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Everything posted by oak

  1. Krishnamurti quotes

    The demand to be safe in relationship inevitably breeds sorrow and fear. This seeking for security is inviting insecurity. Have you ever found security in any of your relationships? Have you? Most of us want the security of loving and being loved, but is there love when each one of us is seeking his own security, his own particular path?
  2. Krishnamurti quotes

    To experiment, need there be identification? Does not the very act of identification put an end to inquiry, to discovery? The happiness that truth brings cannot be if there is no experimentation in self-discovery. Identification puts an end to discovery; it is another form of laziness. Identification is vicarious experience, and hence utterly false.
  3. uploads

    Will try that. Thanks again for your patience and good will @dawei
  4. uploads

    My account quota is only 8% of total. I was just trying to upload a photo taken with my phone which I presume can't be that big in size (?) If you think of anything that may help... Thanks a lot @dawei
  5. uploads

    Same here
  6. When I meditate

    Brilliant CT, It made my day. Thanks.
  7. Baguazhang

    Also, theres a Facebook group: "Bagua Zhang the arts of circle walking" worth to check. Happy training
  8. Baguazhang

  9. Baguazhang

    Here's something for you to have a taste of Tom Bisio's instruction https://www.internalartsinternational.com/free/ba-gua-zhang-ball-exercises-video/ and I would recommend my favourite baguazhang teacher, Neil Ripski. You can easily get in touch with him on FB https://www.youtube.com/user/redjademartialarts
  10. What counts as Idolatry to you?

    I like this quote by Krishnamurti: Do human beings not radically transform themselves because they are really frightened not to belong to a group, to something definite? Are they afraid to stand completely alone? To be alone implies not to carry the burden of tradition with you. Tradition being knowledge. To be alone implies total freedom. Alone is all one, when there is no fragmentation. That is total order.
  11. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    It didn't make me laugh but it sure made me smile https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10158422747138103&id=511103102
  12. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    Just Wow to that one!! Unforgettable quote. Thanks ST.
  13. Tai chi friends

    Hello good people of the dao I'm in love with tai chi but lack the discipline to practice everyday. I'm living one of the toughest years of my life so, it's being difficult to find the focus for daily practice. For me it is the coolest, most beautiful, most mindful meditation I've ever found. Unfortunately can't afford tai chi classes right now and end up practicing other forms of exercise and meditation which don't require as much mental focus like hatha yoga. Having "tai chi friends" could help me get more motivated. Anyone interested feel free to contact me. Thank you.
  14. Neiye - Section 13 - Concentration

    Thanks guys for your help!!
  15. Neiye - Section 13 - Concentration

    When the author speaks of concentrating the qi does it necessarily imply breath work? What's your opinion?
  16. The cat is out of the bag

    Welcome back Taomeow :)))))))!
  17. Self-massage Qigong

    I'm all for self-message. Please share your experiance and suggestions. I think this is a nice video to start with:
  18. Isn't this dude much more interesting than the other... Just sayin'...
  19. What are you listening to?

    Only knew Bryan Setzer's version. Thanks for sharing.
  20. Neiye - Section 1 - The Essential Qi

    The important point to me regarding location is that the text informs us that something is going to manifest there. The text doesn't say that some work has to be done or even the attention needs to be placed in the chest/heart area.
  21. Altough I'm working a long night shift tonight and need to sleep during the day I'll manage to find some time to practice a bit. How about you?