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About smallsteps

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  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Sifu Terry Dunn, Thank you very much for your reply to my questions about Flying Phoenix Chi Kung being compatible with any religious practice and about unity of religions. Actually, it would be most interesting to carry on this conversation about religions, but it seems more appropriate to leave it at it is. Thank you also for this quote extracted from W.Y. Evans-Wentz's book. I have taken the book out of my shelves and will read again the Introduction. I had forgotten about its content. I hope to be back soon in this thread, Sincerely edited for grammar
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    ~ Apeiron&Peiron, Thank you for your contributions and for your findings. I have no particular comment to make about your posts concerning FP qigong because I am not in position to do so, not because I haven't received them well. The links to Sifu Terry Dunn's posts indeed give some answers. He will perhaps add something else. I don't have any specific problem with reading long and complicated sentences in English. Take care
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I am sorry Apeiron&Peiron. Do post more if you feel like to.
  4. Hi TheWhiteRabbit, I like your post but just to let you know, morals really get a bad press here at TDB, so be prepared for a bumpy stay.. Best qi,
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    As I want this thread to stay on topic, I will also make my long post short. The questions(s) I asked were not general questions. I specifically asked about FP qigong because of its real/alledegly divine origin and because Sifu Terry Dunn's liberal use of quotations from various religious traditions. So, again, I want my question to stay in this specific context : FP qigong and Terry Dunn's views as a very experienced as well as a very learned person. Why is that? Because otherwise, this might turn into some potentially endless and pointless debate/fight about the unity of religions. We have already those kind of threads here, and we know that part if not all of them are now into the Pit. Guess why? The Dao Bums is a nice place but often times people can't help sharing their own thoughts when it could be useful to question them in the first place. I am not here to debate, to discuss nor to openly question what Sifu Terry Dunn might say. I am only here to listen to, note down and be questioned by what he might say as an expert. Actually, there could be a problem. There is a principle- or perhaps it is only a saying: as inside so outside, as within so without. And it seems that Taoists used this principle abundantly in their deity invocation practices. The body is probably not this perfectly neutral and blank place under cover from the outside world as some fancy it to be. Who really knows what is the body actually and what is it capable of? edited: minor syntaxic and grammar corrections
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    My question is more about hearing what is Sifu Terry Dunn's personal take on this based on his own experience-understanding. I am not asking for a PhD dissertation. My posts are only a distraction from practice.
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I deleted my posts first because my questions didn't make sense to people. Some even seem to think I was some kind of fundamentalist brainwashed Christian. Second it looked like Sifu Terry Dunn wasn't interested in answering them. Since it would be the least of my intention to introduce any disruption in this thread, I tried to clean up my own backyard. So here is another version of my question. I understood that FP qigong was not a generic qigong a la Eight pieces of Brocade. FP qigong has very a specific methodology, and give access to a healing energy that can't be found otherwise. The legend says that this qigong was a gift from a goddess to a man. This seems reasonable to me since I can't see how a man - however genius- could have figure this out by himself. Given this supernatural origin rooted in Buddhism/Taoism, I was wondering if this qigong system was compatible with any religious or spiritual practice that would have different roots and branches. As an illustration of that, which kind of triggered my question, Sifu Terry Dunn often makes references to Christianity, Thelemic mottos via A. Crowley's works etc. as if all religious or spiritual works were operating at the same level. Reading Sifu Terry Dunn's posts, I don't think he is a kind of New Age person. I was thus only asking two questions in one: - Can anyone practice FP regardless of their religion? - Can Sifu Terry explain a little about the underlying unity of religions? I realize this is not a question about practice and is probably useless to most people here. Thank you Astral_Butterfly for your PMs and thank you Sifu Terry Dunn if you choose to respond to this post.
  8. Potent Systems

    Thanks for your answer fu_doggy. Btw, I love your avatar, it reminds me of the awesome little dog I had in my youth.
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    This post was the one too many.
  10. Potent Systems

    Hi Fu_doggy, It looks like you stopped practicing Flying Phoenix. May I ask why ? Thanks!
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Earl Grey, There was no offense taken from your post, I actually liked it, so no need to apologise for anything. Thank you for your well-meant post! Be well
  12. Losing Members

    The Dao Bums has actually and fortunately several areas. We can choose to read or to ignore specific threads and when can choose to react or not to those we read. I have read some threads and choose not to react and in most cases not to read them anymore. Specifically, there are threads (like those related to politics, but not just them) where people argue endlessly out of ideological biases, some other threads are just 'screwed up' (sorry I don't know how to say it properly) by people who post for the only sake of attacking others. And this pattern is repeating itself threads after threads, and that seems to be just fine for those people. So why not post out of good will and sympathy for others, to give this forum a chance to be a place where we can listen to others and share and learn, despite of the evil that is going on here in the same way it goes in the real world? We can't absolutely rely on any admin, mod or anyone to enforce rules. Everyone has biases. They may even do things that should earn them a ban but still stay on charge. That's the same in the real world. But those who care can make an individual effort to cultivate goodness and apply it in our posting and when it appears that evil is dominant and overwhelming report to the mods without hoping too much and move on to another thread. Edited to add ' but still stay on charge' and to correct a minor typo
  13. Farewell Viator

    I repeat this. Every community needs people's good will and sense of justice. We can't just leave. My 2 cts.