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Everything posted by Taomeow

  1. The Moscow dragon

    Cool reference, thanks, Vortex! WLP does long distance practice with his students three days of every month, everybody at the same time but using local time, and I don't know how it works out to align everyone's time in some no-time dimension? -- but I always know when the net is thrown... that's the best I can describe it -- a net of presence, like superstrings, like... like... you chase a black cat in a dark room who isn't there and suddenly YOU are there. The kind of you who can see the black cat... and what not. The kind of you who knows the black cat has ALWAYS been there. (I'm referring to the Dragon King article, the kami, the all kinds of beings, not invisible cats, of course... beings who are there only when you are... a different kind of you.) So anyway, the last time I spaced out and forgot there's a practice scheduled, and was watching a movie on my computer. All of a sudden the sound disappeared, then the picture froze on a frame showing a newspaper article someone was reading with the headline "Panic!" -- so there's only this word "panic!" on my screen, and simultaneously three (!) firetrucks rushed by the window outside (on a quiet street where I'd never seen one), then a voice in my lower dantien said, loud and clear, "why oh why did you eat so much so late, where's room for qi now in your stomach, huh? huh?" -- and then boom -- superstrings! Yikes! And the clock jumps at me and glares the beginning of the practice time! There was another thread today about "what happens during meditation" -- so -- here's what happens during a WLP meditation you were supposed to do but spaced out: guilt, remorse, and miracles!
  2. The sound of one hand clapping

    The sound of one hand clapping is the sound a hand makes when it completes a cycle and meets itself. It means "hurray! I'm not alone!" Much like the Mayan "hello," in lak'ech -- "I am another you!"
  3. Haiku Chain

    All thoughts of God gone, Goddess eats lotus petals to help her forget* (*a medicinal use of the lotus flower. It is an ingredient in the intoxicating beverage of the gods, Nepenthe, which brings oblivion.)
  4. This refers to triple (and more) numbers you randomly see on clocks, on license plates, on buildings, in numbers of posts on this site etc. etc.. It was discussed before but it was not revealed before -- so here goes. It has to do with music (Drew, are you paying attention?) and the following interesting fact of reality: all notes in an octave are separated by 11 cycles per second. The separations of each note from the next are 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77,88 and 99 cycles per second or multiples of these numbers, and this kind of perfectly harmonic tuning is a representation of a moment in time in Reality, itself created musically. Numbers themselves are symbolic representations of musical harmonics (and more -- for later). When triple numbers show up in your Reality, they are a physical representation of a mathematical moment that contains the harmonics of that number. Now if you start paying attention to them while keeping in mind what they mean in human terms, you might start noticing interesting developments... These are their meanings: 111 -- Energy Flow (any kind -- money, water, electricity, streamlined action, qi...) 222 -- New Cycle. This is where it begins, and its nature depends on the next triple number you see. 333 -- Decision (you have to make a decision). What you decide will lead either to 666 (which means you will have to deal with the same problem again and approach it differently) or to 999 (which means you've learned the lesson and the cycle is complete.) 444 -- Mystery Learning. You are going to be learning things about reality, but not doing yet. 555 -- Unity Consciousness. This indicates someone who has accomplished that -- whether you or someone you're in contact with. (If you notice it near a Christian church, that would be Jesus in all likelihood, not you.) 666 -- Earth Consciousness. This is the number of life on earth. Carbon, which is its basis, has six protons, six neutrons, and six electrons. If you see this number, be mindful of physical events. Also, be careful. Life is vulnerable. 777 -- Mystery Doing. You are going to apply to reality, in action, what you have learned about it. 888 -- Completion of a particular Reality lesson. 999 -- Completion of a particular cycle of events. 000 -- no value.
  5. Sarcasm And The Dao

    Thank you, Blasto, I see real "work of the soul" here and I think it's beautiful.
  6. Sarcasm And The Dao

    Sarcasm, in TCM, is a symptom of one or more of the Lesser Shens dysfunction or even of the Greater Shen obstruction. Yes, it can reach disabling proportions. Concurrent symptoms include an inability to look people in the eye, "buren states" (lack of empathy), overall coarseness and flattening of emotions, schizoid fragmentation of the associative process (i.e. reacting not to the meaning of communication but to a knee-jerk reflex that causes a particular word or image to trigger a sarcastic response... this is due to poor communication between the Shens and the resulting over-excitability of parts of the brain trying to compensate for the numbness of other parts) and, in severe cases, full-blown schizophrenia. Often it is also an early warning of a developing neuromuscular disorder (Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, MS). The good news is that the condition, when properly evaluated by a practitioner and caught early, before more severe symptoms begin to manifest, is often curable. In many instances herbs and acupuncture and elimination of neurotoxins form the diet will be enough. In severe cases, an OMD might refer the sufferer to a taoist priest if the cause is possession; the latter will perform exorcism.
  7. Kunlun and Demons

    Hey, Witch, are you channeling Max? Why THIS picture?
  8. Has The Tao Bums become (B)anal?

    No, a fat lady was Drew's contribution, I had nothing to do with it and have no clue what it was about. ("Strong words! Strong, bewildering words from a strange man!" -- Kent Brockman the Simpsons' TV anchor reporting on Drew... I mean, Homer...) I only lamented what some karaoke stars do with sacred-geometrical pearls that land at their feet. Step on them, crush them with a hobnailed boot, throw them together with a collection of meticulously picked garbage?.. Your sarcasm, in this particular case, was every bit as misplaced as one of your karaoke video comments that asserts Korea is in Africa. Yes, to the same extent that sacred geometry is in new age -- or in any of the anal threads for that matter.
  9. Has The Tao Bums become (B)anal?

    yeah, all that, and karaoke too!.. total degradation.
  10. Psychic Powers

    AMEN. And most of what an unhealthy person thinks of as mystical/supernatural powers are mundane abilities in a healthy one. It's just that our everyday concept of health is so un-ambitious -- people seem to be officially falling under only three categories -- healthy, sick, disabled -- and what "healthy" means doctors don't even learn in med school so they don't know and nobody knows -- if you haven't been officially diagnosed with any official illness, voila, you're healthy. Being un-telepathic, un-intuitive, and un-attuned to the energies of the world in general is a shade of unhealth, nothing normal about it, it's just that the majority of the population spend much of their lives in this shade. (And of course they don't remember reading mom's mind at three months of age -- developmental amnesia is another glaring symptom of unhealth -- even though everybody did. Till it became too painful.) Of course one natural ability overblown at the expense of others is also a form of unhealth. (I recently watched "Perfume" the movie -- spooky but recommended -- about a guy who had an incredible sense of smell -- and no other human senses properly developed...) If above-average abilities of a "part" aren't harmonized with other parts, they will be exploited... sometimes it's not a choice, it's more of a burden -- of un-harmonious genius -- I always think of Stephen Hawking and his flight into the nearest black hole -- as far away from his body as possible... and of all the powerful minds who didn't make it to 40, even 30, and hardly ever to 60... Be it the mind -- or the spirit -- shen, in other words -- used like that, to compensate for the unhealth of the body -- or vice versa, the body primed with above-average abilities while the mind and the spirit are arrested at the below-average developmental stage -- all of these are shades of unhealth. So if I could do Zener cards but couldn't do the laundry, the lotus, or the logic... then I'd be worried... Matter of fact, someone who can do "everything" super-supernatural but not the mundane practicalities is also showing symptoms of serious disharmony... Health is the superpower to beat all superpowers -- real health, of course, not the "absence of diagnosed disease" kind...
  11. Enlightenment-a TTB definition.

    Yup. It isn't a taoist concept. The taoist concept is a state of being a "real human" (in Cleary's translations), a "sage" (in Wilhelm's) or a "jun zi" (left untranslated by Ritsema/Sabbadini to mean "man/woman of tao"). Basically, enlightenment is a carrot and ignorance, a stick alternatively waved in front of disciples' noses by non-taoist adepts to get them to feel inadequate; also used for self-aggrandation by the waving party (if I hold the carrot and the stick, it must mean I have access to the great big pile of carrots and sticks and you don't, na na na na na...)
  12. Psychic Powers

    They shot another mountain lion where I live. This happens regularly. Starving, desperate, misplaced by urban developments, their territory shrunk to 1/10,000th of what it used to be and shrinking further constantly, they wander into the suburbs and immediately get shot. A cat whose territory has been threatened is not neurotic, merely aware. The one who is desperate enough to disregard this awareness of immediate and relentless threat from a more powerful party dies. I cry every time it happens. If instead of crying I could take some power away from the corporations and give it back to the mountain lions, I would, in a blink of an eye. I want the power to stop the powerful from killing the powerless. So shoot me.
  13. Haiku Chain

    The style... Russian surrealistic jokes, a folk tradition. I could rewrite the TTC using only purr and hiss sounds. The tao that can be meowed. My heat energy bill is unpaid, yet the sun still shines free of charge
  14. Repeated numbers in sacred geometry

    Yup. It's a pretty decent chart. Timely and medium-high lucky. Things to watch out for: With three entries for Self, you need to try to make sure the many friends you have don't turn into competitors or even enemies, and don't get too self-centered. With only one entry for Mother phase to nourish your three Self phases, you need more support, more TLC. Get Earth. Earth is your luckiest phase. Your wife has a tendency to control you and may be a tad hard on your children. You, however, are softened and humanized by your interactions with your children. Money shouldn't be a problem but you'll have to work for money, with a chance that if you invest in real estate, mining, or agriculture, money will work for you.
  15. Repeated numbers in sacred geometry

    That's me too! Yes, even the Gregorian calendar has some time- and qi-shaping energy to it -- even though it's incorrect and clashes with the solar and lunar and Jupiter and what-not phases, still the cycles followed by so many people for so long -- billions of people for hundreds of years! -- do create cyclical energies around the slots and spots of this particular grid superimposed on Time. Which is why even some serious feng shui masters consider, to some extent, personal lucky and unlucky days of the Gregorian week based on one's natal info. There's usually one explicitly good and one explicitly bad day of the week (somewhat overruled by phases of more power, of course, like San Niang). So -- if 8 is you and Thursday is your day, your gua might be Gen 8 West, no? 8 is a number of completion of course if you look at the xiantian or houtian bagua -- the Eight Trigrams of xiantian in perfect balance are the complete picture of tao-in-stillness, and the Eight Trigrams of houtian are the complete picture of tao-in-motion.
  16. Repeated numbers in sacred geometry

    Well, I posted it specifically because I was hoping someone else might want to check it. I am in the habit of noticing "the invisible landscape" of time (that's the title of McKenna's work on the I Ching) every which way, this is just one minor way. I keep track of the Chinese almanac, of my good and bad wuxing days, of the stars (that's another name for 'numbers') in the Nine Palaces of the luoshu and their migrations on a yearly and monthly basis, to name a few, and I have developed a habit of noticing cycles, cyclical repetitions of particular types of energies in the inner and outer environment. So I started noticing the weird thingie with repeated numbers to an uncanny extent -- I buy a bunch of random groceries and get charged $66.66, or I order some fast Mexican food to go for two people and it's $22.22 -- or I decide to install a water fountain for feng shui purposes and inquire about a store where to buy it and the address is 111 11th street, and so on. Try it -- notice what kind of numbers repeat when they do and check it against what I posted -- maybe you'll notice something meaningful too, who knows? As for the source, I don't remember exactly, sorry... maybe a book titled Math for Mystics, maybe not, I read quite a few on the subject... Alexandrov, I don't know off the top of my head what to make of the numbers you're seeing -- check out the above referenced book (Math for Mystics: From the Fibonacci Sequence to Luna's Labyrinth to the Golden Section and Other Secrets of Sacred Geometry, by Renna Shesso), it has all kinds of juicy bits on all kinds of numbers.
  17. Haiku Chain

    No problem! The Films of Gosho... father rickshaw, mom geisha... all need some guasha... (guasha: a Chinese bodywork modality less famous in the West than acupuncture and quite a bit simpler but every bit as efficient in some cases or even more so, especially useful for dispersing physical and emotional blockages, performed with jade and water buffalo horn tools. I've learned it from an OMD.)
  18. Psychic Powers

    I think you missed my entry about close to 25/25 hits between the immediate card and the one-step-ahead precognition of the next card. I could abuse it in Las Vegas if I wanted to. Matter of fact, on a few occasions when I played the roulette at the casino, I always left slightly wealthier than I came... $100 tops, I never let myself go over that... tiptoed away because I know there's a crazy gambler sleeping inside curled three and a half times around the base of my shushumna and I wouldn't dare wake her up... -- so here's a minor but live example of having the power and not abusing it.
  19. Thanks for the warm welcome, friends! Like the rest of the mod team, I'll try to do my best. Senseikarma, I'm intrigued! Maybe you "saw" with your Hun, which is "consciousness of potentials"?
  20. Psychic Powers

    It makes sense, Paul, in the light of what I mentioned in passing earlier -- that people are distrustful of power because almost all power they've ever seen was power in the process of being abused. My assertion was, however, that just because something can be abused doesn't mean it's something bad in and of itself. (Examples: food, water, shelter, safety, freedom, love. One may ask how anyone can possibly abuse water, of course. Well, believe it or not, Mongols in Genghis Khan's time had a strict religious law against "fouling water," and pretty much any use of water was considered abuse except for internal intake. Amazingly, they were one of the healthiest peoples to ever have lived, despite the fact that hygiene of any kind was against their religious law! Now what we have today is "fouled water" -- abused water -- pretty much everywhere. Who'd have guessed that it can be done... it can be done, and it's done. Alas.) This is a huge subject for me, power and its use and its non-abuse, because this was the main lesson of the most deep- and far-reaching series of revelations I got in shamanic ceremonies in Peru -- "do not abuse power" was being shown to me from inside the perceptions of, alternatively, the powerful and the powerless, switching places many hundreds of times, putting me in the position of having and using power and then flipping it over and giving me the perceptions of the receiving end. This was going on on all levels, family to the cosmos, for some 48 hours almost nonstop, there were demo lessons with flipping sides and then empirical practices (again from the inside of any entity I was given a chance to explore) -- I was being tentatively given all kinds and all levels of power and She was test-running me to see what I would do with it. I failed a thousand times, even though I tried and tried and knew that it was the single most important thing to get right -- for all times and for all purposes, the single most important thing to get. Do not abuse power. (It's not as simple as being powerless... that's another thing I learned. No, you don't learn the main thing there is to learn by not learning. You can't learn to not fall off a bicycle by never learning to ride a bicycle. You can't learn to not abuse power by never having power. If you don't have it, you'll have to have it in a different space-time and still learn how to use it and not abuse it. There's no getting off this hook.) Then after some 48 hours, I succeeded... so now I know what power is for and why learning to handle it is something everyone will have to do even if it takes billions of years. What is it for? Well... the power to be or not to be is one application... it's not something you can accomplish without power, believe it or not. Either one. I'm going to grind this soap box into the ground if I don't get off now. I have my mind's eye on another book... "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Power."
  21. Five elements test

    Synchronicity strikes and strikes! I just PMed someone today recommending this very book. Yes, despite the title, it's nowhere near idiot-level unlike most FS stuff "out there." A great beginner's book.
  22. Psychic Powers

    Power is good. Abuse of power is bad. Take it from there. If you're going to get great power, get into a habit of not abusing the tiniest smallest bits thereof first -- everybody has some, even powerlessness can be used as a manipulative tool and amount to abuse of power, strangely enough -- so, train yourself to handle power by using it wisely and consciously with an eye on "am I abusing it by doing this?" -- this is the royal road to great power without power trips, The Way And Its Power (the correct translation of TTC, by the way) is not The Way And Its Powerlessness, contrary to what many people believe who have seen much power abuse and have grown suspicious of power as such. Power as such is not suspicious. Tao is powerful, not powerless... ...to be able to use power without abusing it is absolutely the heart of the matter. The cat's meow of tao.
  23. The first yoga mats?

    I have a sheepskin. The surface of the earth can be hard on your hair. If I had a time machine, I'd go back to my childhood, to my great-aunt's place, and try to convince her to give me her polar bear hide, in exchange for whatever she wants from me. (It was many -- don't know how many -- square feet wide and covered most of the floor of a sizable room, and was complete with the head, amber pieces for the eyes, mouth wide open with all the enormous teeth showing, paws, claws, everything. I was terrified of that thing as a child, I wonder if I would do better now... but for a yoga mat, it would be incredible... it had such uncanny balance of extreme yin/extreme yang -- it ionized you... plus it was a gift of the heart -- the man who killed the bear asserted the bear came to him to sacrifice himself for an offering to my great-aunt for saving his son's life: the boy was going to die, she was a pediatrician and she managed to save him... the bear may have helped... I wish I knew where to look for that bearskin today...)
  24. Psychic Powers

    If it's the immediate next one, it's pregoc officially -- when the Zener cards were tested at Stanford U (for a few decades, with a huge database of results and the stellar psychics promptly hired by government agencies to remote-spy -- I've read a book by one of them), anyway as I was saying, this was happening a lot and was registered as legit precog. In my case, the reason I can't tell the immediate one from the immediate next one half the time is that I see them both but can't tell which one comes first -- they oscillate or overlap. This is the main pragmatic problem with psychic spying, by the way -- it's easy to see an image but really hard to place it in time correctly. Where these things take place time is loopy...
  25. Psychic Powers

    Impressive that you combined it with writing an essay, but 6/25 is almost what you get by pure chance, which is 5/25. I get close to 25/25 (excluding all possibility of pure chance) but only about half of that is on the spot while the rest is one card ahead (i.e. if I don't get the immediate one, then the one I got is the immediate next one). Might be because I've been playing chess (a taoist game) and divining the I Ching -- you start getting a feel for "the next move." That, and a habit of continuously checking invisible "conspiracy theories" against visible political and economic practices.