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Everything posted by Hancock

  1. The limits of free speech

    I've been discussing white racists cause they were in the rally. You keep attempting to get me to defend the African-American views or keep insinuating I've got antiwhite racist views. I've said racism itself is the ensuing our humanity, our unifying an being what we can be as a collective. Why am I a moral authority? I'm just me, I'm voicing my views. I point out what is clear to me from life experiences an just my personal views, I don't hold any office of moral judge. If it hits home an there's stuff in yourself you feel isn't right, then it doesn't have to do much with me, so the attempts at projecting are self denial. You support free speech, yet keep picking apart and attacking what I'm saying because I don't agree with your views, then you even claim that's what I'm doing, when it's apparent your the one with the chip on his shoulder with anything i post on this thread. Again dude you're grasping at straws to insult me. The issue is bigger than us. I dont feel racist groups should be legal, they should be treated like a lot of gang members an sent to jail. Just because they use the legal system an stay within inches of the law, doesn't mean it is morally right. Check your conscience if you agree or disagree, but you know where im at with it.
  2. Nietzsche Quotes

    Here's one of his, from "On Truth and Lie in an Extra-Moral Sense" Deception, flattering, lying, deluding, talking behind the back, putting up a false front, living in borrowed splendor, wearing a mask, hiding behind convention, playing a role for others and for oneself — in short, a continuous fluttering around the solitary flame of vanity — is so much the rule and the law among men that there is almost nothing which is less comprehensible than how an honest and pure drive for truth could have arisen among them. They are deeply immersed in illusions and in dream images; their eyes merely glide over the surface of things and see "forms."
  3. The limits of free speech

    Seriously anybody got an answer for why people protect the freedom of speech for a group that openly hates? Or why I suddenly became the expert of blackness here? Not that I don't mind edumacating someone y'all on what it means to be serious a person of color. But the point I try to get across is racism is bad because it causes separateness, an stops humanity from unifying to do awesome things like world peace or exploring the stars, or solving homeless an food issues globally. When I mention that people drop out the conversation, like they're isn't anything to argue with so they disappear. I'm not here to argue. I'm not being sarcastic with my questions. I'm asking for the truth.
  4. The limits of free speech

    Lmao, I've only spoken by my experiences with racism to prove that people can go beyond them an see each other as human beings. Again your stoic desire to put me down for some reason or another is obvious. I answered your questions in a post while back. No one has answered why they support white supremacist having the moral right to free speech. If you feel I've dodged something, ask it again. But for someone who claimed to not want to talk on the forum with me again, you've invested quite a few posts in doing it. I never said anyone here was a racist, an I've pointed out racist behavior doesn't necessarily make one racist. It's people who deliberately uphold racist views that's racist. Someone who doesn't consciously try to be racist or consciously choose to be racist, but behaves in a racist way unknowingly is not really racist just a product of social programming that can be unlearned in time. An I've not in any way said that people who disagree with my worldview are bigoted oppressors. I think I understand your butthurt now. My ego is bigger than yours, an I keep it in check. What's your excuse?
  5. The limits of free speech

    Your views are a bit culturally prejudice, however that you respect people of another way of thought is key. That's what's go I g to help people stop this racism stuff in the long run. I was at a bank an a little boy jumped out the car and put on music an said, "Hey I'm like you." An began to dance. I asked him if he made any dances of his own, an he said he would try. I felt when bond with this kid who reached out to a total stranger an made a connection. Yes it was racist on his part, but it also showed a breaking of racist programming. Defying an old way. It gives me hope.
  6. The limits of free speech

    Dude I called it lol. I said you'd pick things apart that you asked me about in the post right before you posted this. Lmao I've associated with lots of types of people. tested what hypothesis? Dude your grasping for straws. I mean look at television, an if you were an actor I'd tell you to look at casting call sheets where they have stereotypes of characters. The idea of American even overseas is mainly a Caucasian person. Again you insinuate things are mental, gotta love your consistency. I know your trick is simple as hell, try to discredit what I say with opinion bias, then discrediting sanity thru inferences of needing a psychologist. It's great to see the effort you waste on me. I really am not worth it. How come no one commented on racism being bad and how I said it creates separation in humanity an should be done away with so we can grow as a species? Instead I'm getting questions on being black. Y'all people are trippin.
  7. The limits of free speech

    Ok, you got butthurt cause I mentioned in a post where you said you didn't want to talk on the forums cause you think in play the victim. An posted to me on here in this thread bout it, even saying my response would decide what you do next. I replied, but because I dont want drama, I erased it. Then you deliberately began asking questions directly to me in attempts to get reactions to feed your hurt ego. Things you thought I would find offensive, an you even try taunting by calling me a tool. When nothing worked, you ask me to explain it so you can pick apart "my view" an further your ego drama. I play along cause it helps me develop thru dealing with idiocracy. No I wasn't taught bout civil rights in school. We didn't celebrate black history month. It's the south.
  8. The limits of free speech

    I'm not arguing anything. I'm tapping on my tablet while watching how I met your mother. Ask yourself why do you differentiate between black and white, and why not say people til you have to describe skin color? Not speak making for all black, just my self. We define ourselves because we don't have another name for our culture. If you say All American, people think a white guy, football star, etc because it's how society has conditioned things to be. So being black an saying we're black is a way to say we are who we are. A white person doesn't understand our viewpoint because unless they get makeup allover an go out into the world and live as a black person, they don't understand the treatment we receive for being not white. It is how this country is although many would deny it, but those who deny it are usually if not almost always white or white mixed but they appear more Caucasian than what they're mixed with. The answers aren't always pretty.
  9. The limits of free speech

    It's obvious what you're doing, why you're doing it, an your claim of racism goggles is just your narrow viewpoint because you've not comprehended the larger picture of what I've discussed. Racism Is bad. It doesn't promote harmony, unity, growth as a species. It keeps us separate. A barrier to our capacity to sense our interconnectivity.
  10. The limits of free speech

    Why distinguish they are black? Understand how that need to separate one from another is the root of racism, be it friend or foe. We're human. You guys force the issue of black versus white when you should see it's humanity versus the idea of separation and disharmony.
  11. The limits of free speech

    What's your point in posting that? I'm listening to it. All your doing is attempting to put down the African-American by your posts. Post something from modern times. I personally don't know much about those people in the video, but I do know your arguing is directed in such a way because I've pointed out something whites have done an you've as a white have taken offense thereby belittling African American an even attempting to utilize it as a weapon to detract from the issue of white racism. You're attempting to show both sides "do it too", so "they both are at fault", thereby in an effort to discredit what the African-American community has gone through an the suffering. Your tactic isn't new at all.
  12. The limits of free speech

    Even a joke like this, harmless to most, is racist because of the insinuation. An people can say it's your way of thinking, he was just talking bout butterflies, or explain it off in some way. Perfect example of modern racism. That's how it is nowadays. The plight of millions trivialized an told an joked bout. Btw, I know it's kinda random but anyone watch Netflix, that How I met your mother show is hilarious. It's on right now an it's just cracking me up this Barney guy is like my brother. The parallel are entertaining. I bring it up cause if there's typos it's cause I'm laughing.
  13. The limits of free speech

    Yeah but I edited it because I don't want to add to the problem on the board. I even deleted stuff between me an someone else. So I knew what you were after from the onset.
  14. The limits of free speech

    I listened and just didn't agree with you. Morgan Freeman who I met at the Oaklawn Casino, in Hot Springs,AR a couple years back when I worked there. We discussed race, an he said outright it's where we are as a people. If we feed it, the racist win because they get empowered by our anger. To BriAn on what percentage of whites I think are racist, that's just something I can't answer cause I try to not judge unless I meet someone or it's obvious (their being apart of quotes supergroup). So no real answer on that. To add, most black racists I've met, hate white people because of the indignities forced on them in the present. Things are different now, but still not equal. I don't know the percentage of black racists, so...That should answer your questions.
  15. The limits of free speech

    You're saying I'm challenged in any way is unnecessary, rude, disrespectful, and shows a lack of maturity. Why are you asking me personally about black racism?
  16. The limits of free speech

    You dodged the question, are you sticking up for white supremacist? If so, why?
  17. The limits of free speech

    I'm not condemning anyone. I've talked bout racism thats negative and positive. An said both are equally distasteful. Even a charity for one race over another race. Still a form of racism. Are you sticking up for people who outspokenly hate others? If so, why?
  18. The limits of free speech

    could you post where you're saying i quoted you in relation to your question, to help give appropriate context so I can answer your question ?
  19. The limits of free speech

    Didn't you want to steer clear of each other on the forums? So why ask me questions?
  20. Find the Fire?

    That s awesome. I like stories like this. Is there a website you can link to so I can read more. Thank you very much for posting. It's much appreciated.
  21. The body of humanity

    Personally, there are several hardcore things we are born with. The first is to learn an stabilize a frame of reference. We grow without much effort, except hunger an rest to fuel our biology. The mind becomes more dominant causing us to differentiate from survival to focusing on what it has learned to be in its best interest. The first call is orientation of our cognitive facilities. Wish to stop? For me it'd be hate. As for realizing peace, I see it only happening when we unify as a species. That way we'd learn to harmonize an direct our natural instincts for facing challenges outward so we can continue to develop an grow beyond our current state of being, an as a society.
  22. Find the Fire?

    I agree with tons of what you said, however the part where you say there's no emotion is where I'd like you to elaborate. We have emotions, they're naturally apart of our biomechanics. To deny part of one's nature is not Taoist in how I understand it. However maybe to let emotions flow like water, then when necessary deal with their "crashes", I can understand that as part of the Tao philosophy. I'm definitely interested in your view because your way sounds different than mine,an it's fascinating. I hope I learn something. That exert from the Tao te Ching is awesome btw. I just wanted to add that our ego can fuel our fire, or if we return to our nature, our spirit fuels us. Since the spirit is thought by some to be limitless, then there's an endless supply to fuel our flame.
  23. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Thanks for replying. It is much appreciated.