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Everything posted by awaken

  1. I am sorry that I have to say what you said is wrong. The light you know is lead light, not gold light. Only lead light can be seen by opening eyes. Because your ego Shen exist, the only light you can see is like what you said. But this is not the light was written in daoist texts. The gold light must past through Hun dun and get into samadhi . After cleaning all the five Yings, then the gold light appear. It is totally different from the light you saw before. I have seen the lead light you wrote about all my life. But the gold light appear very very rare. Only in a very short moment after the five Yings is end. That is what the real light. The light you see is lead light. This lead light is the material of cleaning the five Yings. It is just small medicine. Small medicine should be used to clean Yings. But most people don't know it. Most people think this is the real dan. But I am very sorry to say that it is not. It is called small dan 小還丹 The daoist cultivators need to achieve big dan. And big dan is not grown by small dan. Small dan will be used to melt Yings. After Yings are all cleared, the big dan appear suddenly. 赫赫金丹一日成 Zhang bou duan said it very clearly. The big dan is totally different from the small dan. You can't have your eyes, ear, nose, mouth, body, thinking... All these function of body are all disappear. Only pure awareness exist. The shape of the big dan change a lot, the pics you can see in different religions and cultures Mandala, full moon, even imortal are all fron big dan Therefore, if you try to cultivate the small dan into bigger dan, you are cultivating in the wrong way.
  2. A river has energy but doesn't store it. ----> agree When you cultivate, you are making more rivers in your body
  3. The movie of Lao Zi

    Ha, these kind of movies are very boring. I like to watch the superhero movies.
  4. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 3

    I don't know. But I receive your qi. Very strong. This qi make me unconsentrate. In lower Dan tian and legs.
  5. Sitting meditation not comfortable

    You should not start from sitting because your qi of legs not open yet. You should start from moving gung 動功
  6. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 3

    Agree that.. Drop desires and simply live you life But ... Can anyone reach it? Drop all the desires? When we have the desires, can we drop them ? I know I can't. How about you? When I have "I", I have desires. I know my desires always there. When I have no "I", then desires disappear. The desires follow the exist of ego. The existence of ego produce the desires. So the next chapter, ch 4, talk about the Xiuan Guan again.
  7. The movie of Lao Zi More movies here
  8. I suggest that you can open your heart entrance, then you can receive people's chi. If you can receive people's chi, you can distinguish who is true teacher and who is just a daoist scholar. If you want to know how to open the heart entrence , I can teach you. You don't need to treat me as a true teacher. I know I am stupid sometimes. So I only teach you the way of wu Wei which can open the emptiness and heart entrence. You got to find your own wisdom. You can treat me as a elementiary school teacher or a junior high teacher. I teach you how to open the door to have the ability to distinguish who is the true teacher. You can feel by yourself. You can use your chi to feel people to know if they are true or not. If you have this ability, the fact you find might shock you. If you are interested to learn from me, please go to my space to read my post first. You must decide if you can write four diaries a month. If you don't write diaries, I don't know how to teach you. That is the way I found most effective way. I teach for free. You don't need to give me any money. You just need to write four diaries a month to me. I will tell you how to adjust your cultivation way. I try to teach in a group. Every student in the group need to write diaries, or I won teach you. If you know how to open your heart entrence and you can feel the chi. You can leave to teach your students. I don't care. I just hope more people have the ability to know who is true and who is fake. How long will the class last? I don't know how long you can open your heart entrence. But a few "years" is needed at least. If you can't insist to write four diaries a month to me, please don't ask me any questions. I only teach the person who is willing to cultivate and share his diaries.
  9. Methods, transmission of them and miracles

    Can you show me what is the official document in Chinese saying Wang Chongyang was very unhealth and alcoholic? Where is your official document from? Wiki? This is a formal article about wang. And this article write every evidence very clear. I didn't see the same thing with you. I don't know where your official doc come from.王重陽&variant=zh-tw We can see he past the exam of 武舉武举 宋代 編輯 宋仁宗以來便有武舉制度。每舉率七十人赴省試。前期軍頭引見司於內弓箭庫試驗弓馬,於別所附試程文七書義五道、兵機策二道。榜首為補保義郎,與巡檢差遣。 宋室渡江以後,試弓馬於殿前司。每舉登第者率20人。 淳熙二年三月乙已,詔武舉第一人為補秉義郎,堂除諸軍計議官。七年,改武舉殿試第一名與御前同正將,三名以上同副將,五名以上及省試魁同準備將,始為中舉者即從軍之先例。 武舉出身的人士,亦有「絕倫」的評價標準。淳熙十年,凡邊縣武舉出身人,能「射兩石弓,馬射九斗」,謂之「絕倫」[1]。 武舉 is the country exam of martial arts. The people who can past the country exam of martial arts are very strong. I don't know where did you get the "official doc" that wang were unhealthy and alcoholic. I hope people who learn the daoist cultivation should not get the knowledges from English translated doc. You should read the Chinese original doc to know the truth. The link I provide that can give a lot of original doc to read. Please read it before You talk about something that you don't know.終南山神仙重陽真人全真教祖碑 This is original texts about wang. Unhealthy? alcoholic? Please read it first. If you read the posts of Dawei, you can see how Chinese think about drinking. Alcoholic? You really think too much. 正隆己卯問,忽遇至人於甘河,以師為可教,密付口訣及飲以神水。自是盡斷諸綠,同塵萬有,陽狂垢污,人益叵測。慮夫大音不入俚耳,至言不契眾心,故多為玩世辭語,使人喜聞而易入。其變異談詭千態萬狀,不可窮請。嗚呼,箕子狂九疇叔,接輿狂鳳歌出,權智倒橫直堅,均於扶世立教良有以也。 We can see the different version about wang's crazy behavior. It said because want met someone special, he started to be different. In this version, we didn't see wang drink. If you are my students, you will know very clear why people think you are drunk. When we start to practice moving goung, we looks like drinker at the beginning. I have been to 重陽宮 to see the two different places of wang's practicing. The place he practiced moving gong is different from the place he practiced Jin gong.
  10. Ha, it is very obviously. Your Qi are entering your heart. The heart is the last process of Qi. After Qi get into the heart, we get into the world of Shen. 練氣化神 Practice the Qi into Shen I have this situation for many years. Please don't resist. Let it happen. Even fall asleep, it is ok. When you sleep, you will feel your body sleep, but your Shen awake. That is 識神隱,元神現 Shi Shen disappear, yuan Shen appear
  11. 第十章 天門開闔,能為雌乎﹖ I think 天門,the gate of heaven, is Xiuan Guan. 雌,is 金母,golden female, the first imortal, and it is also a 谷神,valley Shen, valley spirit. DDJ wrote a lot about dan dao.
  12. Mair 5:3 I found another version in English.
  13. Thank you. What is the word "cultivate" mean?
  14. So "practice" is a suitable word?
  15. Dawei told me "cultivation " is not a proper word . But I don't know which word is more suitable to discribe the concept "修煉".
  16. He teach of course. But he choose students. And he don't like students call him teacher. Ha, I choose students, too. I don't teach the people I don't like or too blind. I think my students are very wise. They are very smart to recognize what is important. I just teach wu Wei. But this friend, he don't teach like me, he teach by energy. He doesn't say too much. But he did something to increase your energy. His teaching is very special. He know the process of immortal. But if I don't have the experience there, he won't tell me anything about it.
  17. I have a friend. When he was young , he was a professional teacher. And he was supported. He didn't need to work. People gave him money. But now he works. I ask him why you don't want these support money? He just Shake his head and say a simple sentence. For pure soul He don't like to take things free from others. He believes karma. He often said he has the ability to earn money. At first, I don't know why he said that often. Recently, I visited him. He finally told me that he was a teacher before. Many people came to temple to see him and give him a lot of money. He don't like to talk too much about that. I have known him for many years. I know he is special. But I don't know how special he is. I have heard from other friend that people visit him and kneel to worship him. Obviously, these people treat him as an immortal.
  18. Unexpected Tools for Cultivation

    Good topic I don't know if Xiuan Guan could count the tools or not. I used to use many tools Mantras, imaging, asana, observing the thoughts..... Even rocks like many kinds of crystal But I think Xiuan Guan is a good tool(if it can be a tool) It can make me get into stillness in seconds
  19. 张高澄道长 - Daoist Zhang Gaocheng

    Haha... Interesting When I was in 桐柏宮,I saw some daozhangs play flute. I bought one from the friends in 桐柏宮 They also play 古琴 I saw one young and handsome daozhang play Guqin very well. And some daozhangs practice Chinese Kung Fu in the yard every morning. The weather is good and comfortable in summer. The earth Qi in 桐柏宮 is very strong. The mountain has a lot of hard rock. The view there is very beautiful. 桐柏宮 is a good place for Anyone who is interested in daoist culture. And there are some good place worth to visit in China. I have been to 重陽宮 in 西安 once I have heard 青羊宮 in 四川 is good, too. This is 陳師行功夫館 Look good, too. But it seems to emphasize in Kung fu, not daoist cultivation. We are very lucky to live in the internet world. We can communicate very easily. I am glad there is a forum like this web and there are so many good people here who are interested in Chinese culture. I want to learn English and you want to know Chinese culture. We can be good friends. Maybe some day, we can visit China together or we can make a meeting in 桐柏宮...
  20. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 2

    In the beginning.... That is long time ago.... I don't remember the detail now... I learned DDJ when I was a university student. I went to classroom and listened to the teacher. I don't remember what he said now. Even how the teacher looked like... Actually, I don't spent a lot of time in DDJ. But many articles mentioned about DDJ. It is one of the sources of Chinese core culture. It is good for you spent time in DDJ. You have your own way. What you said is good. If you have any questions in DDJ that I can help, I will do my best to discribe it to you. I am glad you like Chinese culture. I love Chinese culture, too.
  21. 张高澄道长 - Daoist Zhang Gaocheng

    You really don't understand what I said. Now I recognize your hostility. Sorry I have no choice that I have to ignore your questions from now on. When we talk, we must notice the 弦外之音,the things that we don't talk about. That is more important then the questions are. Some people are very smart to know that, for example , Jeff ,ha. But not everyone. To talk to someone who has a clear heart is very pleasure. But.... When you are chasing something outside, you forget your feet. I have talked a lot about wu Liu pai. If you are interested in what I talked about wu Liu pai, you can read the posts I have written before in other threads. I like zhang daozhang. I don't won't to judge or criticize him. What he did for Daoism is much more then me. How can I have the qualification to judge his words? He is the one we should show our respect, not judgement on the net. If you are interested in my concepts, you can read my posts. If you are interested in zhang daozhang ,you can donate money to 桐柏宮 I would say thank you for your beneficent。
  22. 张高澄道长 - Daoist Zhang Gaocheng

    We can show our concepts to every school. But we should not judge every friends we have. I have many friends practice wu Liu pai. I know they practice wu Liu pai. They know I don't agree wu Liu pai. That is all. We don't continue to argue by this different concepts. And I don't like to talk this to an unfriendly people who I don't know on the net. After I wrote so much posts here, you should know that. If you even don't know the simple concepts from me, how can I except you to understand the concepts that are more complex? When we talk to someone, to be friendly is very important. I am sorry that your teacher didn't teach you that. Having a good heart is very important for a daoist cultivator. I can feel your hostility from a very far country, how can you expect I answer your questions? 煉心 cultivating our heart is very important part in daoist cultivation. If your teacher don't do this, I suggest you should go to China to find more true teachers to see how they talk about 煉心。 I come here not for answering unfriendly people's questions. I come here to inviting 'friends' here to practicing with me. Of course, "friends " means friendly people. I am glad to answer the friendly people who learn from me. But I don't like to answer the questions from unfriendly people. If you keep on ignoring my asking about the friendly heart, of course I would ignore your questions. Chang daozhang is a great man. He did a lot contribution for Daoism. The temple , 桐柏宮, he stays is a good place. Every daozhang has their own roads. Chinese daozhang don't easily to share their core cultivating concepts unless they treat you as "friends". When I met Chang daozhang, I don't ask him to answer these core questions. Because I know it is not polite. I am very sorry that your teacher didn't teach you these basic manners. I made friends with some daozhangs there. I don't ask them to share the core concepts with me, but some daozhangs discuss with me. They are very careful to make sure that I just have a pure heart to make friends with them, then they start to share their core concepts. So I am telling you a very important concepts. If you want to discuss core concepts with a cultivators, to correct the heart is the first thing you need to do,not your rude questions. 正心誠意 correct the heart , be honest in your yii. 方可 so you can have 心正意誠 a 正 heart and an honest 意 談玄論道 talking about dao 不應 should not 刀光劍影 means full of hostility
  23. Methods, transmission of them and miracles

    1159年6月,王重陽46歲,任甘河鎮酒監(徵收酒稅的小吏)時,頗不得意,身心俱疲,自稱「王害風」,又傾心道教,一日醉遇二道者,或說是正陽真人鍾離權、純陽真人呂洞賓(或說廣陽真人劉海蟾)密授修真口訣。他於是改名嚞,一名喆,字知明,道號重陽子。王重陽 He is a government officer of alcohol tax. He is my hero, ha. I read his story when I was 10. Let's see one of his poems. 釋道從來是一家,Buddhism and Daoism are always the same family 兩般形貌理無差。two different faces but the same teaching 識心見性全真覺,shi mind appear Xin all real awareness 知汞通鉛結善芽。knowing well the mercury and lead to produce good bud
  24. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 2

    Ha, there's a novel that mentioned about this situation. People are chasing the details of every words. They are so fascinated by these secret words. Everyone learned a lot and forget to go home. Their family think they were stocked in an island.