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Everything posted by Hancock

  1. Adoption v. Biological family

    Thanks everyone who responded. My survey is over.
  2. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Dude I sat in his class once, he's a taichi instructor or was. Kinda Zen type guy.
  3. Can i get a PPD please?
  4. The dao bums is a cia experiment.

    Pretty cool, You're comment reminds me of
  5. Cool. Does cultivation requirements change depending on the biology, women, men, intersex, or surgically trans individuals or if one identifies as other than the born biology? I do know it affects energy levels, but does it change how a person needs to cultivate? Or is cultivation universal, with no distinction between the sexes? Most of what I read is geared to men, so I'm curious as to if it's the same for intersex or woman as it is for males, an also if sexual identity is a factor or not? I'm familiar with symbology an the OP post, if they have issue with my question let me know but instead of starting a new thread, I figured since its related I would ask it here. Because the answers already given enough help somewhat, an the last post before me is August 10th. Again if I'm in violation of some sort let me know but I'm hoping you good people of albums can help me figure it out.
  6. This begs the question, is cultivation based on biology or idea of self or both. An is it different for gays, transgender, hetero, an what bout intersex?
  7. Exorcism

    Agreed. It's not just the rituals steps but the person doing it that adds effectiveness. A few posts back, ZYD mentioned that there's more to the stuff they're discussing, an it might be referencing exactly what you're saying flowing hands. good observation.
  8. Wow that's cool. I read that an it helped me understand a lot about things. Thanks for sharing bro
  9. The dao bums is a cia experiment.

    I think there's thinking disorder involved as opposed to outright to attention getting behavior. Sometimes people try to find the answers an end up obsessed with seeing behind everything an begin to develop logic based on their interpretations. It can be corrected with helping them see the truth beyond their thoughts. I hope Shinto is ok, he has my compassion if what I suspect is really the situation.
  10. The dao bums is a cia experiment.

    Brother, there is meaning in everything but you don't have to look for it. If you still your heart an mind, an let the answers come to you. I apologize for my joke before, I see now the situation.
  11. Exorcism

    Yeah, I've found out they are attracted to the area whenever I do any type of psychic or medium work. But they are also there because of a witch I'm dealing with removing her influence from my life. I'm trying to cleanse the area of them and her. Your posts are extremely helpful. Thank you ZYD P.s. lol sewer snoids, initially I didn't mention the witch but then I figured you might have tips so I did.
  12. The dao bums is a cia experiment.

    Yes i work for the CIA an validate Shinto theory....Or ive broke my cultivation an downed a cup of whiskey. One is very true, the other is a cover up
  13. What are you listening to?

    @Phil and @Marblehead
  14. Social Power

    Ever do something extraordinary like move an object or levitate or predict something with accuracy, then have someone say but wasn't possible. So you go to show them, an it either doesn't work or is less than before. It's cause humans have a collective social bank of power that is fueled by the energy of humankind as a whole, an there's specific ways to tap into it. Like when you win an argument with someone and you're "in the right", you gain a boost of energy as well as self satisfaction. Because your drawing in from the person you won the argument with, as well as the subconscious agreement of society that states whoever is in the right, is also allowed a bigger share (but they have to get others to agree they are right). This brings about power dynamics and social struggles from strong willed individuals who want to tap into the power of agreement for whatever reason. I came across this after realizing around other reiki practitioners I was stronger, but if i was the only one in my area it wasn't the best. The same with the gym, if I was around people who work out hard it lifted me up an informed out harder, like there was a flow of energy that just kept me going. But if it was just me and someone else, it lacked the same dynamism. I realized my lack of cultivation left me sensitive to others intentions as well as a sort of group empathy that was basically a majority rules energy flow. But what really clinched it was I left on an out of town trip, I was travelling where there weren't many people, an as I left it felt like hooks and weights that were on me just snapped off an I was freer feeling than I had been in a long time. Experimented with pooling the wind together on the trees and then stopping it, meditated an it felt clearer, an it was great I understood why lots of people instinctively want to be alone, to escape the weird social pressure exerted by the subconscious minds of others. It's why people want to look good, or have respect, or save face, or be charismatic. They want to develop that social power, and avoid that social pressure from others subconscious. That's why its easier at night to do rituals and practices because most people's unconsciously are utilising their 'magical self' elsewhere an aren't upkeeping that social pressure. I notice if i feel or think a certain thing, others will be effected and subconsciously act on it. I was clearing land, an thought I'd like some water. I looked at my fellow worker, he looked like he was on autopilot just working away, but he stopped what he was doing and asked if I want thirsty. in said sure, an then he went and got us some water, even though he always drank pepsi even in blistering heat. I've been at the bank an when they were counting my money, I'd mentally think they're counting it wrong. When she handed it back, I didn't touch it an asked her to count it out in front of me. She had over done it an I would've walked away with an extra $50 if I was dishonest. At the mall, I might sit and see someone who's cute, so I think for then to turn around. An more often than not they will, but if they are focused they usually keep going forward. Those are some examples of how our conscious awareness of interconnectivity can be tapped. So what's your take on how to avoid or cancel the effects of the social subconscious power dynamic? Also what are ways you notice people can tap into the collective subconscious power humans generate ?
  15. Social Power

    Since I like media, here's something resembling my perspective on life, I was in a bad place for years in every way that mattered til I saw this walking dead episode part. Strange enough it helped me pull myself together, paralleling the character Morgan. I wasn't as far gone but that's all another story. Here's the parts of that episode that helped bring me back. It gave me something to hold onto, when I was lost.
  16. Social Power

    we could argue and debate all day. Bears were equal to men, they killed an innocent man, he killed them, right or wrong it had to do with his perspective on life. They had no.reason to kill,.when ghost dog killed only because he had valued his life and felt a life debtors owed. But ill cut to the chase, In the end I see your perspective and just disagree with it. We can talk later my ride is here
  17. faith in humanity

    Don't worry bout judging Americans, were the lovable jerks of the world, an don't worry if you're going to be appreciated. Choose to accept that you might not be thanked an really search yourself, will that cause unhappiness an resentment? Or are you going to give your life to service, an know there might be no rewards from others just that the job gets done. No shame in walking away from it, or on taking up a thankless position. I suggest really looking an feeling how far you're willing to go, why you're doing it, an if it's in your heart do it or if your heart says No, then walk away from it. My advice bro
  18. Social Power

    I meant the same definition of peace as you, however I only have had moments of it. You put things in words better than I did. Thanks. Cool. I liked the scene myself, because it shows what the ghost dog character really care e about an his perspective in ways the other parts of the movie didn't. In that scene, I saw a character who was written psychologically damaged an clung to something to hold himself together an rebuild himself. Then it became his way of being, a deliberate choice to go thru all the way. Followthru is getting rare nowadays, with all the half measures an flakiness in today's society. To me, that moment personifies Ghost Dog as the same boy who was beaten by those guys when Louie saved him, an the strength that practicing ancient wisdom granted him. It's too bad he used it to kill, he could've walked away but like the Taoist an Martial Practitioners here, he stayed with his code to the very end. Even in his modern way, committing seppuku to save his "retainer" reputation at the end scenes. Lots could've been better, but it's value is in what goes unsaid. Like him an the Frenchman, watching the guy with boat. Lol Good movie
  19. Social Power

    They threatened his life and threw their own away in the movie the moment that guy put his hand to the guy. Plus if you see the movie, the Ghost Dog character is more deep and caring, although quiet and reserved. I don't condone killing, an I wanted to show you the quite at the end. I even paused it to type it out, buut my intuition led me to link the video. The Ghost Dog story is about several things, modern samurai ideology and it was produced when gang violence was the norm. It's a way to show that there's old ways, an that in the end the old dies to make way for the new..An the new ways have different perspectives, but usually continue the cycle in some way. I like it as a sort of artistic view on society in the hood. I know places in the country, you get told to move on and you do it or they shoot you. I know places in the hood that you get rude an call someone something racist you get shot. It's part of our society though lots of people don't like to see it, because they don't go thru it. We live in a war for social power in this country, it's strange but true. In nondeath level ways we still fight, if we say or misbehave in front of a boss, we are fired and it affects our lives. Or if we don't do the right thing in someone's eyes, they can report us for our lawn being nonregulation height as well as our walking down the street, then outcome being billed by the city to cut the lawn or asked by a policeperson what were we doing walking down the road. I dont know bout your life, but I know thAt I was born on top, an it's been a downhill slide regardless of my actions. I can only control me. As for Forrest Whitaker shooting racist redness, who threatened his life. I was in a similar situation and was lucky to be helped by someone who stumbled into the situation, I respect life and have no desire to take it. But if it's my life or someone else's, that's something many people will tell you is a terrible choice to make and that if you're unlucky to have to be in that position an made your choice to live while your attackers didn't, we all have our way of coping. I gotta quit talking bout this, just remember all life is precious and has value, if someone comes after yiurs protect it but also respect them.because they played for keeps regardless of their reasons.
  20. Social Power