neti neti

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Everything posted by neti neti

  1. Reality vs. Unreality

    It clarifies the pointer for a perceiver's mistaken identity as separate from the perceived. In such a one's case, the direction in which the mind turns is of import. That it lluminates this much, we should agree. Self is without qualities or distinctions. One knows oneself by being oneself.
  2. Reality vs. Unreality

    Nothing has ever been spoken. /thread
  3. Reality vs. Unreality

    There's no one else here. I confess. You were never even born. The potter plays with clay.
  4. Reality vs. Unreality

    Then, who is this "I" who is aware of the awareness your mind possesses? Are there two Marbleheads here? Perhaps the totality of this sensed 'I-amness' lives and dies, in You. Perhaps, the real You as Pure Absolute Consciousness, cannot even say "I".
  5. Reality vs. Unreality

    Most interesting! Who is the caretaker? Have you come and, will you go? Who lives and dies? You? Who is this, you?
  6. Reality vs. Unreality

    Thanks for responding. As you strolled along the beaten path, have you ever paused and admired the flowers? Since you're familiar with where this is going, let's try an alternate route and see where it leads us. This "I" which you claim, this story of the bundle of body/mind with its memories and experiences... Is it You, or... is it Yours?
  7. Reality vs. Unreality

    Excellent! Now, if you would my good sir, please point out where this fabricated I is located that I may shake his hand and thank him for all he's done.
  8. Reality vs. Unreality

    Lol. Well since the Great Way is easy for those without preferences, I may just throw on an old t-shirt and head for the door.
  9. Reality vs. Unreality

    Very good, and yet again, the key point fails to be addressed: The world as perceived and its perceiver are without difference. Unfailingly, the seer insists on pointing, "look, can't you see?", but refuses to reverse his gaze. This is the crux of the subtle nuance drawing one's focus toward... the finger pointing, the moon or the starry night sky... and completely misses the backdrop's substratum in which that wondrous scene is made manifest. "That" is the only "Real", which requires no focus or perception. What is MISSING, is that YOU, the ACTUALITY, focus on reflections between two mirrors rather than the light which makes reflections possible. To say, "I see" anything, is to Not see your Self.
  10. Reality vs. Unreality

    How would your Self see your Self?
  11. Reality vs. Unreality

    Or perhaps the only valid and true perception is, no perception. Zoom in, zoom out... whatever. Maybe, there is only the zoomer? Perhaps the zoomer, is "this" and "that."
  12. Reality vs. Unreality

    Me thinks you're thinking too hard. But I suppose the 10,000 wouldn't be the 10,000 without a bit of irony. Whether short and to the point or long and drawn out, nothing much gets through to a mind that's made up. In the absence of mind, nothing much matters at all.
  13. Reality vs. Unreality

    Ha, I wish I could have been so concise!
  14. Reality vs. Unreality

    Well, to declare it as real is just another side of the same coin. The object essentially doesn't exist without a subject to make that declaration. Thus, the pointer is intended to inspire inquiry into who's declaring. For the Self-realized, classifications of real and unreal are as equally meaningless as the separation between subject and object. Even the concept of unity is groundless for one seeing only himself in apparent multiplicity. This post simply attempts to illuminate what's being hinted at when such a one, seeing only himself, says "the world is unreal." He sees only the ever-present Self in all... The sole Subject, wherein worldly phenomena appears as a dream.
  15. What does everyone practice :)

    Sure, but that's like saying water strives for its wetness. Without differentiation, consciousness is life and all therein. Its contents are also the consciousness, to include the practitioner's practice, the practitioner and this concept of being the consciousness. The guru is consciousness, therefore, consciousness is the guru. When perceived as such, one appears to stand apart from it all as its witness... aware of the awareness that you are. When the witness is also realized to be the same consciousness, then awareness and unawareness alike vanish, and yet you remain. "The natural state."
  16. "Non-action is unceasing activity. The sage is characterized by eternal and intense activity. His stillness is like the apparent stillness of a fast rotating gyroscope." -Ramana Maharshi

  17. "Just see the person you imagine yourself to be as a part of the world perceived within consciousness; and look at consciousness from the outside; for you are not the consciousness.


    You, the Supreme Reality, are utterly beyond. Tat Tvam Asi." -Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

  18. "Wisdom lies in never forgetting the Self, the Supreme Absolute as the ever-present Source of both the experiencer and the experience.


    I am beyond consciousness and so in consciousness I cannot say what I am. Yet I am." -Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

  19. What does everyone practice :)

    Nisarga Yoga, which is essentially the one-pointed focus of complete identification with consciousness.
  20. Heart Language

  21. Heart Language

  23. Question: I see you doing things. How can you say that you never perform actions? Sri Ramana Maharshi: The radio sings and speaks, but if you open it you will find no one inside. Similarly, my existence is like the space; though this body speaks like the radio, there is no one inside as a doer. Question: I find this hard to understand. Could you please elaborate on this? Sri Ramana Maharshi: Various illustrations are given in books to enable us to understand how the jnani can live and act without the mind, although living and acting require the use of the mind. The potter’s wheel goes on turning round even after the potter has ceased to turn it because the pot is finished. In the same way, the electric fan goes on revolving for some minutes after we switch off the current. Prarabdha (predestined Karma) which created the body will make it go through whatever activities it was meant for. But the jnani goes through all these activities without the notion that he is the doer of them. It is hard to understand how this is possible. The illustration generally given is that the jnani performs actions in some such way as a child that is roused from sleep to eat eats but does not remember next morning that it ate. It has to be remembered that all these explanations are not for the jnani. He knows and has no doubts. He knows that he is not the body and he knows that he is not doing anything even though his body may be engaged in some activity. These explanations are for the onlookers who think of the jnani as one with a body and cannot help identifying him with his body.

    "One has to water a plant until it grows roots, and then it will grow by itself." ~Siddharameshwar Maharaj