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Everything posted by Drifting_Through_Infinity

  1. if you believe in it, it will exist or else nothing really exist?

    Student: "What is life?" Master: "What is there that is not life?"
  2. Has anyone here achieved super consciousness?

    I want this thread to either brighten or end.
  3. Has anyone here achieved super consciousness?

    I often mix up my wording. This is what I meant to say: In modern science, there is an untold rule. "You cannot discover anything relating to a spirit world, God, or consciousness. If you do, you must hide it or else you will be kicked out of the science community". What reason is there for this? It is that people are stubborn. It is because most people are comedians. Let me define what a comedian is versus a non-comedian: Someone walked up to me one day(true story) and said "Hey Walker, I have this problem" W: "Lay it on me" S: "Blah Blah Blah" W: "Oh, I understand. Here is the solution(rolls out obvious solution)" S: (tilts head to one side. looks slant ways with one eye. acts as though I didn't say anything. walks away and never asks me to solve their problems again) This has occurred on multiple occasions. It is because these people, the comedians, conjure up imaginary problems to make life more meaningful. The scientists, most of them, are also comedians. They don't really want to discover anything. They just want to get heard whether what they say is true or not. So it seems. The real people are those who, when asked if they like the pasta, tell what they really thought of it. These honest people are considered the crazy ones and people who should be sent to jail. So is the society we live in.
  4. Has anyone here achieved super consciousness?

    that's exactly what I'm sayin
  5. Has anyone here achieved super consciousness?

    what do you mean
  6. Has anyone here achieved super consciousness?

    A few hundred years ago, a horrible thing happened. Science separated from alchemy. All new faces in science proclaimed what was okay to talk about, and what was forever forbidden to speak about. What reason is there for this??? Why not just go where the science takes us?? "Science cannot talk about souls and philosophy doesn't talk of biology" Do you realise how absurd what you have said is?? You are creating barriers in your mind for no reason. You must have never meditated before. If you did, you must have been joking. All of science is being apparently stolen from Hinduism. All of it! Scientists have no real claim to have originated anything, because look, it's all right there in the vedas which were written thousands of years ago!!! PHLOSOPHY DID SPEAK OF BIOLOGY(:, fifteen thousand years ago. Have you read nothing??? What I said was what I read. You apparently did not check what I said, and willy-nilly refuted it because it didn't sound good to you. You really are quite a comedian. Very funny.
  7. Has anyone here achieved super consciousness?

    The Bhagavad Gita and The Upanishads say you are. In fact, science has proved half of what they say. Science has proved that 40,000 brain cells exist in THE HEART and that it is these brain cells that control the brain. Soul versus mind??? All connections end there, at a single point in the heart where everything is perceived. The Upanishads speak of this EXACTLY. It is called "Atman". It says over and over, "this atman is really Brahman". Brahman is The Tao. Tao is the word that Jesus said he was.
  8. Seeing energy during deep practice

    What kind of chi gong are you practicing?
  9. Has anyone here achieved super consciousness?

    The word "separate" is an imaginary concept. Indeed. Yet, isn't it a bit up tight for one to say these things??! Where is the sense of adventure in Taoism??? I am going off topic, never-mind.
  10. Has anyone here achieved super consciousness?

    So you just let go and admit that you don't exist separately from the universe?
  11. Has anyone here achieved super consciousness?

    Easily??? Yeah. It is mentioned in autobiography of a yogi but goes by the name "cosmic vision".
  12. Has anyone here achieved super consciousness?

    Sorry for taking so long. To my mind, superconsciousness is when you become aware of the universe as your body, or at the very least extend your awareness past your small flimsy body. In a book titled "Krya yoga unveiled" or whatever it's title is since I have no time to look it up, the author defines super consciousness in the introduction and I have been following his definition since.
  13. Does anyone here astral project?

    You know, leave your body in energy for or some other form?
  14. Does anyone here astral project?

    I like being fooled. Or rather, I like sitting in a nice heated room in the middle of a storm. A lot of you have said that such practices are unnecessary, yet I have heard many people say that they managed to visit "the white light" in an astral travel. Isn't' this the ultimate goal??? So why are such practices unnecessary??? I've gone sooooo freakin deep in my lucid dreams back when I was actually serious about my stuff so maybe you could go deeper when free of the body
  15. So in chapter 16 of the TTC, it ends with: "Immersed in the wonder of the Tao, you can deal with whatever life brings you. When death comes, you are ready". Ready for what? Is this gone into detail in any Taoist texts? At all?
  16. How much has Humanity evolved?

  17. Is reincarnation or afterlife spoken about in any Taoist texts?

    Well I disagree with the whole idea that humanity just started. If so, who in the heck cut down all the giant trees??? Trees get bigger forever, right? Yeah though, I see how the question is irrelevant.
  18. if you believe in it, it will exist or else nothing really exist?

    This is common practice in Japan, so I've heard.
  19. Username change

    Oh, fabulous. I want mine to be changed to Drifting_through_Infinity
  20. if you believe in it, it will exist or else nothing really exist?

    Oh yeah, let's be like the old man who goes to the park to drink and watch the kids. Sarcasm. Is the earth round or flat? Who in the heck cares I propose that we all rise up to Krishna consciousness, the awareness of little children.
  21. if you believe in it, it will exist or else nothing really exist?

    As Alan Watts would say, the joker has got you all. Anyone who has read the Bhagavad Gita chapter 13 knows that there is only one being, with many masks. If none of you trust the Gita, whan why trust Lao Tzu? Why not trust all enlightened beings?
  22. if you believe in it, it will exist or else nothing really exist?

    I'm sorry for the confusion. I live in California. Here in California, we all mean consciousness when we say God. Have none of you heard of the work of Paramahansa Yogananda? He came and settled here from India to teach what The Bible is really about. Surely, anyone taking the Vedas of Hinduism literally would go insane. But ever Hindu knows that they are metaphoric. You both think we are all seperate Gods??? You are both insane. There is only 1 God, not 3 gods or 8 billion.
  23. what is the point of existence?

    why must there be a reason?