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  1. 性光識光第十 呂祖曰。回光法。原通行住坐臥。只要自得機竅。吾前開示云。虛室生白光非白耶。但有一說。初未見光時。此為效驗。若見為光而有意著之。即落意識。非性光也。子不管他有光無光。只要無念生念。何謂無念。千休千處得。何謂生念。一念一生。持此念乃正念。與平日念不同。今心為念。念者現在心也。此心即光即藥。凡人視物。任眼一照去。不及分別。此為性光。如鏡之無心而照也。如水之無心而鑑也。少頃即為識光。以其分別也。鏡有影已無鏡矣。水有象已非水矣。光有識尚何光哉。 子輩初則性光。轉念則識。識起而光杳不可覓。非無光也。光已為識矣。黃帝曰。聲動不生聲而生響。即此義也。楞巖推勘入門曰。不在塵。不在識。惟選根。此則何意。塵是外務。所謂器界也。與吾了不相涉。逐之則認物為己。物必有還。通還戶牖。明還日月。借他為自。終非吾有。至於不汝還者。非汝而誰。明還日月。見日月之明無還也。天有無日月之時。人無有無見日月之性。若然則分別日月者。還可與為吾有耶。不知因明暗而分別者。當明暗兩忘之時。分別何在。故亦有還。此為內塵也。惟見性無還。見見之時。見非是見。則見性亦還矣。還者還其識。流轉之見性。即阿難使汝流轉。心目為咎也。初八還辨見時。上七者。皆明其一一有還。姑留見性。以為阿難柱杖。究竟見性即帶八識。非真不還也。最後并此一破。則方為真見性。真不還矣。子輩回光。正回其最初不還之光。故一毫識念用不著。使汝流轉者。惟此六根。使汝成菩提者。亦惟此六根。而塵與識皆不用。非用根也。用其根中之性耳。今不墮識回光。則用根中之元性。落識而回光。則用根中之識性。毫釐之辨在此也。 用心即為識光。放下乃為性光。毫釐千里。不可不辨。識不斷。則神不生。心不空。則丹不結。心淨則丹。心空即藥。不著一物。是名心淨。不留一物。是名心空。空見為空。空猶未空。空忘其空。斯名真空。 This is the most important part. 識光 can't achieve golden Dan Only 性光 can achieve golden Dan But many people don't know what is the difference between 識光 and 性光 This is the first Dan dao classics I read It is an important dao Classic
  2. How to recognize the wrong dan dao?

    存神閉息 Stay Shen Close breathe Is the same as 意守 胎息 Yii stay fetus breathe 其中惟閉息一法,如能忘機絕慮,即與二乘坐禪頗同。若勤而行之,可以入定出神。奈何精神屬陰,宅舍難固,不免長用遷徙之法,既未得金汞返還之道,又豈能回陽換骨,白日而升天哉? 遷徙之法,the methods of moving chi The part is very important. This is the evidence thar change doesn't agree people use methods to move chi, for example Mco. That is why we can not see Mco in Chang's poems. The way use methods to move chi like Mco will keep the ego-Shen working. Ego-Shen belongs to Ying. So this way -- Mco , can not achieve golden dan. Mco is a process of cultivate. It should not be a method. Mco is the biggest mistake of dan dao. So Chang use the most words to talk about it.
  3. How to recognize the wrong dan dao?

    聚氣為丹,如何得停留? Gather the chi to come a dan How can it stay? It means the post-heaven chi can not be gathered to become a golden dan. A golden dan is produced by the emptiness. Not by chi. The post-heaven chi is used to clean our body to open the middle yellow(same as middle Mai.) But some schools gather the chi in the ren-du. So Lu don bin said it is not right.
  4. How to recognize the wrong dan dao?

    You can find English version Wu gen pian
  5. How to recognize the wrong dan dao?

    The same as dan dao - golden dan 一 不求大道出迷途,縱負賢才豈丈夫?百歲光陰石火爍,一生身世水泡浮。只貪利祿求榮顯,不顧形容暗瘁枯。試問堆金等山嶽,無常買得不來無? 二 人生雖有百年期,壽夭窮通莫預知。昨日街頭猶走馬,今朝棺內已眠屍。妻財抛下非君有,罪業將行難自期。大藥不求爭得遇?遇之不煉是愚癡。 三 學仙須是學天仙,惟有金丹最的端。二物會時性情合,五行全處龍虎蟠。本因戊己爲媒娉,遂使夫妻鎮合歡。只候功成朝北闕,九霞光裏駕翔鸞。
  6. How to recognize the wrong dan dao? Did you see these posts?
  7. How to recognize the wrong dan dao?

    You are welcome. Hope you can practice wu Wei dan dao with me for a long time.
  8. How to recognize the wrong dan dao?

    Five stars is not important. It is a wrong methods. Some teachers teach students to take the chi from son, moon , stars. That is not dan dao. So I say it is the wrong dan dao. It is good for health , but not dan dao.
  9. How to recognize the wrong dan dao?

    If you have read all my posts, you will be more clear about it.
  10. Please come to find me. This qq app can be download here. Or you can use keywords "qq international" to look for it. If you want to practice with me for a long time, please join my qq group. The dao bums 513532775
  11. If you want to practice with me

    Golden dan is the final goal Before that goal, there are a lot of process, include Mco, I guess you are interested in Mco. Golden dan is impossible to be taught directly. It is the end of a lot of process.
  12. How to recognize the wrong dan dao?

    If the answer is not related to personal, I hope more people can learn . I hope I can help more people go the wu Wei dan dao.
  13. How to recognize the wrong dan dao?

    For example , we can see Chang and Lu, they do not talk about Mco. Because mco is not a methods. It is a short time process. Some one use some methods to let the chi go circle. I know many people get sick from these methods. Truely hope , knowing the rules of Ying Yang is more important than practice Mco.
  14. How to recognize the wrong dan dao?

    Water , yao, oven, these dao nouns , only the one who open the emptiness can really know it. A normal Qi goung teacher can not now what it is. Qi goung is totally different from dan dao. Qi goung is the first part of dan dao. 功夫分兩段 So Chang bou doub and Lu don bin told us what the wrong dan dao are. The wrong dan dao schools has a common point. -- they 修命不修性 The dan dao is always 性命雙修 命功is easy to teach 性命雙修 is very difficult to teach
  15. How to recognize the wrong dan dao?

    Golden star Woden star Water star Fire star Earth star
  16. How to recognize the wrong dan dao?

    呂曰:所謂大道者何也?鍾曰:大道無形無名,無問無應,其大無外,其小無內,莫可得而知也,莫可得而行也。呂曰:古今達士,始也學道,次以有道,次以得道,次以道成。而於塵世入蓬島,升於洞天,升於陽天,而升三清,是皆道成之士。今日尊師獨言道不可得而知,不可得而行,然於道也獨得隱乎?鍾曰:僕於道也固無隱爾,蓋舉世奉道之士,止有好道之名,使聞大道而無信心,雖有信心而無苦志。朝為而夕改,坐作而立忘,始乎憂勤,終則懈怠。僕以是言大道難知難行。吕曰:大道難知難行之理如何?曰:以傍門小法易為見功,而俗流多得互相傳授,至死不悟,遂成風俗敗壞大道。有齋戒者,有休糧者,有採氣者,有漱咽者,有離妻者,有斷味者,有禪定者,有不語者,有存想者,有採陰者,有服氣者,有持冷者,有息心者,有絕累者,有開頂者,有縮龜者,有絕迹者,有看讀者,有燒鍊者,有定息者,有導引者,有吐納者,有採補者,有布施者,有供養者,有救濟者,有入山者,有識性者,有不動者,有授持者。傍門小法,不可備陳。至如採日月之華,奪天地之氣,心思意想,望結丹砂,屈體勞形,欲求超脫,多入少出,攻病可也。認為真胎息、絕念忘言,養性可也。指作太一含真氣,金鎗不倒,黃河逆流,養命之下法。形如槁木,心若死灰,集神之小術。奈何古今奉道之士,苦苦留心,往往掛意。以咽津為藥,如何得造化?聚氣為丹,如何得停留?指肝為龍而肺為虎,如何得交合?認坎為鉛而離為汞,如何得抽添?四時澆灌,望長黃芽,一意不散,欲求大藥,差年錯月,廢日亂時,不識五行根蒂,安知三才造化。尋枝摘葉,迷惑後人,致使大道日遠日疏,異端並起,而成風俗,以失先師之本意者,良由道聽塗說,口耳之學,而指訣於無知之徒,遞相訓式,節序而入於泉下,令人寒心。非不欲開陳大道,蓋世人業重福薄,不信天機,重財輕命,願為下鬼。呂曰:小法傍門既已知矣,其於大道可得聞乎?2 鍾曰:道本無問,問本無應,及乎真原一判,大朴已散。道生一,一生二,二生三。一為體,二為用,三為造化。體用不出於陰陽,造化皆因於交媾。上中下列為三才,天地人共得於一道。道生二氣,二氣生三才,三才生五行,五行生萬物。萬物之中,最靈最貴者人也。惟人也,窮萬物之理,盡一己之性,窮理盡性以至於命。全命保生以合於道,當與天地齊其堅固而同得長久。呂曰:天長地久,一旦千古以無窮,人壽百歲,至七十而尚稀,何道之獨在於天地而遠於人乎?鐘曰:道不遠於人而人自遠於道矣。所以遠於道者,養命不知法。所以不知法者,下功不識時。所以不識時者,不達天地之機也。 This is the original Chinese classic 一意不散,欲求大藥 The sentence is very important 一意,the focus of ego Shen 不散,don't disappear 欲求,want to have 大藥,big medicine , means golden dan
  17. How to recognize the wrong dan dao?

    You need to get into the first layer of Hun-dun to let the chi go down.
  18. My English is poor. I teach wu Wei dan dao. It is very different from what you learn. If you are interested in it. Please read all my posts. And join my qq qroup. The dao bums 513532775
  19. How to recognize the wrong dan dao?

    七耀 is 七曜,means the light of the sun, the moon, and five stars(金木水火土星)
  20. How to recognize the wrong dan dao?

    練五芽之氣 Practice the chi of five bud林群傑/古老的養生功法卻穀食氣五芽服氣法/712430618794391/
  21. How to recognize the wrong dan dao?

    易遇難成者 Easy to find, but difficult to succeed
  22. How to recognize the wrong dan dao?

    Chang (987-1082) lived in one thousand years ago. The problems of dan dao he met is the same as we meet today. Why? Because the desire of people Many 大師master as Chang told us to be careful about these wrong dao. Don't let us go the wrong way. These wrong dao usually has big schools. We must be very careful to keep these schools away to prevent us from cheating.
  23. Qigong Basics: Gathering Chi?

    When chi appear Focus on the chi When the focus of mind is totally attracted by the chi Become no thoughts but ego still exist Then stop the fire to go into Hun-dun to dissolve the Ying The state make ego hide Only ego is hidden The Ying can be dissolved After the Ying is all dissolved The emptiness is opened One yang appear 一陽生
  24. Cinnabar

    朱砂黑鉛   內煉名詞。指元精元氣,或靈知真知。《悟真篇》:〝縱識朱砂及黑鉛,不知 火候也如閒〞。清劉一明注:〝還丹之道,惟取朱砂、黑鉛二物藥料, 煉成寶, 以延性命。朱砂者,離中一點虛靈之氣,即靈知也,屬於人心﹔黑鉛者,坎中一點 剛正之氣,即真知也,屬於道心。因其人心靈知,外明內暗。明屬火,火色赤,取 象為朱砂。因其道心真知,外暗內明。暗屬水,水色黑,故取象為黑鉛。此無形無 象之砂鉛,而非世間有形有象之砂鉛。既識真知靈知之砂鉛,即可以隨手採取而無 難矣。然採之必須煉之,若識藥而不知煉藥之法,亦與不識者相等。故曰縱識朱砂 與黑鉛,不知火候也如閒〞。 Red Cinnabar,mercury,the focus of mind, easy to move, a lot of thoughts Black Lead, chi, Mix these two together seal them Wait for the one yang comes
  25. If you want to practice with me

    姜太公釣魚,願者上鉤,不願者回頭。 Jian Tai Gun went fishing, The willing one comes, The relucting one leaves. Just a choice