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What's a happy cookie? Why take jabs at happiness? Did someone injure your capacity for relentless happiness during your teenage years by causing you disillusionment, making you face independence at an early age? Just something that came to mind so forcefully I felt I would a s k, no ill intent at all. An I like these guys philosophy.
If it was a song LimaHong, it'd be this one.
It's caused I smiled involuntary when I read the post of how well things are going, a rare occurrence for me to smile without it being deliberate, and a genuine happiness for someone else doing good after doing not so well. I'm not sure why you asked me lima, but I get joy when things that have nothing to do with me turn out good for others.I don't know why but I feel good too hearing good news.
Being friendly generally means to put your negative feelings to the side and act on your positive ones, or to project positive feeling even if you're not having them, so as to make a connection to another person for the same of possibly developing the capacity to do mutually enjoyable activities for the sake of enjoyment and often the betterment of the 'friends' involved. An example is like there's this guy who's being a jerk to people, so to try to calm things a bit I approach with "hi bud, what's up." In a semi-cheery voice, nonthreateing posture yet not weak (back straight, shoulders relaxed), relaxed nonrushed walk and a slightly relaxed look in my eye (eyes 3 quarters of the way open, not straining at all). My approach will immediately let the person know that I'm calm, relaxed, not there to threaten or harm, an yet because I didn't come from a position of lowering myself, I'm also not to be attacked verbally or otherwise. It directs the person to begin mirroring my behavior , disarming them. Although it may take a little more, like some conversation where the person feels they are being acknowledged and actually able to express themselves. If I'm trying to make a friend I allow for them to discuss what's on their mind and find the points where our interests meet, connection points. Then I tell a story or discuss my viewpoint, of what they said they just showed interest in and naturally that gives them a chance to find something in it to 'relate with' an build on from there. It's not foolproof but it's adjustable, they keys are a nonthreatening approach, and is in your capacity to listen to others,and find something in yourself to share with them that is enjoyable and relatable. This'll get you friends, boyfriends, or girlfriends, or acquaintances depending on your preferences and how deep you go with it.
R.i.P. here's to you bud Brian F
I'm experimenting with it a bit. I've been able to reproduce in my self different techniques or gain an understanding by actively using this ability. This might help someone else. I let myself focus on the person in a wide video and in telekinesis video an I felt what they were doing, an I deliberately didn't drain the person, an I let my body sense and do whatever the other person was doing in the video I watched. For the most part I felt my body struggle but begin to develop the same type of energy the other people were using, I replicated using telekinesis and highly developed qi. I moved a pinwheel, an I unblocked some stagnant areas. I experimented with channelling the energies from the sources and draining it as well, to see if that's what I was doing. I think this capability is to replicate based on what we observe or are connected to, an active capacity to the mirror neurons thing or psychic empathy. Using it on purpose is like giving up my sense of self then allowing it to be reput together by something semi inside/external an I can feel the difference between this active force and my bodies reactions. Anyhow that's as far as I am at with it now. If you have anything to add it is greatly appreciated. Just want to add the people I drained and channel I obtained permission from before just did that potentially harmful experiment.
It doesn't mAtter to me if it sounds like magic or hard science if it is informative please shoot, or private message me. Anything helps is appreciated. Yes I have high sensitivities, what do you mean burn out and unhealthy merging please expound on those. Thank you very much.
Why do you do these things, like your personal reasons? To be friendly btw is to show a nonthreatening interest in something a person says, does, has, etc. As long as it is obvious and not something they would hide that you've detected with the enhanced perception that chi users an psychics have. Being friendly boils down to being relatable in a likable fashion.
JIt might be exactly that. Wow. It does happen over long distance too. I was talking to an ex girlfriend in Boston while I was travelling and i smelled coconut out of nowhere and she said she was putting on coconut lotion. So this mirror neurons synesthesia is cool. I'm not an amputee although i helped caretaker one for 4 years. Maybe it's just a genetic quirk. Cool I wonder how to make it useful, that guy used visualization but I'm terrible at that lol. Any ideas on how to make it a useful skill, instead of a reactionary thing? Iwatched a video with someone doing a qi session an I purposely generated the same type of energy an used it on a friend bout 10 minutes ago an they had the same reaction as the person in the video. I'm excited bout this MNS thing. If anyone ideas on how to train it better please let me know,thanks.
Welcome bud, https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC17S3a7EY9wpzKqNcD4UKiw any and all videos in that account are helpful. That person is genuine and they have a program you can discuss the details of learning from her. Recommended by a friend who learned from her. I have different teacher but my friend strongly suggests her, an I found that the stuff my friend has shared with me from her lessons have been genuine and beneficial in everyway. you can actually buy her vids. It's a great place to start. Though tons of free info from the personally on here.
Wow that quote explains exactly what it's like for me. No thoughts,silence as communication. Wow
You quoted piece of my statement earlier, it's connected to a story where my friend and I engineered revenge on a guy who stole his lAptop and tried befriending him while we didn't know whAt he had done. What bugs me is we were going to intimidate him to apologize, at least that's what I thought was fair given the circumstances. I unwittingly went along with something whereas in my personal life I never sought vengeance before. It bugs me I would do that for someone I care bout but I haven't ever sought revenge on people who've done me wrong. Starjumper, I get what your sensei was saying though.they challenged the guy an didn't know what they were messing with. If challenged, usually you're supposed to accept. Traditionally, it's how it was according to what i learned. Someone comes after you, it's a risk of life. They risk there's an you do everything to maintain your own. It was matter of fact, no game playing, and for keeps. Nowadays people have so many escape hatches built in by societal norms and this unspoken agreed upon code of behavior that each culture adopts specific to them. It's a lot easier to challenge or get away with offenses that wouldn't have been tolerated way back when. In different societies you still see reflections of yesteryear, but slowly things are changing. An a lot of humanity's Edge is being worn down, made somehow inappropriate, or a problem. It's strange but I've noticed it a lot and revenge itself is something looked at as a moral no-no, we even punish ourselves with guilt or remorse, thereby pulling our edge even more. Interesting how things change.
tI understand that being willfully outspoken and passionately direct is often taken for an attack or negative display of ego online. You could just outright say, " this isn't an attack but my personal truth which I don't mean to offend although it may offend some", or some such disclaimer. In get what you're saying, putting intent is putting primal magic and that reacts with others spiritual immune system, especially if it goes against their core egoic beliefs, no matter if it's true or not. I myself am developing tact and I've got to tell you, I'm shitty at it right now at best but it's a necessary skill for socialization if you're going to infer your point of view without being offensive. Your declaration of trolling might put you in a weird position, it's like saying I'm breaking the rules openly - even if thats not what you intended, so you might want to edit that post or put a disclaimer in it bud, so it couldn't be used against you online here. Trust that people will target weakness online if they sense it. I suggest never targeting anyone but if targeted, put up that boundary and keep fighting back - not for your personal pride, but for the spirit, whether you win is irrelevant just the fact you didn't take the carp thrown at you helps strengthen your inner self as a whole..Nowadays it's a sparring of the minds, not as much of the bodies. Lol anyhow it's not trolling if you're not intent to antagonize. If you want to share your point of view, even if that conflicts, it's all good. Other people have their points of view on it though, that's mine bud.
Bro, I'm all for diversity and the fact English is a second language to some. I mean no disrespect, but for practicality same could you formulate your responses a little better to me personally. Ive not got the energy right now to psychically decode your intent. gaming an online trolls are just people who get a bit of ego boost from others by messing with them. It's a form of psychic bullying and energy vampires that's instinctual to social creatures. Monkeys mess with lesser monkeys to put them in their place, wolves bare teeth to show dominance, humans taunt or tease to show social power. It's inborn, being more than what we're born is the root of spirituality for me personally. Reclaiming what we are and choosing what to be, is spirituality to me. Magic isn't a cheat, it's just a way to do things. Same as carpentry, or baking. Different skills used to affect the world and people's lives.
Magic is a way of explaining what is beyond the practical mind at the moment, once you know it its not magic anymore. It still is excellent but the mystery is gone. Then it becomes cause and effect to those who know it's secrets, but to those who don't it's ponderous. Physics is magic to some people, microwaves are magic to others, a man who becomes a dog is magic to some. It's weird but thats our shared reality. You believe in God, but don't believe in magic. People persecuted for Witchcraft could have used your help years ago lol.
I've witnessed different things. Maybe it's the technique they used as opposed to mindset. It'd be a nice world though if only genuine good people succeeded.
Hi I'm Zenmode, I used to be on here a while back but my internet services were disrupted and I went thru harsh physical rehabilitation which I'm currently still going thru. Not sure if it's a big deal, I guess I used to be Zenhero on my old name, but I'm just using this one name. Either way, happy to be back to develop myself. Going thru this ordeal has helped a lot. I was physically disabled, conned, homeless, and made to be blamed for others mistakes of people highly respected, but I endure and my spirit grows strong. I'm currently developing in cultivation, reiki, Taoist internal alchemy, mediums, philosophy. Also I'm enlightened which is cool, once you get enlightened you see things as they are and well you can be a Buddha or you can be a human. I chose human being. It's interesting how self development goes. An I guess my only advice in this introduction thread is, there's no one size fits all. There's general things but mainly forcing yourself to be a certain way goes against the Tao which is just a return to our natural state. As an enlightenment Taoist mortal, ill say this "Man is like lion without claws, an eagle without wings, a fish without gills, a tree without roots. We roar loudly, we seek the highest peaks, we swim thru deep waters, and are firm wherever we stand."
Here's paradox of reality and perceptions and here's how to solve it. Let's equate reality to a tree. You go outside and find a tree, your mind an instincts tell you multiple uses etc for this tree. Now go an look at the tree but mentally stay silent, don't describe it at all, just perceive this whatever it is in front of you. The tree existed when you called it a tree. The tree existed when you allowed it to be what it was. Both are real to you, one is for practicality, naming the tree to have an u understanding an being able to use the experience as a reference point. The other is perceiving directly this thing without projecting your ideas onto it. It was real before you, an will be real after you. Our convoluted sense of self however only considers what we name an can mentally grasp to be reality. No one ever told us there was another way to see the world than thru what's mentally practical, we can see it for what it is. Reality isn't our interpretation, yet if I choose to act, I just use my interpretation of reality as a reference point. That confuses a lot of people and I hope that helped clear things up for someone. Oh, magic an that kind of thing work because we isolate our frame of reference an focus on the outcome to alter what seems so factual to our minds but in essence is fluid and capable of more than what we mentally experience with the object or person.
I would enjoy it if that only the good an morally upright could properly cultivate qi, sadly anyone with proper technique an persistence can properly cultivate an utilise qi. It's pretty cool it's available for everyone but only those with determination tend to develop it properly because of the effort an sticktoitness involved. It's a weird world we all live in.
That's very much appreciated, thank you bud
I've seen lots of different types of qi cultivation, some moral others immoral. The common elements are those who persevere in whatever techniques they're learning. Morality though is important in spiritual development and going beyond our sense of personality. Ideally things would be so only the moral can develop,but it's just not that way though bubbles it'd be nice to live in that world my friend. Some lineages have safeguards though, if a person is deemed unworthy or breaks taboo, the spirits of that lineage punish or put an end to that individual. So its a toss up.