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Which sentence? 道恆無為也,侯王能守之,則萬物將自化?
The Vajrayana has indeed left a lot of inner scenes of real people, but if a Vajrayana teacher does not use Madhyamaka to teach, but uses visualization to teach, that is also the wrong way 金剛乘確實留下了很多真人階段的內景圖,但是如果一個金剛乘老師不是用中觀來教學,而是用觀想來教學,那同樣也是錯誤的道路 https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/密宗
There are two sources of image generation, one from the brain and one from the third eye What comes from the brain is a kind of thought, which is useless, whether it is distracting thoughts or visualization, it is useless What comes from the third eye is the real phenomenon in the practice world The same mandala comes from visualization, which is acquired consciousness And the mandala from the third eye is the inner scene of the second stage of yangsheng It is difficult for a beginner without any level, or a person who has practiced wrongly, to judge whether it comes from the brain or the third eye 影像的產生有兩個來源,一個來自於大腦,一個來自於第三眼 來自於大腦的是念頭的一種,沒有甚麼用處,不管是雜念,或者是觀想,都是毫無用處的 來自於第三眼的才是真正的修行界現象 同樣的曼陀羅來自於觀想是後天意識用力 而來自於第三眼的曼陀羅則是第二階段陽生的內景 一個沒有任何程度的初學者,或者練錯的人,是很難判斷是來自於大腦或者是第三眼 It is difficult for people who use visualization to imagine that people who use Wuwei can practice from the Northern Lights to the sun, stars, moon, mandala, and even real people. These interior scenes all appear in the porch(Xiuan Goung) 使用觀想的人很難想像,使用無為的人可以從北極光,練到陽光,星星,月亮,甚至真人,這些內景都是出現在玄關之內 According to the Miscellaneous Agama Sutra, the four jhanas and eight samadhis are actually only four jhanas and two samadhis The characteristic of Zen is that the void has not yet been opened The characteristic of samadhi is to open the void The characteristic of opening the void is the second stage of yangsheng, which is the inner view of the third eye Enter the void state from the mandala 根據雜阿含經,而四禪八定其實只有四禪兩定 禪的特徵是還沒有打開虛空 定的特徵就是打開虛空 打開虛空的特徵就是二階段陽生,也就是第三眼的內景 從曼陀羅就開始進入虛空狀態 If your practice has not entered the second stage of yangsheng, you have not produced a mandala, then you do not know what is called samadhi 如果你的修練是沒有進入二階段陽生,你沒有產生曼陀羅,那你是不知道甚麼叫做定的 The mandala is the void that first appeared, and only when the void is created will the mandala appear Probably the earliest mandala was just a bunch of small circles, or like a broken TV snowflake, or like a ceiling fan spinning 曼陀羅是最初出現的虛空,只有產生虛空才會出現曼陀羅 可能最早期的曼陀羅只有一堆小圓形,或者像壞掉的電視機雪花,或者像是天花板的吊扇在旋轉 While late mandala may appear hexagonal, great circle, square, triangle and so on 而晚期的曼陀羅可能會出現六角形,大圓形,正方形,三角形等等 In the third stage of yangsheng, the state of emptiness is already the deepest mystery in the scriptures 到了第三階段的陽生,虛空狀態已經是經典當中最深的奧秘了 No matter how mysterious it is, the first black liver light is the opening of the entrance If you don't even have the original black liver light, and you are practicing entirely by imagination, then you are really on a very wrong path 不管再怎麼神秘,最初的烏肝光,就是玄關的開啟 如果你連最初的烏肝光都沒有,完全是靠著想像在修練,那你真的走上非常錯誤的道路了
there is no evidence that there is there is no evidence that no Therefore, we must first use the Guodian version of Lao Tzu as the basis to understand the content of Lao Tzu Just like what the Guodian version of Lao Tzu talks about is "keeping inaction", but the content of the modern version of Lao Tzu omits "inaction" and changes it to "keeping the way", which greatly modifies the original meaning of Lao Tzu Caused many people to regard "keep breathing in the lower abdomen" as the Tao 沒有證據顯示有 也沒有證據顯示沒有 所以要先以郭店版老子為基礎,去了解老子的內容 就像郭店版老子講的是'守無為',但是現代版老子講的內容卻把'無為'省略,變成'守道',這樣就大幅度的修改了老子原來的意思了 造成很多人把'守下腹部呼吸'當成道 I think it's a very serious twist Since 2016, I have been calling for this phenomenon to be a twisted way, but I have encountered very strong resistance 我認為這是非常嚴重的扭曲 也從2016年起,我就在這裡呼籲這種現象是一種扭曲道的,但是卻遭遇到非常強大的阻力 I know it is very difficult for westerners to learn Taoism because of the language barrier But as far as I know, the Guodian version of Lao Tzu has been translated into English many years ago, so the evidence is there, it depends on whether these people want to understand Are these people obsessed with false inheritance? Or face reality? 我知道西方人要學道是非常困難的,因為有語言的障礙 但是據我所知,郭店版的老子也有人多年前就翻譯成英文版,所以證據都擺在那裏,就看這些人要不要去了解 這些人到底是要執著於錯誤的傳承?還是面對現實?
https://ctext.org/wiki.pl?if=gb&chapter=784211 no chapter I found it using the search function
(益)生曰○(祥),心○(使)○(氣)曰○(強),勿(物)○(壯)則老,是胃(謂)不道。 益生曰祥,心使氣曰強,物壯則老,是謂不道。 Greed for birth is a bad omen, using the mind to control Qi is called violence, and things that are too strong will grow old, which is the so-called non-Dao. The only sentence Lao Tzu unearthed from Chu bamboo slips in Guodian mentioned "Qi" 郭店楚簡出土的老子唯一講到「氣」的一句話
Qi is a concept developed only in modern China. The concept of ancient China is not Qi, but relative yin and yang, water and fire 氣是近代中國才發展出來的概念,古代中國的概念不是氣,而是相對的陰陽,水火 If you have paid attention to ancient literature, you will know this very clearly 各位如果有在關注古代文獻,就會很清楚的知道這一點 (益)生曰○(祥),心○(使)○(氣)曰○(強),勿(物)○(壯)則老,是胃(謂)不道。 益生曰祥,心使氣曰強,物壯則老,是謂不道。 Greed for birth is a bad omen, using the mind to control Qi is called violence, and things that are too strong will grow old, which is the so-called non-Dao. The only sentence Lao Tzu unearthed from Chu bamboo slips in Guodian mentioned "Qi" 郭店楚簡出土的老子唯一講到「氣」的一句話
(道)亙(恆)亡為也,侯王能守之,而萬勿(物)○(將)自○(化) 道恆無為也,侯王能守之,則萬物將自化 Dao is always WuWei , if men can keep it, all things will be self-transformed Laozi made it very clear that all things can evolve naturally through inaction, and this evolutionary path is the way 老子說得很清楚了,無為才能萬物自然演化,這條演化之路才是道 But the modern version of Tao Te Ching omits the first sentence 但是現代版的道德經卻把第一句給省略了 The two characteristics of Taoism, inaction and natural evolution, are indispensable 道的兩大特色,無為,自然演化,缺一不可 Only true inaction(Wu-wei) can produce the phenomenon of evolution 真正的無為,才能產生演化的現象 I mentioned in another topic about visualization that the sun, stars, and moon will all appear automatically, which are all evolved 我在另外一個談論觀想的主題提到太陽,星星,月亮都會自動出現,這都是演化出來的 Visualization is useless, those phenomena should be produced by evolution, not by visualization 觀想沒有什麼用處,那些現象應該是演化才會產生出來的,而不是因為觀想才能產生出來的 The inaction(WuWei) in the first sentence was omitted, causing a serious consequence, that is, what was supposed to be a very specific "inaction", but because "inaction" was omitted, it became an illusory "Tao" The problem is that if there is no "inaction", "Tao" will not come into being 第一句的無為被省略掉了,造成一個嚴重的後果,就是本來守的是很具體的「無為」,但是因為「無為」被省略掉了,變成守的是虛無縹緲的「道」 問題是沒有「無為」的話,「道」就不會產生 It turns out that what should be observed is "inaction"(WuWei), but now it is observed that the breath in the lower abdomen is more outrageous. 原來守的應該是「無為」,結果現在變成守的是下腹部的呼吸,這就更離譜了 What's even more blind is that I have been talking about "inaction" and "evolution" here since 2016, but I was scolded for a long time by a group of people who said "keep the breath in the lower abdomen" 更瞎的是我從2016年就在在這裡講「無為」和「演化」,結果被一群講「守下腹部呼吸」的人罵了好久
https://ctext.org/wiki.pl?if=gb&chapter=784211 The Lao Tzu unearthed in Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips has only 2,000 characters, which shows that the modern version of Tao Te Ching may have 3,000 characters more 郭店楚簡出土的老子只有兩千字,這說明了現代版的道德經可能多出了三千字
The mandala is the inner view of the second stage of Yangsheng, which is naturally produced rather than for visualization 曼陀羅是二階段陽生的內景,那是自然產生的 而不是用來視覺化觀想的 In the second stage of yangsheng, various shapes, characters, and seals will be produced 二階段陽生會有各種形狀,文字,印章產生 When you really reach the second stage of yangsheng, when these inner scenes really appear in front of you, you will know that those imaginations turned into reality are unrealistic fantasies 當你真正到達二階段陽生,當這些內景真正出現在你面前時,你才會知道那些事覺化的想像都是不切實際的幻想 Some people visualize the sun, but I have seen the sun countless times in my meditations 有些人會觀想太陽,但是我的靜坐中已經出現無數次太陽了 Not only the sun, the stars, the moon have appeared 不只太陽,星星,月亮都出現過 Not to mention the northern lights that have been circling in front of my eyes for more than 20 years 更別說在我眼前繞了二十幾年的北極光 Instead of discussing whether visualization is useful here, why don't you practice like me and practice to the second stage of yangsheng, so that these phenomena will naturally appear? 各位與其在這裡討論觀想有沒有用處,為什麼不跟我一樣,練到二階段陽生,讓這些現象自然出現呢?
https://ctext.org/wiki.pl?if=gb&chapter=784211 The Lao Tzu unearthed from the bamboo slips in Guodian is only 300 years away from the time when Lao Tzu lived It should be the closest to Lao Tzu's original version 郭店楚簡出土的老子離老子生存的年代只差了三百年 應該是最接近老子原版的 Judging from the Lao Tzu unearthed from Chu Bamboo Slips in Guodian, the modern version of the Tao Te Ching has 3,000 more words, and there are many unreasonable things in it These unreasonable things are not found in the version of Laozi unearthed in Guodian Chu bamboo slips Therefore, the most original version of Lao Tzu is no longer Mawangdui's silk script Lao Tzu, but the two thousand-character Lao Tzu on the Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips. 從郭店楚簡出土的老子來看,現代版的道德經多了三千字,其中也有很多不合理之處 這些不合理之處,在郭店楚簡出土的老子版本裡面是沒有的 所以要研究老子最原始的版本已經不是馬王堆的帛書老子了,而是郭店楚簡的兩千字老子
It is really not easy to make a breakthrough in thought The persistence of one thought can make a group of people unable to find a way out for a lifetime
Is it fair to blame the CCP for the destruction of religion in China?
awaken replied to Geof Nanto's topic in Daoist Discussion
There are also very different monks in Taiwan who hold concerts in Hong Kong -
I'm from Taiwan, and there's nothing special about reading the Tao Te Ching You are a Westerner, why did you become interested in Tao Te Ching so long ago?
When I was in college, the school required general education courses, so I took Lao-Zhuang philosophy as an elective Then I went to buy Cai Zhizhong's Laozi comic book Laozi and Zhuangzi entered my mind when I was very young 當我念大學的時候,學校規定要修通識課程,我就選修了老莊哲學 然後我就去買了蔡志忠的老子漫畫書 老子和莊子在我很年輕的時候,就進入了我的思想 This comic book was later drawn into an animation
I wasted fifteen years practicing this technique and my meditation didn't start to improve until I realized that practicing those was a waste of time 我浪費了十五年練習這種技術,直到我發現練習那些都是浪費時間之後,我的靜坐才開始進步 Meditation should be to let the energy evolve naturally, so that the more you practice, the deeper you will be The intervention of any technique will only create more obstacles 靜坐冥想應該是要讓能量自然演化,這樣才能越練越深入 任何技巧方法的介入,只會製造更多的障礙
Is it fair to blame the CCP for the destruction of religion in China?
awaken replied to Geof Nanto's topic in Daoist Discussion
Fake monks in China are indeed common When I was traveling in China, I visited Buddhist monasteries I was very surprised to see that the monks in Chinese Buddhist temples were fanning the wind while chanting scriptures, and they were still moving around Taiwanese monks don’t move when they chant sutras So when I saw monks in mainland China chant sutras, they couldn't even stand still, I was very surprised 中國的假和尚確實很常見 我在中國旅行時,參觀佛教寺院 我很訝異地看到中國佛寺的出家人竟然在念經的時候,拿著扇子在搧風,而且還動來動去 台灣的和尚在念經的時候,動都不動的 所以當我看到大陸的出家人竟然念經的時候,連站著不動都做不到,我是很訝異的 -
The reason why a person who only has qi in his lower abdomen can't understand the WuZenPian
awaken replied to awaken's topic in Daoist Discussion
My second book, Enlightenment(WuZenPian), will be available in mid-February During this time, I didn't waste it. I wrote Wuzhen into a book and gathered a group of people to set up an association I have already applied to the government for approval, as long as the inaugural meeting is held, the association can be formally established Just now I read the article about arguing with others, I feel a little regretful that I wasted so much time arguing with someone, because when I argued with him that year, I actually practiced very well. But because of too many arguments, my energy dropped severely, and I withdrew from the third stage of yangsheng, so that it has been six years and I still haven’t recovered. It’s not worth it So when half a year ago, some arguments came up again, I quit the discussion and did other things that were more worth spending my time Facts have proved that my choice is right This is the cover of my second book. In two months, the physical book will be on the market. After half a year, the e-book will be on the market. 我的第二本書,悟真篇,將在二月中旬上市 這段時間,我沒有浪費,我把悟真篇寫成一本書,並且召集了一群人,準備成立一個協會 我已經跟政府申請通過,只要開完成立大會之後,就能正式成立協會 剛才看到跟人爭論的文章,有點後會當初浪費那麼多時間跟某個人爭論,因為當我跟他爭論的那一年,其實我練得很好,那一年我練到金丹真人,但是因為做了太多爭論,我的能量嚴重下降,退出第三階段陽生,以至於到現在過了六年了,還沒恢復,非常的不值得 所以當半年前,又有一些爭論出現的時候,我退出討論,做其他更值得花時間的事情 事實證明我的選擇是對的 這是我第二本書的封面,兩個月之後,實體書將會上市,半年之後,電子書將會上市 The purpose of my writing here is to leave an English record Similarly, I have been striving to publish an official book in mainland China If there is a chance in the future, I will also publish the book in English 我在這裡寫文章的目的,是留下英文紀錄 同樣的我也一直在爭取在中國大陸能夠出版正式的書 將來如果有機會,我也會出版英文版的書 -
Problems with the Foundational Posture in Damo Mitchell's Comprehensive Nei Gong Guide
awaken replied to NoOne's topic in Daoist Discussion
Taoist cultivation has always been the same as Buddhist cultivation Only fake masters who practice qigong will be different from Buddhist practice The way to achieve golden elixir has always been the same way as to become a Buddha Because this is the only way for human beings to break through in cultivation, there is no other way -
Is it fair to blame the CCP for the destruction of religion in China?
awaken replied to Geof Nanto's topic in Daoist Discussion
They can. -
Maybe a hundred years later, there will be an Iron Man Immortal in the temple
Is it fair to blame the CCP for the destruction of religion in China?
awaken replied to Geof Nanto's topic in Daoist Discussion
This is a handsome Tibetan young man who sang the New Year's Eve party last night 透過這個年輕藏族人可以看到不少藏族人的生活 Through this young Tibetan, we can see the lives of many Tibetans -
I have only watched the romantic love costume series about Emperor Donghua https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/東華帝君 According to Wikipedia, Emperor Donghua started after the Quanzhen Sect, not the ancient gods in ancient legends "Wang Chongyang and his disciples did not mention Emperor Donghua. In the Quanzhen sect, it was Wang Chuyi (1142-1217), one of the Seven Truths, who first enshrined Emperor Donghua together with the ancestors of Quanzhen. Wang Chuyi claimed that when he was 7 years old, he met Emperor Donghua calling out to the police in the air, and he recognized him as the enlightenment master. Later, he worshiped Wang Chongyang as his teacher." 『王重陽及其弟子原沒有談及東華帝君,全真教中,首先將東華帝君與全真列祖一同供奉的是七真之一王處一(1142-1217)。王處一自稱7歲時,遇東華帝君在空中警喚,認作啟蒙神師,後來他再拜王重陽為師。』 So Emperor Donghua is the god Wang-Chuyi himself wants to worship. 所以東華帝君是王處一自己想要拜的神
Is it fair to blame the CCP for the destruction of religion in China?
awaken replied to Geof Nanto's topic in Daoist Discussion
I have also taught Xinjiang people She told me that the gates of the small courtyards in her community are usually locked, because there are a lot of violence outside, and she rarely goes out Because I wanted her to go out to practice spontaneous exercises, she told me that the security there is not good, and it is not convenient to go out, so she can only practice in the small courtyard of the community. I taught her about a few years after 2015 我也曾經教過新疆人 她跟我說她們社區的小院大門平常都是上鎖的,因為外面有很多暴力行為,平常很少出門 因為我要她出門練自發功,她才告訴我她那裡治安不好,不方便出門,只能在社區小院子裡面練 我教她的時間大約是2015年之後的幾年 -
Problems with the Foundational Posture in Damo Mitchell's Comprehensive Nei Gong Guide
awaken replied to NoOne's topic in Daoist Discussion
I don't understand this sentence My idea is that if you go to learn those MCO methods, it may destroy your original path