
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by awaken

  1. How to deal with people who won't stop arguing?

    Just walk away. Do what you really want to do.
  2. Liu Huayang

    且今人以道門尚于修命,而不知修命之法,理出兩端:有易遇而難成著,有難遇而易成者。如煉五芽之氣,服七耀之光,注想按摩,納清吐濁;念經持咒,巽水叱符;叩齒集神,休妻絕粒;存神閉息,運眉間之思;補腦還精,習房中之術,以至服煉金石草木之類,皆易遇而難成者。以上諸法,于修身之道,率多滅裂,故施力雖多而求效莫驗。若勤心苦志,日夕修持,止可以辟病,免其非橫。一旦不行,則前功漸棄。此乃遷延歲月,事必難成。欲望一得永得,還嬰返老,變化飛升,不亦難乎?深可痛傷。蓋近世修行之徒,妄有執著,不悟妙法之真,卻怨神仙謾語。殊不知成道者,皆因煉金丹而得,恐泄天機,遂托數事爲名。其中惟閉息一法,如能忘機絕慮,即與二乘坐禪頗同。若勤而行之,可以入定出神。奈何精神屬陰,宅舍難固,不免長用遷徙之法,既未得金汞返還之道,又豈能回陽換骨,白日而升天哉? Of course Chinese believe the fake dao. Chang bou duan told you that long long time ago.
  3. Chinese Daoism and/or American Taoism

    There are many kinds of Chinese daoist.
  4. How to cultivate without methods

    Same answer No manner, no answers. It is an easy question. But your attitude...... Maybe you will find a good way to talk one day. Before that day comes, the only thing I can response to you is ignoring. I believe that the forum managers also want every body is friendly. Give up the feeling of hostility, so the communitarian start. This is a very very basic concept. Everyone should know that, even a child. If someone is not friendly, how can you continue to talk to him. Unless you are too bored, you just want to find someone to fight. Maybe you are involved in the forum too much, and you used to the way. I do not know. It is your choice. If you keep on the attitude, hostility, you will get nothing, but a teaching of manners. Your true teacher should teach you this. I do not know why he did not teach you this. If you want to ask something from someone, you need to be friendly. Is that so difficult for you?
  5. How to cultivate without methods

    The more rude people here, I will say less. If you want to know more, find me in qq.
  6. How to cultivate without methods

    No respect , no answer. The way you ask question force me to do what the forum manager told me - ignore it. I do care about the attitude. If you are friendly, I will tell you everything. If you are not, your words are full if bad energy. How can you ask me to answer you? Arguing has bad chi. Sharing has good chi. Please show your good chi.
  7. Liu Huayang

    When we were a beginner, it is hard to judge who is right or wrong. So we should have an open mind. Every school has a part of the truth. But we may need a teacher to lead us in cultivation. But we do not need to treat the school as a religion. Some people do treat his school as a religion. But someone is not. It is your choice. Everyone can have his own choice. But we can see many achievers do not only follow one school or one teacher all his life. If your goal of life is to stay in one school , that is fine. But if your goal is to achieve golden dan, you need to know more beyond your school and your teacher. You need to have the courage to go your own way.
  8. Liu Huayang

    If you can read Chinese, you can find many informations about 陳長興 and 蔣發 The Chen school think 陳長興' family is the inventor of tai ji 拳. Other schools do no think so. Other school provided a lot of evidences to improve this. Other schools think 張三丰is the inventor of tai ji 拳 And there are the same in 八極拳 You can find a lot of informations in google. I do not mean the 族譜 is all fake. But I mean it can be changed because of benefits In China, there are many wars for many years. Many people die in these wars. Something was missing between wars. Some people created it again. So you can find the informations like this. One school think they own the tradition. But another school have another evidence to say it is not true. So it is very hard to know who is right. 族譜is not 100% right. 答:陳王廷是明末清初時期的人,說其是太極拳創始人的主要依據就是其《遺詞》中說的:“歎當年,披堅執銳,掃蕩群寇,幾次顛險。蒙恩賜,枉徒然;到如今,年老殘喘,只落得《黃庭》一卷隨身伴。悶來時造拳,忙來時耕田,趁餘閒,教下些弟子兒孫,成龍成虎任方便”。這裡只提到他“悶來時造拳”,並未說造的是太極拳。如果他沒有留下他創拳的理法,還可以猜測他創的可能是太極拳,然而他卻偏偏為子孫留下了他創拳的理法《拳經總歌》。他到底造的是什麼拳可以從作為其創拳理法的《拳經總歌》中得知,在其《拳經總歌》中並無半個太極拳的字樣,也根本找不到被陳式太極拳和各派太極拳奉為太極拳核心綱要的“掤、捋、擠、按、採、挒、肘、靠,進、退、顧、盼、定”太極拳十三總勢的半個字樣。其《拳經總歌》也從未被包括陳式太極拳在內的各派太極拳當過太極拳練拳的經典。相反,太極拳一詞和其核心綱要“掤、捋、擠、按、採、挒、肘、靠,進、退、顧、盼、定”十三總勢卻首次出現在一個跟陳家溝毫無血緣關係的外姓人王宗嶽寫的《太極拳譜》中,王宗嶽的《太極拳譜》卻成了各派太極拳練拳的經典著作。從上可知陳王廷可能創過拳,但並非太極拳。 答:陳長興是清乾隆年間(1771-1853)人,其傳太極拳是在晚年,而和他在同一時代卻比他年長一代有餘的山西人王宗嶽(1736-1795)在他以前就精於太極拳是不爭的事實,這從王宗嶽留下的《太極拳譜》可以得到證實。另外,陳長興本人非但不承認太極拳是他所創,也並不承認是陳王廷所創,當時在陳家溝並無陳王廷創太極拳之說,都承認太極拳是由外傳至陳家溝的。太極拳起源于陳家溝和陳卜或陳王廷創太極拳之說是陳長興和陳清平以後的陳氏後人發明的。 族譜緣起的歷史條件,是宗法制度在中國的確立。周代,王族階層就開始編纂族譜,以明確自己家族成員的血統及等級,這時候編族譜是王族的特權一般百姓無資格編族譜。 至東漢,全國望族競相修譜,士族採用族譜來表明自己純正的貴族血統,國家也嚴格考查士族的族譜來取士命官,因而修譜是士族的一件十分重要的事情。社會對族譜修訂有嚴格的規定,寒族很難冒入豪門。 到唐朝,唐朝統治者較為開明,為了招攬國家可用之才,採用了科舉取仕的制度,寒族得以進入高級領導層,族譜失去了政治功能,譜學漸漸式微。 至北宋,譜學在民間氾濫成災,修撰族譜成為民間一件平常的事情,國家社會也無法再嚴格管理,於是這個時期,中國民間開始大規模修族譜,而民間宗族為光耀門楣,往往不顧事實,找一個名人作自己的祖先,混淆了歷史真實。年代久遠後,再也很難辨識事實之真相。 其實魏晉南北朝也已出現偽造族譜的現象,掌握特權的寒族就想方設法修改族譜使自己的家族搖身變得高貴,而在後世民間偽造族譜的情況那就更嚴重。 民間社會,族譜偽造祖先世系是一個普遍的現象。族譜不能做為事實論據已是史學界的常識。 家譜上的祖先都是名人 導演們可以說:“我的攝影機不說謊”,可是,決不會有人敢說,“我的家譜不說謊”。 家譜是以記載一個血緣家族的世系與事蹟為主要內容的史類文獻。雖是史類文獻,事實上,家譜的要旨和核心就是在於要隱惡揚善,蒙蔽真相。古代的家譜纂修,出於抬高家族地位和聲望起見,在追溯先祖時,必然要上溯到一個名人或皇帝方才甘休,哪怕是冒認攀附也行。來自鮮卑的地主豪強李世民為了附會自己是老子的後人,把道教立為唐代國教;出身草莽的朱元璋為了與朱熹結下親緣關係,抬高了理學的地位。而且,出現了凡是姓范的必是范仲淹的後代,姓王的都是王羲之後代的現象,而歷史上的壞人都是既沒有祖先父母,也沒有子孫後裔的。 早在唐朝滅亡以後,經歷了五代十國時期的連年戰亂和社會動盪,傳世的家譜幾乎喪失殆盡,以至宋代時就已很少能見到舊譜,許多家族的世系也因此斷了線、失了傳。流傳至今的古代家譜,大多是明清兩代纂修的。明清時還出現了專門替人偽造家譜世系的“譜匠”,利用事先準備、不具姓氏的通用家譜作為“道具”,每當有人延請修譜,填上姓氏即大功告成。這樣出來的家譜幾乎一個面孔,所出現的歐陽修、蘇軾、朱熹、文天祥、方孝孺等名人的題跋序言,其實都是這些“譜匠”的傑作。不瞭解真相的人還將其視為祖傳之寶。 第二次轉貼者補述: 祖上沒有任過漢族官職為丟臉,甚至以自己的土著出身為羞,也想方設法偽造族譜,把自己粉飾為漢族名門之後。唐代詩人劉禹錫一系列歌詠湖南和廣東連山地區“莫搖”、“蠻撩”的詩歌中多有描述,如《佘田行》寫道:『何處好佘田? ... 自顯貴郡望。』 明清時還出現了專門替人偽造家譜世系的“譜匠”,利用事先準備、不具姓氏的通用家譜作為“道具”,每當有人延請修譜,填上姓氏即大功告成。這樣出來的家譜幾乎一個面孔,所出現的歐陽修、蘇軾、朱熹、文天祥、方孝孺等名人的題跋序言,其實都是這些“譜匠”的傑作。不瞭解真相的人還將其視為祖傳之寶。查查這方面的資料,祖譜造假,特別是明清時,是一種普通現象。這幾百年,也就是明清時期,不正是那些譜匠行當盛行時,專門偽造了許多嗎? 是不是古代當過官的人都有護身符呢? 像祖宗翁軒刺史,還有蘇東坡、韓愈、范仲淹等繁殖了大量的後代,而不受戰亂的影響。譜匠還不瞭解內情嗎?嶺南人祖譜上寫的祖先都是從中原過去的,而且都是士大夫,都是當官的。也可以說,凡是歷史上的名人後代都不受戰亂影響,都有幾十萬、幾百萬的後代。宋代中國有近一億人口,男人怎麼也得有4000多萬人。(按正常男女各占一半的比例),一個蘇東坡繁殖到現在就達到30多萬人,那麼宋代4000多萬男人到現在會繁殖多少?地球還能放得下這麼多人嗎? If you can read Chinese, the article is clear enough to let you know 族譜 is not 100% right. There is even a business which make fake 族譜 for you. All you need is to pay money to him. Then you may have an ancestor who was a emperor.
  9. Yuxianpai & WuLiupai Tradition Doctrine

    It is impossible to turn Post-chi into pre-heaven chi. Post-chi clean our body from outside to inside. And then the middle Mai will open by itself. After middle Mai is opened, we can get into emptiness. In the emptiness, pre-heaven chi comes by itself. The pre-heaven chi will change by itself. We do not need to do anything. If we "want" to do anything, the ego-Shen will wake up. Then we will leave the emptiness. Because ego-Shen belongs to Ying. If ego-Shen wake up, Ying chi appears by itself. If Ying chi show up, middle mail close by itself. Some people see many kinds of light by using methods. They think these lights belongs to pre-heaven chi. But it is not. I have seen all these two different lights. They are different very much. But it is very difficult to tell the one who has never seen both before. They will misunderstand badly. So the only way I can do is teach them how to open the emptiness by themselves. And they can see both by themselves. If they see both by themselves, they will know what is the difference between pre-heaven chi and post-heaven chi.
  10. Liu Huayang

    It is easy words. It is too easy to use dictionary. If I show this to my students, they will laugh for a while.
  11. Liu Huayang

    How do you know I only learn from books? I learned from many different ways because I have an open mind. I have many teachers. In dan dao, I met many people cultivate very well. When I was a beginner, I learned from many different teachers and friends. Not only one teacher Dan dao is not a religion. You should not treat dan dao as a religion. You can see almost all achiever in dan dao did not learn from a single teacher. Buddha had the same situation.
  12. Liu Huayang

    I told you . Manner, relation, dao You can not ask questions like this , no manners.
  13. Liu Huayang

    Excuse me. You seem to forget there is a Chinese here. 難做 does not mean impossible to do. It means it is difficult to do. It can be done, but just difficult. Impossible to do 不可能
  14. Liu Huayang

    Yes You find it. I have nothing to say, but just want people to know the cultivation in wu Wei and give up the wrong methods.
  15. Liu Huayang

    这句话自古流传很广,有很多版本,如:“小隐隐于野,中隐隐于市,大隐隐于朝。”;“小隐在山林,大隐于市朝。”等,说的都是一个意思:那些所谓的隐士看破红尘隐居于山林是只是形式上的“隐”而已,而真正达到物我两忘的心境,反而能在最世俗的市朝中排除嘈杂的干扰,自得其乐,因此他们隐居于市朝才是心灵上真正的升华所在。 意思是说有能力的人希望依赖周围的环境忘却世事,沉湎于桃源世外,这是指小隐 真正有能力的人却是匿于市井之中,那里才是藏龙卧虎之地,这是指中隐 只有顶尖的人才会隐身于朝野之中,他们虽处于喧嚣的时政,却能大智若愚、淡然处之,这才是真正的隐者 至于出处,我只知道是魏晋时期民间流传的,好像没说出自那本书吧!有的话可能也是魏晋以后的了呵呵 也大概是句俗语,古已有之,所以要追究是哪一个人最先说的,恐怕不易。不过从白话意义上说我想可能是唐朝诗人白居易的诗作《中隐》最先把它通俗易懂地归纳出来。 你可以读一下: 白居易《中隐》 大隐住朝市,小隐入丘樊。 丘樊太冷落,朝市太嚣喧。 不如作中隐,隐在留司官。 似出复似处,非忙亦非闲。 唯此中隐士,致身吉且安 还有一种说法 ...大隐隐于朝,中隐隐于市,小隐隐于野。出自孔子的"古训" 其实隐者本无大小之分,退而隐,原本已然抛弃了红尘俗事,哪管的旁人指指点点?!又怎会在意是大隐还是小隐?!这和禅宗的佛理有异曲同工之妙,看中的是内心清静的本质,而不是出家在家的形式 愿能结芦山野,退而隐,依木闲坐,隐而狂。 何时能,披发仗剑破门去,采菊南山香满襟。 也有人说是出自老子的<道德经> Western people only learn dan dao from schools. But Chinese people have a lot of chances to learn from the place you do not know. In dan dao classics, we often find that many achiever do not learn from schools. They just learn from someone meet on the street. So Chinese said " 三人行,必有我師焉" When three people walk together, there must be something I can learn. And Chinese do not have the religion war, because they have an open mind in religion. Chang bou duan did not just learn from school. He learned a lot from Buddhism , yii jin, etc. 無為無不為 If you are a cultivator , you should have a attitude of open mind.
  16. Liu Huayang

    If you want an answer, good relations is needed. That is very basic. I think that everyone should know it. Unless you do not want the answer, you just want to show you are always right .
  17. Liu Huayang

    If you want me to answer your questions, You must be my student first. I am not your teacher. I do not take any money from you. I do not like the kind of student. No manners. If you do not have dao, you should have manners at least. You do not have a attitude of a student should be. If I am forced to accept a student like you, I must teach you the manners first.
  18. Liu Huayang

    I know what you mean now. But it is still not because of cultivating. It is because of 悟 wu-Wei. But I do not know how to translate 悟 You have to 悟 the way of wu-Wei. And then you cultivate in wu-Wei, you live in wu-Wei life style. All your things include politics run in wu-Wei. The methods of breathe will not make you have the result of de. You misunderstand dao de Jin so much. You have to live in dao de Jin for many years. All your decisions related to the choice of your life must be in dao de Jin. Then you just can claim that you understand dao de Jin. Or you just a reader. You read a book and share your thoughts, but you do not let the concepts go into your real daily life. What I told you is a teacher's teaching. But you do not have a attitude of a good student. 大道廢,有仁義 故so失道losing dao 而後德and then comes de, 失德而後仁losing de and then comes ren, 失仁而後義losing ren and then comes yi, 失義而後禮losing yi and then comes manners The way people ask questions here lose everything, just a little bit of manners left. Dao is an attitude of life , not a methods of making chi skills.
  19. If you want to practice with me

    Name? Yes At first , I do not want a name. But people keep on asking just like you So some friends give me a suggestion Wu Wei dan dao And I accept it But I still think dan dao is dan dao What I teach is the original dan dao Follow the classics -- Wu gen pian, 參同契,etc
  20. Liu Huayang

    Welcome to my qq group. 上德不德, 上德,謂太古無名號之君,德大無上,故言上德也。不德者,言其不以德教民,因循自然,養人性命,其德不見,故言不德也。 是以有德; 言其德合於天地,和氣流行,民得以全也。 下德不失德, 下德,謂號諡之君,德不及上德,故言下德也。不失德者,其德可見,其功可稱也。 是以無德。 以有名號及其身故。 上德無為 謂法道安靜,無所改為也。 而無以為; 言無以名號為。 下德為之 言為教令施政事也。 而有以為。 言以為己取名號也。 德者,得也。常得而無喪,利而無害,故以德為名焉。何以得德?由乎道也。何以盡德?以無為用。以無為用則莫不載也,故物無焉,則無物不經,有焉,則不足以免其生。是以天地雖廣,以無為心。聖王雖大,以虛為主。故曰,以復而視,則天地之心見。至日而思之,則先王之至覩也。故滅其私而無其身,則四海莫不瞻,遠近莫不至。殊其己而有其心,則一體不能自全,肌骨不能相容,是以上德之人,唯道是用。不德其德,無執無用,故能有德而無不為,不求而得,不為而成,故雖有德而無德名也。下德求而得之,為而成之,則立善以治物,故德名有焉。求而得之必有失焉,為而成之必有敗焉,善名生則有不善應焉,故下德為之而有以為也。無以為者,無所偏為也。凡不能無為而為之者,皆下德也。 From 河上公章句│王弼注 It takes a lot of time for me to translate these. So...... If you can read Chinese, it is clear enough. In Chinese, the same word can used to be a verb, noun, or adj,adv...etc So the same as de But surely not "result" I do not know who is his teacher. If his teacher teach him that de is a result, how can he claim that he has a true teacher? What is de is very easy to be understand for Chinese. Because we are taught since we were a child. De is in every daily life. If you do something good without using your names, you just do something good, just because it is right, not to get a good name from others, then people may think you are 上德. But if you do something just to get the good fame from others, then people may think you are 下德 So I told him that a real cultivator should not focus on the fame. The heart of chasing fame and money is totally not cultivator, is a businessman. How can a businessman claim that he is a true teacher? So you can see many Chinese did good things and do not want their name show up. The people who was taken the help from the people without giving names will call them 無名氏 無名氏is very easy to be seen in temples. Normally, if you want to know such a big issue, you need to be a student and have a student's attitude. I like to teach without getting anything. But I do care if someone has the good attitude or friendly or not.
  21. How to cultivate without methods

    I see. Never mind. That group is not for students. It is for friends. It is not easy to get a student. A good student must have the strong willing to achieve the golden Dan.
  22. How to cultivate without methods

    Welcome both of you.
  23. How to cultivate without methods

    Do not take it too seriously. It is just an app. You still sit in your house safely. Do not worry, it is ok.
  24. How to cultivate without methods

    Very good. It is.
  25. How to cultivate without methods

    Some of your questions are too personal and not suitable to answer in the forum after I found some people are not friendly here. If you want to know the detail about me. Please come to my qq group.