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Everything posted by phil

  1. Don't know if you are sarcastic, but you should know that I feel a kind of sympathy for you. Nevertheless, I am gonna leave it here
  2. You say you are almost equally interested.. This means there is a subject that interests you most Follow your excitement, as simple as that :-)
  3. 3rd eye tells me I am not in your ignore list anymore As you like philosophy.. "It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters." -Epictetus Ask yourself.. Why do you react that way? You got issues triggered, face them. Stop those game and don't lie to yourself. No one doubt's your experiences, but they are not special. Hold on to your big ego if you want to get stuck in your experiences and feel superior to others. This is elementary level. It's obvious that you are doubting yourself the most or you wouldn't react in such ways, but this ain't no problem at all. I think sooner or later everyone has to admit that he knows nothing. Paradoxically this might open the gate for true knowledge..
  4. You can't be serious to answer in such a manner to that (great) post. I really hope your energies balance out. You are missing important ground-work.
  5. Cannabis can be a great teacher. It's not good or bad per se. What makes it a helpful or damaging substance is your usage of it. As long as it helps you to be more sensitive to energies, to feel more aspects or yourself and the world it is a great tool. Just don't rely on it. There may be a time when you don't need it anymore and it's important to let go. It's the same with every teacher, when they taught you everything they can you have to let go of them and move foreward
  6. WTF are we?

    I remember some years ago asking myself who am I and seeing this video which lead to some profound awakenings experiences. This may be just some new age b.s. for some but, well, I found some truths
  7. WTF are we?

    Levels of consciousness. I find this quite accurate
  8. WTF are we?

  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Yep, it's 90 60 5 50 40, Zen-Bear confirmed it anywhere already ;-)
  10. TFW you cannot be yourself -_-

    You can hate me now when I am saying that you don't need to be depressed and that it is in your power to change it. Don't care what any psychologists says.. Your life doesn't have to be an "experience of suffering and hopelessness". Why not start with the small things.. Go in nature, breath fresh air, breath deeply. Feel the sunlight on your skin, hear the birds sing. This seems so trivial, but those are things that can easily perceived with a positive emotion. It is imprinted in our DNA to feel good in nature, the fascination of our ancestors continues to live in it. Just start to feel again the underlying energies in those little joys and in every little joy you find, as they may built up in you, changing your perception of reality. Drop every expectation and especially those of others. Just be. Don't try to find yourself, find what makes you happy. If you are honest with yourself you will find those things that make you happy (just for a little moment take off your glasses of suffering and hopelessness). Don't have any expectation on the outcome of your actions, but know that the feeling of joy itself is what guides you on the right direction and this way never ends. Just know, that you have every power to change your reality. Start with small steps. What you believe is what you receive, why not play with your believes of reality a bit, it's fun
  11. Reality vs. Unreality

    If I zoomed really close on my table I would realize that it isn't stable at all. Just some electrons, protons and neutrons moving really fast giving me the perception of a stable table. I see it stable, because that's the way my senses are designed to perceive it. But no matter how I perceive it, both sides are valid and true, aren't they? To find truth it's more a perception of "this and that" instead of "this or that" I guess. So, but is there really a difference between my self and the world?
  12. How is your MCO different?

    my advice .. better search for the safest ones unless you have a teacher who can help you if energy get's stuck ( and of course safe doesn't mean non-effective)
  13. Where is the Music?

    (sorry didn't read the thread yet tbh so you may ignore this) John Cage
  14. Meditation Question

    Jeff, do you have any tips how to deal with this? Currently I am dealing with this and it's not that enjoyable for me atm
  15. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    There are 6 DVD's of Flying Phoenix Chi Kung out there, Vol 1,2,3,4,5 and 7. I would highly recommend to read this thread, at least the first 50 pages or so and you will find every information you need. Especially if you are new to Qigong and meditation I also recommend to start practice with Vol.1 and 2 and to learn the meditations in ascending order. If you start with Vol.7 you will not get all the benefits as the meditations are kind of interacting with each other.
  16. What are you listening to?

    as a scientist i find you very interesting
  17. Gathering qi by different ways

    I would like to hear more about the difference of chi from focusing and chi from nowhere, would be interesting if someone could elaborate on that
  18. Constant head pressure

    Couldn't it also be solar-plexus or throat chakra causing those problems? In general it is about opening the front channel isn't it?
  19. Constant head pressure

    What helped me the most: Deep, relaxed breathing in your belly and massage of Yongquan-Point on your feet. Going barefoot outside, connecting to earth. Drinking much water. Finding a QiGong-Teacher who can actually sense energy and harmonize it. Cold showers. Smiling and visualizing the energy pouring down from your head to earth. Herbs like Reishi. Nature in general. Sports/Training with much phsyical action. Wish you the best e: and if you start Qigong/Neigong-Practices be aware of those that direct energy with the mind. I wouldn't do that (especially at the beginning). Qi is smart and knows where to go ;-)
  20. Often when doing Qigong/Meditation people look for ways to increase the quantity of ones chi. But what's about the quality? You often hear a Qigong Master tell you the importance of feeling love or opening the heart before practicing. Or wear a smile when practicing. At some point one may be able to tap into the feeling of unconditional love and if one could maintain this feeling in everyday life this may be the point where methods aren't that important anymore, does this make sense? Just some thoughts, what do you think?
  21. I don't deserve life

    Feelings of unworthiness may be the main problem of our century. It's the root of hate, anger, wars and conflicts in general and many more. Those things simply wouldn't exist if people would learn how to love themselves. I personally am convinced that everyone is worth existing, because if we weren't we simply wouldn't exist. We can believe whatever we want about ourselves, totally freedom, in fact this freedom shows our worthiness, we have the ability and right to believe whatever we want, even that we are unworthy. When I have kids I will never allow that they lose their feeling of worthiness (no freedom for them). :-)