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About MIchael80

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  1. Where to learn neidan/neigong properly ? + How i ended up here

    Hi! On daodeqigong.com you can learn ancient northern neidan method of yuxian pai and later northern method (the most famous neidan....sitting meditation) of wuliu pai. On daode.ru you can now even learn the ancient northern method of wuliu pai (said to be Lao Tse method). All the best
  2. Alchemical Herbs

    The universal agent is not mercury. Mercury is the basic component of the socalled philosophers stone. Though practically you can make stone from minerals, herbs etc. In srictures mercury is called the supreme substances for making it....but one should really know how or it is deadly.
  3. Alchemical Herbs

    Hi! From what i was taught is that there are no alchemical herbs BUT alchemical prepared herbs. Through alchemical preparation their qualities are enhanced dramatically (and sometimes changed). Mercury for ex. is highly toxic but when one was taught the alchemical secret it becomes lifespan lengthenging, rejuvinating and healing. Simple form of herbs alchemy that is common today is spagyric. They have replenishing formulas but do not use chinese terms. Hope that helps a bit.
  4. Hi! WLP is not one method but a school who preserves different neidan approaches. 1. Broad (later) northern alchemy method: which is the most publicly known neidan method as it is less restricted.... basically sitting meditation similiar (not the same) to quianfeng pai (taoist yoga book) 2. ancient northern method: really old method which was until recently only taught heart to heart and not much written down. WLP has opened that one under strict rules to the public. This is mostly standing practice but other ancient northern methods like Yuxian pai use sitting after preparation and mingrefillment. 3. ancient southern method: the oldest and most powerful one still only taught privately because it needs constant supervision. Only standing til the last stage (emptiness to dao) which is done sitting. Hope that helps Michael
  5. ? Of course is denying something an arguement. You made claims....i said yuxian pai does not do anything remotely what is described in that book. I also said what you said about wuliu pai is not true either. The only one not saying anything of value at all is not me.
  6. Well you said "that you have quite a lot of experiences with yuxian pai and less with wuliu pai" and that they are "quite relatable". But yuxian pai does nothing even remotely similiar to anything in this book. And what i mentioned about Wuliu pai has nothing to do with branches from a tree at all.
  7. Really? Where in Yuxian pai do you sit while meditating on the dantien? What kind of Wuliu pai method? Ancient northern, ancient southern or broad northern method?
  8. Stellate Ganglion Block for PTSD

    Hi! 😊 I think such things are for people who do not want to do inner work.... for all the others trauma can be an immense growth factor given one works in a supportive setting with one of the great somatic modalities available. Things like EMDR Somatic experiencing EP (embodied processing) KI (Kiloby inquiries) Irene Lyons work (a very effective mixture of different somatic pratices). Etc Because with these medical interventions you learn nothing about your physiology, how to process emotions, how to get into contact with your body etc.
  9. Hi! @Taoisttext ... would have to look inside the book. Translation was fire (up the back) and water (down the front). Palpandian "siddhas - masters of nature". It is on amazon.
  10. Hi! Your statement is not true. Old indian traditions do have the mco (especially the Tamilsiddhas), they call it fire and water channel.
  11. Mind Body cultivation

    Hi! 😊 Could you describe some of this interplay with regards to the 10 heavenly stems and 12 earthly branches?
  12. Interview with Adam Mizner

    Hi Freeform! 😊 I was taught in different lineages that "rainbow body" (meaning the physical form completly disolves into light)is the highest attainment. Only in some very ancient daoist traditions there was one higher level....that was that the practitioner could decide the time WHEN to disolve the physical body....and with rainbow body they could not decide when , just that it disolves. They called that "completing the dao". Both said that disolving the physical body is a sign that all karma is disolved and that is why it is so rare. So what would be a higher attainment than that?
  13. Interview with Adam Mizner

    Hi freeform! Are you allowed to talk about such tests and physical signs? Find that a hugely interesting subject! 😊
  14. Hi creation! Well i would not call that beyond consciousness...as it is, as you described so well the recognition that this pure consciousness is always there and no withdrawing is needed. (Before that realization withdrawing is needed up to a certain point). But as this pure consciousness is always present there is a "level " that is prior to that even though it apears as the most fundamental "thing" and at the same time only "thing"that there is.