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Everything posted by awaken

  1. When the student is ready...

    To me those nouns are not metaphors and not a problem If anyone is interested, I can explain
  2. 宅中有士常衣绛,子能見之可不病,橫理長尺約其上,子能守之可無恙 There is a person in the house who always wears red If you can see this person, you won't get sick The forehead is like a beam across the house You'll be safe if you hold here This is the Aurora body in the red spectrum To get here, you have to go through many stages stages of Qi stages of black liver light stages of samadhi stages of rabbit marrow Stages of the Great Mandala stages of the full moon The next stage is the red spectrum aurora body If you spend too much time in the qi stage, playing with various qi techniques, you sacrifice the opportunity to progress
  3. 中外相踞重閈之,神廬之中務修治,玄壅氣管受精苻,急固子精以自持 玄壅,常被改為玄膺,但是查詢了壅字,才知道膺是錯解壅 這裡的壅的異體字就是王羲之書法裡面的壅 所以玄壅不是喉嚨,而是黑色堵塞的小池子,意思是堵塞的玄關 The Chinese and foreign ministers are in the center of the house, and the gods are in charge of repairing and curing. Xuanyu is often changed to Xuanying, but after looking up the word, I know that Ying is a wrong interpretation The variant characters of the choking here are the choking in Wang Xizhi's calligraphy. So Xuanyu is not a throat, but a small black clogged pool, which means a clogged Xiuan Goung. There are many heavy doors between the pool in the middle and the outside The head where the god is located must practice well If the porch is like a clogged pool, the Qi channel at this time has received the message of essence Should immediately consolidate and intensify the practice of your energy
  4. How to project qi from the hands

    Qi are like cars on a highway, and Qi channels are like a highway. Is it a good thing that there are too many cars and congestion on the highway? Modern people pursue a strong sense of qi, just like a traffic jam on a highway, but they do not know that smooth qi channels are the key. It is more important to open Goung關 and the heart竅 than to have a strong sense of Qi.
  5. When the student is ready...

    If you can find the English translation of Lu Dongbin's Huang He Fu, there is a basic principle of how a beginner should do it. Absolutely not just practicing breathing. 粵兮最上一乘,乃無作而亦無為。還丹七返,因有動而方有靜。上德以道全其形,是其純乾之未破;下德以術延其命,乃配坎離而方成。是以用陰陽之道,即依世法而修出世之法;效男女之生,必發天機而作泄天之機。方欲性命以雙修,須仗法財而兩用。先結同心為輔佐,次覓巨室以良圖。 然欲希世之妙道,必須密叩於玄關。擇善地,慎事之機密;置丹房,器皿之相當。安爐立鼎,配內外兩個陰陽;煉己築基,固彼我一身邦國。對景忘情,須憑銳氣之勇猛;煨爐鑄劍,全借金水之柔剛。若運用,若抽添,慮險而須當沐浴;若鼓琴,若敲竹,知雄而便宜守雌。百日功靈,曲直而即能應物;一年純熟,潛躍而無不由心。能盜彼殺中之生氣,以點我離內之陰精。玉液金液,一了性而一了命;二候四候,半在坎而半在離。始焉將無入有,龍居虎位,要知藥物之老嫩;終焉流戊就己,虎會龍宮,須辨水源之清濁。煉己待時,務要陽生於赤縣;遇機臨爐,必須癸動於神州。若觀見龍在田,須猛烹而極煉;忽聞虎嘯入窟,可倒轉而逆施。火逼金行出坤爐,故名七返;金因火煉歸乾鼎,是曰九還。還者,乾所失而復得之物;返者,我已去而又來之真。殊不知,順則生人生物,逆則成佛成仙。雖分彼我,非閨丹禦女之術;惟知一己,有鵬鳥圖南之志。坎中一點黑鉛,號曰先天,非同類而終不能得;離內七般硃砂,是名孤陰,無真種則時刻難留。是以假乾坤,立鼎爐,覓太乙所含之始氣;借陰陽,作筌蹄,求水府默蘊之玄珠。 趨遄時,補我乾之一缺。俄然間,還彼坤之六虛。到此水歸神室,位列仙班。大抵丹落黃庭,千靈胥參,上帝嘉贊,天地驚寒,抱元守一,溫養十月,神有象,虛極靜篤,坐忘九載體無形。行滿三千,斯其道術造端,似依正而除邪;功完八百,就中火候託始,如以奇而用兵。鉛與汞,無丙叟東西間隔;嬰與奼,無黃婆咫尺參差。識急緩,辨吉凶,在匠手以斟酌;明進退,知止足,豈愚昧而能為?認消息,如海之潮信;審造化,似日月之盈虧。三日出庚,乃一陽生於坤地;十五圓甲,則六爻周乎乾元。泄金竅,鑿混沌,露老莊之肺腑;明坤戶,飲刀圭,吐伯陽之心肝。 今遇學仙龍江子,夙具道骨仙豐,名在丹台玉室,遂結煙霞同志之友,願發龍虎秘藏之機。須尋火候,早餌黍珠,他日臻於閬苑玄圃,亦可歎伊骨死屍。 此賦乃祖師在黃鶴樓題書,示龍江子之文,其文已遍流於世,惜其未見刻本。數十年所見者,皆抄錄之文,其中字句錯訛者甚多。求其刻本,終不可得。餘恐其久而愈錯愈訛,揀其錯訛稍少者,刊刻普傳,不過暫存於板,非便以此為成案。若有見刻本者,更望校正更換,刊梓傳世,庶不枉祖師當年啟後之婆心矣! 棲雲山素樸散人劉一明述刊 後進學人夏複恆重梓
  6. 不管是佛陀,或是呂祖,都向大眾公布練法,只是遺憾的是竟然沒甚麼人看得懂他們說的,大家還是一味地追逐偏差的祕法,甚至把偏差現象當成是強大的現象 佛陀很清楚地說明了四聖諦,這就是練習的方法。呂祖也很清楚地說明了兩個陰陽,這也是練習的方法。 眾人總是愛追逐旁門左道,就像佛陀說的,追著自己的慾望跑,想要更強大。 Whether it is the Buddha or Lu Zu, they all announced the practice methods to the public, but it is a pity that no one can understand what they said. Everyone still blindly pursues the secret method of deviation, and even regards the phenomenon of deviation as a powerful phenomenon. The Buddha explained the Four Noble Truths very clearly, and this is how to practice. Lu Zu also clearly explained the two yin and yang, which is also the method of practice. Everyone always loves to chase heresy, just like the Buddha said, to run after one's own desires and want to be stronger. 就拿灌氣來說,當你對於外氣完全沒有感覺的時候,你是沒辦法知道對方的氣場如何。但是當你練到心竅開啟之後,這些所謂的氣場的問題,對你來說,已經無法欺騙你了。當你發現一個所謂的氣功大師的氣,竟然比不過你家旁邊公園裡的一小片樹林,不知道你對所謂的氣功大師,作何感想? Take filling qi as an example, when you have no sense of external qi at all, you have no way of knowing what the other party's aura is like. But when you have practiced until your mind orifices are opened, these so-called aura problems can no longer deceive you. When you find that the qi of a so-called qigong master is not as good as that of a small forest in the park next to your home, how do you feel about the so-called qigong master? 我也曾經迷惑於氣功大師的強大氣感,直到我完全開啟心竅之後,見證了事實,所謂的灌氣一說,就再也無法迷惑我了,就像原本是盲目的雙眼,現在雙眼打開了,看得清清楚楚的。 I was also confused by the powerful sense of energy of the Qigong master, until I fully opened my mind and witnessed the fact. Once the so-called infusion of energy is said, it can no longer confuse me, just like the original blind eyes, now the eyes Open it up and see clearly. 所以這些氣功大師所謂的方法外傳很危險之類的說法,在我面前,就跟謊話一樣。 So these qigong masters' so-called rumors about the danger of spreading their methods outside are just like lies in front of me. 當然我也希望跟我一樣,對於氣場有感知的人數越來越多,這樣這些氣功大師的話,就可以攤在陽光下,清清楚楚,無所遁形。 Of course, I also hope that like me, more and more people have the perception of the aura, so that the words of these qigong masters can be spread out in the sun, clearly, without hiding anything. 當你練到心竅打開之後,當對方跟你說話的時候,你是對他的氣感有感知的。當你練得更進階的時候,你閉著眼睛,甚至可以看到對方的氣場的光。他從你面前走過,你就看到他的光,從你面前移動過去。甚至你看到一個病人,你也能感知他身上的病。甚至你到醫院,你也能清楚的感知到醫院的病氣很濃。更不要說,當你接觸大樹的時候,你可以清楚感知到這棵樹的氣在你全身複製。 When you practice until your heart orifice is opened, when the other party talks to you, you can sense his aura. When you practice more advanced, you can even see the light of the opponent's aura with your eyes closed. He walks in front of you, and you see his light moving in front of you. Even when you see a sick person, you can perceive the disease in him. Even when you go to the hospital, you can clearly feel that the hospital is very sick. Not to mention, when you touch a big tree, you can clearly feel the tree's qi replicated all over your body. 當你練到這裡,你可以輕易的感知對方的氣場是否足夠當你的老師,只要對方跟你有互動,你就可以感知對方的氣場。如果對方跟你影音互動是更為清楚的。 When you practice here, you can easily perceive whether the other party's aura is enough to be your teacher, as long as the other party interacts with you, you can perceive the other party's aura. If the other party interacts with your audio and video, it is more clear. 我知道這裡有些人是透過zoom跟他的老師互動,如果你能練到心竅打開,產生感知能力,你就能輕易的感知你的老師的氣場,你就能知道你的老師是否有足夠的資格教你如何練氣。 I know that some people here interact with their teachers through zoom. If you can practice to open your heart and develop perception ability, you can easily perceive your teacher's aura, and you can know whether your teacher has enough Qualified to teach you how to practice Qi. 對一個初學者來說,尋找一個適當的老師,一直都是一個大問題。初學者沒有分辨能力可以分辨哪個老師教的是對的。 因此總是很容易地跟著人多的隊伍走。 但是在修行領域,不是人多就是對的。 人多只能證明這個老師講的是比較粗淺的。 就像念小學的人數,一定比念博士的人數多很多。 Finding a proper teacher has always been a big problem for a beginner. Beginners do not have the ability to distinguish which teacher is teaching the right one. So it is always easy to follow the crowds. But in the field of practice, it doesn't mean that there are many people and right. The large number of people can only prove that the teacher's teaching is relatively superficial. Just like the number of people studying in elementary school must be much more than the number of people studying for a doctorate. 但是當這個初學者,有一天不再是以自己的情緒或者思想去判斷一個老師的程度,而是以氣場去感知一個老師的時候,這個初學者就再也不需要這個老師了。 甚至這個初學者再也不是初學者了。 But when this beginner no longer judges the level of a teacher by his own emotions or thoughts one day, but perceives a teacher by his aura, this beginner will no longer need this teacher. This beginner is no longer a beginner. 當你已經能夠感知他人的時候,你會知道,所謂的腹部強大的氣場,其實是強大的電阻所造成的。 當這個電阻被拿掉之後,這些被阻塞的氣,就會轉化成更高階的能量型態。 當你體會到這點,你就進入了另外一個階段了。 When you have been able to perceive others, you will know that the so-called strong Qi field in the abdomen is actually caused by strong resistance. When this resistance is removed, the blocked Qi will be transformed into a higher-order energy form. When you experience this, you enter another stage. 有一條路是覺悟之路,讓你打開迷惘的雙眼,穿過無窮的慾望,看見這個世界的真相。 There is a road to enlightenment, which allows you to open your confused eyes, pass through endless desires, and see the truth of the world.
  7. If you read Huang Yuanji's book carefully, it is mentioned in the book that he talks about his students If he's just lecturing, he can't possibly know the extent of his students I teach in the QQ community No charge nothing to hide For me, the teachers of other transfer methods are just qigong masters, not alchemy masters.
  8. Huang Yuanji has a class, he is from the Qing Dynasty Regarding traditional Chinese medicine, many people may not understand the difference between Shi Fang and Jing Fang But Jing Fang cannot be learned in paid schools
  9. I totally agree with what you said, your statement makes these fake masters have nowhere to hide I hope you will not be misled by the words of these false masters, believe in your sincerity, you can go farther than these false masters
  10. Jing to Qi

    前面我有說過,丹道裡面提到兩個陰陽,一個是水火,一個是金木。 As I said earlier, in the Tao of Alchemy there are two polarities of yin and yang, one is water and fire, and the other is metal and wood. 水就是氣 火就是神 木就是烏肝 金就是兔髓 都是光 能練的,主要是土 土也有分成陰陽 陽土就是流動不斷的念頭 陰土就是背後的思想和信念 通常講的[煉己]就是陰土 water is Qi fire is Shen wood is black liver (WuGan) gold is rabbit marrow both are light What can be practiced is mainly soil(or earth) Soil is also divided into yin and yang Yang Earth is the flow of thoughts Yin Earth is the thought and belief behind it Generally speaking, "refining oneself" is the yin earth 安爐立鼎,配內外兩個陰陽;煉己築基,固彼我一身邦國。 這四句話是呂洞賓的黃鶴賦 講的就是兩個陰陽 Set up a furnace and set up a tripod, matching the two yin and yang inside and outside; refining oneself to build a foundation, and solidifying the state of the other and me. These four sentences are Lu Dongbin's Yellow Crane Fu It's about two yin and yang 外面的陰陽就是水和火 裡面的陰陽就是金和木 Yin and Yang outside are water and fire The yin and yang inside are gold and wood 煉己就是性功 築基就是命功 Self-improvement is Xing gong Foundation building is Ming gong Xing gong and Ming gong must be practiced at the same time in order to enter the evolution of the two yin and yang If there is only Qi refining, it is equivalent to only practicing Ming gong, and it is impossible to enter the second yin and yang 性功和命功必須同時煉,才能進入兩個陰陽的演化 如果只有煉氣,就等於只有煉命功,是無法進入第二個陰陽的 第二個陰陽就是烏肝和兔髓,烏肝為陽,兔髓為陰 特別是兔髓,必須有非常深度的性功才難產生 The second yin and yang are black liver and rabbit marrow, black liver is yang, and rabbit marrow is yin Especially rabbit marrow, it must have very deep Xing gong to be difficult to produce 兔髓就是在你入定的時候,你的眼前會浮現白色圓形的光,類似圓月 Rabbit marrow means that when you enter Samadhi, a white circular light will appear in front of you, similar to a full moon 這個白色圓形的光,是完全不動的,跟你的入定一樣,完全不動 This white circular light is completely motionless, just like your Samadhi, it is completely motionless 如同星球極光的烏肝會和如同圓月的兔髓在入定中交替出現,這是第二個陰陽 The black liver like the aurora of the planet and the rabbit marrow like the full moon will alternately appear in Samadhi, which is the second yin and yang 第一個陰陽就是水火,很容易出現 第二個陰陽就是金和木,就很不容易出現了,除非性命雙修 The first yin and yang are water and fire, which can easily appear The second yin and yang are gold and wood, so it is not easy to appear, unless both Xing gong and Ming Gong are cultivated
  11. 更正一下,應該是王羲之比褚遂良更早 To correct it, it should be that Wang Xizhi was earlier than Chu Suiliang 王羲之(303年-361年) 褚遂良(596年-658年) 褚遂良版本應該是臨摹王羲之的 Chu Suiliang's version should be copied from Wang Xizhi's黃庭經_(王羲之書帖)
  12. 玉池清水上生肥, 靈根堅固老不衰, 中池有士服赤衣, 橫下三寸神所居, The clear water in the jade-like pond produces fertilizer, Spiritual roots are strong and ageless, In the middle of the pool was a man in red, The three inches below the horizontally rectangular forehead is where God resides. 水就是氣 肥料就是烏肝光,小藥 靈根就是金丹的源頭 氣產生烏肝光,烏肝光灌溉著金丹的源頭 產生了真人極光身 額頭下面三寸,就是第三眼所在 water is Qi Fertilizer is black liver light(WuGan), small medicine Spirit root is the source of golden elixir Qi produces black liver light, which irrigates the source of golden elixir produce Real Aurora Body Three inches below the forehead is where the third eye is located there is where the Shens are Because the rubbing version of the Tang Dynasty shows 「橫下三寸神所居」 Compared with the version of the University of Hong Kong, it is more reasonable, so here I use the rubbing version of the Tang Dynasty The version of the University of Hong Kong is "田下三寸神所居" It is a relatively unreasonable text, because Dantian will not produce Shens 黃庭經是普遍流傳的書法臨摹內容 而書法家不會隨便更改臨摹的內容 因此書法家的臨摹作品可作為黃庭經一個可靠的來源 Huang Ting Jing is a widely circulated calligraphy copy content And calligraphers will not change the copied content casually Therefore, the copying works of calligraphers can be used as a reliable source of Huang Ting Jing This is the calligraphy work of Chu Suiliang, a calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty. The content written is Huang Ting Jing祕閣帖(九)_冊_唐褚遂良臨右軍書黃庭經_贈-帖-000033-00001/ 丹道的修煉不會在氣的階段停留太長的時間 一個資深的修行人,可能在氣的階段只有幾秒鐘而已,然後就很快的進入烏肝光之後的階段 現在流行的氣功,大多只停留在氣的階段,並沒有進化到烏肝的階段,因此對於烏肝,靈根,金丹,幾乎一無所知 The practice of alchemy will not stay in the Qi stage for too long A senior practitioner may only be in the Qi stage for a few seconds, and then quickly enter the stage after the black liver light Most of the qigong that is popular now only stays at the stage of qi, and has not evolved to the stage of black liver Therefore, these qigong practitioners know almost nothing about black liver, spiritual root, and golden elixir
  13. 黃庭經有很多不同的版本 原因是因為黃庭經普遍流傳之後,很多人根據自己的想法,加入了許多不同的內容,導致黃庭經的內容有很大的差異。 不過我們可以比對不同的版本,找出共同的文字,取得最可靠的內容。 Huang Ting Jing has many different versions The reason is that after the Huang Ting Jing was widely circulated, many people added a lot of different content according to their own ideas, resulting in great differences in the content of the Huang Ting Jing. However, we can compare different versions to find common text and obtain the most reliable content.
  14. 練氣功的人程度還不到可以發展靈氣身體 People who practice qigong are not yet able to develop Aura body.
  15. 黃庭中人衣朱衣,關門壯籥合兩扉。幽闕俠之高巍巍,丹田之中精炁微。 people in yellow court wearing red clothes Youque is like two high closed doors, sandwiching Huang Ting in the middle In the dantian, the essence is subtle 黃庭開啟之後,就會產生真人內景 最早的真人內景就是紅色光譜,所以看起來像是穿紅色衣服 After the yellow court is opened, there will be a Real Aurora Body The earliest Real Aurora Body were in the red spectrum, so it looked like they were wearing red 突然一下子講到真人光身應該是順序有問題 All of a sudden, it was mentioned that the real aurora body should have a problem with the order 但是黃庭經的各個版本幾乎都有這四句,表示這四句應該是來自於最早的黃庭經 However, almost all versions of Huang Ting Jing have these four sentences, which means that these four sentences should come from the earliest Huang Ting Jing 黃庭經最重要的精華也在這裡 當黃庭打開之後,會產生真人光身 The most important essence of Huang Ting Jing is also here When Huang Ting is opened, a real aurora body will appear 然而,有能力練到這裡的人少之又少,所以「黃庭中人衣朱衣」就成了極大的秘密了 事實上,練到這裡的人,就很清楚是怎麼回事 However, there are very few people who have the ability to reach here, so "Huang Ting Zhong Ren Yi Zhu Yi" has become a great secret In fact, those who have reached here know exactly what is going on
  16. 呼吸廬間入丹田,玉池清水灌靈根。審能修之可長存。 The breath is inside the head, and then enters the dantian, where the clear water of the Yuchi fills the spiritual root. Practicing prudently can lead to longevity. Dantian here refers to the lower abdomen, Guan Yuan. water means Qi 唐朝拓印本只有這兩句 噓吸廬外,出入丹田。 審能行之可長存, The rubbings of the Tang Dynasty only have these two sentences The breath is outside the head and enters and exits the dantian. Prudence endures forever
  17. you are smart and wise It is true that there are many lies hidden in the qigong and religious circles The number of real practitioners is very small Unless you have the heart of a practitioner yourself, it is very difficult for you to find out who is a real practitioner
  18. Jing to Qi 有找到清朝的四庫全書,裡面有原文 但是有一個問題,務成子是春秋戰國時代的人,而這裡面的註解文並非是春秋戰國時代的語法,而是非常接近現代的語法,故務成子註解應該是託名,也就是假借務成子的名義來寫的,這個版本最早的是來自於雲笈七籤,宋朝 而梁秋子則是唐朝人 I have found the Siku Quanshu of the Qing Dynasty, which contains the original text But there is a problem. Wu Chengzi was born in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, and the annotation text here is not the grammar of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, but very close to modern grammar. Therefore, Wu Chengzi’s annotations should be a name, that is, under the guise of Wu Chengzi It was written in the name of , and the earliest version of this version comes from the Seven Signs of Yunji, Song Dynasty And Liang Qiuzi was from the Tang Dynasty黃庭內景玉經注(梁丘子)&variant=zh-hant 因此根據版本的先後順序,應是梁秋子早於務成子版,可信度較高 Therefore, according to the sequence of editions, Liang Qiuzi should be earlier than Wuchengzi edition Liang Qiuzi's version is more reliable
  19. Jing to Qi The only thing related to 「出於天門入無間」 is the book But we can clearly see from the text There is no original text「出於天門入無間」in it but only an explanation 內息思存神明光閉目內視,存在神明見吾光。俯仰瞻之,青赤白黃,出於天門入無間出於天門見四鄰,入於無間睹太玄,太玄中有眾妙之門,恬淡無欲養華莖閑居靜處,深固靈珠。素捐世俗,推剛就深含養玉莖,色如桃華,服食玄氣可遂生外為太玄,內為大淵 That is to say, the source of this sentence「出於天門入無間」cannot be found in ancient books.
  20. Jing to Qi

    It is wrong to translate into no space Because these two words are about relational intimacy, not space 合作無間,親密無間 In use, it will not extend the meaning into 'no space' Obviously the wrong version, coupled with the wrong Chinese explanation, caused the wrong cognition
  21. Jing to Qi 道藏輯要》尾集二蔣國祚注本 《修真十書》梁丘子注本 I looked for an ancient book from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, but I couldn’t find that sentence at all 「出於天門入無間」 only see 「出於無門入無戶」 「出於天門入無間」This sentence may be the wrong version
  22. Jing to Qi黃庭外景經 出於無門入無戶 another version 出於天門大無閒, 出於無門入無戶 第一,這句話是有爭議的,不同版本有不同的用語 第二,無間的意思不是無限的空間 First, this sentence is controversial, and different versions have different terms Second, 無間 does not mean infinite space 无间 wújiàn (1) [very close to each other;do not keep anything from each other]∶中间没有间隙 亲密无间 (2) [continuously;without interruption]∶不间断 气象观测,日夜无间 (3) [unable to distinguish]∶不分别 无间是非無間 旦夕存在神明光,出於無門入無戶。恬淡無欲養華根,服食玄炁可遂生。 若以這個版本來看,講得很明顯是烏肝光,因為烏肝光才會隨時存在,而且出入沒有門戶。 而且是因為恬淡無欲才能產生的。 玄就是黑,代表水,玄氣代表水所產生的氣。 很明顯烏肝光是來自於水,這是符合事實的。 而且烏肝光的打開就是玄關的打開 而玄關出入確實沒有門戶 If you look at this version, it is obvious that it is Black-liver light, because Black-liver light exists at any time, and there is no door for entry and exit. And it can only be produced because of tranquility and desirelessness. Xuan is black, representing water, and Xuan Qi represents Qi produced by water. It is obvious that the black liver light comes from water, which is in line with the facts. And the opening of Black-liver light is the opening of the entrance(玄關) And there is really no door in and out of the entrance
  23. Jing to Qi

    The Buddha mentioned golden elixir, but he used the term mandala Alchemy mentions emptiness, but the term used is earth
  24. Jing to Qi

    我找了黃庭經的四個版本,找不到你說的那句話 應該是翻譯錯誤吧 I searched for four editions of Huang Ting Jing, but I couldn't find the sentence you said It must be a translation error 朝會五臟列三光, 上合天門合明堂, 通利六府調五行, 金木水火土為王, The five viscera are listed in three lights at the meeting, Upward is consistent with the gate of heaven, and also with the bright hall(forehead), To benefit the six Fus and adjust the five elements, Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are kings,
  25. Jing to Qi

    丹田是產生丹的地方,所以在MCO的狀態下,是沒有丹田的。 丹田就是玄關。 若觀見龍在田,須猛烹而極煉;忽聞虎嘯入窟,可倒轉而逆施。 這句話是呂洞賓的詩 The dantian is the place where the dan is produced, so in the state of MCO, there is no dantian. Dantian is the entrance. If you see a dragon in the field, you must cook it fiercely and refine it; if you hear a tiger roaring into the cave, you can reverse it and do it the opposite way. This sentence is a poem by Lu Dongbin 見龍在田,其中的田,就是丹田 所以呂洞賓說得很清楚,只有田是出現龍的地方。 而龍就是烏肝光。 換句話說,只有出現烏肝光的時候,才有丹田。 在氣感狀態下是沒有丹田的,更沒有聚氣在丹田的說法。 換言之,我非常肯定,丹田是不需要聚氣的。 See the dragon in the field, the field in it is the dantian So Lu Dongbin made it very clear that only Tian is the place where dragons appear. And the dragon is black liver light. In other words, only when there is a black liver light, there is a dantian. In the state of Qi Sensing, there is no dantian, and there is no such thing as gathering Qi in the dantian. In other words, I am very sure that the Dantian does not need to gather Qi. MCO屬於氣感的層次,也就是水和火。 因此在水和火的層次,是不需要聚氣的。 需要的是將水和火轉換成金和木。 到了金和木的層次,才會產生丹田。 MCO belongs to the level of Qi sense, that is, water and fire. Therefore, at the level of water and fire, there is no need to gather Qi. What is needed is to convert water and fire into gold and wood. Only at the level of metal and wood can the dantian be produced. 水和火是產生金和木的材料。 金和木才是小藥。 五行俱全之後,才會產生大藥。 Water and fire are the materials that produce gold and wood. Gold and wood are the small medicine. After the five elements are complete, the great medicine will be produced. 而木就是我說過無數次的烏肝光,是一種類似地磁北極的光。 And wood is the black liver light that I have mentioned countless times, a light similar to the magnetic North Pole. 所以當一個人把注意力集中在腹部的時候,雖然腹部有非常強烈氣感,但是這並不是丹田。 這只是強烈的氣感,稱為水。 So when a person focuses on the abdomen, although there is a very strong sense of Qi in the abdomen, it is not the dantian. It's just a strong sense of Qi called water. 水火的現象比較類似上述的茶壺煮開水的現象 The phenomenon of water and fire is similar to the above-mentioned phenomenon of boiling water in a teapot 或者說地球的水循環現象比茶壺中的水更接近事實 Or the Earth's water cycle is closer to the truth than the water in the teapot 金木的現象比較類似上述的北極光的現象 The phenomenon of gold and wood is similar to the above-mentioned phenomenon of the Northern Lights 木星的極光就跟成熟的烏肝非常接近 Jupiter's aurora is very close to a mature black liver