neti neti

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Everything posted by neti neti

  1. "Words with mind fall back baffled from truth without touching it." ~Taittirīya Upanishad

  2. "Setting aside all meritorious deeds (Dharma), just surrender completely to My will (with firm faith and loving contemplation). I shall liberate you from all sins. Do not fear." ~Krishna

  3. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "We are Shiva, but we are also Shakti. We are perfect, but we are also imperfect. We are the eternal Reality, but we are also the ephemeral image It projects on Its own screen. We are indeed the Dreamer, but we are also the dream. We are entitled to say, "I am Shiva," but so long as the Shakti-mind exists, it must sing the song of love and devotion to its Lord." -The Supreme Self, Swami Abhayananda
  4. "It is not pervading, or that which could be less pervading: there can be no place for it to rest nor can there be the absence of such a place. It is something as well as being nothing. How can it be explained?"

    1. neti neti

      neti neti

      "Break that distinction between broken and unbroken: Do not cling to the distinction of clinging or non-clinging." ~Dattatreya

  5. “In the attributeless still expanse of Reality (Parabrahman) the inspiration ‘I Am’ arose. This is itself the primal illusion.” -Dasbodh, ~Ramdas

  6. "The Avadhut is not concerned with the things of the world, because the natural state of Self-realisation renders all else insignificant. Death and birth have no meaning; he meditates not, neither does he worship. All this world is a magic show, like a mirage in the desert. Concentrated bliss, alone and secondless, is Reality and that is the Avadhut." ~Avadhuta Gita 6.31-32

  7. My thoughts... a non-dual perspective may be the closest finger pointing towards the moon, but it still doesn't truly touch it. I'm reminded of Nisargadatta's words as recorded in "Prior to Consciousness", which may help shed some light on a "jivanmukta". To the "jivanmukta"("free" from both bondage and liberation), dual and non-dual domains alike are known to be mere ghosts in the machine. For once having "stabilized" in and as that which lies "prior" to conceptual knowledge(like existence and non-existence), being itself is also known to "just happen." Something to pause about, considering all that being entails.The paradoxical equivalent of being all there ever was, is to realize you never were... yet will always be. So the 'liberated soul' can appear to operate from beyond "both worlds", and also from within them. All just happenings. "Beingness" is something available to the all-comprehensive Self of all. The Power of powers, able to even make Itself imperceptible to Itself. This indescribable transcendence of transcendence concurs with the topic's title, and yet, they are simultaneously at odds. "Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity."
  8. Killing the Ego

    The death of ego isn't exactly cessation. Its more like, the ego is put in its proper place as presenter/experiencer of your experience. I would say, attenuation, is a more accurate term. Think of ego as the projector which allows that particular facet of consciousness to shine through onto the screen. When the ego clutter is swept away, or, the dust is cleared from the lens, then Self, through the ego, is able to shine through and experience reality as it truly is. What dies is any erroneously conceived sense of independence and/or control over one's experience. What was once believed to be the director, is revealed to just be the projector. All false identity melts away, the veil is removed, and the masks fall off. So, there's no need to kill one's ego... poor little ego. I love my ego, it allows me to experience.
  9. Avadhuta Gita

    This audio and others can be downloaded here: An alternate reading here:
  10. "Renounce, renounce the world, and also renounce renunciation, and even give up the absence of renunciation. By nature all-pervasive as space, knowledge Absolute are you." Avadhuta Gita, ~Dattatreya

  11. "To seek and abide in the Reality that is always attained, is the only Attainment. All other attainments (siddhis) are such as are acquired in dreams. Can they appear real to someone who has woken up from sleep? Can they that are established in the Reality and are free from maya, be deluded by them?" ~Ramana Maharshi

  12. That which occurs within the universe is nothing different from itself, thus the universe is both expansion and contraction. It is simultaneously full of light and darkness, and simultaneously empty of both(and neither the former nor the latter). Anthropomorphically speaking, (which can help bring a concept home): In a self-reflected universe it is the very contractive darkness of ignorance which projects expansion upon itself, as if contraction and expansion were separate happenings from itself. In the same way, it is the very expansive light of consciousness which projects contraction upon itself, as if expansion and contraction were separate happenings from itself. In darkness, the eye's pupil expands. In light, the eye's pupil contracts. Consider the pupil's expansion, as a self-reflection of the contractive darkness of ignorance. In the same way, consider the pupil's contraction, as a self-reflection of the expansive illumination of knowledge. The expansion is within the contraction, and vice versa. The light is within the darkness, and vice versa. The differences are in appearance only. The eye remains unchanged. You are the eye in which the pupil is made possible. Or... On a grander scale, consider yourself as the universe. As the universe, consider that limitless sense of "being-ness", the expansion, as an expression of self-inquiry(going within). An unconscious desire to know the "I", expressed. Now, consider yourself as the human being. As the human, consider that limited sense of "being-ness", the contraction, as an expression of self-forgetting(going without). An unconscious desire to forget the "I", expressed. The knowing is within the forgetting, and vice versa. The universe is within the human, and vice versa. The differences are in appearance only. The space remains unchanged. You are That in which "being-ness" is made possible.
  13. "A gnani commands a mode of spontaneous, non-sensory perception, which makes him know things directly, without intermediary of the senses. He is beyond the perceptual and the conceptual, beyond the categories of time and space, name and shape. He is neither the perceived nor the perceiver, but the simple and the universal factor that makes perceiving possible." ~Nisargadatta Maharaj

  14. "What is always natural to everyone is liberation, which is bliss. Bondage is delusion of mind, a false sensation. The ego alone is bondage, and one's own true nature, free of the contagion of the ego, is liberation. There is no greater deception than believing that liberation, which is ever present as one's own nature, will be attained at some later stage. Even the desire for liberation is the work of delusion. Therefore, remain still." ~Ramana Maharshi

  15. "A lighted-lamp does not need another lamp to illumine its light. So too, Self which is knowledge itself needs no other knowledge to know it." Atma Bodha, ~Adi Shankaracharya

  16. Gateway to limitless being

    There is no separation. Distinctions are of the mind only. Death is of the body only. Who is there to choose? It's a lovely tradition, a wonderful story. Many chapters, many stories... your story, my story. ................ The Nature of Self-Realization -- Ashtavakra Gita 7.1 In me, the shoreless ocean, the ark of universe drifts here and there on the winds of its nature. I am not impatient. 7.2 In me, the shoreless ocean, let the waves of the universe rise and fall as they will. I am neither enhanced nor diminished. 7.3 In me, the shoreless ocean, the universe is imagined. I am still and formless. In this alone I abide. 7.4 The Self is not in objects, nor are objects in the pure and infinite Self. The Self is tranquil, free of attachment and desire. In this alone I abide. 7.5 I am Awareness alone. The world is a passing show. How can thoughts arise of acceptance or rejection? And where?
  17. Gateway to limitless being

    I guess we'll continue to do so until the novelty wears off. Your insistence on there being a being there to perceive layers(or a lack thereof) is unreal. Who knows they are perceiving? Even Universal Being is the equivalent of Absolute Nothingness. The descriptors appear as 'cessation' because the source of all polarities is beyond them. There is no source. Words can only take us so far. The axe must be laid to the root, as it were. Change is inevitable within the jungle of the changeful. Be the unchanging. Neither attachment nor aversion. Neither cruelty nor compassion. None are great, none are least. None are noble, none are lowly. No birth, no death. There is only Self, without a self. Knowledge is a form of bondage. The one who knows not is all-knowing. Where is the Bodhisattva?
  18. Gateway to limitless being

    No worries. Indeed, the guru is the means for shaktopaya. Nonetheless, the guru is within you.
  19. Gateway to limitless being

    Even as Shiva, the body simply moves. Shiva does not move the body. He is the ground upon which "power" manifests. The jiva ignorantly assumes he moves the hand. When you move your hand, you don't think about moving it, and then move it. It simply happens. For the sake of communication, one could say it is "subconsciously" asked to be moved, and is then moved for you. Such is the illusion of free will. Your reasoning is a justification for what has already occurred. Time is an illusion. You are an illusion. Beware of Maya. "That which is beyond mind, Parashiva or Nirguna Brahman, is even unaware of itself. It is the unborn, inexhaustible spring from which all energies burst forth. If everything is you, what does being conscious even mean and, what is there to control? Who is there to be enlightened, when you already are the essence of happiness? The pointers are of course valid but one must realize they are conveyed as such that they may be conceptualized, one step removed from the summit."
  20. Gateway to limitless being

    There is only Shiva, which is consciousness. It's the jiva clinging to self-imposed ideas of a 'personal self', 'body', or the "I" who believes he retains independent existence to be like Shiva. Delusions that he still moves acts or speaks within this existential mirage. Surely he is non-existent and has realized it only in seeing nothing but himself. He is not the jiva, He witnesses the jiva as consciousness(which is only Himself), and yet, it is not Him. He is not the body, He witnesses the body as a form of consciousness moving acting or speaking within the consciousness(which is only Himself), and yet, it is not Him. He is not the "I", He is the backdrop in which 'Supreme I' enables apparent manifested multiplicity within the consciousness(which is only Himself), and yet, it is not Him. For the playful role of "returning to the world", the Bodhisattva only appears to maintain individuality, and yet, He knows he is not the person. Christ proclaimed that He only "did as He saw His Father doing", which was only Himself. There is no individual helping, there are no others, there is no path. 1.01. caitanyamātmā Supreme consciousness is the reality of everything. 1.02. jñānaṁ bandhaḥ Knowing differentiatedly is bondage and not knowing undifferentiatedly is bondage. There is no guru or master apart from yourself. A non-existent master cannot help remove non-existent obstructions. He appears to do so for the sake of the show, and actors desiring to play roles they imagine themselves to be. His presence, is your presence. There is no presence. There is no show. Remaining attached to the symbolic realm of words, illusory concepts of within or without, may be the most binding obstruction of all.
  21. Gateway to limitless being

    When "others" sincerely seek help in the form of a "gateway to limitless being", rest assured that the gateway shall find them. How could it not? The gateway is them. They help themselves. There is no them. There is no gateway.
  22. Gateway to limitless being

    Sure. But superpowers from whose perspective? The non-existent yogi or the Lord of the Universe? Only due to the unbridled bliss of Self-abidance. If the yogi can be seen to be conscious of anything it is only of Himself as Shiva, as all which appears to manifest before him is none other than that Supreme Consciousness. Only Himself. How can one such as this not impart knowledge to "others"? What "power" must he exercise to do so? Is it not by simply being that "powers" are expressed? Isn't the notion of the "focusing yogi" imagining he is "exercising powers" ludicrous when considered beside the reality of being Shiva? Do you not see how the subtle dualism is maintained enabling illusion to persist? Maybe you should read my previous responses a bit more carefully... or not. Either way, I'll play along. Consider Jaideva Singh's translation regarding the 7th Sutra: This one is pretty self-explanatory: I don't see anything about conscious effort here. Even if perceived to be momentary, this direct experience of the turya state is impossible to come back from the same. That yogi is no longer a person. He has literally been dissolved as a drop in the ocean, for he has realized that the drop never existed apart from the ocean. Even the idea of self-abidance is inaccurate, for there is no-where else to abide!
  23. Gateway to limitless being

    Of course. Without a personal sense of self, how can there be desires to identify with? That is also there. But I'm sure you see the statement's admonitory aspect. And let's not dismiss the clear qualifier of said powers being, limited. As ruler of the wheel of energies, vibrations of movement within consciousness occur as they must, whether creating preserving or destroying. The Lord does as He must. Waves rise, waves crash. The ocean stills. It all just happens to Him. Reflections of His Divine playful nature, which is just another anthropomorphism. 'Will' does not exist prior to the word... an assumption after the fact. Timelessness is devoid of linearity. If you would, please address at least one question I've posed if you wish to continue along these lines. "If everything is you, what does being conscious even mean and, what is there to control?"