is sensing but with the intention to hold onto what you're sensing. First exercise, feel inside yourself an let that sensing flow continually on its own. Then sense outside yourself, a table, chair, a pet. Then sense inside a pet, a plant, a chair. Ok so this technique is to merge your sense of self with something else. First, you relax a let go of who you feel you are, an just allow yourself to be free flowing similarly to the sensing exercise. In that free state, focus on the individual or object you'd like to merge with and allow your sense of perception to slowly become the same as the object or person is. Just allow the changes and don't interfere you'll begin noticing feelings, sensations,etc just ride it out til you feel like you're waking up from a dream. Body might change or later in appearance, might see lights or sparks, or complete darkness then light again. After your done the transformation should hold as long as you maintain you are the person or object. I learned that from a blackfoot medicine man, he used to become other people an mess with others. Might work for you, depends on how much you let go of your idea of yourself.
  12. indoor training vs outdoor training

    Yeah blue snake, I only was told recently that I was a special case. I thought I was always under par because I was just not good at things, but my new lessons have taught me that what makes me special is because of things I thought were natural but aren't available to everyone unless they train hard. My talent Always made others upset an that got in the way of their teaching me, one reason is because it took them years to get what I already had naturally. I've recently begun claiming my talent instead of seeing myself as less than. I am what I am blue snake, lol I like how you said your an idiot. That's how I begun everything, I knew I didn't know an have no hesitation bout being completely open to a new way of doing things. Even then if it goes against what I knew, I compartmentalize an do whatever the new thing is. You're a smart one Blue Snake, wish you good stuff bro
  13. indoor training vs outdoor training

    Earl Grey, bless you bro. still unopened to other views, take care. Guess I should stay on topic. Indoor training with hughy was very limiting but helped more focus, whereas outdoor training seemed somehow more dynamic. I really have had bad teachers but I get different things from indoor and outdoor. Outdoor it's like breathing unrestrained and there's more available things to work with, but tend to be more or less conducive to beginning physical and Qi development. Indoor is better practically, because of privacy. Though unless there's good chi flow the practice is less dynamic, but more concentrated and it is easier to focus. Good points to each.
  14. indoor training vs outdoor training

    You're fortunate your teachers gave you patience and treated you with dignity bro. Mine have seen i work hard or knew my circumstances and have taken advantage, but I keep learning and doing my best. I believe the teacher's show off faith in a student, whether genuine or not, influences how a student succeeds. In the beginning I've been humble and compliant to a fault, yet that served only to bring out the baser parts of nearly every teacher I've had. I know now though it's cause I deal with nonphysical forces as well though that influences the people around me. Earl Grey, earning your way is great bro. From our personal dealings, you gave up on me because you couldn't see that even though we see different ways that we are just doing what's appropriate for our personal situations. An you've got a bit of well earned pride, but that doesn't mean it's okay to not people with dignity or think you're better than others because of your chosen lifestyle. You've got major accomplishments, you know people, you're special, you are a great success story. Just remember, we all eliminate our bowels and therefore are equally human. Lol don't lose touch of the facts that you are a man, dont let hubris take you over. Mudfoot, from a personality point of view your words are sound. I've personally had teachers who disagreed with me or. Caused arguments, when I didn't completely agree with their worldview automatically. Even though I continued on and grasped everything they taught with no dilemma, I was seen as something less than and treated without dignity. Personally I tend to stumble onto the weirder sides of things, ill see chi emissions from the people around me, or deal with nonphysical beings, hear thoughts, feel people true intention, etc and every teacher so far seems unwilling to assist in my development because of their own ego. They all tell me how great they are an that's why they are sought out, Eric Randolph and David were like that. I would hear their thoughts an attitude towards me, yet I maintained. I'm a special case though and I understand that it's difficult for people nowadays to deal with situations outside their comfort zones, I mean during GFM stuff moves around in my house an it's like a beacon for nonphysical beings as well as a gateway to projection an visions for me. Not every teacher is equipped for that or able to adapt to help someone going thru that. All my training except with Hughy has been indoor.
  15. indoor training vs outdoor training

    That sucks that some people have to be considered worthy. I personally have a natural chi awareness, an find it difficult to meditate. I begin projecting or falling asleep almost immediately. Anyhow, did they say in that book what the proper intentions are for learning what they were teaching bro?
  16. Sitting meditation not comfortable

    Does anyone know why sometimes I have restlessness during meditation?
  17. Thanks for replying to my question. Is Michael on this website, or is there someone on here who can explain this Lighting the Fire in a bit more detail?
  18. Hi, Just checking if someone could give more information on this Transmission that's talked about in here. I'd appreciate it. Thanks Editting in this; Is it like the Reiki attunement, or a Kundalini Shaktipat or an Empowerment? Or is it something else? Info is greatly appreciate and possible ways of acquiring the Transmission for free, trade, barter, yup. Cool
  19. Rotating the Lower Dan Tien

    I'm unsure what Orion means by fill the Dai with the dantian qi, I'm sure it's a point but i've learned from a teacher who I no longer am in contact with so I'm not 100% on the terms ya'll use. So if someone could help with a definition of the Dai, and what it means to fill the Dai with Dantian Qi (Which is it referencing Stored Chi or cooked Chi/ki?) that'd be great. Also looking for Circulation techniques and stagnation/sick qi removal techniques, got lots to read up on and the researching doesn't stop. The way I've learned about this stuff sounds simplified, whereas the stuff I'm reading on here sounds more detailed and is more intellectual than i'm used too. Also some of the techniques i've been taught are similar yet are lacking the details and depths that ya'll have on here and to be honest unrecognizable until I reread it several times lol, but Thanks again for ya'll's experience and help. ""You best open meridians by simply cultivating a dense and full chi first and then circulating it through the meridians. Such a chi will naturally open up fully every meridian through which it is circulated." Quoted from Wells earlier in this article I'm pretty sure I've got a practical method of cultivating a dense and full chi, but any methods you feel like sharing are okay or pointing to a forum where I can read on it would be welcome. Circulating the chi through the meridians is one of the things I'm attempting to learn so if someone could point the direction out that'd be great. I'll keep looking on here.
  20. What's up

    What's up. I'm here to learn some stuff that can help to compliment my cultivating practices. So Hi and feel free to message me or point the way to a link or older topic based on this next question. When I practice cultivation, I get this heat and at times an electric buzz like feeling and it seems to go thru me. From my understanding it's supposed to be the next step from turning Chi into Ki, but as I'm out of touch with my original teacher i am unsure of how to continue so advice is why i'm here. What do I do? How to circulate Ki without moving from a wheelchair or sitting position? Sometimes I feel my Chi go towards a person, and I'm unsure how to stop it and it takes a few hours to regain my storage back, what's up with that? I'm sure there are many answers on this website so I'll keep searching and find some,although your answers or links to answers are welcomed. Thank you guys. Anyhow Glad to be apart of this place finally. I'm a long time reader and this a first time i'm in a position to post on the forums.
  21. Hi

    Hi Im new.