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《摩訶般若波羅蜜經》卷3〈10 相行品〉: The Maha Prajna Paramita 「舍利弗言:「何等三昧,菩薩摩訶薩行是,疾得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提?」須菩提言:「諸菩薩摩訶薩有三昧,名首楞嚴行,是三昧令菩薩摩訶薩疾得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。有名寶印三昧、師子遊戲三昧、妙月三昧、月幢相三昧、[11]出諸法印三昧、觀頂三昧、[12]畢法性三昧、[*]畢幢相三昧、金剛三昧、入法印三昧、三昧王安立三昧、[13]王印三昧、放光三昧、力進三昧、出生三昧、必入辯才三昧、入名字三昧、觀方三昧、陀羅尼印三昧、不[14]忘三昧、攝諸法海印三昧、遍覆虛空三昧、金剛輪三昧、[15]寶斷三昧、能照耀三昧、不求三昧三昧、無處住三昧、無心三昧、淨燈三昧、無邊明三昧、能作明三昧、普遍明三昧、堅淨諸三昧三昧、無垢明三昧、作樂三昧、電光三昧、無[1]盡三昧、威德三昧、離盡三昧、不動三昧、莊嚴三昧、日光三昧、月淨三昧、淨明三昧、能作明三昧、作行三昧、知相三昧、如金剛三昧、心住三昧、遍照三昧、安立三昧、寶頂三昧、妙法印三昧、法等三昧、[2]生喜三昧、到法頂三昧、能散三昧、壞諸法處三昧、字等相三昧、離字三昧、斷緣三昧、不壞三昧、無[3]種相三昧、無處行三昧、離闇三昧、無去三昧、不動三昧、度緣三昧、集諸德三昧、住無心三昧、[4]妙淨花三昧、覺意三昧、無量[5]辯三昧、無等等三昧、度諸法三昧、分別諸法三昧、散疑三昧、無住處三昧、一相三昧、生行三昧、一行三昧、不一行三昧、妙行三昧、達一切有底散三昧、入言語三昧、離音聲字語三昧、然炬三昧、淨相三昧、破相三昧、一切種妙足三昧、不憙苦樂三昧、不盡行三昧、多陀羅尼三昧、取諸邪正相三昧、滅憎愛三昧、逆順三昧、淨光三昧、堅固三昧、滿月淨光三昧、大莊嚴三昧、能照一切世三昧、等三昧、無諍行三昧、無住處樂三昧、如住定三昧、壞[6]身三昧、壞語如虛空三昧、離著[7]如虛空不染三昧。舍利弗![8]是菩薩摩訶薩行是諸三昧,疾得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。復有無量阿僧祇三昧門、陀羅尼門,菩薩摩訶薩學是三昧門、陀羅尼門,疾得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。」」 (CBETA 2022.Q1, T08, no. 223, pp. 237c18-238a29)[11]:出【大】,〔-〕【聖】[12]:畢【大】*,必【聖】*[*]:畢【大】*,必【聖】*[13]:王印三昧【大】,〔-〕【聖】[14]:忘【大】,妄【宋】【宮】[15]:寶斷【大】,斷寶【宮】[1]:盡【大】,淨【明】[2]:生【大】,立生【宋】【元】【明】【宮】[3]:種相【大】,幢【聖】[4]:妙淨【大】,淨妙【明】【宮】[5]:辯【大】,辨【聖】[6]:身【大】,身衰【元】[7]:如【大】,〔-〕【聖】[8]:是【大】,如【宋】【元】【明】【宮】 這是第三個版本了 This is the third version 滿月淨光三昧 滿月 full moon 淨光 pure light 三昧 samadhi
《光讚經》卷4〈9 行品〉: http://ntireader.org/words/7000450.html 「須菩提謂舍利弗:「菩薩摩訶薩行首楞嚴三昧,疾得阿耨多羅三耶三菩阿惟三佛!」須菩提謂舍利弗:「復有三昧名曰寶印,復有三昧名曰師子娛樂,復有三昧名曰月曜,復有三昧名曰月幢英,復有三昧名[4]曰一切印,復有三昧名曰無能見頂,復有三昧名曰了法界,復有三昧名曰分別幢英,復有三昧名曰喻金剛,復有三昧名曰入法印,復有三昧名曰立定意王,復有三昧名曰印王,復有三昧名曰勢力精進,復有三昧名曰超等,復有三昧名曰入應順分別,復有三昧名曰入辯於十方界,復有三昧名曰總持[5]意,復有三昧名曰度無為,復有三昧名曰等[6]御諸法海印,復有三昧名曰普周虛空,復有三昧名金剛道場,復有三昧名曰執英幢,復有三昧名曰帝英如門閫,復有三昧名曰起本,復有三昧名曰師子吼,復有三昧名曰精進立,復有三昧名曰勝寶,復有三昧名[7]曰[8]照明,復有三昧名曰不眴,復有三昧名曰不住於下,復有三昧名曰決了,復有三昧名曰[9]燈明廣普,復有三昧名曰無量行,復有三昧名曰光造,復有三昧名曰有所[10]照[11]曜,復有三昧名曰莊嚴淨,復有三昧名曰離垢光,復有三昧名曰有所造樂,復有三昧名曰電[*]燈明,復有三昧名曰盡索,復有三昧名曰威神跡,復有三昧名曰離盡索,復有三昧名曰無能勝,復有三昧名曰開通,復有三昧名曰燈明,復有三昧名曰離燈垢,復有三昧名曰嚴淨辯才,復有三昧名曰有所光耀,復有三昧名曰造事,復有三昧名曰慧英,復有三昧名曰住惟,復有三昧名曰普明,復有三昧名曰善立,復有三昧名曰寶積,復有三昧名曰超諸法印,復有三昧名曰普法,復有三昧名曰勝娛樂,復有三昧名曰度法頂,復有三昧名曰有所毀壞,復有三昧名曰一切明句,復有三昧名曰等字所作,復有三昧名曰趣字,復有三昧名曰斷因緣,復有三昧名曰無事,復有三昧名曰無牆,復有三昧名曰決了入號,復有三昧名曰無[12]卑行,復有三昧名曰除冥,復有三昧名曰修行跡,復有三昧名曰無動,復有三昧名曰[13]廣界,復有三昧名曰決一切德,復有三昧名曰住無心,復有三昧名曰淨於嚴整,復有三昧名曰度覺意,復有三昧名曰無量燈明,復有三昧名曰等不等,復有三昧名曰度一切,復有三昧名曰斷諸事,復有三昧名曰離意了除,復有三昧名曰離建立,復有三昧名曰一勝,復有三昧名曰行諸事,復有三昧名曰一事,復有三昧名曰除怨事,復有三昧名曰滅諸所有不當,復有三昧名曰入隨因緣音,復有三昧名曰聲跡言無盡度,復有三昧名曰威神跡,復有三昧名曰光[14]耀熾盛,復有三昧名曰清淨樹,復有三昧名曰清[15]證而閑,復有三昧名曰一切勝,復有三昧名曰不樂一切諸苦樂,復有三昧名曰無盡事,復有三昧名曰總持句,復有三昧名曰等於正[16]邪師子座,復有三昧名曰入[17]響離[*]響,復有三昧名曰無[*]響得[*]響,復有三昧名曰離垢明,復有三昧名曰御跡,復有三昧名曰滿月離垢光,復有三昧名曰電錠光,復有三昧名曰大嚴淨,復有三昧名曰普照世間,復有三昧名曰普定意,復有三昧名曰應無染離染,復有三昧名曰御空一切等御,復有三昧名曰無青不青寶,復有三昧名曰立無本念,復有三昧名曰身時第一,復有三昧名曰言時除空念,復有三昧名曰脫虛空礙滅護。舍利弗!菩薩摩訶薩行是諸三昧,疾得阿耨多羅三耶三菩阿惟三佛。及餘不可計會無有限量諸三昧門、諸總持門,菩薩摩訶薩所當學者,疾逮得阿耨多羅三耶三菩阿惟三佛!」」 (CBETA 2022.Q1, T08, no. 222, pp. 172b01-173a12)[4]:曰【大】,〔-〕【宋】【元】【明】【宮】[5]:意【大】,印【聖】[6]:御【大】,印【聖】[7]:曰【大】,〔-〕【宋】【元】【明】【宮】【聖】[8]:照【大】,炤【宋】【元】【明】【宮】,燈【聖】[9]:燈【大】*,鐙【宋】【宮】*[10]:照【大】,炤【宋】【元】【明】【宮】[11]:曜【大】,燿【聖】[*]:燈【大】*,鐙【宋】【宮】*[12]:卑【大】,早【宋】【元】【明】【宮】[13]:廣【大】,度【宋】【元】【明】【宮】【聖】[14]:耀【大】,燿【宋】【元】【聖】[15]:證【大】,燈【宋】【元】【明】【宮】[16]:邪【大】*,耶【宮】*[17]:響【大】*,嚮【宋】【元】【明】【宮】【聖】*[*]:響【大】*,嚮【宋】【元】【明】【宮】【聖】*[*]:響【大】*,嚮【宋】【元】【明】【宮】【聖】*[*]:響【大】*,嚮【宋】【元】【明】【宮】【聖】* 這篇跟上上篇一樣內容,但是來自不同經典,翻譯成中文的文字也不太相同,但是可以看得出來,是同一段內容 This one has the same content as the previous one, but it comes from different classics, and the text translated into Chinese is not the same, but it can be seen that it is the same content 這裡的中文是the Chinese name is『滿月離垢光』 滿 full 月 moon 離 away 垢 dirty, yin 光 light 上上段翻譯成中文是above paragraph translated into Chinese is『滿月淨光三摩地』 滿 full 月 moon 淨 pure 光 light 三摩地 samadhi We also can see a lot of samadhi about light in this paragraph This paragraph is also about Subhūti answered the question from S/a^riputra, mentioning that there are various samadhi 這應該是同一本書的兩種不同版本 我查詢相關資料之後,發現這本書共有四個不同版本的中文 可見得這本書非常重要 This should be two different versions of the same book After I searched for relevant information, I found that there are four different versions of this book in Chinese. Apparently this book is very important
《大般若波羅蜜多經(第1卷-第200卷)》卷105:「「憍尸迦!譬如依因滿月輪故,一切藥物、星辰、山海皆得增明,如是依因菩薩摩訶薩滿月輪故,一切世間十善業道藥草物類皆得增明;如是依因菩薩摩訶薩滿月輪故,一切世間惠施、受齋、持戒等法藥草物類皆得增明;如是依因菩薩摩訶薩滿月輪故,一切世間四靜慮、四無量、四無色定、五神通等藥草物類皆得增明;如是依因菩薩摩訶薩滿月輪故,一切世間布施、淨戒、安忍、精進、靜慮、般若波羅蜜多藥草物類皆得增明;如是依因菩薩摩訶薩滿月輪故,一切世間內空、外空、內外空、空空、大空、勝義空、有為空、無為空、畢竟空、無際空、散空、無變異空、本性空、自相空、共相空、一切法空、不可得空、無性空、自性空、無性自性空藥草物類皆得增明;如是依因菩薩摩訶薩滿月輪故,一切世間真如、法界、法性、不虛妄性、不變異性、平等性、離生性、法定、法住、實際、虛空界、不思議界藥草物類皆得增明;如是依因菩薩摩訶薩滿月輪故,一切世間苦聖諦、集聖諦、滅聖諦、道聖諦藥草物類皆得增明;如是依因菩薩摩訶薩滿月輪故,一切世間八解脫、八勝處、九次第定、十遍處藥草物類皆得增明;如是依因菩薩摩訶薩滿月輪故,一切世間四念住、四正斷、四神足、五根、五力、七等覺支、八聖道支藥草物類皆得增明;如是依因菩薩摩訶薩滿月輪故,一切世間空解脫門、無相解脫門、無願解脫門藥草物類皆得增明;如是依因菩薩摩訶薩滿月輪故,一切世間五眼、六神通藥草物類皆得增明;如是依因菩薩摩訶薩滿月輪故,一切世間佛十力、四無所畏、四無礙解、大慈、大悲、大喜、大捨、十八佛不共法藥草物類皆得增明;如是依因菩薩摩訶薩滿月輪故,一切世間無忘失法、恒住捨性藥草物類皆得增明;如是依因菩薩摩訶薩滿月輪故,一切世間一切陀羅尼門、一切三摩地門藥草物類皆得增明;如是依因菩薩摩訶薩滿月輪故,一切世間一切智、道相智、一切相智藥草物類皆得增明;如是依因菩薩摩訶薩滿月輪故,一切世間預流向預流果、一來向一來果、不還向不還果、阿羅漢向阿羅漢果、獨覺向獨覺菩提藥草物類皆得增明;如是依因菩薩摩訶薩滿月輪故,一切世間菩薩摩訶薩十地等行及阿耨多羅三藐三菩提藥草物類皆得增明;如是依因菩薩摩訶薩滿月輪故,一切世間聲聞、獨覺、有學、無學星宿辰象皆得增明;如是依因菩薩摩訶薩滿月輪故,一切世間菩薩摩訶薩及如來、應、正等覺諸山大海皆得增明。」(CBETA 2022.Q1, T05, no. 220, pp. 581c12-582b1) 滿 full 月 moon 輪 wheel 這段說了很多滿月輪的好處和重要性 由此可知滿月輪在佛教修煉當中的一個重要性 This passage says a lot about the benefits and importance of full moon wheel This shows the importance of the full moon wheel in Buddhist cultivation
《大般若波羅蜜多經(第1卷-第200卷)》卷41:「善現答言:「所謂健行三摩地、寶印三摩地、師子遊戲三摩地、妙月三摩地、月幢相三摩地、一切法海三摩地、觀頂三摩地、法界決定三摩地、決定幢相三摩地、金剛喻三摩地、入法印三摩地、三摩地王三摩地、善安住三摩地、善立定王三摩地、放光三摩地、無忘失三摩地、放光無忘失三摩地、精進力三摩地、莊嚴力三摩地、等涌三摩地、入一切言詞決定三摩地、入一切名字決定三摩地、觀方三摩地、總持印三摩地、諸法等趣海印三摩地、王印三摩地、遍覆虛空三摩地、金剛輪三摩地、三輪清淨三摩地、無量光三摩地、無著無障三摩地、斷諸法轉三摩地、棄捨珍寶三摩地、遍照三摩地、不眴三摩地、無相住三摩地、不思惟三摩地、降伏四魔三摩地、無垢燈三摩地、無邊光三摩地、發光三摩地、普照三摩地、淨堅定三摩地、師子奮迅三摩地、師子頻申三摩地、師子欠呿三摩地、無垢光三摩地、妙樂三摩地、電燈三摩地、無盡三摩地、最勝幢相三摩地、帝相三摩地、順明正流三摩地、具威光三摩地、離盡三摩地、不可動轉三摩地、寂靜三摩地、無瑕隟三摩地、日燈三摩地、月淨三摩地、淨眼三摩地、淨光三摩地、月燈三摩地、發明三摩地、應作不應作三摩地、智相三摩地、金剛鬘三摩地、住心三摩地、普明三摩地、妙安立三摩地、寶積三摩地、妙法印三摩地、一切法性平等三摩地、棄捨塵愛三摩地、法涌圓滿三摩地、入法頂三摩地、寶性三摩地、捨喧諍三摩地、飄散三摩地、分別法句三摩地、決定三摩地、無垢行三摩地、字平等相三摩地、離文字相三摩地、斷所緣三摩地、無變異三摩地、無種類三摩地、入名相三摩地、無所作三摩地、入決定名三摩地、行無相三摩地、離翳闇三摩地、具行三摩地、不變動三摩地、度境界三摩地、集一切功德三摩地、無心住三摩地、決定住三摩地、淨妙花三摩地、具覺支三摩地、無邊辯三摩地、無邊燈三摩地、無等等三摩地、超一切法三摩地、決判諸法三摩地、散疑三摩地、無所住三摩地、一相莊嚴三摩地、引發行相三摩地、一行相三摩地、離諸行相三摩地、妙行三摩地、達諸有底遠離三摩地、入一切施設語言三摩地、堅固寶三摩地、於一切法無所取著三摩地、電焰莊嚴三摩地、除遣三摩地、無勝三摩地、法炬三摩地、慧燈三摩地、趣向不退轉神通三摩地、解脫音聲文[A1]字三摩地、[1]炬熾然三摩地、嚴淨相三摩地、無相三摩地、無濁忍相三摩地、具一切妙相三摩地、具總持三摩地、不喜一切苦樂三摩地、無盡行相三摩地、攝伏一切正邪性三摩地、斷憎愛三摩地、離違順三摩地、無垢明三摩地、極堅固三摩地、滿月淨光三摩地、大莊嚴三摩地、無[2]熱電光三摩地、能照一切世間三摩地、能救一切世間三摩地、定平等性三摩地、無塵有塵平等理趣三摩地、無諍有諍平等理趣三摩地、無巢穴無標幟無愛樂三摩地、決定安住真如三摩地、器中涌出三摩地、燒諸煩惱三摩地、大智慧炬三摩地、出生十力三摩地、開闡三摩地、壞身惡行三摩地、壞語惡行三摩地、壞意惡行三摩地、善觀察三摩地、如虛空三摩地、無染著[A2]如虛空三摩地。」(CBETA 2022.Q1, T05, no. 220, pp. 229c22-230b26)[A1]:字【CB】【麗-CB】【磧-CB】,子【大】(cf. K01n0001_p0357b15; Q01_p0227b29)[1]:炬【大】,慧炬【宋】【明】[2]:熱【CB】【宋】【元】【明】,執【大】[A2]:如【CB】【麗-CB】【磧-CB】,加【大】(cf. K01n0001_p0357c10; Q01_p0227c14) 須菩提Subhūti 回答舍利弗的問題,提到有各種三摩地 其中一種是『滿月淨光三摩地』 Subhūti answered the question from S/a^riputra, mentioning that there are various samadhi One of them is "Full Moon Pure Light Samadhi" 另外我也算一下跟光有關的三摩地,大概有25個 可見得光是三摩地當中非常重要的一個現象 In addition, I also count the samadhi related to light, there are about 25 So we can know that light is a very important phenomenon in samadhi 須菩提和舍利弗都是佛陀的學生 Subhūti and S/a^riputra both are the students of Buddha. 而滿月三摩地則是一個非常明確的指標三摩地,因為這代表了即將進入佛土的最後階段 And full moon samadhi is a very clear indicator of samadhi, because it represents the final stage of the imminent entry into the Buddha-land 而滿月三摩地也是一種令人終生難忘的三摩地 And the full moon samadhi is also an unforgettable samadhi
從某些對我人身攻擊的人身上得到訊息,這裡似乎有光的人不少 這樣我就放心了 原來盲目的是少數人 所以接下來要講的光,不會限制於很低級的光 而是會往比較高階的光來講 I got information from some people who attacked me personally, there seems to be a lot of people who have light here That way I'm relieved It turns out that the blind are a minority Therefore, the light to be discussed next will not be limited to very low-level light. Instead, it will go to higher-order light.
講些有營養的話吧 如果你的嗜好就是人身攻擊,那我必須把你列入忽略名單,你的文字已經沒有什麼參考價值了 Say something nutritious If your hobby is personal attacks, then I must put you on the ignore list, your words have no reference value 你是一個很愛假設別人都在假設的人,你這種人很少見,跟搬運法那種法執不同,但是同樣不是什麼正派的修行者 You are a person who likes to assume that everyone else is assuming. You are rare, different from the law enforcement of the transfer method, but you are also not a decent practitioner. 道不同不相為謀
另外,我也希望不要有人把清淨光法身,解釋為烏肝 因為清淨光法身必然是『非四大所造,似四大所造』,是有人的外型的 不是一團北極光就能稱為清淨光法身 In addition, I also hope that no one will interpret the Pure Light Dharmakaya as black liver Because the Dharmakaya of Pure Light must be "not created by the four great elements, but like the creation of the four great elements", and it has the appearance of a human being. It is not a cloud of Northern Lights that can be called the Pure Light Dharmakaya 當然更糟糕的解釋是,把清淨光法身解釋為一種心中空虛的感覺,那這種就更糟糕了 可以說是一種很嚴重的謊言了 希望有人不要犯這種低級的錯誤 Of course, the worse explanation is to interpret the pure light Dharmakaya as a feeling of emptiness in the heart, then this is even worse It's a serious lie Hope someone doesn't make such a low-level mistake
The reason why a person who only has qi in his lower abdomen can't understand the WuZenPian
awaken replied to awaken's topic in Daoist Discussion
而烏肝產生的時機屬於陽,意識是在上浮的狀態 兔髓產生的時機屬於陰,意識是在下沉的狀態 因此烏肝來自於氣的演化,直接從氣感轉變成光感 兔髓來自於意識的演化,表層意識下沉,元神意識產生 因此就實際上遇到的情況,修煉者的感受是烏肝是上浮的意識,兔髓是意識的下沉 The timing of black liver production belongs to yang, and consciousness is in a state of floating The timing of the rabbit marrow is yin, and the consciousness is in a sinking state Therefore, black liver comes from the evolution of qi, which directly changes from the sense of qi to the sense of light. Rabbit marrow comes from the evolution of consciousness, the surface consciousness sinks, and the primordial spirit consciousness emerges Therefore, in the actual situation encountered, the cultivator's feeling is that the black liver is a floating consciousness, and the rabbit marrow is a sinking consciousness. -
The reason why a person who only has qi in his lower abdomen can't understand the WuZenPian
awaken replied to awaken's topic in Daoist Discussion
上一個解釋,是建立在搬運法的解釋上,當然是問題重重 因此我們來看第二個解釋 我們知道悟真篇講得最清楚的就是烏肝和兔髓 烏肝來自於氣的演化 兔髓來自於神的演化 而烏肝產生的時機屬陽,陽在上 兔髓產生的時機屬陰,陰在下 水就是氣,原本在下,演化成烏肝之後,變成在上 火就是神,原本在上,演化成兔髓之後,變成在下 The previous explanation is based on the interpretation of the transfer method, of course, there are many problems So let's look at the second explanation We know that the Wuzhen Pian is the most clear about black liver and rabbit marrow. Black Liver comes from the evolution of Qi Rabbit marrow comes from the evolution of Shen The timing of black liver production belongs to yang, and yang is on the top. The timing of rabbit marrow production belongs to Yin, and Yin is below Water is Qi, originally on the bottom, after it evolved into black liver, it became on the top Fire is Shen. Originally above, after it evolved into rabbit marrow, it became below. -
清淨光法身的產生之前,必然有滿月和睡眠無夢的情況產生 如果沒有滿月,也沒有睡眠無夢,那你所謂的清淨光法身,可能只是你眾多謊言中的另外一個而已 Before the formation of the Pure Light Dharmakaya, there must be a full moon and sleep without dreams. If there is no full moon, no sleep and no dreams, then your so-called pure light Dharmakaya may be just another one of your many lies
在楞伽經當中,佛陀曾經提到『如幻三摩地』 『如幻三摩地』是產生八地法身的環境 也就是最初清淨光法身出現的環境 In the Langka Sutra, the Buddha once mentioned "Illusionary Samadhi" "Illusory Samadhi" is the environment in which the Dharmakaya of the eight places is generated This is the environment in which the Pure Light Dharmakaya appeared in the first place.
另外能夠出現清淨光法身,必然同時在睡眠上有著重大的改變 也就是你是醒著睡覺的,你的睡眠就像是沉在水底當中,雖然身體是睡著的,但是你的內在是清醒的 如果你沒有這種狀態,你的清淨光法身非常有可能只是一場夢境而已 而做這種夢,還把夢境當成清淨光法身,這種情況不是好事 這表示價值觀在某一個程度上,已經很嚴重的扭曲了 強烈的想蘊導致強烈的行蘊 In addition, to be able to appear the Pure Light Dharmakaya, there must be a major change in sleep at the same time. That is, you sleep awake, your sleep is like sinking in the bottom of the water, although your body is asleep, but your inner is awake. If you don't have this state, it's very likely that your Pure Light Dharmakaya is just a dream. And when you have this kind of dream, you also regard the dream as the Dharmakaya of pure light. This situation is not a good thing. This means that the values have been seriously distorted to a certain extent. A strong aggregate of perception leads to a strong aggregate of mental formations
為了避免這個主題,只剩下人身攻擊這類沒營養的話 我希望留下一些可供新人參考的資料 清淨光法身,如果是在入睡過程中產生,必然會有意識的浮起 如果是整個過程都在入睡當中,並且沒有意識的浮起 那這種清淨光法身只不過是夢境的一種,算是幻境,假的 如果有意識的浮起,那必然跟陽生二階段發生的過程相同 也就是在你出現清淨光法身之前,你就已經經歷一段很長的演化歷程 從幾何圖形光,到大曼陀羅光,到圓月,紅日等等,你都經歷過了 這樣你出現的清淨光法身,才是真實的法身 各位要知道,任何光的演化,必然伴隨意識的演化,而且依照一定的次序 不會單獨出現 如果單獨出現的,必然是幻境 In order to avoid this theme, only personal attacks are left with no nutrition. I hope to leave some information for newcomers to refer to If the Dharmakaya of pure light is produced during the process of falling asleep, consciousness will inevitably arise. If the whole process is falling asleep, and there is no consciousness floating Then this kind of pure light Dharmakaya is just a kind of dream, it is an illusion, fake If it arises consciously, it must be the same process as the second stage of Yang Sheng. That is, before you appear in the Pure Light Dharmakaya, you have already gone through a long evolutionary process. From geometric light, to big mandala light, to full moon, red sun, etc., you have experienced it In this way, the pure light Dharmakaya you appear is the real Dharmakaya You must know that the evolution of any light must be accompanied by the evolution of consciousness, and in a certain order does not appear alone If it appears alone, it must be a illusion.
你之前說你沒有,現在又說有,到底哪句話是謊話? 雖然你說謊了,但是我不想說謊 我寫這些東西,其實目標不在你身上,如果你有看過我寫的文章,你就會知道怎麼回事 我已經在網路上教了很多年了,我在現實生活中,除了我家人之外,沒有人知道我在練這個 即使在網路上,我的學生也不知道我是誰 你如果想知道我的教學成效,請你自己去QQ問 我的學生會明白告訴你 但是你前面的說謊行為讓我對你印象不太好 我覺得你應該只是那種話隨便說說的人而已 你應該沒那個行動力去QQ問我的學生 You said you didn't have it last time, and now you say yes, which one is a lie? Although you lied, but I don't want to lie I write these things, in fact, the goal is not on you, if you have read the articles I wrote, you will know what is going on I've been teaching online for years and I'm in real life and no one but my family knows I'm cultivating this Even on the Internet, my students don't know who I am If you want to know the effectiveness of my teaching, please go to QQ yourself my students will tell you But your lying behavior made me not very impressed with you I think you should be just that kind of casual talker I doubt you have the motivation to QQ ask my students 一個真正練出清淨光的人,不會這樣隨便說謊 A person who has really reach clear light would not lie like this 我希望你好好珍惜自己的話語 I hope you cherish your words
如果我是這種人,請你不要理我,好嗎? 如果我是這種人,你還跟著我,那有問題的人就是你了 If I am this kind of person, please leave me alone, okay? If I'm this kind of person and you're still following me, then you're the one with the problem
不過關於某派別的虹光身傳說,我也很質疑,因為我跟你們一樣,練不出這種現象,所以我也很質疑 所以我能體會你們對我的質疑,因為你們覺得自己已經練到該練的,但是還是練不出清楚的光,所以你會質疑清楚的光的可能性 不過我以我的經驗來說,清楚的光絕對不是問題,絕對是很簡單的,很多人能練到的 我覺得這種傳說中的虹光身肯定有受到一定程度的扭曲,事實應該並非如此 However, about the legend of the rainbow body of a certain faction, I am also very skeptical, because like you, I cannot reach this phenomenon, so I am also very skeptical So I can understand your doubts about me, because you think you have practiced what you should, but you still can't reach clear light, so you will question the possibility of clear light However, from my experience, clear light is definitely not a problem, it is definitely very simple, and many people can reach it. 而清楚的光的法身,確實是困難沒錯,但是我自己也有練到過,所以我確定這是存在的,我也願意教人練到這個地方 As for the clear light Dharmakaya , it is indeed difficult, but I have reached it myself, so I am sure that it exists, and I am willing to teach people to reach this place.
Yes, there is. 我所用的方法就是了 The method I use is. But it need to learn some rules. For example, you need learn what is yin and yang.
或許大般若經就是擔心被你這樣誤解,才會每次提到每種現象,都把以前全部提過的重新講一遍 但是你不覺得這樣講話很累嗎? Perhaps the Mahaprajna Sutra is worried about being misunderstood by you, so every time it mentions each phenomenon, it repeats everything that has been mentioned before. But don't you find it tiring to talk like this? 所有的現象都是過程,這是看佛經的人該有的認知 即是是光也一樣 但是不能因為是光的現象,都刻意的忽略,只有在思想上下功夫是不夠的 All phenomena are processes, this is the understanding that people who read Buddhist scriptures should have even light However, just because it is a phenomenon of light, it cannot be ignored deliberately. It is not enough to work hard on the thoughts. 清晰的光絕對不是令人懷疑的存在 而是明確的存在 而且不難練到 請不要逃避這個現實 Clear light is definitely not a doubtful presence but a clear existence And it's not hard to appear Please don't escape this reality
你這個態度非常好 我也看得出來因為你的彬彬有禮,所以人緣很好 希望你能早日達到 Your attitude is very good I can also see that because of your politeness, you are very popular Hope you can reach it soon 不過你的回應,讓我想要講的話,講不出來了 不過我還是講一講好了,即使有人批評我沒禮貌,該講還是要講 But your response thwarted what I wanted to say. But I still have to talk about it. Even if someone criticizes me for being rude, I still have to talk about it. 我很清楚怎麼練到這個清淨法身,我也願意分享給有意願的人怎麼練到清淨法身 你是一個理性的人,如果你願意來練練看,相信你的理性實踐,會給這裡的其他人很大的信心 I know very well how to reach this pure Dharmakaya, and I would like to share with those who are willing how to reach the pure Dharmakaya You are a rational person, if you are willing to come to cultivate and believe in your rational practice, it will give other people here great confidence 雖然我從你的回應當中,解讀到你很客氣的拒絕了 不過我還是把我的想法表達出來 如果有人因此覺得我傲慢無禮,那我也沒辦法了 因為我確實很清楚怎麼練到這裡 Although I read from your response that you politely refused But I still express my thoughts If anyone thinks I'm arrogant and rude because of this, then there's nothing I can do Because I do know how to get there
你太情緒化了 you are too emotional
The reason why a person who only has qi in his lower abdomen can't understand the WuZenPian
awaken replied to awaken's topic in Daoist Discussion
https://zh.wikisource.org/wiki/悟真篇 自知顛倒由離坎,誰識浮沉定主賓。 自 self 知 know 顛倒 reverse 由 from 坎離 Kan-Li self know that this reverse situation is due to Kan-Li 誰 who 識 know 浮沉 floating and sinking 定 decide 主賓 host and guest who know the host and guest are decided by floating and sinking (of the consciousness) 『自知』相對於『誰識』,『自知』表示很多人知道,『誰識』表示沒什麼人知道,兩個意思是相反的 "Self know" is relative to "who knows", "self know" means that many people know, "who knows" means that no one knows or very few people know, the two meanings are opposite 大部分的人知道坎離要顛倒,但是很少人知道意識的浮沉決定主賓 Most people know that Kan and Li should be reverse, but few people know floating and sinking ( of the consciousness) decide the host and guest. 坎是水,離是火 正常情況是水在下,火在上 但是坎離顛倒變成,水在上,火在下 這有兩種解釋,一種解釋是說,火往下,所以才能把底下的水蒸發上去,形容小周天的任督循環,認為本來在下方腎的水,經過火的蒸發之後,往上移動形成小周天 但是這種解釋,有一個很大的問題,就是小周天雖然從背部往上,但是還是會往下啊,他是繞圈,可不是一廂情願的往上 另外一個解釋,就是張伯端的奧妙了,必須搭配下一個句話的浮沉才能看懂 Kan is water, Li is fire The normal situation is that the water is below and the fire is above But Kan li is turned upside down, water is above, fire is below There are two explanations for this. One explanation is that the water at the bottom can be evaporated because the fire is going down. This describes the cycle of appointment and supervision of Xiao Zhoutian. It is believed that the water originally in the lower kidneys moves up after being evaporated by the fire. form a small week However, there is a big problem with this explanation. Although Xiao Zhoutian goes up from his back, he will still go down. He is going around in circles, not wishful thinking. Another explanation is the mystery of Zhang Boduan, which must be understood with the floating and sinking of the next sentence. to be continued -
為什麼要用『據說』這個說法? 為什麼不自己練出來呢? 你自己練出來不是更清楚怎麼回事嗎? Why use the term "It is said"? Why not reach it yourself? Don't you have a better idea of what's going on when you reach it yourself?
Is the thought of ‘the only way’ to be violent?
awaken replied to awaken's topic in Buddhist Discussion
佛經已經說得很清楚了,錯誤的路有很多條,現象有很多種,但是真正的道路只有一條 The Buddhist scriptures have made it very clear that there are many wrong paths and many phenomena, but there is only one true path. 很多人都搞不清楚 Many people don't understand 即使佛陀的第一個學生舍利子講得非常具體,證據都擺在眼前,但是沒有修煉的人,只有靠思想的人,還是永遠搞不懂為什麼 Even though Sariputta, the first student of the Buddha, spoke very concretely and the evidence was in front of your eyes, people who did not cultivate, only those who rely on thinking, would never understand why 「種種、單一」:many kinds, single 欲的意欲為種種;離欲為單一, the intentions of desires are many kinds, the leaving of desires is single 惡意為種種;無惡意為單一, the bad intentions are many kinds, no bad intention is single 惛沈睡眠為種種;光明想為單一, lethargy are many kinds, the state of light is single 掉舉為種種;不散亂為單一, scattered heart are many kinds, no scattered heart is single 疑為種種;法的區別(界定)為單一, to doubt are many kinds, to distinguish dharma is single 無明為種種;智為單一, no light are many kinds, wisdom is single 不樂為種種;欣悅為單一, not being joyful are many kinds, being joyful is single 諸蓋為種種;初禪為單一 covers are many kinds, the first jahna is single ……(中略) 一切污染為種種;阿羅漢道為單一。 every pollution are many kinds, Arahant Dao is single 我還是同樣一句話,如果你搞不清楚我為什麼會這樣說,你想知道為什麼會這樣,你就來跟著我練 I still say the same thing, if you don't understand why I say this, and you want to know why it is like this, come and cultivate with me 如果你只想停在你的思想當中,並且用俗世的邏輯來跟我辯論,你就不用來找我,我也不會想理你 If you just want to stay in your thoughts and argue with me with worldly logic, don't come to me, and I don't want to talk you 我來這裡的唯一理由,就是為了想要修行的人 The only reason I'm here is for those who want to cultivate. -
同樣的,道也是唯一的一條路 太一就是道的另外一個稱號 如果你不能接受究竟法只有唯一的一條路 那你恐怕很難看懂道德經了 Likewise, the Tao is also the only way Taiyi is another title of Tao If you can't accept that the ultimate Fa is only one way Then you may have a hard time understanding the Tao Te Ching. 這個主題是關於光,所以這個『一乘』和『出世間法』的議題就在這裡停止 The subject is about light, so the "one vehicle" and "supramundane" topic stops here 基本上我不會和世俗之人談論出世間法,因為根本沒辦法溝通 Basically I don't talk about supramundane Dharma with mundane people because there is no way to communicate
在我的眼中,這條出世間法清清楚楚的 但是我知道,在大部分的人眼中,根本分不清楚什麼是世間法,什麼是出世間法 所以這種人,基本上,不是我要交流的人 因為這是世俗之人 世俗之人不可與之談論出世間法 世俗之人追的是個人的慾望 並非究竟法 In my eyes, this supramundane law is clear But I know that in the eyes of most people, it is impossible to distinguish what is a mundane law and what is a supernatural law. So this kind of person, basically, is not the person I want to communicate with Because this is a worldly person. We should not talk about supramundane Dhamma with worldly people. Worldly people pursue personal desires not supramundane law 所謂道不同不相為謀 The so-called Tao is different, there is no need for peers