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Everything posted by awaken

  1. 你是要文字上的解釋? 還是你自己要練到? 如果是你自己要練到,那你就來寫日記跟著我一起練 如果你是要文字上的解釋,那你得更詳細的描述你的問題,因為我看不懂你的問題的英文 Do you want a literal explanation? Or do you want to reach it yourself? If you want to reach it yourself, then you have to write a diary and cultivate with me If you just want a literal explanation, then you have to describe your problem in more detail, because I can't understand the English of your question
  2. 那麼在無解礙道這本書上面有沒有類似博伽梵歌所描述的『不二狀態』呢? 我能找到最接近的描述就是『智』 總共有73種智 So is there a "non-duality state" similar to that described in Bhagavad-gita in the book of Paṭisambhidā-magga? The closest description I can find is "wisdom" There are a total of 73 kinds of wisdom 本母(綱目)  1.在傾聽上的慧為聞所成智(在聞所成上之智)。  2.聽聞後在自制上的慧為戒所成智。  3.自制後在定上的慧為定修習所成智。  4.在緣攝受(緣的掌握)上的慧為法住智。  5.對過去、未來、現在諸法簡約後在區別(界定)上的慧為思惟智(觸知智)。  6.對現在諸法在變易隨觀上的慧為生滅隨觀智。  7.省察所緣後在壞滅隨觀上的慧為毘婆舍那智。  8.在怖畏現起上的慧為過患智。  9.欲脫離狀態的省察住立慧為行捨智。  10.外部在上升出來轉回上的慧為種姓智。  11.[內外]兩者在上升出來轉回上的慧為道智。  12.努力的安息慧為果智。  13.在已切斷路徑隨觀上的慧為解脫智。  14.在已得到諸法那時看見的慧為觀察智。  15.在自身內區別(界定)上的慧為種種事智。  16.在自身外區別上的慧為種種行境智。  17.在行為區別上的慧為種種行為智。  18.在四法區別上的慧為種種地(階位)智。  19.在九法區別上的慧為種種法智。  20.證知慧為知義智。  21.遍知慧為衡量義智。  22.捨斷慧為遍捨義智。  23.修習慧為一味義智。  24.作證慧為觸達義智。  25.在種種義上的慧為義無礙解智。  26.在種種法上的慧為法無礙解智。  27.在種種詞上的慧為詞無礙解智。  28.在種種辯才上的慧為辯才無礙解智。  29.在種種住上的慧為住義智。  30.在種種等至上的慧為等至義智。  31.在種種住處等至上的慧為住處等至義智。  32.以不散亂清淨性在煩惱斷絕上的慧為無間定智。  33.看見增上與寂靜住處的到達之勝妙勝解狀態的慧為無諍住處智。  34.具備二種力、三種行的安息、十六種智的行為、九種定的行為而成為自在狀態的慧為滅等至智。  35.正知者在流轉永盡上的慧為般涅槃智。  36.對一切法在完全斷絕與滅上不現起狀態的慧為齊頭者義智。  37.在分離、種種火永盡上的慧為削減義智。  38.在不退縮、自我努力、努力義上的慧為活力的激發智。  39.種種法說明的慧為義理開示智。  40.在一切法的一攝性、種種、單一之貫通上的慧為看見清淨智。  41.已知道狀態的慧為接受智。  42.觸達狀態的慧為深解智。  43.在集合上的慧為部分住智。  44.增上狀態的慧為想的轉回智。  45.在種種性上的慧為意向的轉回智。  46.在確立上的慧為心的轉回智。  47.在空上的慧為智的轉回智。  48.在捨棄上的慧為解脫的轉回智。  49.在真實義上的慧為諦的轉回智。  50.身心被單一區別(界定)狀態及樂想與輕想因確立而在成功義上的慧為神通種類智。  51.因尋的遍滿而對種種及單一聲相在深解上的慧為耳界清淨智。  52.因三心的遍滿狀態及諸根的明淨而在種種及單一識的行為深解上的慧為他心智。  53.因對緣的流轉法種種及單一業遍滿而在深解上的慧為前世住處回憶智。  54.因光明而對種種及單一色相在看見義上的慧為天眼智。  55.以六十四種行相對三根成為自在狀態的慧為煩惱的滅盡智。  56.在遍知義上的慧為苦智。  57.在捨斷義上的慧為集智。  58.在作證義上的慧為滅智。  59.在修習義上的慧為道智。  60.苦智。  61.苦集智。  62.苦滅智。  63.導向苦滅道跡智。  64.義無礙解智。  65.法無礙解智。  66.詞無礙解智。  67.辯才無礙解智。  68.根之優劣狀態智。  69.眾生的所依與煩惱潛在趨勢智。  70.雙神變智。  71.大悲等至智。  72.一切知者智。  73.無障礙智。   這些為七十三智,這七十三智中的六十七智為與聲聞共智,六智為與聲聞不共智。   本母終了。 sorry that I can not find a free English version The wisdoms in the book of Paṭisambhidā-magga is very close to what people talked about in other topic.
  3. 西方人把這種『不二崇拜』搞成一種『認知遊戲』 似乎只要在觀念上知道了『自我的遊戲』,就自認為可以達到『不二狀態』 但是不管是博伽梵歌或是佛經,共通的語言都講到了禪定 而佛經更是非常嚴格的定義了禪定的內容 我這篇主題就是告訴各位,光在禪定當中是必經的過程,一定要出現的現象 如果沒有光,就不可能達到禪定,頂多只能達到初禪 因為二禪的特色之一就是光 Westerners turn this "worship of non-duality" into a "cognitive game" It seems that as long as you know the "play of the self" conceptually, you will think that you can achieve the "non-duality state" But whether it is Bhagavad-gita or Buddhist scriptures, the common language speaks of Samadhi The Buddhist scriptures define the content of Samadhi very strictly. My theme in this article is to tell you that light is a necessary process in Samadhi, and a phenomenon that must appear. If there is no light, it is impossible to achieve jhāna, at most only the first jhāna Because one of the characteristics of the second jhāna is light 光的產生是一種無法自欺欺人的現象 當你承認了光是二禪的一個基本特徵的時候 你就無可避免的必須承認沒有光的自己,連二禪的程度都沒有 這當然是對『自我感』的一個重大打擊 The production of light is a phenomenon that cannot be deceived When you admit that light is an essential feature of the second jhana You will inevitably have to admit that you have no light, not even the level of second jhana. This is of course a major blow to the "sense of self"
  4. 剛才找出我手中的一本書,博伽梵歌 用十分鐘把這本書給翻完了 這本書以前看過 現在重新看一次 總算對西方人為什麼這麼崇拜這種『不二』狀態有點認知了 Just found a book in my hand, Bhagavad-gita Finished this book in ten minutes I have read this book before watch it again now Finally, I have a little understanding of why Westerners worship this kind of "non-duality" so much. 西方人從『基督教崇拜』當中解放出來之後,很容易又跳進『不二崇拜』當中 After Westerners are liberated from "Christian Worship", it is easy to jump into "non-duality Worship" again 在佛陀的教導當中並非沒有這種狀態的描述,只是佛陀稱之為『無上正等覺』,並且定義有相當清楚的禪定次第 It is not that there is no description of this state in the teachings of the Buddha, it is just that the Buddha called it "Supreme Enlightenment", and the definition has a fairly clear Samadhi sequence. 並非只是低級禪定當中的一種『無我感受』就稱為『不二感覺』了 It is not just a "feeling of non-self" in low-level Samadhi that is called "feeling of non-duality" 但是在博伽梵歌當中,對此種『不二偉大感』有點過於強調了 且對於達到『不二』狀態的禪定次序語焉不詳 因此造成許多誤解 But in the Bhagavad-gita, this "sense of non-duality" is a bit overemphasized And the order of Samadhi to achieve the state of "non-duality" is unclear. causing many misunderstandings 事實上博伽梵歌提到一個很關鍵的內景,就是龍神的內景 一個可怕的大嘴巴,這就是龍神或者明王的內景,也就是初級真人的內景 但是對於如何達到這個龍神內景卻是語焉不詳 當然又造成了一堆誤解 In fact, Bhagavad-gita mentioned a very key interior scene, that is, the interior scene of the Dragon God A terrifying big mouth, this is the interior scene of the Dragon God or King Ming, which is the interior scene of the primary real person However, it is unclear how to achieve this interior scene of the Dragon God. Of course, it caused a lot of misunderstandings 第一,很少人能練到真人階段,知道這個大嘴巴從何而來 第二,不知道這大嘴巴的真人來歷,自然就不知道達到大嘴巴真人的次第 因此,一堆誤解就此產生 First, very few people can reach the immortal stage and know where this big mouth comes from Second, if you don't know the origin of the real person(immortal) with big mouth, you naturally don't know the order of reaching the real person with big mouth. So a bunch of misunderstandings arose
  5. 當一群人沈溺在『不二』的感覺當中的時候 這些人為什麼不去看看佛經中到底怎麼提到『不二』? 佛經當中,都是直接講『定』的種類 從來不會講『不二』的狀態 『不二』的狀態是扭曲的禪宗所炒作出來的一種『禪宗情懷』 並非是真正的禪定 When a group of people indulge in the feeling of "non-duality" Why don't these people go and see how "non-duality" is mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures? In the Buddhist scriptures, they all directly talk about the type of "Samadhi". Never talk about the state of "non-duality" The state of "non-duality" is a kind of "Zen feeling" hyped up by distorted Zen not real Samadhi
  6. 怎樣是正知者在流轉永盡上的慧為般涅槃智? What is the Wisdom of the Right Knowing One in the eternal flow of Nirvana Wisdom? 這裡,正知者以離欲終結欲的意欲的流轉; Here, the right knower ends the flow of desire with renunciation; 以無害意終結害意的流轉; 以光明想終結惛沈睡眠的流轉; To end the flow of slumbering sleep with the bright state; 以不散亂終結掉舉的流轉; To end the flow of mishaps by not being scattered; 以法的區別(界定)終結疑的……(中略) 以智終結無明的…… To end the non-brightness by wisdom 以欣悅終結不樂的…… 以初禪終結諸蓋的流轉……(中略) 以阿羅漢道終結一切污染的流轉。 From Paṭisambhidā-magga by Buddha's first student, S/a^riputraṭisambhidāmagga
  7. 什麽是奢摩他力? 因離欲而心一境性不散亂為奢摩他力; 因無惡意而心一境性不散亂為奢摩他力; 因光明想心一境性不散亂為奢摩他力; 因不散亂而心一境性不散亂為奢摩他力……(中略) 因隨觀斷念吸氣而心一境性不散亂為奢摩他力; 因隨觀斷念呼氣而心一境性不散亂為奢摩他力。 From Paṭisambhidā-magga by Buddha's first student, S/a^riputra 因光明想心一境性不散亂為奢摩他力; 因 because 光明想 the state of light 心一境性 the state of one mind 不散亂 not scattered 為 is 奢摩他力 the power of samattha bhavana Because the state of light, those who is in the state of one mind and not scattered is the power of samattha bhavana.
  8. 怎樣是自制後在定上的慧為定修習所成智? 有一種定:心一境性。 有二種定:世間定、出世間定。 有三種定:有尋有伺定、無尋唯伺定、無尋無伺定。 有四種定:退分定、住分定、勝進分定、洞察分定。 有五種定:喜遍滿的狀態、樂遍滿的狀態、心遍滿的狀態、光明遍滿的狀態、觀察相。 From Paṭisambhidā-magga by Buddha's first student, S/a^riputra What is the wisdom in samadhi after self-control is the wisdom achieved by the cultivation of samadhi? There is one kind of samadhi: one-pointedness of mind. There are two kinds of samadhi: mundane concentration and supramundane concentration. There are three kinds of samādhi: samādhi with seeking and awaiting, samādhi without seeking and with awaiting, and samādhi without seeking and awaiting. There are four kinds of samadhi: the concentration of retreat, the concentration of living, the concentration of victory and progress, and the concentration of insight. There are five kinds of samadhi: the state of joy, the state of bliss, the state of mind, the state of brightness, and the observation of signs. Light is one of the states of samadhi. It is a lie to say that you have entered samadhi when there is no light
  9. 光明想應該被證知 From Paṭisambhidā-magga by Buddha's first student, S/a^riputra 光明 brightness, light 想 concept(change to 'state') 應該 should 被證知 to be proved and known The state of light should be proved and known. 佛陀第一個學生,舍利弗,寫下這段話,希望後人要能夠實證光的存在 今天我在這裡寫下這些文章,卻被一群練氣功的人在背後嘲笑 真是諷刺啊 The first student of the Buddha, Shariputra, wrote these words in the hope that future generations will be able to prove the existence of light Today I wrote these articles here, but I was laughed at by a group of qigong practitioners It's ironic
  10. 當為了得到光明想之目的而努力,光明想被得到,這樣,那個法就被遍知與完成 From Paṭisambhidā-magga by Buddha's first student, S/a^riputra When you work hard for the purpose of obtaining the concept of light, the concept of light is obtained, and then the Dharma is omniscient and completed. 這裡的『想』翻譯為『觀念』有點不太對,因為觀念不需要努力才可以得到 所以這裡的『想』,應該是『意之所在』,也就是一種狀態,功態,跟四念處有類似的用法 The translation of "想" as "concept" here is a bit inaccurate, because concepts don't require effort to get Therefore, the "想" here should be "the place of the attention",a state, or a gong state, which has a similar usage with the four mindfulness places. When you work hard for the purpose of obtaining the state of light, the state of light is obtained, and then the Dharma is omniscient and completed.
  11. 光明想應該被證知 From Paṭisambhidā-magga by Buddha's first student, S/a^riputra 光明 brightness, light 想 concept 應該 should 被證知 to be proved and known The concept of light should be proved and known. 現在有許多只練氣的人,不承認光是氣精緻化 因為有三分之二的人,從小就看不見光 光對這些人來說,從來沒有存在過 或許因為如此,舍利弗才會寫下這樣的話吧 否定光在禪定當中的存在,應該自古以來就有這種情況 Nowadays, there are many people who only practice qi, but they do not admit that light is the refinement of qi. Because two-thirds of people have not seen the light since childhood Light has never existed for these people Perhaps because of this, Shariputra wrote such words. Denying the existence of light in meditation should have been the case since ancient times
  12. 而對於初學者採用自發功的原因,是因為自發功沒有限制姿勢 由於自發功沒有姿勢上的限制,而是姿勢和動作跟著氣 因此能夠讓氣自由的去打通經脈 這種讓氣自由的方式,可以引發強力的氣感,可以很快地打通經脈 比坐著不動等可以有更快的效果 For beginners, the reason for using spontaneous exercise is because there is no limit to the posture of spontaneous exercise. Since spontaneous gong is not limited by posture, posture and action follow the qi Therefore, the qi can be freed to open up the meridians This way of letting qi free can induce a strong sense of qi, and can quickly open up the meridians Faster results than sitting still , standing still , fixed posture or fixed movements. Therefore, I will ask the beginners to start from spontaneous gong. I give another topic about spontaneous gong. Please read them first.
  13. 我的教學是透過日記的 並非有固定的方法 我會檢查你的修煉方式是否能夠產生演化 因為丹道修煉的重點在於演化 如果你能產生演化的能力 就能夠從氣演化成光和入定,再演化成陽生,產生金丹 所以如果你有興趣跟著我一起練無為丹道 請你發私訊給我,我會在私人討論區開設一個日記主題給你 然後在你的日記當中找出可以讓你進步的建議 這是我的教學方式 My teaching is through journaling There is no set way I will check to see if your cultivation can evolve Because the focus of alchemy cultivation lies in evolution If you can generate the ability to evolve It will be able to evolve from Qi to light and samadhi, and then evolve into Yang Sheng, resulting in Jin Dan. So if you are interested in cultivating Wuwei Dan Dao with me Please send me a private message and I will open a diary topic for you in the private discussion area Then look in your journal for suggestions for improvement This is how I teach
  14. 單一性的正光亮義應該被證知。 單一性的 single 正 right, correct, main, straight, positive, just... 光亮 light 義 meaning 應該 should 被證知 be proved and known There are many meanings about 『正』 I choose the meanings of 'main' or 'correct' to translate. The meaning of the correct single light should be proved and known. The meaning of the main single light should be proved and known. 從前面幾個描述來看,『上』,『隨』,『向』,這三個字講的是光的特性,因此我傾向採用'main'這個定義 From the previous descriptions, "up", "follow", "toward", these three words refer to the characteristics of light, so I tend to use the definition of 'main' The meaning of the main single light should be proved and known. 採用‘main'的理由是,光在產生的過程中,有很多雜訊的光 而這些雜訊的光並非是主要的光 例如在產生烏肝的過程中,也會出現各式各樣的雜光 例如很多小點狀的光 例如剛閉眼時候的紅光可能是太陽反射光 因此相對這種雜光,我就採取'main'作為翻譯用字 The reason for using 'main' is that in the process of light generation, there is a lot of noise light And the light of these noises is not the main light For example, in the process of producing black liver, all kinds of stray light will also appear such as many small dots of light For example, the red light when you just close your eyes may be reflected from the sun Therefore, relative to this stray light, I use 'main' as the translation word
  15. 我在網路上和人互動有給自己立下一些規則,以免我浪費太多時間在和他人爭論上 例如不和無心修行的人溝通 當我確認某個人完全沒有希望可以達到三階段陽生的可能,我就會放棄跟這個人溝通 因為我花費時間在網路上的唯一原因,就是找出那個有希望練出三階段陽生的人 I have some rules for myself when interacting with people online so that I don't waste too much time arguing with others For example, do not communicate with people who do not want to cultivate When I confirm that there is absolutely no hope for someone to reach the third stage of yang birth, I will give up communicating with this person Because the only reason I spend time on the internet is to find out who has the potential to reach the third stage of yangsheng 我並非整天無所事事,上網只是為了找人聊天 事實上我完全不需要找人聊天 我上網就是為了找真正有心的修行者 I'm not doing nothing all day, just surfing the web to find someone to chat with In fact I don't need anyone to chat at all I go online just to find genuine practitioners 所以當你被我認定為沒有希望的人的時候 我只能跟你抱歉,我的時間有限 只想把時間留給重要的人 So when you were identified as hopeless by me I can only apologize to you, my time is limited I just want to save time for the important people 我發現這裡有很多人喜歡找人鬥嘴 當然這是論壇的活力來源 我也曾經遵循過這樣的傳統 但是我發現這對我來說太過浪費精力 所以當我發現有這樣的人的時候,我就把這樣的人列入忽略名單 這樣可以避免浪費太多時間在不想修煉的人身上 可以把時間集中在想修煉的人身上 I see a lot of people here who like to have a fight Of course this is the source of the forum's vitality I have followed this tradition But I find it too wasteful for me So when I find someone like that, I put someone like that on the ignore list This can avoid wasting too much time on people who don't want to cultivate Then I can focus my time on those who want to cultivate
  16. 我在網路上和人互動有給自己立下一些規則,以免我浪費太多時間在和他人爭論上 例如不和無心修行的人溝通 當我確認某個人完全沒有希望可以達到三階段陽生的可能,我就會放棄跟這個人溝通 因為我花費時間在網路上的唯一原因,就是找出那個有希望練出三階段陽生的人 I have some rules for myself when interacting with people online so that I don't waste too much time arguing with others For example, do not communicate with people who do not want to cultivate When I confirm that there is absolutely no hope for someone to reach the third stage of yang birth, I will give up communicating with this person Because the only reason I spend time on the internet is to find out who has the potential to reach the third stage of yangsheng 我並非整天無所事事,上網只是為了找人聊天 事實上我完全不需要找人聊天 我上網就是為了找真正有心的修行者 I'm not doing nothing all day, just surfing the web to find someone to chat with In fact I don't need anyone to chat at all I go online just to find genuine practitioners 所以當你被我認定為沒有希望的人的時候 我只能跟你抱歉,我的時間有限 只想把時間留給重要的人 So when you were identified as hopeless by me I can only apologize to you, my time is limited I just want to save time for the important people
  17. 單一性的[持續]向光亮義應該被證知; 單一性的 single 『持續』向 (continue) toward 光亮 light 義 meaning 應該 should 被證知 be proved and known The meaning of continuing toward single light should be proved and known. 在頭上的光是可以被跟隨和被定向的,這種類型的光就出現在第二禪定狀態,也就是烏肝狀態 當氣走到一個程度,如果意念沒有被刻意固定住的話,則光會自然出現 這個時候,光和氣之間是可以被轉換的,你可以選擇回到氣,固定在氣,你也可以選擇跟隨光,持續跟著光 The light on the head can be followed and directed, and this type of light occurs in the second meditative state, the black liver state When the qi reaches a certain level, if the mind is not deliberately fixed, the light will appear naturally At this time, light and qi can be converted. You can choose to return to qi and stay in qi, or you can choose to follow the light and continue to follow the light.
  18. 只贪名利求荣显,不觉形容暗悴枯。 Only greed for fame and fortune, and unknowingly the body would be dark and haggard. 這裡看到紫陽真人張伯端批評世俗之人追求名利,卻忘了自己的壽命將至 Here, we see Zhang Boduan, the real person of Ziyang, criticizing the secular people for pursuing fame and fortune, but forgetting that his lifespan is approaching
  19. 單一性的隨光亮義應該被證知; 單一性的 single 隨 follow 光亮 light 義 meaning 應該 should 被證知 be proved and known The meaning of single follow light should be proved and known. 光的產生並非是意念的用力,而是意念的跟隨 佛陀的教法,從初禪到二禪的方法就是『有尋有伺』,就是一種『隨』 The generation of light is not the force of the attention, but the following of the attention The Buddha's teaching method, the method from the first jhana to the second jhāna is "seeking and awaiting", which is a kind of "following".
  20. 『不二』不是一種經驗 而是一種進入三摩地的心態 "Non-duality" is not an experience but a state of mind that enters samadhi 如果你做到了『不二』的心態 你的三摩地會產生質的改變 If you have achieved the "non-duality" mentality Your samadhi will make a qualitative difference 如果你沒光,你會產生光 如果你有光,初級的烏肝光,你會繼續產生兔髓光 如果你有烏肝和兔髓光,你會繼續產生陽生光 到某個程度,你會產生滿月一樣的圓形光,這時候你就可以確定你走對路了 If you have no light, light will be produced If you have light, primary black liver light, rabbit marrow light will be produced If you have black liver and rabbit pith light, the YanShen light will be produced At a certain point, you'll have a full moon-like circular light, and that's when you can be sure you're on the right track 如果你只有一種『感覺』,覺得你達到『不二』的感覺,那很肯定的,你搞錯方向了 If you only have one 'feeling', that you have achieved the feeling of 'non-duality', then for sure, you are going in the opposite direction
  21. 百岁光阴石火烁,一生身世水泡浮。 A hundred years of time is like the stone fire shining, and the experience of life is bubbling. 一輩子好像很漫長,事實上就像是打火石上的火花一樣,一下子就消失了 Life seems to be a long time, but in fact it is like a spark on a flint and it disappears at once 一輩子的事情就像在水上一樣,浮浮沈沈 The things of a lifetime are like being on the water, ups and downs 如果在身體上追求長生,不管再怎麼長生,也是如火花一樣的短 壽命是非常有限的 If you pursue longevity physically, no matter how long you live, it will be as short as a spark Lifespan is very limited
  22. 單一性的上光亮義應該被證知; 單一性的 single 上 up 光亮 light 義 meaning 應該 should 被證知 be proved and known The meaning of single up light should be proved and known. 光出現在眼前虛空,在頭的前方,屬於第三眼開啟的功能。 因此位置為『上』 The light appears in the void in front of the eyes, in front of the head, which belongs to the function of opening the third eye. Therefore the position is "up"
  23. 不求大道出迷途,纵负贤才岂丈夫。 Don't seek the Dao to go astray, even if you are a virtuous person, you will not be a real man. 沈迷人世間的慾望,看不透生死,非真男人 Indulge in the desire of the world, can't see through life and death, not a real man 所以『修真』不以追逐慾望為根本,但是我們看到搬運法的背後心態,經常是帶有強烈的個人慾望,這就已經違反了『修真』的根本之道了 Therefore, "Cultivating the truth" is not based on the pursuit of desire, but we see that the mentality behind the transfer method often has strong personal desires, which has violated the fundamental way of "Cultivating the truth "
  24. 『無解礙道』是佛陀的第一個學生,舍利弗所寫 Paṭisambhidā-magga was written by Buddha's first student, S/a^riputra 單一性的光亮義應該被證知; 單一性的上光亮義應該被證知; 單一性的隨光亮義應該被證知; 單一性的[持續]向光亮義應該被證知; 單一性的正光亮義應該被證知。 單一性 single 的光亮 of light 義 meaning 應該 should 被證知 be proved and known The meaning of single light should be proved and known. 這本書是佛陀第一個學生寫的,很高興沒有受到很大的扭曲 對於光的態度非常的明確 This book was written by Buddha's first student, and it's nice to not be greatly distorted Very clear attitude to light
  25. Looking for a new teacher/school after Healing Tao

    Most lineages are fake. Many people in China use this to deceive people 你最好想好你要學什麼 直接去找這樣的老師就好了 You better think about what you want to learn Just go to a teacher like this