
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by awaken

  1. Qigong Basics: Gathering Chi?

    The chi often start from hands or feet. It is easy to feel the fingers. It is easy to start from skin, too. These are the most outside of our body. The chi will start from outside.
  2. Qigong Basics: Gathering Chi?

    Focus your mind on your body, not on what you are thinking about. Your focus of thinking is one of the source of the chi, the most important part. So if you do not concerns on the object what you are think about, you just aware your body. The chi will appear. And chi will keep on changing. You can feel how it change. Try not to use any methods. Just to feel it. To see the trend how it changes. You will find a tendency
  3. Hostility towards Russian members?

    Oh... I did not know who were attacking me these days. Too many strange names.....>__< Now I knew a little. Russians' English is really good....... I have never talked to a Russian before. How interesting.... How terrible........
  4. If you want to practice with me

    I do not want anything. I want to practice English. I spent a lot of time in the forum recently. My English does get better. I share my understanding about dao. You can learn the dao by wu Wei. Please read all my posts first.
  5. I googled Chinese forum. Wan Li ping still teach in China.
  6. Microcosmic Orbit Questions

    After Mco is 胎息 After 胎息 is 玄關 After 玄關 is Hun-dun After Hun-dun is emptiness In emptiness, flying snow, full moon, lotus, yang Shen. Why don't you keep on transforming to see what is going on next?
  7. Chinese Daoism and/or American Taoism

    祝由派 符籙派 They often pray for dead people. We can see this pai in Taiwan.
  8. If you want to practice with me

    If you really read all my posts, you will find the answers. If you have more questions, welcome to my qq group. I would like to share, but not here. I must have enough post numbers and 6 months. After I reach that, I can have the right to delete the posts that is rude. If you are really friendly, you should not support the people who is very very rude and proud.
  9. If you want to practice with me

    Dear Effilang Thank you so much. I can feel that the energy is very bad from these proud people. I do not like the bad chi. Thank you for your supporting.
  10. Liu Huayang

    Liu only stay with his true teacher for three days.
  11. More interesting topics please

    Why not build your own site? I believe your student will respect you very much in your own site. But I will not go to your site. Sorry. Who is your "true" teacher?
  12. Chinese Daoism and/or American Taoism

    Some Daoism do not do any meditation. Just use many Charms and spells to pray祝由 Some Daoism only peactice Qi. 修命不修性,this schools like to claim they have "truuuue" teacher. Some Daoism practice the nature heart and chi.性命雙修, these schools do not like to contact too many people.
  13. Does "school" mean 派別 ? If we read the dao classics, we all know that the real classics have no school. They don't say what school they are. There is only one way to reach there. I know many people learn wu Liu pai here, just like mainland china. I have talk with many people who practice wu Liu. They use mind to control the chi to let chi make a circle around body. What I want to say is there is no need to make the circle. The circle would happen in some state of fit. It happen by itself. And then the chi go to another place. The feeling of chi change its face. Chi become material of the change of Shen. All these happen by itself. What we got to do is 回光. Let our focus inside. What I mean "inside' mean 'anywhere', not make a circle chi. We should let our chi free. Let chi go to the place it want to go. Don't control the direction of chi. At first, you may not know where the chi is going to go. But if you insist doing this for one or two hours a day. It will show a trend, a trend of changing. And the trend will let you know that you go the right way because it shows the same way with the dan classics.
  14. The three treasures 三寶 sānbǎo

    佛家三寶:佛法僧 Buddhism 3 : Buddha, dharma, priest(monk) 道家三寶:精氣神 Daoist 3: Jin, chi, Shen Practice Jin to change chi Practice chi to change Shen Practice Shen to emptiness 天地人 There are many three in Daoist
  15. Liu Huayang

    Oh..... I see. 高明 It is true. That is why 老子 classify people into three degrees: 上士,中士,下士 上士聞道,勤而行之;中士聞道,若存若亡;下士聞道,大笑之。 The people of the best degree heard of dao ,will do it diligently The people of middle degree heard of dao, not much response The people of lowest degree heard of dao, laugh at it.
  16. Liu Huayang

  17. Liu Huayang

    I have been to a conference before. I thought the professors there must know more than me. But it is not. They do not know anything, because they do not cultivate for a long time. They misunderstood a lot. They just know how to write many papers. So I went to qq in china. I thought they must know more than me. Maybe I can find a "true" teacher there. But it is not. So I went to mainland china to go to a daoist temple. To make friends with 道長. I do find some 道長 are really good. But ...... Then I come here. So many rude people here who claim that they have a "true" teacher. What kind of teaching will make these people so rude? I do not know. I just do not want to talk to these people. Not to mention their "truuuuuue" teachers. But there is still one thing worth to be happy. Some good people wrote messages to me. I am very glad that I can make friends here. There are still many good cultivators here.
  18. Liu Huayang

    I saw that. Greedy. No manners. A real cultivator need some good quality in personality. I will not accept the kind of students or friends. Everyone like good people. Me too. If someone is too rude to let me remember him or her, I will ignore him or her. I do not want to talk to the people who is not friendly. It is a very easy to understand to everyone. I do not know why someone just do not understand. Maybe because they have a "true" teacher. So now, " true" teachers have different meanings. It is strange.
  19. How to cultivate without methods

    道教有「三不問」的說法。即:第一不問道人年齡壽數,修道者追求長生不死,故忌問壽。第二不問道人的師父、師爺名諱,這是道人的忌諱,除非公安部門調查戶口或在道教叢林掛單時與知客對答,否則不要輕易詢問。若實在要問,則應說:「敢問令尊師仙姓?上下如何稱?」答時應稱:「家師仙姓某,上某下某」。第三不問修為高低,道人多謙虛,一般都會說自己修行尚淺,因為修行的境界只有自己知道,說了別人也不會了解,故不可問。 原文網址: 散修 is very often to see in China. Please ask your "true" teacher about the manners. No more arguing about this. If your "true" teacher did not teach you the manners, please look for it on google by yourself. I met many Chinese in the internet. Most of them know the manners. If someone do not know the manners, other Chinese people will remind him. But no one remind you here. Even if I already told you the truth. You still do not believe. If you do not believe me, please do not reply my post. If you just want somebody to fight with, please find somebody else. I am not interested in arguing. No manner, no answer. Very simple, but not easy to do, right?
  20. How to cultivate without methods

    道教有「三不問」的說法。即:第一不問道人年齡壽數,修道者追求長生不死,故忌問壽。第二不問道人的師父、師爺名諱,這是道人的忌諱,除非公安部門調查戶口或在道教叢林掛單時與知客對答,否則不要輕易詢問。若實在要問,則應說:「敢問令尊師仙姓?上下如何稱?」答時應稱:「家師仙姓某,上某下某」。第三不問修為高低,道人多謙虛,一般都會說自己修行尚淺,因為修行的境界只有自己知道,說了別人也不會了解,故不可問。 原文網址: 散修 is very often to see in China. Please ask your "true" teacher about the manners. No more arguing about this. If your "true" teacher did not teach you the manners, please look for it on google by yourself. I met many Chinese in the internet. Most of them know the manners. If someone do not know the manners, other Chinese people will remind him. But no one remind you here. Even if I already told you the truth. You still do not believe. If you do not believe me, please do not reply my post. If you just want somebody to fight with, please find somebody else. I am not interested in arguing.
  21. How to cultivate without methods

    Some people claimed that they have "true" teacher. But their "true" teacher didn't teach them the daoist manners. I am not your teahcer. But I need to tell you the daoist manners. Or you will make the same mistakes again and again. 道門三不問 there are three kinds of questions that you should not ask in Daoist 一、不問壽 You should not ask the age. 二、不問師承來歷 You should not ask about the school or teacher. 三、不問程度 You should not ask the Doist cultivators to answer what is their cultivation. Someone is very very rude and not aware of any manners they should know. How can you keep on talking about the "true" teacher? Maybe you should find another "true" teacher to teach you the Daoist manners.
  22. How to cultivate without methods

    Dear fond I learned from some of my friends when I was a beginner. We are just friends. But I keep on cultivating for many years and do not give up. Of course, I teach for free. But a good manners is needed. Friendly, happily, practice hard.... So you can see me ignoring somebody who is not friendly. If you treat me just like a friend but not a teacher, it is ok to me. What I care is that if you can succeed or not. If you really want to learn, you will find me. It is just an app. I did not ask you to take a plain to Taiwan. Wise people take chances in time.
  23. If you want to practice with me

    Dear fondofdao No I am nobody. Just a qq group's name. When you creat a qq group, the system will ask you a name. The name is not so important. The students are the most important part. Anyone who has a true heart to achieve golden dan is a big treasure. If you want to learn, come to find me.
  24. Thoughts on Wu Wei

    non-interference Very good. Let's take an example to see what is differences between non-doing and non-interference . Someone sat there for hours and did nothing. He is non-doing. Because he sat too long, his body feel uncomfortable and want to move. But he still forced himself to keep on sitting. He is non-doing but not non-interference. In cultivation, it is similar. When we are cultivating, chi goes around at first. We non-interference and let the chi go its way. Then the chi calm down, we go into Hun-dun. We still non-interference and let us go into Hun-dun. After Hun-dun, we wake up. Before we really wake up , something happen. Tai-ji start -- master hua-uan-ji called it But some teachers, they claim theirselves as a "true" teacher, teach their students to interference the cultivation. They force the body stay in chi's world. Go circle in ren-du. Absorb the light They are not non-interference. So their students learned the wrong from them and can not open the emptiness. Without emptiness, without golden dan. The golden light they see in ren-du is called gold-dan. But it is not.
  25. Thoughts on Wu Wei

    If someone want to know Wu-Wei, he need to know the rules of Ying Yang. Or Wu-Wei will become very abstract. The rules of Ying yang are just like the seasons, days and nights. In The Ying yang of cultivation , the process is often misunderstood. We wake up in the morning and sleep at night. The process of cultivation is the same. Yang chi runs in yang and go into Ying . The biggest misunderstanding is Ying. 孔德之容,惟道是從。道之為物,惟恍惟惚。惚兮恍兮,其中有象;恍兮惚兮,其中有物。窈兮冥兮,其中有精;其精甚真,其中有信。自今及古,其名不去,以閱眾甫。吾何以知眾甫之狀哉﹖以此。 In dao de Jin, it talk about ying with the words 恍惚huan-hu,窈冥 iao-min. If we know the rules of Ying yang in the process of cultivation, we will know how to cultivate in Wu-Wei.