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Everything posted by awaken

  1. Let's read some poems

    無念方能靜 Only no thoughts can be quiet. 靜中氣歸平 In the quiet, qi come back to be stable.
  2. The Goal

    Your goal is attacking people here? Why are you here? Tell everyone you are right? Does anyone here agree you are right?
  3. The Goal

    you should worry if there are too many worms in your schools. We don't need you to worry about us.
  4. The Goal

    以小人之心,度君子之腹 【拼音】:yǐ xiǎo rén zhī xīn,duó jūn zǐ zhī fù In a small man's heart to guess the belly of a gung Zi. 夏蟲不可語冰 【拼音】:xià chóng bù kě yǐ yǔ bīng We can't tell the summer worm what is ice. It means we can't let the worm only live in summer know what is ice. That is why guan Zi told a story about a super big bird in the first chapter. We don't expect everyone can understand what dao is. Lu don bin say it very clearly. The secret door is very important. So that is why he ask who can know the secret door. If you don't know what is the secret door, how can you say you know what dao is? How can you say the names of the ancestors祖師爺? Did you have kept the ancestors in mind? Do you feel shame to the ancestors ? I saw some people think there is no goal in dao. I don't think so. There is always goal in Daoist practicing.
  5. The Goal

    I add some more words Just like the coast come and back (every day) 日日means every day
  6. It seems to have a lot of people practicing martial arts here, Taiji, Baqua...etc. Is anyone practicing Bajiquan here? 八極拳
  7. The Goal

    A poem from Lu don bin 舉世盡皆尋此道 People All the world are looking for the way(dao) 誰人空裡得玄關, Who can get the secret gate (in the emptiness) 明明道在堪消息 It is very clear that dao is right there(can be easily seen by the messages around us) 日日灘頭去又還 Just like the coast go and back Ha, try to use my poor English to translate like a poem too.
  8. Is anyone practicing Bajiquan?

    Yes, I am from wu tan system.
  9. The Goal

    I am thankful for your effort to advertise Chinese daoism culture. But if you can listen to a native speaker of Chinese. You will learn more and misunderstand less of dao.
  10. The Goal

    I am a traditional Dao practicer. And I can read these traditional Chinese old texts directly. I also read a lot of articles and did a lot of practice. I agree Lui Dongbin, Zhongli Quan, Zhang Boduan is the right apples. But I don't agree that Wu Chongxu, Liu Hauyan are right apples. They are not the same. Please don't mix their names together. Thank you.
  11. Cooling Down

    You're right.
  12. Cooling Down

    Did you learn meditation from someone else? If you did, he only teach you the half step. Just as other posts in the thread, you are lack of Ying. You only practice yang. You didn't finish the whole meditation. So that is why you have too much heat.
  13. Question about stages in Neidan

    After the heat, you will feel electricity around. The heat is like burning. Burning-> electricity-> light The heat stage is 練精 stage, training Jin stage.
  14. Many years, when I was a beginner, I dreamed a lot. I dreamed of flying, running, big moon, big son, explosion, buddhisatva, dancing water, fire,etc... Now, I use dreams to exam my state. If I dream, I know I need more meditation. Because the block of the heart make me dream. It is called five covers. If I have no dream, I know I get better.
  15. middle dantien meditation

    Middle dan tian is not for a beginner. If you are biginne, you should start from the basic layer. 練精化氣 Middle dan tian is 化神 layer.
  16. middle dantien meditation

    I am a woman. I don't focus on middle dan tian. I focus on Xiuan guan. Focusing on Xiuan guan will relax middle dan tian. But I don't focus on Xiuan guan directly. I follow the rules of wu Wei. The rules of wu Wei will open the Xiuan guan by it self. I just relax and let everything happen. I don't suggest anyone focus on middle dan tian. It will hurt your body. The Qi will block in your chest. It will make a Qi disease.
  17. .

    The interchange of energy between Heart fire 心火 and kidney water腎水 is based on the clean 意土 yi earth. 心藏神火 the Shen fire is hidden in the heart. 腎藏水 the Jin water is hidden in the kidney. 脾藏意 the yi is hidden in the spleen. The pure yi , real yi, can let the energy of heart And kidney interchange. 心腎交 After 心腎交, we can open the secret door, Xiuang guan. But many people don't know what is pure yi, so they can't open the secret door. They only can rotate the lower Dan tian. If the teacher only teach you rotate the lower Dan tian, he is just a qi gung teacher, not a Dan dao teacher. A real Dan dao teacher will teach you how to pure your yi, what is real yi, how to open the secret door.
  18. I found the discriptions of the three options are very strange. I don't think people who are enlighten are Buddha. Enlightment is just a basic understanding about how to practice in original face. Enlightment is not a Buddha. Too far away. About 'awakening', we can see from 圓覺經, 知幻即離,離幻即覺 Knowing the illusions is leaving, Leaving the illusions is awakening. So awakening from the illusions is the real awakening. Awaring the existing of illusions is awakening. There are a lot of illusions. Can you aware them all? Do you know what is illusions?
  19. where to start?

    You can learn from me. I will tell you what is fake Dan dao and what is true Dan dao.
  20. Why must the Dao De Jhing be translated right?

    I don't like to read the translations of DDJ or other classics. I read DDJ and classics directly. I read sutras directly. There are many classics and sutras. Why do you want to find the best translations? I don't read a single classics. I read many classics, not only DDJ. There are many classics. Except DDJ, I read 周易參同契,悟真篇,樂育堂語錄,鐘呂傳道集,修真辨難,重陽全真集,黃庭經,楞嚴經,金剛經,心經,圓覺經,阿含經,四書,傳習錄等等。 I read a lot of Chinese classics. Not only DDJ. I am read 華嚴經 recently.
  21. I saw this information in qq group of 桐柏宮 ton bou goun. Share it to people who interested in it.
  22. Shi Shen and Yuan Shen

    Shi Shen die--> yuan Shen wake up --> void --> golden Dan ---> immortals
  23. Shi Shen and Yuan Shen

    I don't think the high level way of Dan is fit for everyone. It is just for few people. But people has the right to know it and not be misleads by the low level of Dan. I don't think Xiuang guan is for the bigginger. I have practiced for many years to know what the Xiuang guan is. I think we should give people a chance to know the high level way of Dan. I have thought maybe I spent too much time to tell everyone the top secret way of Dan. If you are the Daoist, you should now Jin is very important. When we write too much, we will hurt our Jin. It is very difficult to cultivate Xiuang guan to create immortals. We must spend many years for a little progress. The more progress we made , the less we can keep on going. 心死神活 The ego heart die, the yuan Shen live. It is very difficult to cross this. Hope every Daoist practicers can walk the right way. Don't waste too much time in the low level way of Dan. If you only can understand the low level way, please don't attack the people who would like to share the high level.
  24. There is a tel number. You can call them if you want. I think ceremony is Daoist skill for making money.
  25. Shi Shen and Yuan Shen

    不識真鉛正祖宗 萬般作用枉施功 The people who don't know the real lead, the real origin Any effort is all waste The origion is not min door, not the place in our body Min door is the place start our breath The breath will encourage the qi The qi will bring us to open Xiuang guan But, if you don't know anything about the origin, the source You think some place in the body is the 本 or 源 origin You won't see the source forever. Why? It's very difficult to tell someone who don't see themselves back If you chase the things outside, you can't see inside I try to use the words to tell you, but I know it very hard for you to know ------- The stuffs that can be awared are all not the origin.