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But what specially intrigues me is the feeling of mutual feedback between “energy” and “quiet mind”. When I tried meditation focusing on my breath, I quickly discovered that, in order to quiet the mind, the “energy” was a far more effective attractor than breath. So what’s the problem if you just use this “energy” as meditation object? They seemed to be helping each other, as the more energy you feel the more silent is your mind and vice versa. I wish I had found at that time something like this (thanks again, Pilgrim): ---------------------------------- This is a right way. In dan dao, it is called 以鉛制汞 以鉛制汞 using lead to control mercury Real lead means energy Real mercury means focus, mind Meditation objects always changes At first, start in breath or body moving Second, energy Third, lights Forth, Hun-dun Fifth, emptiness So if the energy appear, we should move our meditation object to energy We should not force ourself back to breathe When the light appear, we should move our meditation object to light We should not force our meditation object back to energy The next stages are the same Our meditation object should follow the change of signal At first , the signals is not easy to be discovered If you don't use methods to force your meditation object in a fixed object You always can find the signals
Thank you for translate it Yes They actually pray to Zhang But the doist 道士 there don't cultivate Zhang's teaching They also curious about my cultivation How do I cultivate Zhang's way
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http://ctext.org/library.pl?if=gb&file=98830&by_collection=132&page=4 Have you ever read this? This classic was written by zhang.
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Zhang had never founded any school. His student of student of....( I don't know how to say it) founded it. He just taught some students. I like his teaching very much. I follow his teaching these years.
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Getting a feel for "awareness" to achieve it: what's the difference between the state of "awareness" and "quiet mind"?
awaken replied to uhapy's topic in Newcomer Corner
If you want to have a pure awareness without thoughts Go deep into Hun dun and open the emptiness In emptiness, you will know what is pure awareness -
I don't tell my friends or my co-workers about what I am practicing I use the words they can accept I told them I am practicing Qi gung The people who don't cultivate for many years can't distinguish what is the different between Qi gung and dan dao The only thing my co-worker can see is that I am sitting there and close my eyes They all think I am sleeping They don't know what is going on inside of me I won't tell them anything dan dao It is impossible to explain dan dao to the people who never cultivate before
Hi Juan I like your thread Comfortable I don't like schools, too. I like to practice in freedom No dogma,no school, totally free Chakras vs dan tian We can see many pattern photos of chakras But most of people only can see light colors Because there are two stages of light First stage, people can only see different color of light in different sizes of circle The second stage , very few people can reach here, in the emptiness, you can see the patterns of light just like the patterns of chakras There are two layers of light If you can see both, you will no doubt about everything.
there is no a Wu-Liu pai exit in history and reality life
awaken replied to awaken's topic in Daoist Discussion
I don't know how to translate 高明 You 高估了my English ability -
there is no a Wu-Liu pai exit in history and reality life
awaken replied to awaken's topic in Daoist Discussion
真人是尊稱,一種客氣的稱呼,沒有修道人會叫自己真人的。 伍柳的氣功確實有一套,對於三焦層次的有為法鍛煉,是可以發揮一定的加強基礎,也就是築基的效用。 但是對於佛法和虛空的理解,卻有很大的錯誤,這個錯誤,誤導了許多人。 不懂佛法的人看不懂錯誤在哪裡,懂佛法的人一眼就看到問題所在。 不懂佛法的人看不到虛空的重要性,把三焦練氣的鉛氣程度之光,視為金丹,嚴重了誤解了金丹。 金丹必須於虛空,四空定,三昧正受,方能產生。 鉛氣光練得再強,即使能發出外丹,依舊不是虛空之先天真一之氣。 既然要練丹道,就要練真丹,不要練鉛氣丹,識神元神分不清楚的話,是練不出真金丹。 我只想告訴大家,要練丹道,就要練真正的金丹,不要練假的金丹,真的鉛丹。 如果你執著要練鉛丹,那也是你的選擇,和我無關。 你想證明我是錯的,依然改變不了事實。 事實不是建立在辯證的基礎,而是建立在實修的基礎上。 For me, The English part will takes a lot of time to read.i can not answer right away. -
there is no a Wu-Liu pai exit in history and reality life
awaken replied to awaken's topic in Daoist Discussion
This is the second posts of that thread Not by me too 引用: 蜀宾 发表于 2016-1-22 01:04 呵呵,wd369 直言相告,敝人非常感谢。 我也直言几句I also tell something directly,供您参考。to provide you 我也多年参读伍柳著作, I have read Wu Liu books for many years 我的看法my option is 是伍柳的丹法the methods of Wu Liu 有高明之处,has the adventanges但伍柳的佛教方面水平不高,but Wu Liu is not very high level in Buddhism 伍在先有丹法,Wu has the methods of Dan 然后才找佛教经典来印证,and then he found some Buddhism classics to prove it 他读的佛典不比当时的佛门大德少,the Buddhism he didn't read less then Buddhists 但只是知识而已,but what he read is just knowledge 教义方面未能透彻理解.he was not very clear about meaning 柳Liu 在佛教方面In Buddhism 修养更差些,know less 他只是在道教丹法上有成而已.he just have some achievements in the methods of Dan 他在初入佛门可能环境条件所限,he might be limited by surrounding 也未受到佛门大德的教导熏陶,and he was not taught by a Buddhist teacher 看他著作,we read his books在,在佛教方面还未入门. He was just a beginner in Buddhism 说有佛家双修命脉,he said he has the Ming-Mai of both-cultivation 至少得先领会佛教法义吧,he should know the meaning of Buddhism at least 这一点都做不到,if he can't do it a little bit那就和佛教也没有多大关系. He had not much relation with Buddhism 说不定,他弟子中有佛门背景的在佛法修养上还比他强些,但那些是跟着他来学丹法的. 不能就此衬托出柳的佛法水平就高. 相比较,看著作,明清民间宗教的祖师爷罗祖的佛教水平就高很多.悟真篇作者张伯端更是深入禅门的高手.张自诩"伯端得达摩、六祖最上一乘之妙旨",这个是肯定的. -
there is no a Wu-Liu pai exit in history and reality life
awaken replied to awaken's topic in Daoist Discussion
This is the original posts from 漏盡閣 lo Jin ge, the biggest dao forum in China This study is not written by me I try to follow the manager's advice to ignore this hostility And try to give the truth 楼主 蜀宾 收藏 2013-1-1 01:10:56 本帖最后由 蜀宾 于 2013-1-1 03:35 编辑 [原创] 关于柳华阳真人师承的三点考证 作者:蜀宾 发表日期:2013年1月 1日 (原创文章,如引用请注明出处。) 上世纪80年代气功潮后期,出现了“伍柳派”这一说法。之后官方及民间机构如中国道教协会,维基百科,以及著名专家学者如胡孚琛,箫天石,南怀瑾,孔令宏等也采用了这一说法。 但譚立三先生曾撰文指出,“伍柳從未開山立派。伍柳二真人並未於世間組建伍柳派。” http://www.regimen.com.tw/070818.htm 惜文中并未提供详细的考据。 本人赞同譚立三先生的意见,即历史上和现实中并不存在一个伍柳派。 以下凡引用伍柳二真人的著作,均采用譚立三先生校订之《伍柳天仙法脈》http://www.regimen.com.tw/regimen11.htm。 因《伍柳天仙法脈》经譚立三先生等对照多种版本认真校订,其中文字应不存在鲁鱼亥豕类问题。 一.《金仙證論》中有三处称伍真人为祖师 第一处在《金仙證論》決疑第十八,王會然七問,問之七:http://www.regimen.com.tw/11C182.htm “沖虛祖師 云:外道邪法行氣,必至有病。” 第二处和第三处在《金仙證論》危险说:http://www.regimen.com.tw/11D15.htm “所以伍祖師 云“闔闢不明,不能採藥皈爐。”” “故我沖虛祖師 云:“神雖宰炁,未知其炁可宰否?以回風混合之。”” 从以上三处的称呼可以知道,柳真人尊称伍真人为祖师,而非师父或老师,故二人并无师弟关系。 二.《金仙證論》和《慧命经》中有五处提到老师 第一处在《慧命经》自序:http://www.regimen.com.tw/11D02.htm “嗣至匡廬,又遇壺雲老師,” 第二处在《慧命经》禅机论第十二:http://www.regimen.com.tw/11D12.htm “寂無老師云: “凝神收入於此竅之中,則炁隨神往,自然歸於此竅矣。”” 第三处在《慧命经》决疑第十四,介邑秀才李思白六問,問之一:http://www.regimen.com.tw/11D142.htm “前蒙翟友所送老師之書,初不欲觀;後強以視之,乃知有真實工夫在。” 第四处在《金仙證論》决疑第十八,僧豁然七问:http://www.regimen.com.tw/11C181.htm “問之一曰:弟子愚暗,蒙老師傳授火化斷淫之法,行四個月得景,海中火發,對 斗明星。” 第五处在《金仙證論》决疑第十八,王会然七问:http://www.regimen.com.tw/11C182.htm “問之一曰:弟子蒙老師傳授下手工夫,修煉兩月,得藥產之景。” 由上文第四,五处,豁然和王会然以弟子的身份对柳真人称老师,可以推知,上文第一,二处中壺雲和寂無与柳真人是师弟关系,正如柳真人与李思白,豁然,王会然的师弟关系。 这里还有一个例子。在《天仙正理直论增注》的本序的开头处:http://www.regimen.com.tw/11A.1.htm “伍沖虛子自序曰:昔曹老師語我云:“仙道簡易,只神炁二者而已。”” 众所周知,曹真人与伍真人是师弟关系,在这里伍称曹为老师符合二人的身份。 三. 在《金仙證論》,《慧命经》二书的决疑章中,弟子均无龙门道号 《金仙證論》和《慧命经》最后都有决疑一章,其中提到了多位弟子或门人。但是其中并无一人有龙门派道号。特别是其中的一位俗家弟子“介邑秀才李思白”,他的道号是琼玉,“琼”字不是龙门派字辈。 另外,柳真人在以上二书中,也未提到自己的龙门派道号。而伍真人在《证论》《合宗》二书中,多处 写明了他本人和弟子的龙门派道号。 四. 寂无禅师和华阳禅师属南派? 2009年有李子珩先生于网上发表文章,其中一篇提到: “......紫阳一脉。传承甚多。虽后世稍有异同。关键处却是原来。 …… 谱上所载。以是。后则多位祖师分流。中有断。 以至雍正寂无禅师。至乾隆华阳禅师。 于清朝后期传曹京益道人。乃传周少敏。道号培仙道人。又传仙明道人。是上世纪末也。......” http://hi.baidu.com/tianyuhonlgin/item/6f7c58f2db62ac2a743c4ceb 笔者前不久曾联系李先生,但目前尚无回音。 日后如蒙李先生将南派传承古谱的相关部分公开,则柳真人师承之议题或能有明确答案。 -
且今人以道門尚于修命,而不知修命之法,理出兩端:有易遇而難成著,有難遇而易成者。如煉五芽之氣,服七耀之光,注想按摩,納清吐濁;念經持咒,巽水叱符;叩齒集神,休妻絕粒;存神閉息,運眉間之思;補腦還精,習房中之術,以至服煉金石草木之類,皆易遇而難成者。以上諸法,于修身之道,率多滅裂,故施力雖多而求效莫驗。若勤心苦志,日夕修持,止可以辟病,免其非橫。一旦不行,則前功漸棄。此乃遷延歲月,事必難成。欲望一得永得,還嬰返老,變化飛升,不亦難乎?深可痛傷。蓋近世修行之徒,妄有執著,不悟妙法之真,卻怨神仙謾語。殊不知成道者,皆因煉金丹而得,恐泄天機,遂托數事爲名。其中惟閉息一法,如能忘機絕慮,即與二乘坐禪頗同。若勤而行之,可以入定出神。奈何精神屬陰,宅舍難固,不免長用遷徙之法,既未得金汞返還之道,又豈能回陽換骨,白日而升天哉? Can anyone find the English version of the article ? It is from wu-gen-pian, Chang bou duan.
there is no a Wu-Liu pai exit in history and reality life
awaken replied to awaken's topic in Daoist Discussion
Even Chinese , no one said that they are wu Liu pai But here In the forum I saw many Russians, claimed they are wu Liu pai What happened? Wu Liu pai is not a school in China or Taiwan. Why here, in the forum, So many Russians claimed they are wu Liu school -
there is no a Wu-Liu pai exit in history and reality life
awaken replied to awaken's topic in Daoist Discussion
He said "就算是even if 当年at that time气功潮的时候,也没听说过哪个人说自己是修伍柳派的。never heard of anyone claimed that they are Wu-Liu pai 如今的修炼流派,有尊崇伍柳为祖师的,但没有说自己是伍柳派的。"now the schools, some respect wu Liu, but no one said himself is wu Liu pai Any one can help translate this or correct for me? Thank you. -
How do I deal with these businessman? I don't know how. If one is eager for chasing money, they will have a lot of desire. Desire is very powerful. But we can see there are still many people in the forum try to warn us the tricks of these businessman. I give my highest respect to these kind people Thank you very much Because of you The world is still full of hopes Now come back to our point. 法即非法 is the biggest secret in dan dao and Buddhism. "Methods are not methods." All the methods are right and wrong at the same time. Why? When these methods show up by themselves, they are right. But if we think these methods are methods to be repeated again and again. We lost our awareness. These methods become wrong. When we know the dao, all methods appear by themselves without teaching. A dao teacher will not teach his students to repeat these dead methods again and again. A dao teacher will lead his student to cultivate by dao and this student will find these methods appear naturally without learning. A dao teacher just lead his student to cultivate in dao. Every student has different mind and body. Every student will need different methods to deal with different problems. A dao teacher don't teach them methods. Just show the way of dao The students will find their own different methods. When methods show up, methods die. Methods is alive when they are showing up. When this method disappear, another method appear. In dao, methods show up by themselves. We don't need to learn other people's dead methods. We follow dao and let our own methods show up. We must trust dao. Dao will lead us. Methods just repeat somebody's dead experiences. His experiences are not suitable for everyone. A teacher can share his experiences , but he should not let his students to practice his experiences again and again. He should lead his student to show his own methods.
Ha I can not control their emotions. Maybe I let them show their "true" face.... To face "true" emotions is good. When we talk about something great, we are very easy to lose our awareness. Awareness is not great at all. Awareness is ugly. We should accept the "true" voice of our mind. "True" emotions Then we can face our "true" ego. It is not easy, I know. But please try it. It is the core of dao. Dao start from facing the "true" ego.
That is why I told you not to use methods to control your mind. Mind can not be controlled. Or you will very easy to get crazy like this way. Mind should be aware. You should aware your crazy mind. Blind teachers teach blind students. You pay too much attention to the outside methods. I can feel your chi go into your head because of anger. You should aware your emotions. This is the real dao. Awareness Don't chase methods. Methods are useless. Emotions lead your chi. When you get crazy, your chi go up your head. It is because anger hurt liver. And liver Jin go into head.
Chang don't agree the skills of breathe not because of being dangerous It is because it is useless. When some one use skills, he use his ego-Shen at the same time. And this violate the rules of dan dao. 識神用事is the key point to fail. 四十 玄牝之門世罕知,休將口鼻妄施爲。饒君吐納經千載,爭得金烏弱兔兒。 The door of 玄牝(玄關)is rare to be known in the world Don't act foolishly or recklessly with your mouth and nose ( it means that you should not try to use skills of breathe) Even if you breath for one thousand years You only get gold black ( means a black liver with golden color, black liver is a kind of lead light) and rabbit (means rabbit spinal cord, a kind of lead light) It means even if you spent a lot of time , you still can not get a golden dan. You just get a lead dan with gold color. Many people use skills to get a golden light and think that is golden dan. Chang told us it is not one thousand years ago.
Wu gen pian talk about nai dan from start to end. I don't know what version you read. But I read Chinese original article. It is very clear to me. 五四 藥逢氣類方成象,道在希夷合自然。一粒靈丹吞入腹,始知我命不由天。 五五 赫赤金丹一日成,古仙垂語實堪聽。若言九載三年者,總是推延欸日程。 五六 大藥修之有易難,也知由我亦由天。若非積行修陰德,動有群魔作障緣。 This is a wonderful and amazing dan dao classics. If the people here can not find a good version. Maybe I can try to use my poor English to give you an original face of Wu-gen-pian. http://ctext.org/library.pl?if=gb&file=98830&by_collection=132&page=4 This is another dan dao classics written by Chang bou duan. Of course , it talk about nei dan, too.
Oh... I see... I only know Chinese medicine. I don't know Ayurveda or Tibetan medicine. Sorry...
It is not real mercury, it is a symbol It is the same as lead 九 用鉛不得用凡鉛,用了凡鉛也棄捐。此是用鉛真妙訣,用鉛不用是誠言。 When using lead, we should not use the ordinary lead, if we use ordinary lead, it will waste This is the real secret of using lead. It is true to use lead but not lead. Sorry for my poor English translation again. If you don't understand my translation, please find another version. Mercury is the focus of mind. And it is very easy to flow away. It is very easy to go with thoughts. Lead is the chi. There are two kind of chi. Post-heaven and pre-heaven chi. Post-heaven chi is lead. Pre-heaven chi is gold. But Liu yi Ming separate post-heaven chi into two part . So what Liu said became three kinds of chi, post-heaven chi, pre-heaven chi, the real one pre-heaven chi. 四四 恍惚之中尋有象,杳冥之內覓真精。有無由此自相入,未見如何想得成。 To mix mercury and lead is the biggest secret of dan dao. This sentences describes the situation when mercury and lead mix together.
Every schools have a lot of Ming methods. If you have learned a lot of Ming methods, you will know it. Ming methods are very easy to be created. If you really understand wu Wei, you can creat unlimited methods of Ming. Ming methods are very easy to find. But 性功xing gung is very hard to find. Because it need a teacher who has opened the emptiness. If the teacher didn't open the emptiness, he guide his students in blind way. So Ming gung teachers are everywhere, but Xing gung teachers is very rare. And dan dao need a teacher who is good at Ming and xing gung. 性命雙修 is the basic rule of dan dao. A teacher only knows Ming gung can only be a Qi-gung teacher, but can not be a dan dao teacher.
@WuLiu Pai members: Secret of the Golden Flower
awaken replied to Wells's topic in Daoist Discussion
元神識神第二 呂祖曰。天地視人如蜉蝣。大道視天地亦泡影。惟元神真性則超元會而上之。其精氣則隨天地而敗壞矣。然有元神在。即無極也。生天生地皆由此矣。學人但能護元神。則超生在陰陽外。不在三界中。此見性方可。所謂本來面目是也。最妙者。光已凝結為法身。漸漸靈通欲動矣。此千古不傳之秘也。 Yuan Shen is 本來面目the original face 本來面目 is a phrase of 禪宗 Chuang zong Yuan Shan is the awareness without ego-Shen The people without enough cultivation will fall asleep when ego-Shen hide. But the people with the right cultivation will dissolve the Ying and be aware when ego-Shen hide. It is called samadhi, too. To aware out original face , Yuang-Shen is the most important part of cultivation. If a teacher can't aware of the original face, he can't be a dan dao teacher. Maybe we can call him a Qi-goung teacher. A dan dao teacher must know the original face and have samadhi easily. He must go into the emptiness. Or he can't claim he is a true teacher of dan dao. For a beginner, it is not easy to find a true teacher. We can find some more infirmations. For example, this book is very good. To let you know who is true teacher. If you can understand this book totally, no one can cheat you that he is a true teacher. Because you have the ability to distinguish them. 故回光所以煉魂。即所以保神。即所以制魄。即所以斷識。古人出世法。煉盡陰滓。以返純乾。 So going back light to practicing Hun, and to keep Shen, and to limit Po, and to stop ego-Shen. The way that ancient people to 出世( get rid of the world, means stop the recycle of life and death) By cultivating to finish all the Ying to go back to pure Yang. The key point is "stopping ego-Shen" No methods can stop ego-Shen. Any methods will lead ego-Shen to keep on working. Methods is for growing up chi, not for golden dan. -
@WuLiu Pai members: Secret of the Golden Flower
awaken replied to Wells's topic in Daoist Discussion
Things written in the book is available to cultivate. For example , back light, is very practical and easy to operate. What you need to do is let your focus back. It is very easy. People like to think a lot. Back light just make the focus go back to us. This way , the energy of thinking will be transformed to chi. We just need to aware of our body. Of course, this is just the first step. The longer we get our focus back, the more chi we got. And the chi will change by it self. In the book, it mentioned about wu-gen-pian, 烏肝與兔髓black liver and rabbit spinal cord 擒來歸一處catch them back to one place 一粒復一粒it appears one point again and again 由微而至著from not clear to clear Sorry for my poor English. if you don't understand my translation , please find another English version. -
Yoga is good 自發功 is good too Jogging Kung fu ......