Vajra Fist

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About Vajra Fist

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  1. Heavenly Essence Qigong

    Just as an aside I have bought Liping's swimming dragon course and can highly recommend her as a teacher. If the heavenly essence course is anything similar it is very detailed and well explained. Also have found her to be a genuinely sweet and decent person - very rare among qigong teachers.
  2. Kuan Yin Magnetic Qigong

    This is a great read
  3. The Power of Chi movie

    I posted this quite a while ago. But a few days ago I happened to stumble on Adam's personal FB. I was pretty surprised to see photos of himself with Nigel Farage, ranting about immigration, transgender etc. A lot of it seemed geared toward triggering his critics, something he gets a seems to get a perverse thrill out of. Same as his mate Joey Nishad, who rails at sceptics as "retards, child rapists" etc. Even if these people have genuine power or skill, their character tells me enough about whether they are worth emulating.
  4. Wim Hof, some less savoury details

    I'd say mainly the cold exposure. Feels amazing afterward, but the dry cracked and blistered skin was a significant drawback, as well as a far greater propensity for colds and flu. I was sick almost every week. The breathing felt useful. I was one of the first people in the UK to get covid, much before vaccines or even testing was widespread. So it hit me like a truck. There was one point where I literally couldn't breathe if I lay down and was worried that I might suffocate in my sleep. I had already stopped practicing WHM by this point, but I got up and did five rounds of the breathing. It hurt like hell, but it opened up my lungs like nothing else. Might have saved my life. The breathing also feels like a jolt of adrenaline in the morning. A character in a Hunter Thompson book once said: 'Turn the music up, my heart feels like an alligator.' And this is how you feel after practice, fierce and full of vigour. But from what I gather this is where it is problematic. Some qigong teaches have warned it taps in to your innate jing, burning it off for a temporary energy boost. Could be just my imagination, but even after only practicing for a few years, I sometimes feel a lot older than those my own age (40), physically speaking. Back and joint pains etc.
  5. Wim Hof, some less savoury details

    I had a skin issue that I developed after a year of practice. Weird blistering and dry patches in between my fingers that was quite unsightly. This went away as soon as I stopped practicing. No idea what the cause might be, but have seen a small handful of others on the wim FB group having a similar issue.
  6. Wim Hof, some less savoury details

    Interesting video here, which raises doubts about the circumstances of the death of his first wife, in light of the allegations of abuse against his second wife. I practiced this method for several years, but I stopped around four years back after several qigong teachers warned that it worked by depleting jing. Also, this turned me off cold exposure in a big way.
  7. Fragrant qi gong has saved my life

    I didn't! But I think about it from time to time. I emailed two other fragrant qigong teachers about this at the time and they said it was fine, as long as it didn't involve visualisation. I do wonder though about qigong practice in a distracted state and whether it could detract from meditation practice. But I have no experience to say one way or another. If I try it again, I'll let you know.
  8. I recently restarted shotokan, which is probably the dumbest, most external karate style. But it's something I'm most familiar with from my youth. Unlike Okinawan styles, sanchin - which is normally fonsidered the internal engine of karate - isn't taught until much later. Once I get time though, I'm keen to learn it. I'd be interested if any other bums had experience with it and could speak to its non-martial benefits, if applicable. I know that Kyokushin folks also cross train sometimes in taikiken, which is the Japanese equivalent to yi quan. All very fascinating!
  9. Eclectic Meditation

    Just gross.
  10. Eclectic Meditation

    While we're at it, might as well let every Buddhist monastery around the world crumble into the sea, since Giles has decreed that accepting donations is unbuddhist. No more funding that lavish monastic lifestyle. Stop trying to escape from reality you monks - there are vacancies at the local McDonald's. Real jobs in the real world!
  11. Eclectic Meditation

    Well, since you say you must practice meditation only under a teacher, and that your teacher be one who does not even allow students to generate merit through donations, then I wish you the best of luck in finding someone who meets your exacting criteria.
  12. Eclectic Meditation

    Unfortunately people need money to live. I'd much rather she accept donations from those who are able to give, and give her time fully to helping people. Than have a mundane career and have to dramatically scale back, or stop her dharma teaching. She literally spends all year long either leading retreats for months at a time, or providing consultations to help people in their path. When not teaching, she practices solitary retreat in a cave network in Spain. It might make you feel morally superior to find fault in someone like that. But I'd urge others to take with a pinch of salt the judgment of someone who can't even properly observe the fourth precept.
  13. Eclectic Meditation

    If only she could learn from you, a beacon of morality.
  14. Eclectic Meditation

    No, which is why she is dana-based and doesn't charge a fee. You donate to support the teacher if you wish to, or are able to. There are plenty of other meditation teachers that charge for their time.