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Everything posted by oak

  1. Well, the guy was with pneumonia, syphilis, gonorreha and a dysfunctioning liver and got out of it. If you want to read a sample of his biography https://books.google.pt/books?id=dEQNQrBe_7QC&pg=PA35&dq=TT+Liang&hl=pt-PT&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjdtYKKqMPXAhXEOhQKHQDVCtUQ6AEIPTAD#v=onepage&q=TT Liang&f=false I consider T.T. Liang as someone far from being a saint but as you pointed out, a very inspirational person for those who start late. You may like this youtube video too I'm not here to defend MCO practices but can say that I've experienced it some years ago for some time. That flow of energy throughout the body releaved me many times of all kinds of physical disconfort such us pains and extreme exaustion. Does it prolongue your lifespan? Well, health depends of too many factors, including karmic ones.
  2. Some wealth and health millionaires die soon, yes! Makes sense. Nothing that the DDJ doesn't explain... On the other hand some people wise up after a lifetime of excesseses, like T.T. Liang who only started his tai chi practice at 45 having his health almost totally ruined and lived to be 102. You shouldn't generalize Cheshire Cat.
  3. simplify

    half a mile from the railroad track
  4. Favorite Daoist Quote

    The Katha Upanishad
  5. What Have You Learned

    I learned that trying to communicate what we think are the most deep and rich experiences is something very frustrating in most cases. Frequently question myself about this forum. Well, I guess we are trying and that keeps me coming back. Mystical poetry and symbology were the only means found by many to communicate their experiences. An anecdote to ilustrate my point (and this isnt for me deep stuff) A few years ago, with my dan tien boiling in full activity (not anymore) I tried to convince a friend of mine (someone with long years of mystical study) about the veracity of John Changs capabilities showing her the famous dinamo jack youtube video. After watching it do you know what she replied ? "Did you notice that he dyes his hair ?" Oh John man, why did you do that ???
  6. What are you watching on Youtube?

    That really hurt "charlie"...
  7. simplify

  8. Feeling powerless and low

    Sending you an heartfelt hug Manitou. No words would do better at this time I feel.
  9. Bed and Body Vibrations during sleep.

    Sleep paralysis and the sensation of the whole body vibrating (in fact it is the etheric body that is vibrating) happen just before astral projection.
  10. simplify

  11. simplify

  12. simplify

  13. simplify

    ...OR... (funny, the French have the same word for NOW and GOLD)
  14. Yijing for Idiots

    Well aware of the dedication and energy required in studying sacred literatute I want to ask if someone can point me out to some source of summarized information about the inerant phylosophy of the book. Something that would help me understand how Yijing students see the universe and behave according to the teachings of the book in daily life.
  15. mystical poetry thread

    I always wanted to go to East Cliff, more years than I can remember, until today I just grabbed a vine and started up. Halfway up wind and a heavy mist closed in, and the narrow path tugged at my shirt: it was hard to get on. The slickery mud under the moss on the rocks gave way, and I couldn’t keep going. So here I stay, under this cinnamon tree, white clouds for my pillow, I’ll just take a nap. Han Shan
  16. simplify

    spiritual goal(d)
  17. simplify

  18. simplify

    ball and chain
  19. simplify

  20. simplify

    Inner truth
  21. simplify

    cayenne pepper
  22. I'm pretty sure most of you found out very interesting stuff based on your own practice healthwise. I'm not much interested in diets or ingestion of herbs, that would be another interesting thread, or in things that you didn't experience yourselves. I'm going to give you two simple examples of things that I found out by accident and relate to my practices. 1. Nauli stops diarrhea immediately. 2. Unwanting to take any medication I've had to live with the burden of a stomach ulcer for about one year. One day I woke up in the middle of the night with my stomach bursting with accute pain. Instinctively my body responded to that by swallowing a large amount of saliva that was being produced in the soft palate. The intense pain took about one minute to stop as I witnessed this amazed - the things our bodies know that we don't. Of course that I had heard of the benefits of the jade elixir before but that night I was completely convinced. These days anytime (rarely) my stomach gives me trouble I easely recognize the taste and density of that saliva being produced in my mouth and swallow it with the same results.